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Explained for the
Religious and the Atheist

By: Daniel R. Gaita, MA

For generations through millennia the Bible has been wrought with

allegations of inconsistencies, mixed messages and downright barbarism of

psychotic proportions, as are many other religious based texts. Thus, its no wonder

that it has led to such human division through various forms of religious zealotry.

The purpose of this work is not religion based, in fact it is quite critical of them.

Instead, it focuses on the lessons the Bible provides mankind.

Why so Long?

Ironically, it is the size of the Bible that deters many from even starting to

read or understand it. However, it is the entire content of the Bible that enables the

reader to fully comprehend the stupidity of man. The Bible is a play-by-play of how

often and how hard man has stumbled. It is a literal chronology of human

jackassery. It covers the various forms of our mental illnesses, ego, sinful lust for

pleasure, wealth, materiality and power. It shows us the entire biopsychosocial

workup of our human dysfunction, along with the inevitable consequences, and

suffering that have resulted and will continue to so long as we keep repeating the

same patterns. Conversely, it also provides for great hope through simple lessons

and basic rules.

The Bible: Explained for Believers and Atheist 2

For more than 3,000 years, the Bible details how man corrupts the rules of

God for the purposes of power while detailing how man is punished, over and over

again. We witness the painful suffering that man endures by the teaching of barbaric

laws and rituals throughout the Old Testament. We are treated to the biographies of

ancient rulers and religious scholars that are each awarded for their faith and

punished for their sins.

We witness the written and recorded examples of the power of Gods

unfolding in the presence of man. We also witness man attempting to usurp Gods

power for mans glory and edification. Examples of every living sin are carried out in

great detail, along with the proverbial karma of each. One need not subscribe to any

religion to comprehend the lessons that are repeated throughout the Bible. In fact,

one need not even believe that a God exists to see how mans behavior manifests

into either reward or consequence. For the atheist, the Bible, once read and

understood is the greatest evidence for the argument against religion. For the

Religious, the Bible serves as the foundation of their respective institutions. It is

truly a brilliant work that should be looked at, not as a document of religious

zealotry, but rather as a warning against the institutionalization of religion and

instead a lesson in humanity.

Separating Religion from Virtue

Separating virtue and religion is often times hard for some to do. But it is

actually quite simple.

The Bible: Explained for Believers and Atheist 3

Virtue can be had by anyone regardless of religion or lack thereof. It can be

seen by ones acts, character, and behavior. Does he or she live according to the

rules of God (without even knowing them)? Does he or she have confidence in the

value of doing good without expecting anything in return? Does the person treat

others, as he or she would want to be treated? Is the person charitable towards the

suffering, homeless, hungry and sick? Ironically, the Bible repeats the importance of

these virtues throughout the Old and New Testament, as does the Buddhist , Hindu,

Tao, Confucian, Islamic, and virtually all other ancient and modern texts of various

religious systems.


Religion, on the other hand, requires an adherence to written rules, which

have been interpreted, re-written, debated and passed down from one generation to

the next. Often times having repetitious rituals, mantras, symbols and or expected

beliefs that, in many cases are not in line with the simplicity of the Ten

Commandments provided to us by God. Ironically, it was this idea of religion that

Jesus, throughout the New Testament of the Bible rails against while repeatedly

pointing out the hypocrisy of it all.


Its no wonder that the atheists detest and mock the Bible and other

religions. It is not because they have actually read it or understand it, but that they

have simply observed the hypocrisy of those with whom the bible is allegedly taught

through. Think about it this way, in most wars, nations are killing in the name of

God, but God has told us not to kill; that makes no logical sense. Whether it is Jews
The Bible: Explained for Believers and Atheist 4

fighting Muslims, Protestants fighting Catholics, priest molesting children, Non-

Believers being beheaded, and all by the very people that claim their religion is the

way to everlasting life. Are you kidding me? Interestingly, it is through religion that

most human suffering and conflict exist. But faith is not subjugated by such

parameters of thinking.

The (Gods) Rules:

According to the Old Testament (Exodus 20: 1-17; Deuteronomy 5:6-21),

Moses was given the rules for man to follow. These rules, according to the Bible

were inscribed onto two stone tablets given to Moses on Mount Sinai. Regardless if

one believes this version of the story or not is irrelevant for this work. However, the

rules are of importance to note, as they contain virtuous elements which religious

institutions have forgotten and have suffered greatly as a result.

The Ten Commandments

1. You shall have no other gods before or beside me.

2. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in

heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not

bow down to them or worship them.

3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not

hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor

and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.

On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor

your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in
The Bible: Explained for Believers and Atheist 5

your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea,

and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord

blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

5. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land

the Lord your God is giving you.

6. You shall not murder.

7. You shall not commit adultery.

8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

10. You shall not covet your neighbors house. You shall not covet your

neighbors wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything

that belongs to your neighbor.

And thats it So why has it been so hard for man to follow these ten simple

rules? Well, thats kind of the whole point of the Bible.

