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The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

Channeled By Joanna Rowan Mullane
Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
Lightarian Facilitator
Accredited by the World Metaphysical Association

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

Every year I travel to Ireland for a few weeks, it has become my home
away from home, the place I connect spiritually to the Realm of Faery.
Upon return from my trip there this last November of 2008, I received the
Faery Tree Spirit Energies but there was something missing. I heard
what seemed to be a rhyme, or a song but my mind could not decipher
the words, it was like being in a dream only to wake up and have only
flashes of a distant memory. I could not put the words onto paper. So I
waited, meditated, and asked for guidance to better hear what they
wanted to convey to me.
A few days ago, those words of this amazing Faery affirmation rhyme
came through loud and clear. Their voices are so sweet and melodic; it
puts you in that place of feeling as if you are dreaming while being
awake. Once I truly listened and stopped trying so hard to understand or
have it make sense-it then became perfectly clear. The Faeries often
speak in riddles, rhyme, and song. Nothing is exactly as it seems yet
everything is as it always has been and always will be. The Faeries want
us to remember, remember them, and remember our purpose, our place
among all that is. They are part of us, and we are part of them, eternal.
Listen, not with your ears, but with your heart, their song plays softly
throughout every fiber of our being. As we grow older, most of us, forget
that sweet song and the Faeries slowly drift back to the place that
dreams are made of to slumber hoping we may once again remember
that rhyme. We only need to believe to have them be part of our lives
once again; it is never to late to reach out to them again. It is with great
respect, love and honor, that I now share these beautiful Faery energies
with you.
May the Faeries awaken their sweet song in you now and always.

*There are no prerequisites for receiving this attunement although some

knowledge of Reiki or energy work is of course beneficial.

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

This beautiful system has no symbols associate with it. It is an
extremely visual and beautiful attunement that brings you to a Faery
Tree Grove to receive the elixir of sixteen very Sacred Faery Tree Spirits.
These sixteen tree spirit elixirs are the sixteen tree spirit empowerments
you will receive directly from the Faeries when receiving this attunement.
I will explain the procedure in the following pages but first, you must
learn about the gifts, attributes and properties of those Sacred Faery

**A Note Before Reading Further:

This attunement deals with the Spiritual Tree Spirit Essence, meaning nothing from this
energy system is poisonous or can cause you any harm. In saying that, the information I
provide about each tree contains many pieces of old Faery Folklore and Faery Remedies
and with that comes a word of caution; use common sense when it comes to actually
working with our beautiful plant kingdom. I have been an herbalist for over 13 years,
there are still some plants, a lot of them associated with the faeries, that I will not work
with due to them being highly toxic or poisonous not only to humans but especially to
young children and our beloved pets. Most all of the below trees are not poisonous except
for the Yew tree. It is still recommended to have some training to feel comfortable working
with any part of our Earths plants, herbs, and flora, if you desire to do so. I cannot be
held responsible for any misuse or use of any of the listed trees, herbs or flora mentioned
here in.

The Wood of the Oak:

Fairy Folks are in Old Oaks
A very true old British saying. The roots of the oak were believed to
extend down into the Faery Realm. The Oak was honored by the ancient
Celts and Druids as a tree of divine power. Elves and the Fae in
particular can always be found beside the oldest oaks in a grove of trees.
One of the triad of Faery Trees; the other two being the Ash and the
Hawthorn. Oak wood attributes: Ancestry, love, fertility, justice, success,
protection, strength, wisdom, and a doorway to Faery.

The Wood of the Willow:

In Ireland, Willows were said to uproot themselves at night and scare
away any lost or wandering traveler to protect the woods and its
inhabitants. Willows are almost always found near a source of water and
thus are associated with Water Elementals. The Faeries love to inspire
poets that sit beneath its branches and the Faeries use its twigs for

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

wands. Willow Tree attributes: Faery visions, fertility, healing, lunar

magick, enchantment, attracting Water Spirits, shapeshifting.

