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(12) Unlted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,823,250 B2

Bermel et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 2, 2014


LIGHTING H01K 1/32 (2006.01)
(71) ApplicantszPeter Bermel, Cambridge, MA (US); (52) US Cl
Ognjen Hies Quincy, MA (Us); Walker CPC .. H01K 1/26 (2013.01); H01K 1/14 (2013.01);
R_ Chan, Cambridge, MA (Us); Ahmet 382Y20/00 (2013.01); G023 1/005 (2013.01);
1\/Illsal)ey()gllls Cambridge, MA (Us); H01K 1/04 (2013.01); G023 5/208 (2013.01);
Aviv Ruben Cukierman, McLean, VA H01K1/325 (201301)
(Us); Michael Robert Harradon USPC ......... .... ...... ... ..................... .. 313/110; 313/112
Cambridge, MA (Us); Ivan Celanovic, (58) Fleld of Classl?catlon Search
Cambridge, MA (Us); Marin soljacic, USPC ................................................ .. 313/110, 112
Belmont, MA (Us) See application ?le for complete search history.
(72) Inventors: Peter Bermel, Cambridge, MA (US); (56) References Cited
Ognjen Ilic, Qumcy, MA (US); Walker
R. Chan, Cambridge, MA (US); Ahmet U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Musabeyoglu, Cambridge, MA (US); _
Aviv Ruben Cukierman, McLean, VA 6/20871775 A * 72000 LeYlnson /
(Us); Michael Robert Harradon, 2012 0286643 Al 11 2012 OZlIl ........................... .. 313 112
Cambridge, MA (US); Ivan Celanovic,
Cambridge, MA (US); Marin Soljacic, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Belmont, MA (Us) JP 2000268779 A 9/2000
(73) Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, JP 2005276556 A 10/2005
Cambridge, MA (US) (Continued)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Pawnt is eXtended or adjuSted under 35 Ghebrebhan et al. Tailoring thermal emission via Q matching of
U~S~C- 15403) by 0 days photonic crystal resonances Phys. Rev. A v01. 83, 033810, (2011).
(21) Appl. N0.: 13/732,541 (Continued)
(22) Filed: Jan 2 2013 Primary Examiner * Mary Ellen Bowman
(65) PriOl PublicatiOIl Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Sam Pastemack; MIT
Us 2014/0042890 A1 Feb. 13, 2014 Technology Llcensmg Of?ce
Related US. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT
(60) Provisional application No. 61/583,312, ?led on Jan. Incandescent lighting structure. The structure includes ather
5, 2012. mal emitter that can, but does not have to, include a ?rst
photonic crystal on its surface to tailor thermal emission
(51) Illt- Cl- coupled to, in a hi gh-vieW-factor geometry, a second photonic
H01K 1/04 (200601) ?lter selected to re?ect infrared radiation back to the emitter
H01K 1/14 (200601) While passing visible light. This structure is highly el?cient as
382 Y 2 0/00 (201 101) compared to standard incandescent light bulbs.
G023 1/00 (2006.01)
H01K 1/26 (2006.01) 17 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets

2% 2 Viesbie
US 8,823,250 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited Y.X. Yeng et al., Enabling High-Temperature Nanophotonics for
Energy Applications, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (2012).
Yablonovitch. Inhibited spontaneous emission in solid-state physics
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS and electronics Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 (1987) 2059-62.
John. Strong Localization 350 of Photons in Certain Disordered
WO 2007010462 A2 1/2007
WO 2009077209 A2 6/2009 Dielectric Superlattices Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2486 (1987).
WO 2011057410 A1 5/2011 Pink et al, A Dielectric Omnidirectional Re?ector, Science 282,
1679-1682, Nov. 1998.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS Sharpe et al. A luminous ef?ciency function, V*(I), for daylight
adaptation, Journal of Vision, 5, 948-968 (2005).
Bermel et al. Tailoring photonic metamaterial resonances for ther Thomas Edison s patent drawing and application for an improvement
mal radiation Nanoscale Research Letters vol. 6, p. 549, (2011). in electric lamps, patented Jan. 27, 1880; Records of the Patent and
Araghchini et al. Fabrication of two-dimensional tungsten photonic Trademark Of?ce; Record Group 241; National Archives.
crystals for high-temperature applications. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B29, International Search Report; PCT/U S2013/ 020090 mailed on Apr. 4,
061402 (2011). 2013.