Where to Start

The Bible is not a book that draws you in when starting from Page 1. In fact

Id recommend skipping all the way to Luke 3. Read to the end of Luke and then

start again in Matthew 1:18-28:20. Followed by the book of Mark and then John. If

you investigate the Bible in this order, it tends to draw you into a deeper evaluation

and investigation of the entire text.

Old Testament Vs. New Testament

The Bible: Explained for Believers and Atheist 6

When conceptualizing the Old v. New Testament thinks of it as before the

time of Jesus (Old) and after the birth of Jesus (New).


Without going into boring religiously directed detail, lets simplify the Old

Testament as a series of documented lessons specific to mans failure to follow Gods

laws, while the New Testament is a continuing series of lessons which recall Old

Testament lessons, while pointing out mans foolishness and hypocrisy, and again

trying to re-teach Gods simple laws through various parables, miracles and acts.

There you have it, the entire Bible summed up in a paragraph.

Other Observations

If one reads the Bible free from the blinders that religion places on him or her

it becomes a pretty amazing document. For one, much of the chronology that is laid

out in various chapters of the bible actually matches with human history. Take the

following for example:

Ancestors of Jesus

If you want to know the chronological lineage from Jesus back to Adam, it is

laid out in order (Luke 3: 23-38; Matthew 1:1-17).

Rulers of the Time

We also know who the rulers during the time of Jesus were, as well as the

governing members where he grew up (Luke, 3:1-2; 1:5; Matthew 2)

Creation V. Evolution

The Old Testament includes the primary texts relied upon in the Jewish

religion. It is also where we find the creation of the heavens and the Earth by God
The Bible: Explained for Believers and Atheist 7

(Genesis 1) and Man and Women (Genesis 2). Ironically, the order and sequence of

events is strikingly similar to how evolutionists have theorized the Big Bang. But

since religious scholars are too busy disagreeing with each other, they have not

taken the time to speak to one another about how amazing it is that the order of the

seven days of creation, as written thousands of years ago, and translated through

millennia is analogous to the Big Bang theory.

Simplification of Rules

While much of the Old Testament is filled with patriarchal interpretations of

Gods rules, barbarism and ritualistic idolatry, the New Testament simplifies Gods

laws as being: First, Love God with all your heart, soul and mind (Matthew,

22:37). Second, Love thy neighbor as thyself (Matthew, 22:39).


While Jewish leaders accused him of proclaiming himself as the son of God,

for which they crucified him, Christians, on the other hand refer to him as the Son of

God. Given the stark difference between these two religious groups, no wonder we

havent been able to look at who this Jesus character is without some sort of

religious based fight. So let me give it a try, free of the religious fanfare either for or

against his capacity as Christ.

Early Adolescence. Here is what we know about Jesus, after his birth story.

His family practiced Judaism. At the age of 12 he astonished teachers in the temple

of Jerusalem (Luke, 2:47) after his parents had lost him (Luke 2: 41-46). When his

parents found him and questioned him on his whereabouts he answered, Why did
The Bible: Explained for Believers and Atheist 8

you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about My Fathers business (Luke,


Young Adult. At age 30, while attending his religious practice in the

synagogue in Nazareth, Jesus was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah (Old

Testament) and read the verses whereby it said, The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to

proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the

oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lords favor (Luke 4:16-19). It is what

happened next that sets Jesus apart from that day forward.

Next, Jesus rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the minister, sat down and told

everyone in the synagogue Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing (Luke

4:21). From then on Jesus went on a spree: healing the sick, performing great

miracles, teaching Gods rules through parables, calling out the hypocrites, raising

the dead, forgiving sins, feeding the masses, instructing on faith and even predicting

his own death and resurrection (Luke 4:22-22:71; Matthew 4:12-27:75; Mark 1:14-

15:20; John 1:29-19:16).

Resurrection. The hinge-pin, which separates Christianity from Judaism, lay

in what occurred after Jesus was condemned to death by way of crucifixion on a

cross. All accounts of the scriptures detail how Jesus was beaten, and nailed to the

cross (John 19; Matthew 27:27-66; Mark 16:16-47; Luke 22:63-23:56). That he was

taken down from the cross and placed into a Tomb with a guard in place (Matthew

27:62-66; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42) Finally, that his body

disappeared and that he reappeared, alive three days later having the marks of his
The Bible: Explained for Believers and Atheist 9

crucifixion in his hands and feet. (Matthew 28:1-10; Mark 16: 1-20; Luke 24:1-53;

John 20:1-21:25).


While the resurrection of Jesus in the Bible is seen as the crucial element in

Christianity, it is only one of the miraculous events observed throughout the time of

the teachings of Christ. What remains most amazing is how mankind, despite all the

miracles performed and witnessed, and the painful lessons of humanity that have

unfolded prior to and since, we still cant seem to get our act together.

Perhaps this overview of the Bible will provide enough curiosity to get even

one atheist to peer into its lessons and teachings. Moreover, perhaps it can serve to

foster a closer relationship with God amongst those believers of various religious


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