The Wood of the Rowan:

Rowan is called the Druids Tree, the Goddess Brighid, Goddess of
Smithcraft healing and poetry, has three fiery arrows made of Rowan
wood. Rowan is highly protective and protects against Faery
Enchantments. It is considered a powerful protection against being taken
by the Faeries. A Rowan wood walking stick is used for this purpose. A
green Rowan stick allows the explorer to safely enter and exit a Fairy Fort
or ancient stone circle. Wear Rowan on a hat to avoid being Faery Led.
Rowan was all-powerful against Witchcraft, harmful Faeries, and evil
influences to include the Evil Eye. Despite its protection against negative
Faery influence, if a Rowan was found growing within a Faery Fort or
Faery Ring, or by a spring or boulder, it was cherished by the Faery Folk
and humans disturbed it at their own risk. Rowan Tree attributes:
Protection, healing, attracting helpful Faeries.

The Wood of the Ash:

The Ash and the Rowan have similar properties, both are highly
protective. In some areas, solitary Ash trees were considered so sacred
(as were any solitary tree) that they were not cut down even if firewood
was scarce. Druids wands were said to be made of Ash and Bards used
their twigs to carve their Ogham symbols upon. Tradition says that it
was most loved by the Elves and is one of the Faery Triad trees, others
being the Oak and the Hawthorn. Yggdrasil, the Great World Tree, was
said to be an Ash tree. Ash Tree attributes: Communication, knowledge,
healing, protection, the World Tree, prophecy.

The Wood of Hawthorn:

One of the most sacred trees to the Faeries particularly when found
growing solitary near a Faery Hill or when the trees were found growing
in a ring of three or more. Faeries do protect their property and this tree
belongs to them. Hawthorn wood was used to feed the sacred fires of
Brighid at her shrine in Kildare, a fire that was said to burn without
producing ash. It is known as the May Tree as its lovely flowers bloom
near Beltaine/May Day, with that, it is associated with the Goddess as
well in her Spring/Summer aspect. On Beltain a libation of milk and
honey was poured over the trees roots, an offering to the Tree and the
Faeries. It is interesting that the Hawthorn is a powerful heart tonic. Our

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

connection with the Faery Realm is likewise heart related, it must be

born from a loving place within us and not from mere idle curiosity or
only to gain something in return. Hawthorn Tree attributes: Prosperity,
ancestry, fertility, Faery magick.

The Wood of the Blackthorn:

Blackthorn is native to Ireland and is a type of Wild Plum. The berries,
called sloes, are edible and taste best just after Autumn. Because it is a
thorn tree, it is sacred to the Faeries. It was considered the barbed wire
of the ancient world. The seven sons of Queen Maeve once kept a hostile
army at bay by erecting a fence made of blackthorn and briar that
protected them until her return for them. In Ireland, it was guarded by
Faeries known as Lunantishee who would not allow a stick of it to be cut
on November 11th which also was the Old Celtic Feast Day of Samhain,
and May 11th which was the old Celtic Feast day of Beltaine, when the
veil between the worlds was said to be thinnest. To do so within those
times would bring great misfortune. These two major seasons of the Old
Celtic Year, winter and summer, were times when the faeries were out
and about. (*Just a little note, my birthday is 11 November and I was
supposed to be born on Halloween. My mother told the doctor she would
NOT have a child on Halloween thus I was born on the 11th. Just an
example of how even though I was not born on the now traditional day of
Halloween, I was born on the Old Celtic day of Samhain. Oddly enough
before I even knew the woods properties, the wand I chose to use many
years ago is made from the wood of the Blackthorn. The universe always
finds a way!) Blackthorn Tree attributes: protection, warding, wisdom,
expanded awareness.

The Wood of the Birch:

The wood of the Birch has many associations with Otherworlds and the
Faery Realms. It is also associated with new beginnings. Sometimes
called The Lady of the Woods, in some other places called the White lady.
The trees glimmering silver bark was the hallmark of Faery. Birch also
has a cleansing and purification property that helps ward away evil
spirits while allowing in good spirits. Birch Tree Attributes: Rebirth,
cleansing, new beginnings.