Belousov et al. Using metallic photonic crystals as visible light
sources Phys. Rev. B 86, 174201 (2012). * cited by examiner
US. Patent Sep.2,2014 Sheet10f7 US 8,823,250 B2

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US 8,823,250 B2
1 2
HIGH EFFICIENCY INCANDESCENT silicon dioxide and tantalum pentoxide. In one preferred
LIGHTING embodiment, the rugate ?lter includes 48 periods. In yet
another embodiment, the ?rst photonic crystal tailors the
This application claims priority to provisional application thermal emission to enhance visible light emission and to
No. 61/583,312 ?led Jan. 5, 2012, the contents ofwhich are suppress infrared emissions. It is preferred that the second
incorporated herein by reference. photonic ?lter selectively recycle infrared photons back to the
This invention was made with government support under emitter, while allowing visible light to exit.
Contract No. W911NF-07-D-0004 awarded by the Army The incandescent lighting structure according to the inven
Research O?ice and under Grant Nos. DE-SC0001299 and tion provides a manifold increase in e?iciency compared to
DE-FG02-09ER46577 awarded by the Department of conventional incandescent light bulbs. Novel materials and
Energy. The government has certain rights in the invention. surface structures can be used to modify thermal emission
from a ?lament to enhance visible emission while suppress
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ing infrared. Appropriately placed rugate ?lters then selec
tively recycle infrared photons back to the ?lament while
This invention relates to incandescent lighting structures allowing visible light to exit.
that achieve multifold increase in e?iciency as compared to
standard incandescent light bulbs. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING
Incandescent light bulbs [1] are the most common source
of everyday lighting during the modern era. Unfortunately, FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of a rectangular embodi
incandescent light bulbs are not very e?icient. Typically only 20 ment of the incandescent lighting structure disclosed herein.
2-5% of electrical power ends up in the visible spectrum. The FIG. 2A is a graph of integrated emission versus wave
rest is wasted, mostly by radiation into infra-red (IR), and length showing ef?ciency of the structure of the invention
some is also lost into heat. Since close to 25% of generated compared to that of a plain tungsten emitter. The ?lter consists
electrical energy is used for lighting, there are large opportu of four materials, with the highest (lowest) index of refraction
nities for saving power by moving to more e?icient light 25 of2.09 (1.46).
sources: plausible alternatives include ?uorescent lighting FIG. 2B is a graph of re?ectivity versus wavelength show
and LED lighting. In fact, this consideration has already given ing projected performance of the infrared rugate ?lter includ
rise to laws in most major developed economies in Europe, ing 48 layers total of silicon dioxide and tantalum pentoxide.
Australia, and US, mandating increased ef?ciencies for light FIG. 2C is a graph of luminous e?iciency versus rugate
ing. However, remaining challenges with higher-e?iciency 30 ?lter periods providing a theoretical comparison of ?lters
lighting offerings include higher fabrication costs, limits to with a different number of materials/rugate periods. The
wall-plug e?iciency arising from various loss mechanisms, highest (lowest) index of refraction is 2.09(1.46).
and quality of lighting provided, as measured by the corre FIG. 2D is a graph of luminous ef?ciency versus rugate
lated color temperature (CCT) and color rendering index ?lter periods providing a theoretical comparison of ?lters
(CRI). 35 made of four materials with a different number of rugate
An alternative approach lies in using novel nanophotonic periods and with different dielectric constants (dielectric con
techniques to modify the emission spectrum of a thermal stant of the lowest-index material is 1.46)
source to something tailored for a particular application [2]. FIG. 3A is a graph of luminous e?iciency versus view
For example, novel nanophotonic mirrors [3, 4] have been factor showing the dependence of e?iciency on the view
discovered that can have properties that dramatically surpass 40 factor. The ?lter consists of two materials with refractive
conventional mirrors. Such mirrors can be designed to sur indices of 2.09 and 1.46, respectively. Smaller ?lter-?lament
round a thermal emitter in order to recycle IR radiation back distance corresponds to higher view factor.
to its source. Additional, novel nanostructured thermal emit FIG. 3B is a graph of luminous e?iciency versus ?lament
ters can be used to directly radiate light at target wavelengths temperature showing the dependence of e?iciency on ?la
of interest, while suppressing other wavelengths of less rel 45 ment temperature. Temperature is in Kelvins. The ?lter con
evance. sists of two materials with refractive indices of 2.09 and 1.46,
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION FIG. 4A is a schematic illustration of a radiator-like ?la
ment design to ensure high resistance.
