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1. Circuit is designed for route setting type EI panel with feature of automatic route
release. Provision for Emergency route release, Super emergency route release
with time delay & instantaneous route/sub route cancellation with SI
cooperation is also available.
Route Initiation logic. : ( LR/NRR) :Each signal route will have one initiation
relay/Bit(LR) .In this logic it is proved that no other conflicting routes/overlaps
are initiated ,i.e all other conflicting routes /overlaps are normal & released.

a) The practices of proving the condition that all concerned points on the route ,
overlap & that required for isolation are either free or set in the desired setting
i.e using WLR front contact by-passed by NWKR/RWKR front contact in LR
circuit instead of proving back contacts of all directly & indirectly conflicting
route initiation relays/Bits(LR/NRRs) & overlap initiation relays/Bits
(OVLR/OVNRRs){or instead of proving front contact of all directly & indirectly
conflicting route normal & overlap normal proving relays(-NNRs&-OVNNRs) as
followed in SER & SCR} in Route initiation logic have been debated and finally
the committee accepted this arrangement overruling objections from
representatives of SER & SCR since it eliminates proving of all indirectly
conflicting route LRs/NRR back contacts(or NNR & OVNNR front contacts) as it is
achieved by different setting of points, thereby limiting the number of
contacts/Bits in a logic circuit to 45.

b) To ensure LR is dropped after train movement, 1 st sequence proving relay

(UYR1) back contact is proved. It is debated that TSR also can be used for this
purpose. But after deliberation, it is recommended to use UYR1 back contact
c) The overlap setting relay/Bit(OVLR) is used to operate the points in overlap. In
many Railways, signal route LR is throwing the overlap points also, the necessity
of OVLR is not felt essential. But after deliberation, it is decided to have OVLR
for simplification of circuit design.
d) Directive principles specify that only two route buttons shall be provided even
though there are more than one alternative overlaps. For selecting other
overlaps, the points in overlap are to be set manually. It is felt by the Committee
that as many route buttons shall be provided as the number of overlaps
available. Accordingly the circuits are finalized.
e) The following lockings are recommended by the Committee:-
(i) Opposite starter signals of same platform should lock each other (this is
contrary to stipulation in Directive Principles).
(ii) Main Signal shall lock Shunt Signal in rear leading movement towards
Main Signal. In converse, Shunt Signal leading movement towards a
Main Signal shall lock the Main Signal.
iii) Calling ON Signal below Home need not lock starter signal of the same
line to which Calling ON Signal is taken off.

2. Special feature of Point detection input:

Point detection input from interface relays NWKR/RWKR are accepted by EI
system after ensuring the following:-
(i) The detection input shall be received only after 2sec. of release of point
operation buttons.
(ii) The detection input shall be received within 2 sec. of WJR timings (i.e. if
WJR is STR for 10 sec. then detection will be accepted if it is received
within 12 sec.)
(iii) The point is commanded to the required position only (proving of the
correspondence) i.e. for NWKPR, point commanded to normal position
(b) It shall also be proved that concerned C.H. Slot Relay at site is energised only
when concerned command is given from EI. To enable this, CHYR should be read
back and to be compared with CHYR bit in EI, if they are not in correspondence,
concerned FCOR-PT-UP or FCOR-PT-DN should pick up.
(c) All points along with their crank handles shall be grouped in two groups for
double line section one for DN line and other for Up line and points out of
correspondence conditions are detected in FCOR/PT DN or FCOR/PT UP.
(d) The back contact of FCOR/PT DN or FCOR/PT UP shall be proved in
controlling relay circuit (HR) of concerned Down line signals or Up line signals.
This will ensure that respective signals are put to ON aspect whenever such
non-correspondence is detected.
(e) The circuit suggested should be subjected to field trials by various vendors and
the satisfactory results.
3. Correspondence proving of LC Gate Control and Siding Control:
The Output Relay of LC Gate Control (LCXXYR) should be read back i.e. LCXXYR
IN. This should be compared with output bit of LCXXYR. In case of non-
correspondence, FCOR/LC will pick up. The back contact of FCOR/LC shall be
used in HR circuit of all signals controlled by the LC Gate as per Route Control
It is desirable to provide separate FCOR/LC for each LC Gate.
In the same fashion, FCOR/SDG circuit also to be provided.
4. Signal out of correspondence fault circuit:
Whenever the OFF aspect controlling bit (HR) is not available but the read back
bit of either OFF aspect Controlling Relay (HR) or its repeater relay at loca on
(HPR) or OFF aspect lamp proving relay (HECPR) is detected by EI, the FCOR
SIG will pick up. Similarly, if out of correspondence is detected in case of HHR
or DR or UHR or COHR, the concerned FCOR SIG will pick up.
Generally two FCOR SIG UP/DOWN will be provided to cater for flexibility. In
case of multiple line section, line wise FCOR SIG can be made.
The back contact of FCOR SIG UP/FCOR SIG DN shall be proved in Signal
Control Relay (HR) circuit of concerned UP/DOWN signals to ensure signal put
back to danger in case of any mismatch detected.
However, the signal subjected to wrong feed/manipulation will continue to
exhibit OFF aspect.
This circuit is subject to field trail by various vendors.

