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Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (2016) 33293334

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Clinical Neurophysiology
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Burst firing of single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe

changes before epileptic seizures
Heidemarie Gast a,1, Johannes Niediek a,1, Kaspar Schindler b, Jan Bostrm c, Volker A. Coenen c,
Heinz Beck d, Christian E. Elger a, Florian Mormann a,
Cognitive and Clinical Neurophysiology, Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Department of Neurology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Stereotaxy and MR-Based OR Techniques, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Laboratory for Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research, Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o h i g h l i g h t s

Article history:
 Ipsilateral MTL neurons show an increased degree of burstiness during interictal recordings.
Accepted 15 August 2016
 This effect is found only for putative principal cells, not for interneurons.
Available online 20 August 2016
 Burstiness may serve as a protective factor and its absence may in turn facilitate seizure emergence.

Interictal a b s t r a c t
Objective: To better understand the mechanisms that lead to the sudden and unexpected occurrence of
Principal cells seizures, with the neuronal correlate being abnormally synchronous discharges that disrupt neuronal
Methods: To address this problem, we recorded single neuron activity in epilepsy patients during the
transition to seizures to uncover specific changes of neuronal firing patterns. We focused particularly
on neurons repeatedly firing discrete groups of high-frequency action potentials (so called bursters) that
have been associated with ictogenesis. We analyzed a total of 459 single neurons and used the mean
autocorrelation time as a quantitative measure of burstiness. To unravel the intricate roles of excitation
and inhibition, we also examined differential contributions from putative principal cells and interneu-
Results: During interictal recordings, burstiness was significantly higher in the seizure onset hemisphere,
an effect found only for principal cells, but not for interneurons, and which disappeared before seizures.
Conclusion: These findings deviate from conventional views of ictogenesis that propose slowly-increasing
aggregates of bursting neurons which give rise to seizures once they reach a critical mass.
Significance: Instead our results are in line with recent hypotheses that bursting may represent a protec-
tive mechanism by preventing direct transmission of postsynaptic high-frequency oscillations.
2016 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction at a neuronal population level using EEG or local field potential

(LFP) recordings both in humans and animal models of epilepsy
Epilepsy is not a disease in and of itself, but a chronic condition (Szabo et al., 2015). However, it is not possible to extrapolate
of the brain characterized by paroxysmal and recurrent epileptic meaningfully from this population level to the behavior of its cel-
events that occur as a result of chronic structural and/or functional lular elements, even though they underlie this activity. In order to
changes. A number of studies have investigated seizure initiation obtain mechanistic insight, it is therefore necessary to record cellu-
lar activity, in vivo, during seizure onsets. This technique has only
Corresponding author at: Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn,
recently become available in humans (Bower et al., 2012;
Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25, 53105 Bonn, Germany. Fax: +49 228 287 19351. Mormann and Jefferys, 2013 and references therein).
E-mail address: florian.mormann@ukb.uni-bonn.de (F. Mormann). A specific neuronal discharge pattern termed bursting, which is
These authors contributed equally to this work. characterized by the repeated firing of discrete groups of

1388-2457/ 2016 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
3330 H. Gast et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (2016) 33293334