The incandescent lighting structure according to the inven 50 FIG. 4B is a photograph of a fabricated ?lament for use in
tion includes a thermal emitter coupled to a photonic ?lter the invention.
selected to re?ect infrared radiation back to the emitter. This FIG. 5A is a graphical illustration of ?lament target tem
photonic ?lter is called the second photonic ?lter. The thermal perature achievable without overheating other regions.
emitter can, but does not have to, include a ?rst photonic FIG. 5B is an illustration showing that wire leads and
crystal on its surface to tailor thermal emission of the emitter. 55 cooling block are cooler than a tantalum emitter, well below
In a possible embodiment, the second photonic ?lter is a 1D, the copper melting point of 10830 C.
2D, or 3D photonic crystal. The second photonic ?lter may FIG. 6 is a cross sectional view showing a tantalum feed
have a photonic band-gap. In one embodiment, the second through design for use with invention.
photonic ?lter surrounds the emitter. It is also possible that the FIG. 7 is a graph of transmission versus wavelength show
emitter be a high melting point metal such as tantalum, tung 60 ing predicted and actual custom IR ?lter performance.
sten or molybdenum. FIG. 8A is a photograph of a prototype of an embodiment
In another preferred embodiment of the invention the emit of the invention disclosed herein showing a base plate with a
ter has an approximately rectangular shape sandwiched ?lament surrounded by ?lters.
between two rectangular photonic ?lters. It is preferred that FIG. 8B is a photograph showing a side view of ?lament
the second photonic ?lter form a rugate ?lter. A suitable 65 and ?lters.
rugate ?lter includes plural periods of two or more materials FIG. 8C is a photograph showing a front view of the ?la
with different dielectric constants. Suitable materials include ment and ?lters.
US 8,823,250 B2
3 4
FIG. 9A is a graph of resistance versus input power show pentoxide, and various admixtures of the two, which can
ing tantalum ?lament resistivity as a function of input power. generally be written as TaxSi l_XOZ+O_ 5x. Naturally, using more
FIG. 9B is a graph of spectral intensity versus wavelength materials and more ?lter periods offers greater ?exibility and
showing calibrated spectral intensity (normal incidence) ver the ability to tailor the emission spectrum to consist of mostly
sus a no-?lter case. the light in the visible spectrum. The speci?c reason using
FIG. 9C is a graph of relative intensity against wavelength more materials is helpful is that it helps suppress higher order
in which relative intensity (normal incidence) is normalized re?ections, which improves transmission in visible wave
to the spectrum of a bare ?lament. The shaded curve corre lengths. These improvements are highlighted in FIG. 2C. In
sponds to spectral response of the human eye. addition, higher index contrastithe difference between the
FIG. 9D is a graph of relative intensity against wavelength highest and lowest index of refraction of materials used in the
normalized to the spectrum of the bare ?lament. The spec ?lter4offers substantial improvements in ef?ciency, as
trum was measured at the angle of 45 degrees. shown in FIG. 2D. For practical implementation, ?lters with
fewer materials and layers are of course easier to fabricate.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED Restricting ourselves to a rugate ?lter made of two materials,
EMBODIMENT we ?nd there is an optimal range of period numbers (40-50)
where the luminous e?iciency is maximized.
The schematic design of the proposed device is shown in The ?lter we designed and had fabricated by 4wave Inc.
FIG. 1. It consists of an emitter 10 surrounded by a photonic consists of 48 layers of low/high index of refraction, speci?