5. Special feature of Route release circuit:

i) Last sub-route release circuit is designed to ensure time delay of 30 sec. in case
berthing T.C. is occupied. This is done in conformity with Para No. 6.2 of Directive
ii) Presently, in major RRIs, a facility is available to release the sub-route with
cooperation between Station Master and the Section Engineer (Signals). The
release is immediate. Railway Board have issued instructions to modify this
arrangement. (SEM correction slip is also issued).The instruction is to remove the
SE/Signals cooperation and the release should be after 120 seconds time delay.
This committee opines that for enabling easy testing, the SI cancellation should
be retained. However, in many of the RRI stations, SE/Signal is available round
the clock and thus the system prevailing all these days should be retained in
addition to the system approved by Railway Board. Thus, two paths in route
release circuit viz. Super Emergency Cancellation Path and SI Cancellation Path
are proposed by this committee.
Because of this, Emergency Crank-Handle release Circuits and Calling ON
Cancellation Circuits have become redundant, therefore, committee suggests to
remove these circuits for simplification of circuits and uniformity.
6. In approach lock stick relay circuit ASR circuit, RECR front contact is proved in
TORR (Train Operated Route Release) path. This arrangement enables
emergency route cancellation facility, even if RED lamp is fused.
7. In emergency cancellation, debate took place whether 3-buttons cancellation
(GN+ EUUYN, leaving EUUYN & keeping GN pressed, UN) to be retained or
two button cancellation will do. Three button cancellation is recommended.
For cancellation of full route 2nd time Button operation is not required.
For super emergency cancellation 2nd time Button operation is required.
8. Para 21.5.2 of SEM, Part-II Where a route has got a number of route sections,
the circuit shall be so designed that the route section does not release only by
picking up of concerned track relay. Same is released only after the next track
circuit is also dropped and picked up except in case when last track is a berthing
This is not being followed presently in many Railways. The Committee strongly
feels that this stipulation should be scrupulously followed.
9. The time delay for releasing overlap (120 seconds) should start from the moment
the last sub-route is released after the train movement, but not from the time
berthing track circuit is occupied.
10. It is recommended that no neutral relay contact should be used in point
operation (110V DC) circuit. Separate heavy duty contact relays (WCRs) provided
for normal and reverse operations (NWCR & RWCR) are duplicated (NWCR1 &
RWCR 1). 110V DC to point operation is extended through NWCR + NWCR1 or
11. The circuit for A sign in many Railways is existing in a very simple manner.
In order to have the condition of A sign registered for recovery after EI shut
down and restoration, Latch Relays are proposed for A sign also.
A sign is treated as Signal and LR, UCR and HR are proposed for this also.

