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Greek Zodiac Signs

The Religion eZine - Astrology

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The word zodiac comes from

the Greek word zodiakos,
which means circle of animals
See also
the Chinese and Canadian

Sun in Aries

March 21 - April 20

Aries is a sign of new beginnings, and as an Arian you

tend to be a quick thinker and doer, but you are apt to
lack patience with those who aren't. You are
enthusiastic, full of energy, and always ready to try
something new. You like to pick subjects which are
"yours" and put your head to work on them down to the
tiniest details, but then ignore the finer points of other
matters which might be just as important but are not
quite your "thing". Because of this you begin many
projects and do them well until you lose interest in them;
then you just quit. And (there's no nice way to say this)
you can be a bit of a slob.

On the upside, you are willing to make sacrifices,

sometimes major ones, in order to help yourself or
others. For example, you wouldn't mind if members of
the family had to shack up with you for a while so long as
they didn't infringe too much on your life and private

You are usually decisive and competitive at work, but

you lack motivation in domestic activities. This
sometimes leads to the sacrifice of a relationship so that
you might further your career. To give you a bit of credit,
though, you are very faithful once you do fall in love, but
before that, your lovers had better watch out - Arians
often have a high sex drive that leads them in
experimental directions.

While you do make a good friend, you can be impatient

and have a nasty temper. These traits sometimeslead
you to be aggressive and direct, a bit more so than many
people can take. When you are in a good mood, though,
you are one of the more cheerful, spontaneous, and
generous people in your circle of friends.

Every now and again you feel the need to prove yourself,
and this can lead you to be a bit impulsive or maybe
even forceful in trying to make your point. For some
reason, you can't quite accept criticism, even if it is
constructive; but when you feel you've failed at
something it doesn't set you back. Instead, it spurs you
on, and you'll do anything to prove you're the best.

Sun in Taurus

April 21 - May 20

People who are born under the sign of Taurus are

usually practical and persistent, solid and reliable, but
sometimes a bit stubborn. As a Taurean, you are very
sensible when it comes to your job and money, but your
overriding motivation in all things is a need for security.
You can be artistically inclined, and have an appreciation
of beauty and luxury.

Sometimes you can be a bit arrogant about your work,

and you like to work at your own pace. There tends to be
a focus on material acquisitions in your life, and the only
reason you work is for the money it provides to allow you
to "get more stuff." You crave comfort, satisfaction, and
pleasure; all of which you feel can be had with money.
Your strong desire for emotional and material security
leads you to work hard to get what you need.

You are very serious and loyal once in a relationship,

and you tend to be very sensual and patient, which
generally makes for great lovers. However, after the
novelty of a new love wears off, there's a danger of
becoming a couch potato.

For some reason, you like not only to become involved

with, but also overburdened by, others' problems.
Because of this involvement, you sometimes feel that a
friendship is a property, and you often get very
possessive and jealous.

You are usually successful at any venture which you put

effort into, whether it be personal or professional. You
strive for spirituality through practical works, and
sometimes this shows through your materialism. With
anything you do, you are very responsible, but most
importantly, you are smarter than people think.

Sun in Gemini

May 21 - June 21

As a Gemini you usually think and act swiftly, and are

always on your toes. Chatty and sociable, sometimes
with a tendency to gossip, you are likely to be highly
imaginative with a mind that is constantly seeking new
information and craving new experiences. You love to
study anything and everything that crosses your path.
Because of this intense love of knowledge, if you are
undereducated, or badly so, you might feel miserable
and make those around you feel the same.

When your are intellectually satisfied, you can be refined

and charming. However, you are not happy if things do
not go your way. Everything has a place in your world,
and if anything is misplaced, everyone around you
suffers. As a Gemini, you are likely to find that when an
emergency arises, you are cool and calm, unlike those
who will panic around you. In these types of situations,
you are able not only to develop solutions or plans of
action, but good ones at that.

Geminis see money as a means of power and freedom.

This is not to say that you are greedy, though. You
simply like to be secure, and money allows this. Work is
important to you in that it helps provide this security and
gives you something to do. If you can't work, it causes
you to feel unsettled and restless. However, you're not
always reliable on the job. You only complete a task if
you're truly interested, otherwise you tend to go in
search of more fulfilling projects.

As something of a non-conformist, you can be very

individualistic and creative. You can be witty, sociable
and courteous, and enjoy being well known and liked,
but you're not willing to change yourself in order to have
this satisfaction. You dislike being tied down in any way,
be it in a friendship or a relationship, and sometimes
seek out changes if you start to feel trapped.