?lter 12, specially designed to ensure the IR radiation is cally silicon-dioxide/tantalum-pentoxide (SiO2/Ta2O5),
completely re?ected back to the emitter 10, regardless of the 20 (chosen for their durability, high melting temperature, and
angle of incidence. The emitter 10 includes a metal tolerant of low absorption in the visible and near infra-red). Their refrac
high temperatures (e. g., tungsten, tantalum or molybdenum), tive indices are approximately 1 .46 and 2.09 in the visible and
with or without a photonic crystal 14 on its surface to tailor near-IR for ion-beam assisted sputter deposition, although
thermal emission [2]. The periodicity of the photonic ?lter 12 there is in practice a small amount of dispersion (included in
can be repeated in l, 2, or 3 dimensions. The device can be 25 the simulations). Projected performance of this ?lter is shown
implemented in at least two speci?c geometries: cylindrical in FIG. 2B, con?rming the desired features: strong re?ection
and planar. In a cylindrical geometry, the ?lament is sur of light in the near infra-red region (800-1300 nm) and good
rounded by a cylindrical ?lter. The ?lament can be a tightly transmission of the light in the visible spectrum (350-750
wound coil. It is preferred that the ?lament be extended along nm). Finally, the ?lter performs well over a broad range of
the central axis of the cylinder. The ?lter can be a 1D, or 2D 30 incidence angles, as indicated by the plotted re?ectivity for
or 3D photonic crystal. The photonic ?lter can (or does not normal as well as 45 incidence. This is particularly important
need to) have a photonic band-gap. Alternatively, omni-direc in the planar geometry, where the light from the ?lament will
tional mirrors [4] can be used. It is important to ensure any approach the ?lter at many different angles.
re?ected radiation will be re?ected directly back to the ?la High view-factor and high operating temperatures strongly
ment, and not to any other side of the ?lter. This reabsorption 35 contribute to the overall enhancement in ef?ciency. From
is crucial for the ef?ciency of the device, as it reheats the FIG. 3A, we see that view-factors of 0.85 (85%) or higher
?lament, resulting in less power necessary to keep the ?la offer strongest improvements. Higher ?lament temperature
ment at the desired temperature. This requirement can be increases both the e?iciency of bare ?lament (tungsten or
achieved with ordinary materials using an axially symmetric tantalum) as well as the ?lament surrounded by ?lters (FIG.
design, or with broadband IR retro-re?ecting materials. In a 40 3B), as more of the light spectrum is in the visible. However,
planar geometry, the ?lament (which can be made of tantalum this enhancement is particularly high for a ?lament sur
or tungsten or molybdenum) is approximately rectangular in rounded by ?lters, since higher temperature also implies more
shape (the exact geometry is shown later in FIG. 3), sand light in the ?lter stop-band (the near-IR part of the spectrum,
wiched between the two rectangular IR ?lters. In the cylin where the ?lters are particularly re?ective).
drical geometry of the device, there is no speci?c requirement 45 The cylindrical design we mentioned previously offers
for the separation between the ?lament and the ?lteriassum particularly strong con?nement and reab sorption of infra-red
ing axial symmetry (of the ?lter and the ?lament) the device light: nevertheless, the di?iculty of fabricating a cylindrically
e?iciency is in principle independent of the separation symmetric rugate ?lter with a large number of ?lter periods
between the ?lament and the ?lter. However, in practice, makes this geometry currently less practical. Here, we
tolerance for fabrication errors would be higher with smaller 50 present a design for a rectangular ?lament and ?lter, theoreti
?lter radii. When the ?lament is rectangular, it is theoretically cal predictions for this system, as well as preliminary experi
and practically necessary to bring the IR ?lters as close as mental results.
possible to the ?lament, to ensure what is called a high view In a planar geometry, we use a radiator-like design for a
factor, in order to minimize the amount of radiation that can rectangular ?lament 16, shown in FIG. 4. Closely spaced
escape off to the side. In our prototype device, the edge length 55 radiator channels ensure that (a) most of the in-plane area is
is 1 cm, and the separation is approximately 0.5 mm, resulting occupied, enabling e?icient reabsorption (i.e. most of the
in a view factor of approximately 90%. re?ected photons from the IR ?lter will hit the ?lament and be
In FIG. 2A, we compare the emission spectra of different reabsorbed), and (b) the overall resistance of the ?lament is
thermal emitters. A conventional incandescent light bulb, high enough so that the ?lament can reach the desired tem
with a plain tungsten emitter is only 2.7% e?icient, due to 60 perature at modest levels of electrical current. Filament
most of the radiation being emitted in the infra-red spectrum dimensions (length, width, thickness) are relevant insofar as
(above 750 nm, thus invisible to the human eye). A signi?cant they determine the overall ohmic resistance of the ?lament,
improvement comes from adding a many-layer IR rugate which in turn characterizes the equilibrium ?lament tempera
?lter (for this particular ?lter, systems luminous ef?ciency is ture for a given input power. For good system performance,
11:1 6%). In general, a rugate ?lter consists of many periods of 65 the ?lament temperature should be higher than 1600, and
two or more distinct dielectric materials. The rugate ?lter in ideally closer to or higher than 25000 C. so that the thermal
this case consists of 128 periods of silicon dioxide, tantalum emission spectrum of the ?lament is well matched to the IR
US 8,823,250 B2
5 6
?lter re?ectivity. The ?lament is designed to operate at volt ?lter is present (FIG. 9B). For the same case of 85 W vs. 110
ages at or below 120 V; however, the exact operating voltage W input power, we notice the measured spectrum when the
can readily be adjusted by using different thicknesses of metal ?lters are present closely follows the bare ?lament spectrum
stock. We focus on ?laments made of tantalum or tungsten for visible wavelengths, but quickly vanishes for near IR
due to their low emissivity in the mid-IR and extremely high wavelengths, as expected. This is further con?rmed in FIGS.