The yard diagram in the following page is taken as reference for preparing the
circuit diagrams:


LR is route initiation bit.

It also serves the purpose of locking conflicting routes.

LR is available for main, calling on and shunt signals, one each for each route of the

The following are to be proved in LR circuit :

(i) Route is initiated by pressing concerned signal button and route button. GNR
Up and UNR Up are to be proved in series. These two contacts are to be by
passed by LR front contact, as their front contacts are not available after
leaving the buttons.

(ii) It should be proved that all points in route and isolation are not in locked
condition (WLR Up) or they are lying in the required condition (NWKR Up /
RWKR Up). It shall also be proved that command to set the point to other
position is not given (RC Dn or NC Dn) and it shall be proved that the
concerned Crank Handle control is not given. If a point is required in normal
position for the signal, the WLR front contact by passed by NWKR front
contact shall be proved in series with back contact of reverse control.

This practice suffers from the disadvantage that if detection of any point in
the route is failed, the subsequent route will not be set automatically.

But, the advantage is that it eliminates all the conflicting route LR back
contacts, which is achieved by different setting of the points.

After deliberation, the above procedure only is recommended.

As it is decided to use latch relays for points (NWR and RWR), the contacts of
these relays can replace the NWKR/RWKR in the above circuit. This
recommendation may be considered.
(iii) It should be proved that directly opposite movements are not initiated
(directly opposite means which requires same point setting).

That means --

(a) front contacts of ASR/TLSR/TRSR/OVSR of directly opposite signals are to

be proved.

(b) Back contacts of LRs of the same signals are to be proved.

(iv) It should be proved that LRs of conflicting movements in same direction are
in de-energized condition.

(v) It should be proved that overlaps of directly opposite movements are not
locked (OVSRs front contact).

(vi) It should be proved that the complete route is released after the previous
movement. To ensure this, the last TRSR/TLSR front contact is proved, which
should be by passed by LR front contact.

(vii) Any shunt signal movement in rear leading movement towards the signal
should be proved normal, i.e., its LR back contact and ASR/TRSR/TLSR front
contact are to be proved.

(viii) To ensure that the LR is dropped after the train movement, first UYR back
contact is to be proved. Some Railways are proving TSR front contact here,
which will not allow route setting if the first controlling track circuit is failed.
After deliberation, it is decided to use first UYR back contact.

(ix) Before initiating main signal route, it should be ensured that calling on route
is not initiated. It is achieved by proving calling on LR back contact (in this
case, converse is not true because it should be possible to initiate calling on
route, even after the main signal route is initiated).

(x) The final LR will pick up after route LR and OVLR are picked up.

The following is the circuit diagram for main signal LR (S1702LR) for the given
yard :

OVLR is employed to set the overlap points. In many Railways, only one LR is
adopted to set the route as well as overlap. The necessity of a separate relay for
setting overlap points is discussed at length and finally it is concluded to have it.

In OVLR circuit, the following are proved :

(i) Concerned signal route LR is Up.

(ii) Points in overlap are proved in the similar way of route LR

(iii) Directly opposite signal LRs Dn, OVLRs Dn, ASR / TRSR / TLSR Up are to be
proved (signals requiring the same point setting).

(iv) Concerned OVSR is Up and last sub-route TRSR/TLSR is Up to prove that the
overlap is released after the previous train movement. These contacts are
to be given stick path through OVLR Up.

(v) Concerned signal GNR Dn and EGGNR Dn shall be proved in parallel to each
other to enable dropping of the OVLR in case of emergency.

(vi) Separate route buttons shall be provided for setting different overlaps.
Debate took place on requirement of as many route buttons as the number
of overlaps. Directive Principles specified that only two route buttons shall
be provided, even though there are more than one alternative overlaps. For
selecting other overlaps, the points in overlap are to be set manually. But it
is strongly felt by the Committee members that there should be as many
number of route buttons as the number of alternative overlaps. Hence, it is
so finalised.