Sun in Cancer

June 22 - July 22

Like the crab that represents them, people who are born
under the sign of Cancer can be curious and complex
creatures. Emotional security and tranquility are your
overriding concerns, and you tend to feel things deeply.
If you are a Cancer, you are most likely doggedly
determined when it comes to getting what you want if it
will promote your sense of safety. You are very
conscience-ridden, which explains your strong sense of
responsibility towards not only yourself but others. When
you put your mind to it, you almost always achieve your

People might find you extremely difficult to get to know

as you can be shy and evasive in public, but you are
open, loyal and protective to those close friends and
family whom you trust. Perhaps because the Sun
changes direction in Cancer, you can be temperamental.
At times you will seem to have the greatest love for life,
yet at others you can be nothing but a self-pitying mess.
You can be pleasant and cheerful, or you can be
egotistical and vain.

A trait which others might find annoying about you is that

you are most likely passive-aggressive. This can lead to
a lot of stubbornness on your part. You do, however, pay
attention to details and are usually punctual, exact, and
efficient. But let others beware: only you can talk yourself
into something, and no-one can make you do anything
that you don't want to do.

Your friends may note that you are a good listener and
are emotionally sensitive. If you have a problem, such as
worries about your family or money, you are more likely
to brood over it than to seek solace or solutions. Deep
down, all you want is to feel safe, secure, and loved.
This aspect of your personality goes hand-in-hand with
your strong domestic urge. There is little more that you
would like than to settle down and create a home. You
do well in relationships because you are a good diplomat
whenever problems arise, and you never forget a single
moment of anything that ever happens. Partnerships are
preferable to you, as the thought of loneliness is
frightening. If you can control the mood swings and
tendency to retreat into your shell at the merest hint of
trouble, you can do very well.

Sun in Leo

July 23 - August 22

The lion symbolizes Leo, and people born under this

sign are often as proud as the king of the jungle himself.
Leo is a very ambitious and strong-willed sign, and Leos
like nothing better than being the center of attention.

If you are a Leo, you are most likely generous and willing
to give of your time and money, especially if it makes you
look good in the eyes of others. However, as selfless as
you can be at your best, you also tend to feel that you
must have the spotlight. When such times arise, you are
overconfident, frank and outspoken, which can become
a bit wearing on your friends.

Money is important to you, but only in that it helps you to

achieve your goals. With this in mind, you will do almost
anything to get what you want, and you are more
interested in the big picture than the niggling details in
any situation. Once you believe in a project, you are
loyal to it until the very end. Because of this tendency,
you like to be placed in positions of authority that have a
lot of delegation power and leadership duties; this helps
you to inspire people with your causes. If this desire to
lead is not fulfilled, you might just turn into a lazy lion.

As in the animal kingdom, female Leos tend to be a bit

more dominant. Both sexes can be practical,
philosophical, and spiritual, which helps them to get their
way of thinking across. Leos are strongly attracted to the
opposite sex, too.

Relating back to your animal instincts, you are most

likely to be a lover of nature. Like the lion, you are seen
as noble and very proud; you cannot tolerate teasing.
You always fight fairly, though at times you may lack tact
and diplomacy. The only time you might gripe is when
you're ill or stressed, which is rare. Overall, this is a most
agreeable sign to be born under because of the
generous basis that it lends to you.

Sun in Virgo

August 23 - September 22

Virgos are perfectionists and work hard in any area of life to

achieve things that they can feel proud of. Cautious, self-reliant and
discriminating, Virgos find it difficult to seek help from others, as
few match up to their standards of perfection.

As a Virgo, you are most likely bright, intelligent and pick up on

everything going on around you. You like to have something to do
to occupy your time rather than sitting around twiddling your
thumbs, but you don't like to take on too much at once, either. The
projects you do invest time in, however, are always done well
because you are exceedingly organized and love to get everything
just right. You pay intense attention to details, and because of your
perfectionism you appreciate the hard work of others, especially
when it is of high quality. When you're not working, you like to go
out in search of new things to explore and learn about.