melting temperature. However, the concept of a high e?i 9C, D, where in order to eliminate any uncertainty in spec
ciency, combined ?lament-IR ?lter system that we describe is trometer calibration, we plot the ratio of detected spectrum
not limited only to metal (such as tantalum, tungsten or intensity for the with-?lter and bare ?lament cases. We make
molybdenum) ?laments. Indeed, the IR rugate ?lter disclosed two observations: ?rst, experimental data closely matches our
herein can be used in combination with other thermal emitters theoretical predictions, increasing our con?dence in our theo
such as lD/2D tungsten photonic crystals [2], or other nano retical model. Second, the ?lter performs particularly well in
structured refractory metal surfaces, in order to suppress the wavelength range where the human eye is most sensitive.
infra-red emission and enable reabsorption of infra-red light. When the response of the human eye is taken into account,
Another important issue in incandescent light bulbs is ther data from FIG. 9C allows us to make the following statement:
mal management: given the (very) high ?lament operating at 85 W of input power (when ?lters are present), the human
temperature, we need to ensure the rest of the system is eye detects 97% of the light energy emitted by the bare
properly thermally managed. Our theoretical predictions ?lament at l 10 W input power. While this data is extracted for
show that, despite high ?lament temperatures, the supporting light detected at normal incidence, similar conclusions apply
structure is at much cooler, stable, temperatures. In FIG. 5A, for non-zero angle detection. For the spectrum detected at 45
it is shown that copper leads in contact with an insulator 20 degreesishown in FIG. 9Diboth the match between theory
tolerant of high temperatures like cubic Zirconia will experi and experiment as well as strong performance in the relevant
ence relatively low amounts of resistive heating compared to wavelength range remain true. In this case, the ratio of
the tantalum ?lament square, since only the tantalum ?lament detected light energy is 93%. Somewhat weaker performance
appears hot on the temperature scale on the right, and that (relative to 97% at normal incidence) is attributed to lower
what little heat is generated will be dissipated well enough to 25 ?lament temperature, due to lower input power (70 W vs 85
keep the copper well below its melting point of 1083 C. W).
Furthermore, FIG. 5B, showing the same system from the Performance of our system can be improved by reaching
perspective of the copper leads speci?cally, shows that the higher ?lament operating temperatures (see FIG. 3B). We
leads in contact with the tantalum ?lament stay well below believe ?lament outgassing at high temperatures and in low
700 C. The overall result is that at least 85% of the input 30 pressure environments is the most important cause for ?lter
electric power ends up being radiated by the tantalum ?la darkening, preventing us from reaching the desired ?lament
ment in this design. temperatures. In order to signi?cantly reduce the outgassing,
Similar to a regular incandescent light bulb, our device we are introducing an inert-gas environment, consisting of
needs to operate in an atmosphere consisting primarily of either argon or nitrogen, to our setup.
inert gases, to prevent both oxidation by a signi?cant partial 35 As tantalum and tungsten become more ductile at high
oxygen pressure, or embrittlement from a signi?cant partial temperatures, the ?lament starts to bend under its own weight.
hydrogen pressure. In the prototype experimental device we In principle, our system can operate in any orientation. For the
built, we place both the ?lament and the ?lter in a vacuum bell system with rectangular geometry an added requirement is
jar. The vacuum feedthrough (FIG. 6), specially designed to that the separation between the ?lter and the ?lament is small
minimize thermal losses, includes the heat shield, thick cop 40 enough, and the two do not touch. However, a sagging hori
per feedthroughs 18 as well as two heat sinks. zontal ?lament loses its planar geometry, making it hard to
The performance of a ?lter that we fabricated is shown in bring the ?lters close enough to achieve high view factors. We
FIG. 7. Actual transmission data (shown with dots) are in very solve this problem by orienting the ?lament vertically.