The circuit for the OVLR for the given yard is as following :

Each signal route will have one UCR (Final UCR, common for all routes will pick up through
front contact of any one of the route UCRs all route UCRs Up contacts are proved in

First stage interlocking is ensured in this circuit logic.

In UCR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) All points in route, overlap and isolation are correctly set, locked and detected
(NWKR/RWKR Up) and concerned Crank Handle is locked in the EKT (CHNPR Up).

(ii) The final LR of concerned signal is Up (Final LR = Route LR + OVLR).

(iii) Directly opposite conflicting signal are not taken off (ASR/TLSR/TRSR/OVSR is Up).

(iv) Previously initiated calling on signal route and shunt signal route in the same
direction are normalised (COTRSR/TLSR and Shunt TRSR/TLSR Up).

(v) Previously initiated main signal route in the same direction is normalised (Mn. TRSR
Up). This contact should be by passed by UCR front contact.

(vi) Wherever required, conditional locking of signals (particularly shunt signals) shall be
given by proving their ShASR/ShTLSR/ShTRSR Up by passed by point conditions i.e.,
point NWKR Up or RWKR Up.

(vii) After UCR picking up, the concerned signal route is locked (ASR and all TRSR/TLSR in
the route Dn ).

The circuit for UCR for the given yard is as following :


Generally, each signal will have one TSR. Common TSR can be provided for many
signals which are conflicting to each other.

In TSR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) The first controlling track in the route of the signal must be clear (TPR Up).

(ii) The LRs of all routes pertaining to the signal(s) are proved in dropped
condition and the ASRs of the signal(s) are to be proved in pick up condition.
Both the LR back contacts and ASR front contacts are to be by passed by TSR
front contact (stick).

(iii) The TSR shall be made slow to release with a time lapse of 500 m.sec to
eliminate signal failure due track bobbing.

The circuit for TSR for the given yard is as following :


After the route is checked (UCR Up), the route should be locked. For locking the route,
ASR relay is employed. ASR drop means route is locked. (ASR front contacts are used in
point WLR circuit to drop WLR Point Lock Relay, whenever ASR is dropped, thereby
locking all the points in the route.) To drop ASR soon after UCR picking up, UCR back
contact is used in ASR circuit.

The ASR relay picks up through different paths, viz., (i) Train Operated Release Path (ii)
Emergency Cancellation Path and (iii) Approach Track Circuit Clear Path. The third path
will not be available for signals having no track circuits in their approach Dead Approach.

In addition, the following paths are also provided :

(i) System Re-boot Path This path is useful to pick up the ASRs after EI system is re-
booted. CPSJR is the relay which picks up within 30 Sec. of the EI system re-
booted. After 120 Sec., the concerned ASR will pick up.

(ii) Presently, in major RRIs a facility is available to release the sub-route with
cooperation between Station Master and the Section Engineer (Signals). The
release is immediate. Railway Board have issued instructions to modify this
arrangements. The instruction is to remove the SE (Sig) cooperation and the release
should be after 120 Sec. time delay. The Committee opined that in many of the RRI
stations SE (Sig) is available and thus the system in vogue also should be retained in
addition to the system approved by Railway Board. Thus, two paths viz., Super
Emergency Cancellation Path and SI Cancellation Path are proposed.

In ASR circuit the following contacts are to be proved :

(i) Back contacts of all off aspect controlling relays not only for the signal but also
for any dependent signals (Eg. In case of home signal, distant signal off aspect
controlling relays also are to be proved Dn) are to be proved, i.e., concerned signal
LRs Dn, UCR Dn, HR Dn, DR Dn, UGRs Dn, COUCR Dn, COHR Dn, Distant DR Dn,
Distant HHR Dn, etc.