high-frequency action potentials, has been associated with chronic peak-amplitude-to-noise level, the inter-spike interval (ISI)
epilepsy both in experimental models of epilepsy and in humans distribution of each cluster, and presence of a refractory period.
(Wyler and Ward, 1986; Sanabria et al., 2001; Schindler et al., Multi-units and artifacts were excluded from further analysis. A
2006). To date only a few in vivo studies in humans have investi- total of 249 SU were recorded interictally and 210 pre-ictally
gated bursting and its relevance to the pathophysiology of epi- (mean number per patient 23 interictally and 30 pre-ictally).
lepsy. These few studies have yielded conflicting results. Earlier Fig. 1 shows an example of an intracranial LFP recorded with a
studies compared seizure onset zones to contralateral brain microwire capturing two different SU.
regions during seizure-free (interictal) periods and reported burst Electrode locations were determined by clinical criteria and ver-
discharges to be less frequent ipsilaterally (Colder et al., 1996). In ified by MRI and CT. All patients had bilaterally implanted depth
contrast, other studies found higher burst rates in seizure onset electrodes, each equipped with 8 cylindrical contacts, in multiple
zones in MTL epilepsy (MTLE) (Staba et al., 2002). Single cells sites of the MTL, including hippocampus, amygdala, entorhinal cor-
recorded in close proximity to the seizure onset zone tended to tex and parahippocampal cortex. Total recording time analyzed
have higher bursting rates if they showed pre-ictal and ictal from these patient (interictal and pre-ictal) was 300 min (see
changes in spiking rates (Keller et al., 2010). Finally, burst inter- Table 1).
spike interval ratios have been used to predict seizure onset zones Recordings were performed continuously for the entire dura-
from interictal recordings (Valdez et al., 2013). tion of the epilepsy monitoring (typically 714 days). Eleven inter-
The relation between interictal epileptiform EEG activity and ictal sessions were recorded one or two days after electrode
neuronal bursting has also been investigated. Neurons whose firing implantation. In 8 of the 11 patients, a total of 21 seizures were
rates were modulated by interictal discharges had a significantly recorded and analyzed. All seizures occurred at least one day after
higher bursting rate than neurons not showing this modulation the interictal recordings. Pre-ictal recordings covered the period of
(Keller et al., 2010). Alarcn and colleagues reported an increased 10 min before seizure onset as determined from the intracranial
occurrence of burst firing during spontaneous interictal epilepti- macro electrode recordings via joint visual inspection by two
form discharges and after single pulse electrical stimulation board-certified electroencephalographers (H.G. and F.M.). Electro-
(Alarcn et al., 2012). clinical evaluation of interictal and ictal recordings confirmed that
The analysis methods employed by these studies, particularly seizures typically started near the most medial contacts of the clin-
the definition of bursting, varied considerably, and most were car- ical depth electrodes (Supplementary Table S1).
ried out on limited data sets. This might explain why no consistent Based on electrographical seizure onset, or postoperative sei-
relationship between burst firing and localization of the seizure zure control in those cases where no seizure could be recorded,
onset zone has been demonstrated to date. electrodes were labeled ipsilateral or contralateral, depending on
We here examined the role of bursting neurons in the emer- their location with respect to the seizure onset and/or resection
gence of clinical seizures. We analyzed simultaneous recordings zone. Note that not all of the 11 patients included in this study
from the MTLs ipsi- and contralateral to the seizure onset zone went on to have surgery, and of those who did, not all became
in patients with MTLE both during the seizure-free interval and seizure-free (Table 1). Nevertheless, at the time of electro-clinical
immediately before seizures. To unravel the intricate and poten- evaluation all 11 patients were diagnosed as unilateral MTLE, and
tially counterintuitive roles of excitation and inhibition, we also therefore included in this study.
studied the differential contributions of putative principal cells
and interneurons.
2.3. Analysis of electrophysiological data