good agreement with theoretical calculations (shown as a Another potential way to solve this problem is to introduce
solid line), particularly in the range of wavelengths of interest 45 various impurities/dopants (such as, but not limited to, Al, K,
(400-1300 nm). The only discrepancy is a slight shift in the Si, rhenium, thorium, . . . ) to tantalum or tungsten. The
?lter re?ection band edge, which can be explained by a slight purpose of these dopants is to limit the grain growth in metal
change in the thickness of one of the ?lter boundary layers at high temperature, and improve metals mechanical stabil
and/or a very slight systematic error in the deposited thick ity.
nesses. The experimental prototype of our device is shown in 50 Our novel design disclosed herein forms the basis for a
FIG. 8. The ?lament and the ?lters are placed in a glass dramatically more ef?cient incandescent lighting system,
vacuum chamber, whereas the detectors are outside the cham capable of manifold increase in ef?ciency compared to con
ber, aligned at speci?c angles of interest. We characterize the ventional incandescent light bulbs. The disclosed structures
performance by measuring the optical spectrum with and can achieve an ef?ciency of 16% which is more than ?ve
without the custom 4Wave ?lter. 55 times higher than the standard incandescent bulbs operating
Preliminary results agree with our predictions. In FIG. 9A, at the same temperature. It uses two components: ?rst, an
we plot the resistance of the ?lament as a function of the input emitter such as a ?lament (that can have a surface structure or
power. When the 4Wave custom ?lter is present, the resis novel materials to modify thermal emission to enhance vis
tance of the ?lament, for the same amount of input power, is ible emission while suppressing infrared), and second, appro
noticeably higher than in the case of a bare ?lament. Higher 60 priately placed rugate ?lters to selectively recycle infrared
resistance indicates the ?lament is at higher temperature, photons back to the emitter, while allowing visible light to
which con?rms reabsorption of infra-red photons is taking exit. Our experimentally built thermal emitter consists of
place, making the ?lament hotter. For example, in FIG. 9A, tantalum and tungsten arranged in a winding square pattern,
we see that at 85 W of input power, the ?lament surrounded but the principle behind the combined ?lament-IR ?lter sys
with ?lters has the same resistance as the bare ?lament at l 10 65 tem, can be applied to a broad range of novel materials and
W input power. We also measure the relative output power surface nanostructures as well. Our experimentally fabricated
and observe signi?cant improvements when the custom IR rugate ?lter consists of 48 layers of silicon dioxide and tan
US 8,823,250 B2
7 8
talum pentoxide, which is shown both theoretically and 3. See E. Yablonovitch, Inhibited spontaneous emission in
experimentally to offer strong re?ection in the near-IR with solid-state physics and electronics Phys. Rev. Lett. 58
strong transmission at visible wavelengths. Initial measure (1987) 2059-62, as well as S. John. Strong Localization of
ments of all the interacting elements in our prototype device Photons in Certain Disordered Dielectric Superlattices
indicate strong enhancements in optical power, particularly at Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2486 (1987).
the critical visible wavelengths near 550 nm, as well as higher 4. Fink,Y. Win J. N., Fan, S., Michel. J., Chen, C., Joannopo
?lament resistances, con?rming greater heating of the ?la ulos, J. D., Thomas, E. L., A Dielectric Omnidirectional
ment in the presence of the ?lter, strongly supporting our Re?ector, Science 282, 1679-1682, November 1998.
hypothesis that signi?cant energy can be reabsorbed from the 5. http://www.osram.com/osram_com/Tools_%26_Services/
infra-red photons. Calculators_and_Consultants/I RC_Saver_calculator/in
We summarize some main factors that contribute to the dex.html
increase in e?iciency of our system: dielectric contrast (the 6. General Electric Patent US. Pat. No. 6,087,775
difference between the highest and the lowest index of refrac 7. Sharpe, L. T., Stockman, A., Jagla, W. & Jagle, H., A
tion of materials used in the second photonic ?lter), ?lament luminous e?iciency function, V*(1), for daylight adapta
temperature, number of layers/periods/materials in the sec tion, Journal ofVlsion, 5, 948-968 (2005).