(ii) It should be proved that all concerned signals are at ON. For this, Off aspect lamp
checking relays back contacts (HECRs/DECRs/ Shunt HECRs/COHECRs Dn) are to be
proved in common path and ON aspect proving relay (RECR Up) should be proved in
train operated release path (TORR Path). This arrangement enables emergency
route cancellation facility, even if the red lamp is fused.

(iii) Back lock track circuits should be proved clear (TPRs Up). These back lock track
should be selected from the selection table. Since the same signal may lead to
different routes, the back lock circuits may have to be selected by by passing the
unwanted back lock track circuits with the concerned point controlling latch relay
NWR(latch)/RWR (latch) pick up contacts.

(iv) In Train Operated Route Release Path, TSR back contact and UYR2 (sequential
proving relay) Up contact along with RECR Up contact are to be proved.

Note : UYR circuit will be discussed separately.

(v) In Emergency Cancellation Path, the front contacts of Timer Initiation Relay (JSLR)
and the Timer Relay (NJPR/AJTR) are proved in series. The circuits for JSLR and
NJPR/AJTR will be discussed elsewhere. Debate took place on three button
cancellation and two button cancellation, and finally three button cancellation is
recommended, i.e., pressing GN and EUUYN, leaving EUUYN button and keeping GN
button pressed, pressing UN button for initiating the timer action. After the lapse of
a specified time period, GN and UN are to be pressed again to effect the route

(vi) System Reboot Path : In this path, front contacts of CPSJR, JSLR (AJTR1) and NJPR
(AJTR3) are to be proved.

(vii) Path for Super Emergency Cancellation by ASM : In this path, front contacts of
ESUYR (Super Emergency Signal Cancellation Button Relay), GNR (Signal Button
Relay), ESJSLR (AJTR1) and ESNJPR (AJTR3) are proved in series with back contacts of
UCR and COUCR of the signal. This entire path by passes the back lock track circuits
and the three route release paths viz., (i) TORR, (ii) Emergency Cancellation and (iii)
Approach Clear (TR up).

(viii) Path for Super Emergency Cancellation by SE (Sig) : This path is parallel to the Super
Emergency Cancellation path by ASM. In this path, EUYR (Emergency Sub-route
Release Button Relay) and GNR (Signal Button Relay) front contacts are proved.
(ix) ASR is a stick relay which sticks through its own contact by passing all the contacts in
the circuit except the back contacts of all the controlling relays & OFF aspect
checking relays of the signal and UCR.

(x) Deliberation took place regarding implementation of the SEM Part II para No.
21.5.2 which stipulates that -

where a route has got a number of route sections, the circuit shall be so designed
that the route section does not release only by picking up of the concerned track
relay. Same is released only after the next track circuit is also dropped and picked
up, except in case when the last track is a berthing track.

Though this is not being followed in many Railways on date, the Committee
recommends that this should be followed.

Thus, it is necessary to include the front contact of next track circuit relay (TPR) in
the ASR circuit.

The circuit for ASR for the given yard is as following :

Wherever sectional route release is provided, the whole route of the signal is divided into
sub-routes. The first sub-route will have ASR relay and the subsequent sub-routes will
have TRSR/TLSR relays as concerned to the direction of the train movement (if train
movement is from left to right TRSR and if the train movement is from right to left

Dependency is provided among these sub-routes such that the dropping of ASR will drop
the first TRSR/TLSR in the route, the first TRSR/TLSR will drop the next TRSR/TLSR and so
on in a cascading manner. In the process of route release, first ASR will pick up which
picks up the next TRSR/TLSR and the next TRSR/TLSR will pick up the subsequent
TRSR/TLSR and so on. Thus, the last TRSR/TLSR in the route is the last relay to drop in the
process of route locking and it is the last relay to pick up in the process of route releasing.