2. Methods To assess the neurons spontaneous firing patterns, we com-

puted autocorrelation histograms with 1 ms bins and time lags
2.1. Patients ranging from 100 to 100 ms (Fig. 1C). To quantify burstiness,
i.e. the firing of dense clusters of action potentials, we calculated
22 consecutive patients with pharmacologically intractable epi- the mean autocorrelation time (MAT) for every SU. MAT denotes
lepsy were included in this study. In these patients, non-invasive the mean of each neurons autocorrelogram (Csicsvari et al.,
methods had been unable to unequivocally localize a region of sei- 1998). Low MAT values thus characterize high burstiness, regard-
zure onset, and they chose to undergo intracranial long-term EEG less of individual firing rates (Supplementary Fig. S1).
monitoring to be evaluated for epilepsy surgery (Rosenow and Following Ison and coworkers (Ison et al., 2011), we classified
Lders, 2001). All patients had given written informed consent to all SU based on their action potential duration (spike width, mea-
participate in this study, which was approved by the Medical Insti- sured from maximum to minimum, Fig. 1B), as either putative
tutional Review Board in Bonn. In 11 of the 22 patients, seizure interneurons (width 6 0.65 ms) or putative principal cells
onset was bilateral, extratemporal, or could not be unequivocally (width > 0.65 ms).
determined. Data from the remaining 11 patients were analyzed Two-way ANOVA was used as an omnibus test to check for any
in this study (Table 1). statistical difference in burstiness (as characterized by MAT) with
respect to location (ipsi- or contralateral) and time of recording
(interictal or pre-ictal). Post hoc analysis between groups was per-
2.2. Electrodes and recordings
formed using Wilcoxon ranksum tests with Bonferroni correction
for multiple (four) comparisons.
LFPs were recorded with hybrid depth electrodes (AdTech,
Racine, WI) containing a bundle of eight microwires protruding
approximately 4 mm from their tips. The differential LFP signals 3. Results
were amplified using a 256-channel Neuralynx ATLAS system
(Bozeman, MT), filtered between 0.1 and 9000 Hz, and sampled Classification of SU as either principal cells or interneurons
at 32 kHz. Action potential (spike) detection and sorting was per- based on spike width yielded a total of 415 principal cells and 44
formed using the WaveClus package (Quiroga et al., 2004). Sorted interneurons. The plausibility of this classification was verified by
units were manually confirmed and classified as single units comparing mean baseline firing rate and burstiness using a
(SU), multi-units, or artifacts based on spike shape and variance, Wilcoxon ranksum test. Since it is a priori unclear how these
H. Gast et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (2016) 33293334 3331

Table 1
Summary of clinical data. H.S.: hippocampal sclerosis; SAH: selective amygdalo-hippocampectomy. Seizure outcome according to Engel classification.

Pat. No. Gender Age MRI Resection Histo-pathological Seizure Number Total pre-ictal Number of Seizure
(years) findings findings outcome of time micro- onset
seizures analyzed wires hemisphere
(min) in MTL
1 m 37 Normal Left SAH Left H.S. 1A 3 30 64 Left
2 f 26 Normal No surgery n/a n/a 1 10 80 Left
3 f 56 Left H.S. No surgery n/a n/a 0 0 64 Left
4 f 43 Normal Left SAH Focal loss of neurons 3 4 30 80 Left
5 f 48 Normal Right SAH Focal loss of neurons 1B 0 0 80 Right
6 f 29 Normal No surgery n/a n/a 5 50 88 Right
7 f 38 Right H.S. Right SAH Right H.S. 1A 0 0 64 Right
8 m 33 Normal No surgery n/a n/a 2 20 80 Left
9 m 44 Normal Left SAH + Cell loss, gliosis, heterotopia. 1A 2 20 72 Left
10 m 54 Right H.S. Right SAH Right H.S. 3 1 10 64 Right
11 f 42 Normal Right SAH Gliosis 1A 3 20 64 Right