ond photonic ?lter, and the view-factor between the ?lament
and the ?lter. As shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, all of these factors
What is claimed is:
independently control the overall enhancement. For example, 1. Incandescent lighting structure comprising a thermal
a system including a tungsten ?lament at 2700 degrees
emitter coupled to, in a high-view-factor geometry, a photo
Kelvin, coupled to a second photonic ?lter consisting of 4 20
nic ?lter selected to re?ect infrared radiation back to the
materials, with dielectric contrast of 2.09 (high index) and emitter while passing visible light, wherein the photonic ?lter
1 .46 (low index) can theoretically reach higher than ?ve times includes two or more materials with different dielectric con
the e?iciency of a conventional tungsten ?lament. However, it
stants with more than 80 layers.
is important to note that this number would be: lower if the
2. The lighting structure of claim 1 wherein the thermal
view-factor is lower (in accordance with FIG. 3A), higher if 25
emitter includes a photonic crystal on its surface to tailor
the temperature is higher (in accordance with FIG. 3B), lower thermal emission.
if the number of materials is lower (in accordance with FIG.
3. The lighting structure of claim 1 wherein the photonic
2C), higher if dielectric contrast is higher (in accordance with
?lter is a 1D, 2D or 3D photonic crystal.
FIG. 2D), and so on. The main principle behind our system is
4. The lighting structure of claim 1 wherein the photonic
that the combination of a thermal emitter and a photonic ?lter, 30
?lter has a phototonic band gap.
in a high-view-factor geometry, allows for recycling of infra
5. The lighting structure of claim 1 wherein the photonic
red light, thus increasing the system s ef?ciency in converting ?lter surrounds the emitter.
electric power to visible light. The exact numerical increase in
6. The lighting structure of claim 1 wherein the emitter is a
e?iciency, however, depends on multiple factors as described
above. 35
high melting point metal.
7. The lighting structure of claim 6 wherein the metal is
The numbers in square brackets correspond to the refer
tantalum or tungsten or molybdenum.
ences listed herewith. The contents of all of these references
8. The lighting structure of claim 1 wherein the thermal
are incorporated herein by reference.
emitter is disposed within a cylindrical photonic ?lter.
It is recognized that modi?cations and variations of the
9. The lighting structure of claim 8 wherein the thermal
invention disclosed herein will be apparent to those of ordi 40
emitter is a tightly wound coil.
nary skill in the art and it is intended that all such modi?ca
10. The lighting structure of claim 1 wherein the emitter
tions and variations be included within the scope of the
has an approximately rectangular shape sandwiched between
appended claims. two rectangular photonic crystal ?lters.
REFERENCES 11. The lighting structure of claim 10 wherein the photonic
crystal ?lters are disposed with respect to the emitter to assure
1. Thomas Edisons patent drawing and application for an a view factor higher than 85%.
improvement in electric lamps, patented Jan. 27, 1880; 12. The lighting structure of claim 1 wherein the photonic
Records of the Patent and Trademark Of?ce; Record Group ?lter forms a rugate ?lter.
241; National Archives. 13. The lighting structure of claim 12 wherein the rugate
2. Ghebrebhan et al. Tailoring thermal emission via Q ?lter comprises silicon dioxide and tantalum pentoxide.
matching of photonic crystal resonances Phys. Rev. AVol. 14. The lighting structure of claim 12 wherein the rugate
83, 033810, (2011); also Bermel et al. Tailoring photonic ?lter includes 48 alternating layers of silicon dioxide and
metamaterial resonances for thermal radiation Nano scale tantalum pentoxide.
15. The lighting structure of claim 10 wherein the emitter
Research Letters Vol. 6, p. 549, (2011); also Araghchini et 55
al. Fabrication of two-dimensional tungsten photonic includes closely spaced radiator channels.
crystals for high-temperature applications, J. Vac. Sci. 16. The lighting structure of claim 1 wherein emitter tem
Technol. B29, 061402 (2011); also Belousov et al. Using perature is higher than 1600 degrees C.
metallic photonic crystals as visible light sources Phys. 17. The lighting structure of claim 2 wherein the photonic
Rev. B 86, 174201 (2012); andY. X.Yeng et al., Enabling crystal tailors the thermal emission to enhance visible light
High-Temperature Nanophotonics for Energy Applica emission and to suppress infrared emission.
tions, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (in press). * * * * *

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