Similar to the ASR circuit, the TRSR/TLSR circuit will also have different release paths, viz.,
(i) Train Operated Release Path (ii) Emergency Cancellation Path (iii) System Re-boot Path
(iv) Super Emergency Sub-route Release Path by ASM and (v) Emergency Release Path by

In TRSR/TLSR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) The front contact of previous ASR (for main, shunt and calling on signals) is to be
proved in case of first TRSR/TLSR.

In case of subsequent TRSR/TLSRs, the front contact of the previous TRSR/TLSR as

concerned should be proved.

The front contacts of ASR/TRSR/TLSRs are to be suitably by passed by point NWR

(latch)/RWR (latch), if required, to avoid dropping of a sub-route in advance due to a
train movement over the previous sub-route to a diversion/unconcerned line.

(ii) Concerned sub-route track circuits must be clear (TPRs Up).

(iii) In Train Operated Route Release path, the front contact of sequential proving relay
UYR2 is to be proved. This contact should be by passed by Emergency Release path,
which has front contacts of EUUYR (full route release button relay) and NJPR (AJTR3)
in series. There is one more path parallel to these two, i.e., System Re-booting
path which has CPSJR front contact. Next parallel path in this circuit is Super
Emergency Circuit Release by ASM which has front contacts of ESUYR (Super
Emergency Sub-route Button Relay), JSLR (AJTR1) and NJPR (AJTR3). This Super
Emergency Release path by passes the back lock track circuits also. The next path is
Emergency Cancellation by SE (Sig) path, which is parallel to Super Emergency
Release path. (This path is recommended by the Committee)

(iv) Similar to ASR relay, TRSR/TLSR is also a stick relay, which sticks through its own
contact by passing the back lock tracks and other release paths, as shown in the

The circuit for TRSR/TLSR for the given yard is as following :

Same sub-route will have three different TRSRs/TLSRs viz., (i) Mn. TRSR/TLSR (ii)
Sh.TRSR/TLSR and (iii) Co.TRSR/TLSR. This bifurcation facilitates locking of conflicting
signal/routes which is different for Main, Shunt and Calling on signals.

The circuit for these relays is as following:

This relay is provided to lock the overlap. It is similar to ASR relay, which locks the route.

This relay is named after the starter signal and each starter will have OVSR.

The overlap points are locked by this Relay (OVSR front contact is proved in WLR circuit).

In OVSR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) The back contact of the signal UCR for the concerned line only. This is achieved by
proving concerned route LR Dn contact in parallel with signal UCR Dn.

(ii) The normalisation of last sub-route i.e., last sub-route TRSR/TLSR/ASR front contact,
this should be by passed by NWR-latch/RWRlatch to prevent OVSR dropping when
the movement is for other than the concerned line.

(iii) The release of OVSR must be after a time delay of 120 Sec. for stopping trains. This is
ensured by proving OVJSLR (OVAJTR1) Up and OVNJPR (OVAJTR3) Up contacts in series.

(iv) For run through trains, the overlap release will be after the picking up of the berthing
track behind the train. To effect this, one parallel path to the path mentioned in item
(iii) above is provided, in which berthing track front contact is used.

(v) The next path in OVSR circuit is the system booting release path. In this path, CPSJR
front contact is used.

(vi) Super emergency overlap release path is provided, in which the OVYN and concerned
UN are to be operated to release the overlap immediately (without any time delay). In
this path, SE OVYR front contact and UNR front contact are used. This path by passes
the last sub-route pick up contact also. This is to enable release of the overlap, even if
a longer train occupies the berthing track without clearing the last sub-route in rear.

(vii) The next release path is Emergency overlap release, in which front contacts of

(viii) The last path is the stick path for OVSR relay, in which the front contact of OVSR is

The circuit for OVSR for the given yard is as under :


This is the final relay which extends 110 V AC power supply to the signal lamp.

In HR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) It should be proved that the route and the overlap are initiated. This is
proved by the front contacts of LR and OVLR.

