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0:19Skip to 0 minutes and 19 secondsWhen you start at university, it's

important for you to not only succeed in your studies, but to do so with integrity. In
order to achieve this, you'll need to learn and employ the fundamental values and
skills associated with academic integrity. My name is Dr. Jason Stevens, and I'm a
senior lecturer at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. As an educational
psychologist interested in students' intellectual and ethical development, I regard
cheating behaviour as a particularly pernicious problem. What I mean by pernicious
is that individuals who reported cheating as students are more likely to become
dishonest as adults, lying to customers, colleagues, and even their partners. But all
is not lost.
0:57Skip to 0 minutes and 57 secondsOver the next four weeks, I will be your
lead educator, guiding you through an exploration of several important questions
such as, what is academic integrity? Why is it so important in academia? And how
can you, as a student at university, achieve with integrity? In this course, we will
explore the answer to these and other questions. Each week contains videos,
articles, discussions, and quizzes that will help you develop the knowledge and skills
needed to be a successful and ethical learner. There will also be opportunities for
you to discuss your ideas with other students on the course and learn from their
experiences and points of view.
1:32Skip to 1 minute and 32 secondsBy the end of the course, we hope you will
not only come to understand the meaning of academic integrity, but also embrace
the values associated with it as your own. Additionally and equally importantly, we
hope that this course will help you develop the study and academic writing skills
needed to act in accord with those values and thus achieve with integrity.

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