Personally, though, you can be wearing. You like things done your
own way, and you can be nit-picky about even the smallest aspects
of a given situation. Your friends, though they find you to be a loyal
and trustworthy person, find this habit incredibly annoying. At first
they thought you were shy, but when the ice was broken - boy!
Although you're a good friend who will help others until your back
breaks, you often neglect you own needs. As close as you are to
some of your friends, you aren't very "huggy" and don't like a whole
lot of personal contact. You may search for a long time to find a
partner of whom you can approve, and quite a number of Virgos
never find anyone who meets their exacting standards.

At home, you tend to be authoritative, but not in a constricting way.

Most Virgos make exceptionally good heads of house. However,
the biggest downfall that you might have as a Virgo is your inability
to save money - you may need to work hard to curb your

Sun in Libra

September 23 - October 22

Librans have a powerful sense of fair play and justice, and are
always keen to cooperate with others on an equal basis. Having
said this, in group endeavors they usually find a way to work in
some form of self-expression that marks the job as 'their work',
much as a dog marks 'his tree'.

Life is a continual balancing act for Librans, and you may find
yourself bouncing back and forth between flirtatiousness and
shyness, desiring relationships yet demanding space, and always
wanting to initiate activities but never bothering to finish them
without a good hard push from someone else.

Librans are desperate for the approval of others, and you may find
yourself constantly trying to please friends and colleagues. When
working with others, you demand that they put in as much effort as
you do, and if they don't, you slack off too. You are willing to work
selflessly for others, but you must guard against being used.

When you argue, you leave nothing unsaid, regardless of the

consequences of your words. On the other hand, when others fight,
you are always called upon as the mediator. You have a strong
sense of right and wrong, and are a natural peacemaker.
You crave new knowledge, and have a particular interest in matters
concerning other people and society as a whole. Relationships are
very important to you, but you may find yourself looking for new
experiences here, too. This could lead to a bit of sexual
experimentation on your part, which in turn might lead to

Sun in Scorpio

October 23 - November 21

Scorpio is the sign of powerful emotional desire, and Scorpios are

generally strong and willful. As a Scorpio, you like to be in control
and can be very serious a lot of the time. Whatever you involve
yourself in tends to be of serious consequence: you rarely take
matters lightly. As a classic example of a perfectionist, you stick
with a situation not only until it is done but also until it is done just

Chances are, you are a defender of just causes, and so you would
probably be happiest in a job that allowed you to improve the status
quo in some way. You do not show any of your weaknesses, and
dislike them in others. In order to right this in your mind, you fight
desperately to strengthen a situation rather than leaving it to others
for a solution to be found. You posses a very strong will and usually
do whatever you want, even if it means being a bit nasty or
undiplomatic at times. With this in mind, you can be manipulative,
but instead of taking the heat for whatever you do that goes sour,
you run and make others suffer for you.

Despite these sometimes negative tendencies, you are generally a

loyal and honest person. When people see you, they see someone
very strong and confident, though some Scorpios tend to bury their
insecurities rather than confront them, and become introverted as a
result. Many Scorpios have penetrating eyes, and although people
may want to dislike you, your personality is such that it draws
people in whether they want to be or not. Your friends find you a bit
secretive and shocking sometimes, and you like them to think that
you are a dangerous person who is willing to take risks, but you're
most likely not. You have a well-developed intuition that leads you
to be rightfully suspicious some of the time.

In order to be happy with your partner, he or she must be someone

whom you can respect. In relationships, you like your new partners
to think of you as sexy and having a high sex drive, though you
tend not to be very amorous. However, when sex does enter the
picture, your emotions can get a bit out of control, and your desire
can cause you to become possessive, jealous, and sometimes

Sun in Sagittarius

November 22 - December 21

Sagittarians are the honest and straightforward members of the

zodiac. As a Sagittarius, you are spontaneous, outgoing,
adventurous, and adaptable to any circumstance. You have a
tendency to create excitement wherever you go, and enjoy
exploring new ideas, cultures and beliefs, and meeting new people
in your excursions to new places. You may be a lover of nature and
the great outdoors and enjoy exploring your surroundings. Out of
this may grow a preference for animals rather than humans.

A need for personal freedom and a desire to be a leader also stem

from your determined personality. Knowing this, your job is
something that you must enjoy and have a bit of leverage with or
else you won't do it. At work, you like to be given responsibility, and
when you're working hard at a project you enjoy your job. However,
when given a menial task to do, your attention can stray. You are
likely to live in, or end up living in, a spacious, well-decorate home
that contains all of your acquisitions. The size of their living
quarters is in direct relation to the fact that in order for Sagittarians
to be happy, they must have their own, personal space.