(ii) It should be proved that the route is checked UCR front contact.

(iii) It should be proved that the route is clear including overlap if required and
fouling track circuits if any concerned TPRs front contact.

(iv) It should be proved that the -

(a) Route is locked ASR, TLSR/TRSRs back contacts are to be proved.

(b) Overlap is locked OVSR back contact to be proved.

(v) It should be proved that the sequential proving relays (UYRs), route
cancellation initiation relays (JSLRs) are dropped after the previous train
movement UYRs Dn and JSLRs Dn pertaining to all sub-routes in the route
of the train. The back contact of the concerned OVJSLR also must be proved.

(vi) (a Concerned points in the route, overlap and isolation are correctly set,
locked and detected concerned NWKR/RWKR front contact and
concerned WLR back contact to be proved.

(b) It should be proved that concerned crank handle(s) is/are locked in the
EKT meant for it CH NPR front contact.

(c) Where the points are proved for isolation conditionally, the proving of
NWKR/RWKR front contact in HR circuit also will be conditional, i.e., it
should be by passed by concerned condition.
(vii) It should be proved that the immediately next signal is not blank - this is
ensured by proving ahead signal ECPR front contact (for ECPR circuit see

(viii) It should be proved that One signal for one train feature is implemented
TSR front contact is to be proved.

(ix) It should be proved that the concerned signal button is released by the
operator to ensure this, GNR back contact is proved, which is by passed by
HR front contact (stick path). This stick path is to ensure non-dropping of HR
relay, even if the signal button is pressed accidentally.

(x) For diversion routes, before the signal is allowed to display off aspect, it
must be ensured that the route indicator is lit first. To ensure this, UHR front
contact and UECR front contact are to be proved in series in the HR circuit.
One UHR for each diversion will be picked up and the concerned route
indicator is lit through the UHR front contact.

For Main line (involving no points in Reverse) it should be proved that the
concerned signal UHRs and UECPR are not in energized condition UHR Dn
and UECPR Dn.

If an LC gate signal is combined with the distant signal, for clearing this signal
for Main line (say Green), proving of UECPR back contact at the LC gate
location should be avoided as it is not a positive proving. In such case,
UECBPR (route lamp checking back proving relay) front contact is to be

The circuit for HR for the given yard is as following :

The HHR (Attention aspect control relay) and DR (Green aspect control relay) are to be
picked up as required as shown in the following circuit


This relay when de-energized, locks the concerned points electrically.

In WLR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) It should be proved that no route overlap point is set. This is achieved by
proving concerned signals ASR/TLSR/TRSR Up.

(ii) No overlap towards the point is set. This is achieved by proving concerned

In the above two conditions, the concerned contacts may have to be by passed by
front contacts of point NWKR/RWKR suitably to avoid locking of the point for
unconcerned movements.

(iii) Sometimes, a point may not be locked by any signal which are leading to
parallel movements, but when this point is set reverse both the movements
may become conflicting to each other, for eg., a calling on signal does not
lock the points in overlap and the same point happens not to be in shunt
signal movement. But when both the calling on and shunt movements are
initiated, this particular point may be required in locked condition to ensure
isolation between the two movements. In such cases, special locking is
provided in WLR circuit, wherein the TLSR/TRSR/ASR front contact of both
the movements will be proved in parallel. This enables dropping of WLR
when both the movements are initiated, thus ensuring isolation between
both movements.

The circuit for WLR for the given yard is as following :

The function of this relay is to operate the point to concerned position
automatically by route initiation, i.e., LR pick up.

In NCR/RCR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) The points must be proved free from route locking. This is achieved by
proving WLR front contact.

(ii) Any one of the route/overlap LR picking up that requires the point to be set
to Normal should energize NCR relay. This is achieved by proving all
route/overlap LRs front contacts, which require the point in Normal position,
in parallel.