The Wood of the Yew:

The Yew tree can live thousands of years, This fact of its growth cycle has
made Yew a powerful symbol of death, resurrection, rebirth and eternal
life. Some of the oldest trees in the world are Yews. The oldest tree in
Scotland is over 3000 years old. Yew was one of the nine sacred woods

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

used in the ritual fires of the Celts. A sprig of yew was used by dowsers
to find and locate lost objects. A type of Fairy is said to inhabit Yew
groves. They are said to be able to conjure a fairy darkness in which
unsuspecting mortals can instantly disappear into. *A note of caution:
Every part of the Yew is poisonous except for the red flesh that
surrounds the seed. Please do not experiment with this tree unless with
expert supervision. Yew tree attributes: Rebirth, adaptability, strength,
transformation, regeneration, longevity, divinity.

The Wood of the Elder:

Elder is a beloved tree of the Sidhe. It was also considered to be a
protective tree second only to the Rowan in its power to ward off evil. The
green juice of the Elder applied to the eyelids was said to give the second
sight. When so used on Halloween while standing beneath an Elder tree,
one could see the Faery retinue as it rode by-led by the King or Queen of
Faery. It is also said that drinking Elderberry wine enabled one to see the
Faeries. The trees spirit is very strong and the tree itself is thought of as
a woman called the Elder Mother. She is a powerful being who must not
be offended. The Elder Mother has also been associated with the Goddess
in her aspect of Lady of the Green World or her summer aspect of Faery
Queen. Elder Tree Attributes: Blessing, abundance, creativity,
strengthening spellwork.

The Wood of the Apple:

In many Faery legends, the Silver branch which grants access to the
Otherworlds is an apple branch. In Medieval England the apple was a
tree of enchantment. Avalon is often called the Isle of Apples which was
also a name for the British Otherworld. King Arthur was taken to Avalon
by the three Queens, or Faery Women, after his last battle. This implies
the Faeryland Otherworld was a realm of the dead but also a source of
life eternal, healing and regeneration. Apple Tree Attributes: immortality,
love, fertility, happiness.

The Wood of the Alder:

The Alder is a member of the Birch family and is though to possess
mysterious powers of to avert the evil eye. The Alder is regarded as a
Faery Tree, able to grant access to the Faery Realms. Alder being
associated with damp places, is also associated with water spirits in the
Irish tradition and especially the White Fairy Horse. Alder Tree
Attributes: Bridge to Faeryland, Divination, Protection.

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

The Wood of the Hazel:

Hazel is a sacred tree of many virtues, some being so powerful that only
the most adept healers could know its secrets. In Ireland Faery Doctors
used them to divine faery caused illnesses. Hazel and Hazelnuts were
deemed sacred by the Faeries and used for divination and prophecy. In
Ireland it was also associated with mystical knowledge and wisdom. The
Hazel was associated with the Faery Realm and allowing access to it.
Hazel Tree Attributes: Clear sight, divination, meditation, dowsing.

The Wood of the Elm:

The Elm was anciently called the Elven Tree. This is especially true for
the people of northern Europe as they consciously worked with the Elves
who guarded the burial mounds of their dead. In magickal work today
meditation with Elm aides in the development of our communication
with the Devas, the Spirits of Herbs. Through meditation with the Elm
Tree, we can also contact the elves. Elm Tree Attributes: Love, Light,
Elves, Wisdom, the Earth Elementals.

The Wood of the Beech:

The Beech tree has an amazing quality that allows us to connect deeply
with the Spirit of nature, in doing so we connect deeply to the Spirit of
Faery. It makes one aware of the magick of nature and all of its
inhabitants. Beech is regarded, as The Mother of the Woods for it is
protective and nurturing. It is associated with places of ancient wisdom
and knowledge. Beech Tree Attributes: Old Writings and knowledge,
wishes, Earth and Air Elementals.