You take great interest in people and society, and in ethical and
spiritual matters. You may tend to be a serious thinker, but you are
prone to jumping to conclusions, and the Sagittarian can end up
rather narrow-minded if his or her social thinking is not fully

Although you're not quite sure of relationships, when you do find a

partner, he or she will most likely be intelligent, undemanding,
warm, and funny with a life of his or her own. Overall, the
Sagittarian is a person with high standards who is pleasant,
friendly, enthusiastic, and easy to get to know.

Sun in Capricorn

December 22 - January 19

People who are born under the sign of Capricorn are practical, self-
reliant and tenacious. As a Capricorn, people see you as patient,
realistic and responsible, but they worry that you take life far too
seriously sometimes. Your friends think of you as kind and very
peaceable, ambitious and hard working, and know that you can be
easily embarrassed, so they try not to tease you too much. You can
take the occasional joke, but people might find it difficult sometimes
to understand your dry sense of humor. With strangers you can be
a little wary, and so come across as aloof and difficult to get to

At work, you never brush aside your responsibilities, but you must
have a goal to satisfy in order to keep your mind on your work. And
if you feel that you are not getting back from your job what you are
putting into it, you will most likely move on; a lack of challenge is
what bores you most. Your coworkers and friends alike might turn
to you with their problems, both personal and professional,
because you seem to be a good problem solver and have excellent

At home and at work, you tend to seek approval and appreciation.

If neither is found or offered you will likely move on to someone or
something that realizes what a gem of a find you are. Capricorn is
an enduring sign, with those born under it often living to a ripe old
age. Capricorns are often said to be old when they are young, and
young when they are old.

As a lover, you are faithful and reliable, but can be shy at first. In
order for a relationship to become sexual, you must be exceedingly
comfortable with your partner and have complete trust in them.
Although you enjoy relationships and tend to prosper in them, you
fear becoming too dependent upon your mate: you must have
some time to yourself now and again because you are apt to be a
rather independent person.

Sun in Aquarius

January 20 - February 18

Aquarius is the sign of brotherhood and freedom, and honesty and

sincerity are important to those born under it. As an Aquarian,
unjustified conventions do not impress you, and you sometimes
make a point of being different, most likely in subtle ways.

In relationships you might just attach yourself to your first love, and
have problems letting go should the relationship turn sour. While
you are involved with a partner, you are constant and faithful, but
don't let this steadiness fool you: you are highly sexed and like an
active sex life. This might not run the usual course, either, as you
like to try new things in bed.

You derive your comfort from the company of others. As a friend,

few can boast to be as loyal and sympathetic as you are, but you
can be blind to your own needs sometimes. And although you are
easy to befriend, you can be difficult to get to know. Despite this,
you love meeting new people and making new friends, and as a
result, you are rarely lonely. Most people see you as a bit eccentric,
rather determined, and very stubborn. You are far more intellectual
than physical, and you tend to relate to people on a mental level.
However, no one should doubt how important your friendships are
to you.

Even though you love natural beauties, you can crave material
belongings, though you are by no means greedy. You take work
very seriously since it is you source of income for these goodies
and, because of your enjoyment of people, you work best as part of
a group. Though you present a calm exterior to the world, this is
often deceptive, as you are often anxious and apprehensive
because of the seriousness with which you view your relationships
with others.

Sun in Pisces
February 19 - March 20

Pisces is the most sensitive sign of the Zodiac, with those born
under the sign of the fishes being very susceptible to the thoughts
and feelings of those around them. A lack of willpower and an
inability to make up their minds means that Pisceans will often
suffer an unjust situation rather than stand up for themselves.

If you are a Pisces, your peers are likely to see you as shy,
idealistic, dreamy and kind, but at the same time impractical,
irresponsible and sometimes self-destructive. With these
combinations, you are creative and resourceful in all you want to
do, but you usually lack the ambition to actually get up and do any
of it.

You are very imaginative, but your imagination tends to run wild
sometimes, giving you great ideas but leaving you, stubborn and
indecisive as you are, stuck with decisions that can't be made or in
a position that isn't quite right. These problems are often
compounded when the thoughts of others stimulate your active

As a lover, you are faithful and love to dabble in the art of sexual
fantasy. You are unselfish, loveable and eager to help whomever
you might be with. However, warn your mate in advance that if you
break the tryst off, you might be stubborn, awkward, selfish, or
even nasty about the entire ordeal.

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