(iii) Any one of the route/overlap LR picking up that requires the point to be set
to Reverse should energize RCR relay. This is achieved by proving all
route/overlap LRs front contacts, which require the point in Reverse position,
in parallel.

(iv) Sometimes special throwing of the point may be required to ensure isolation
between two parallel movements and in neither of them the point position is
proved. In such cases, the route locking (ASR/TLSR/TRSR Dn) of one
movement and initiation of other movement (LR pick up) proved in series will
throw the points to the concerned position.

(v) The back contact of the NCR has to be proved in RCR circuit and vice versa.

The circuit for NCR/RCR for the given yard is as following :


The function of this relay is to operate the points either in manual operation mode
under point track clear condition, i.e., by pressing WN (point button) and WWN
(group point button), or in emergency operate mode i.e., under point track
occupied condition, i.e., by pressing EWN (emergency point button) and WN
(point button) mode or under automatic operation mode (LR pick up).

In Z1NWR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) The point is electrically free (WLR Up). It is proved in the common path.

(ii) Hereafter, the circuit branches off into three paths as mentioned in Para

Path 1 : WNR Up, WWNR Up and Point TPRs Up.

Path 2 : XR Up, NCR Up and NWKR Dn.

Path 3 : WNR Up, EWNR Up and any of the Point track Dn, i..e, (Point TPR
back contacts proved in parallel)

(iii) The back contact of the NWR-latch Relay has to be proved. This contact has
to stick through Z1NWR front contact.

(iv) The back contact of the contrary relay i.e., Z1RWR has to be proved.

The circuit for Z1NWR for the given yard is as following. The circuit for Z1RWR is
also to be prepared in similar lines to Z1NWR.

This relay prevents the starting of operation when the point is tried for other
position during mid stroke.

In XR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) The back contact of WJR (Point Timer Relay).

(ii) The back contacts of NCR and RCR relays proved in series by passed by XR
own contact for stick path.

The circuit for XR for the given yard is given in the earlier circuit.


This relay enables disconnection of 110 V DC power supply to the point machine
after a predetermined time delay, generally not more than 6 Seconds. Thus, this
relay prevents the motor from overloading when the point is obstructed and not
set to the concerned position.

In WJR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) The point is proved in unlocked condition, i.e., WLR front contact.

(ii) Normal point initiation relay (Z1NWR) or Reverse point initiation relay
(Z1RWR) are picked up. The back contacts of opposite condition latch relays
i.e., RWR-latch in Z1NWR path and NWR-latch in Z1RWR path to be proved.

(iii) The back contacts of NWKR and RWKR are to be proved in series. This is to
enable dropping of WJR, soon after the detection is made without waiting for
the pre-set time delay which may be more.

The circuit for WJR for the given yard is given in the earlier circuit.


This is heavy duty contactor relay, the contacts of which can withstand high
operation current of the point machine.

110 V DC to the point machine is fed through the front contacts of this relay.

Initially, it was thought by the Committee to have a common WCR (both for
Normal and Reverse operation). Convenor has advised to provide separate WCRs
i.e., NWCR and RWCR. He has also suggested to have two such relays for each
operation, i.e., 2 NWCRs and 2 RWCRs front contacts of which are to be proved in
series in the 110 V DC feeding path to the point machine.

In NWCR Circuit, the following are to be proved :

(i) It should be proved that the point is electrically unlocked it is proved by

WLR front contact.

(ii) The point timer relay (WJR) front contact to be proved.

(iii) The back contact of XR relay has to be proved.

(iv) The concerned NWR-latch/RWR-latch relay front contact has to be proved.

(v) It should be proved that the concerned conflicting relays are in dropped
condition in case of NWCR, RWCR back contact, NWKR back contact are to
be proved.

The circuit for NWCR for the given yard is given above. The circuit for RWCR is also
to be prepared in similar lines to NWCR. Similar circuits are to be prepared for the
second (duplicated) NWCR/RWCR.

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