regions ipsilateral to the seizure onset zone than in contralateral

regions during the interictal period (p = 0.0009), but not during
the pre-ictal period (Fig. 2A).
Performing the same analysis separately for principal cells and
interneurons, we observed again a significant main effect of loca-
tion for principal cells (F1455 = 7.05; p = 0.008), with post hoc tests
showing increased burstiness of the ipsi- vs. contralateral side dur-
ing the interictal period only (p = 0.009; Fig. 2B). Again, neither a
significant main effect of time (F1455 = 0.45; p = 0.50) nor a signifi-
cant interaction between time and location (F1455 = 1.78; p = 0.18)
were observed. For interneurons we found no significant main
effect of location (F1455 = 1.09; p = 0.30), but a weakly significant
main effect of time (F1455 = 6.03; p = 0.019) with no significant
interaction between time and location (F1455 = 1.86; p = 0.18). This
effect was not confirmed in individual post hoc tests for the ipsi- or
contralateral hemisphere (Fig. 2C).
To test whether the observed difference in statistics between
principal cells and interneurons was caused by a difference in pro-
portion of these cell types, we compared the ratios of principal
cells to interneurons recorded in interictal vs. pre-ictal recordings
using Fishers exact test. No significant difference was found in
Fig. 1. Quantifying burstiness in extracellular recordings from putative principal either the ipsi- or contralateral hemisphere (Supplementary
cells and interneurons (see Methods). Blue and red colors represent a putative
Fig. S3). To furthermore rule out an influence of firing rate under-
principal cell and interneuron, respectively. (A) 80 ms of unfiltered signal recorded
from a microwire in the left anterior hippocampus of patient #10 (see Table 1) with lying these results, we ran the same two-way ANOVA as above
action potentials from two different single units marked by blue and red vertical using the average firing rates of each neuron as dependent vari-
lines, respectively. (B) Action potentials (spikes) recorded from these units during a able. No significant main effect of time or location and no signifi-
10-min epoch. White and black lines represent mean SD. Green lines denote the cant interaction were observed (Supplementary Fig. S4). Likewise,
spike width (1.07 ms and 0.25 ms for putative principal cell (blue) and interneuron
(red), respectively). (C) Autocorrelograms, smoothed with a three-point moving
the time courses of putative principal cells and interneurons dur-
average for graphical display. Vertical green lines denote mean autocorrelation ing interictal and pre-ictal periods, ipsi- and contralaterally,
times (19 ms and 49 ms for putative principal cell (blue) and interneuron (red), showed no dynamical trends, particularly not upon approaching
respectively). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the the seizure onset (Supplementary Fig. S5).
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4. Discussion
dynamic features might change just before a seizure, we restricted
this analysis to interictally recorded neurons (Supplementary A fundamental question in epileptology is what mechanisms
Fig. S2A). Interneurons showed higher firing activity than principal are responsible for changing the state of the epileptic brain from
cells (p = 0.012, Wilcoxon ranksum test, Supplementary Fig. S2B) interictal to ictal. We here investigated this question at the cellular
while principal cells exhibited a stronger tendency for burstiness level by assessing the role of burst firing by single neurons. We
(p < 10 4, Supplementary Fig. S2C). analyzed interictal and pre-ictal recordings from regions ipsi-
As a first exploratory analysis, we applied a two-way ANOVA and contralateral to the seizure onset zone in the MTLs of 11
with factors time (interictal vs. pre-ictal) and location (ipsi- vs. patients. To investigate the roles of excitation and inhibition, we
contralateral) to all 459 recorded neurons. Results yielded a signif- examined the differential contributions of putative principal cells
icant main effect of location on burstiness (F1455 = 12.0; and interneurons. We found that burst firing was higher in the ipsi-
p = 0.0006). Neither a significant main effect of time (F1455 = 0.09; lateral MTL during interictal recordings. Interestingly, the signifi-
p = 0.77) nor a significant interaction between time and location cant difference in burst firing between the ipsi- and contralateral
(F1455 = 1.72; p = 0.19) were observed. Post hoc Wilcoxon ranksum MTL was found exclusively in principal cells, not in interneurons,
tests with Bonferroni correction confirmed higher burstiness in and disappeared in pre-ictal recordings.
3332 H. Gast et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (2016) 33293334

Fig. 2. Burstiness of different cell types as quantified by the mean autocorrelation time (MAT). (A) MAT histograms of all recorded cells for the conditions interictal/ipsilateral
(top left, red), interictal/contralateral (bottom left, green), pre-ictal/ipsilateral (top right, black), and pre-ictal/contralateral (bottom right, blue), flanked by results of posthoc
Wilcoxon ranksum tests after Bonferroni correction. (B) Same as (A), but for putative principal cells only. (C) Same as (A), but for putative interneurons only. N, number of
neurons; int-ict, interictal; pre-ict, pre-ictal; n.s., not significant; p < 0.05; p < 0.01; p < 0.001. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.)
H. Gast et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (2016) 33293334 3333

