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La semana del veintisiete de febrero (week of 2-27)

Plans may change a little day to day. If there is a major change or

an assignment change, I will post it on my website.

Remember to practice Spanish at home at least 15

minutes a night, whether or not you have homework.

This is a reminder that as stated in my syllabus, I do

not give credit for late work. Homework not turned in
at the beginning of class when it is due, will receive
49%. However, homework that was turned in on time
(and complete) may be redone for a better grade.

Tarea means homework. Examencito means


lunes (Monday)

Yo puedo escuchar en espaol y

responder a preguntas.

Haz estas oracciones con verbos

1. Yo no ________ rpido.
2. T ____________ mucho en la
clase de ingls con tu lpiz.
3. Nosotros _________ la tarea todos
los das.
4. Marta va a ________ en un partido
de bsquetbol.

Vamos a
-repasar 1-4
-escuchar mucho:
page 135 Act 23, p. 136 Act 27, y p 147
act 6

Tarea: p 141 A 38, #1-3: Translate the

questions and then answer them
correctly in Spanish. Remember, if they
ask what you (t) do, you need to
answer it with I.... and study your verbs
and vocabulary for Wednesdays test
martes (Tuesday)

Yo puedo practicar para el examen.

Qudate con la tarea (Keep your

homework, were going to check it quick
now, so you can fix any mistakes or
misunderstandings before tomorrows
Log in to Quizletlive.com
And take out a dry erase marker
Vamos a
-repasar 1-3 de la tarea
-jugar Quizlet Live, y repasar con

Tarea: study your verbs and vocabulary

for tomorrows test

You should be going on Quizlet to study

and looking over your notes and
homework. Remember the study guide
says exactly what will be on the test.
mircoles (Wednesday)

Yo puedo tomar mi examen de

cpitulo cuatro.
-Put up your privacy folder/s and put up the
folders for your neighbors if they need them.
-take out a pencil and be ready for your test
with your folders set up.
-Quiz rules:
No peeking. No talking.
Raise your hand for questions.
When you are done, put your paper
face down under your folder(s) and
raise your hand. I will come and get
it from you.

Remember no talking or moving

while anyone still has their test.
Vamos a
-Hacer el examen
-estudiar espaol.
Tarea: Start studying the vocabulary for
chapter 5 vocabulario 1, pages 158 and
You need to finish page 160, Activity 2
by Friday, 1-8, one word answers.
Our quiz on the vocabulary will be on
Thursday, March 9. There will be 5
sentences about family members in
Spanish that you will need to translate
to English using the vocabulary,
including vocabulary from the
exprsate boxes.
jueves (Thursday)

Yo puedo tomar notas y practicar

hablando con el vocabulario nuevo.
Abre el libro a pgina 158-159.
Pon estas en tu cuaderno:
1. Los padres de mi madre son mis
2. El pap de mi padre es mi
3. La hija de mi to es mi
4. Mi ta es la _________ de mi mam
o mi pap o la esposa de mi

Vamos a
-repasar 1-4 (a la izquierda)
-repasar vocabulario de p.158-9
-hablar de la familia de Seora Shea de
un foto
Tarea: finish page 160, Act 2, 1-8, one
word answers for tomorrow. For
Monday you need to bring in a picture of
a family that you can talk aboutyours
or a famous family, or just one from an
ad or something.
And keep studying the vocabulary for
chapter 5 vocabulario 1, pages 158 and

viernes (Friday)

Yo puedo practicar escuchando y

hablando con el vocabulario nuevo.
Entrega la tarea (p. 160 Act 2)
Escucha a esta cancin y escribe una
respuesta con vocabulario nuevo de
pgina 158 and 159.
Answer the main question from the

Vamos a
-hablar de Cmo eres?
-repasar vocabulario de p.158-9 con
preguntas: Quin tiene.?
-escuchar p. 160 Act 1
-hablar de la familia Herrera del foto de
pgina 161, Act 5.
Tarea: finish page 160, Act 3, 1-4, just
fill in the blanks. AND dont forget you
need to bring in a picture of a family that you
can talk about that you dont mind sharing
with everyoneyours or a famous family, or
just one from an ad or something.
And keep studying the vocabulary for
chapter 5 vocabulario 1, pages 158 and
Our quiz on the vocabulary will be on
Thursday, March 9. There will be 5
sentences about family members in
Spanish that you will need to translate
to English using the vocabulary,
including vocabulary from the
exprsate boxes.

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