Increased burst firing in the ipsilateral MTL during interictal The fact that we found interictal burst firing to be significantly
recordings agrees with previous observations (Staba et al., 2002). more pronounced in the focal MTL may bear clinical relevance
These findings deviate from an older study in which authors since it could provide diagnostically important information even
describe a weakly significant overall reduction in interictal burst before an actual seizure has occurred. Gaining all clinically relevant
discharges in ipsilateral MTL structures (Colder et al., 1996). This information from interictal recordings has been a long-standing
study, however, used the area under the first significant peak in goal in presurgical evaluation because this could potentially reduce
the autocorrelogram within the first 150 ms as a measure of bursti- the number of seizures to be recorded. A smaller number of sei-
ness. This measure is strongly biased by the average firing rate and zures reduces the duration of intracranial monitoring and thus
will pick up any cell with preferred ISIs up to 150 ms, many of decreases the risk of complications such as infections.
which would not be considered bursty in a stricter sense. Thus, In conclusion, our study demonstrates that seizures in MTLE are
the reported difference may merely be an artifact of firing rate, preceded by altered burstiness of principal cells with respect to
which was indeed reported to be higher in the contralateral MTL interictal baseline recordings in the ipsilateral MTL. Rather than
(Colder et al., 1996). supporting conventional views of ictogenesis that propose
How can a pre-ictal reduction of bursting be interpreted in slowly-increasing aggregates of bursting neurons, our findings
terms of a transition from the interictal to an ictal brain state? are in line with recent hypotheses that bursting may represent a
The fact that interictal burst firing was significantly more pro- protective mechanism by preventing direct transmission of postsy-
nounced ipsilaterally but then decreased and was no longer differ- naptic high-frequency oscillations. Future studies investigating the
ent from the contralateral hemisphere in the minutes before interplay between interneurons and principal cells as well as the
seizure onset contradicts traditional views of ictogenesis. Accord- correlation of neuronal activity with LFP events such as epileptic
ing to these views, excitation, e.g. in the form of bursting principal spikes and HFOs might offer possibilities to entertain alternative,
cells, should steadily build up until a critical mass is reached, non-canonical mechanistic models for seizure initiation in human
which then leads to uncontrolled activity in the form of a seizure epilepsy.
that dissipates and resets the accumulated excitation (Lennox,
1941). Instead, our study demonstrates that the excess burstiness
in the ipsilateral MTL is significantly reduced during the transition
to seizure. Could differences in pre-ictal synaptic input dynamics
We thank Christopher John for help with the clinical data. This
lead to reduced bursting? A characterization of input patterns that
research was supported by grants from the Volkswagen
lead to synaptically driven bursting has shown that fast oscillations
Foundation (Lichtenberg Program), the German Research Council
of input currents >100 Hz are most likely to generate bursting
(SFB 1089 and MO 930/4-1), and the European Commission (FP7
(Schindler et al., 2006). Thus, any change in spectral patterns of
602102 EPITARGET).
input that transitions out of this range might cause reduced burst-
Conflict of interest: None.
ing. This does not preclude that inputs may become more syn-
chronous in the pre-ictal period, giving rise to highly structured,
regular firing as a precursor to seizures. Appendix A. Supplementary data
Bursting could thus help to dissipate fast oscillations by pre-
venting their direct transmission and thereby reflect a seizure- Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
protective mechanism. Increased interictal occurrence of high- the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2016.08.
frequency oscillations (HFOs) has been shown to be highly specific 010.
for the seizure onset zone in patients with MTLE (Haegelen et al.,
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