The Wood of the Spruce:

The Spirit of the Spruce tree holds great knowledge about healing,
especially in relation to the metaphysical causes of diseases. Its spirit is
gentle and will open the doorway to the Faeries Realm in the manner
best suited to the individual. The Spruce spirit loves human company
and activity, if there is a Spruce in a yard it is the primary protector and
caretaker of the yard. Spruce Tree Attributes: Enlightenment, intuition,
power, protection.

The Wood of the Cedar:

The Cedar tree and its Spirit are both protective and healing. It also has
a sacred link to the Unicorn of the Faerie Realm-as the unicorn keeps its

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

treasures in boxes made of cedar. This spirit brings calm and balance to
emotions of the heart and can stimulate inspiring dreams and visions.
Cedar Tree Attributes: Purification, Beauty, healing, protection, wisdom.

Meeting the Faery Tree Guardian

This attunement is a visual experience and no symbols are used. I will
explain what happened to me while receiving this attunement from the
Faeries and then explain how you can use these beautiful Tree Spirit
Elixirs. The Faeries expressed that what I saw when receiving this
attunement would be the way in which they will gift the attunement to
each person receiving it, although, as attunements are often different for
each individual, you may see or experience something entirely different.
That is just fine, Faery is different for each person and you will see or
experience exactly what you are supposed to at this time on your
spiritual journey.

This attunement was passed by finding myself within a beautiful circle

Grove of Trees, sixteen sacred Faery Trees, sixteen Faeries each standing
in front of their own associated tree. In front of me were sixteen beautiful
crystal goblet glasses each filled with a shimmering silvery liquid, the
Tree Spirit Elixirs. These glasses were placed within a circle as well upon
a very large tree trunk altar. I believe the altar was once the place were a
very old oak once stood, it is now used as an altar that sits in the direct
center of this circle of trees.
Standing behind the Altar was the most beautiful and fair Faery Woman
you could ever imagine. Hair like liquid silver, a white gown that seemed
to move and shimmer like all the stars of the heavens. Her eyes as blue
as the deepest ocean depths and full of the oldest wisdom.
She asked me to approach, to not be afraid, that this was a gift for me
from Faery to share, a gift that needed to be passed on. She was the
Faery Tree Guardian, protector of all the Faery Trees. The Fairy Guardian
held up each glass one by one and first said Drink the Sprit of the Oak,
and the Faery that was standing in front of the Oak stepped forward and
smiled at me, then on to the rest of the trees, as all were gifted the same
way. The exact order will be described under the attunement process
section of this manual. After I had drank all sixteen Tree Spirit Elixirs, I
heard a song, a rhyme, rise up from within the circle of trees. I could not
tell if it was the Faeries or the trees singing, or both. It was so beautiful
and this is the last part of the attunement. When one has been attuned
to all sixteen Faery Trees, the person providing the attunement states the
Tree Affirmation aloud. After the person receives the attunement, they
too will state the affirmation aloud for themselves. This seals the

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

energies after the attunement has been given and links you to the Faery
Tree energies.

The Faery Tree Spirit Energies Attunement Process

This attunement can be sent using two methods, in person or distance.

In Person
Prepare yourself and the room in which you will be performing the
attunement. I recommend burning a Faery incense or even creating a
smudge mix of safe Faery Favorite Herbs and Flowers. Try: Rose Petals,
Lavender, Thyme, Rosemary and Sage. Light some candles, play Faerie
music, whatever makes you and the person receiving the system,
comfortable. The student does not need to do anything to prepare except
relax and be open to the energies.
When you are ready to pass the connection place your hands gently on
the students back and close your eyes focusing on your breath for a few
moments. When you feel ready to pass on the attunement say aloud:

I now wish to attune (Students Name), (Date and Time), to The Faery
Tree Spirit Energies. I ask this in his/her highest good, that they be
forever connected to the Realm of Faery and the Spirits of the Faery

When passing this attunement, please follow the order of the Faery Trees
as they are below. When you are ready state the following:

(Persons Name), I now offer you the sixteen Faery Tree Spirit Elixirs with
the Blessing of the Faery Tree Guardian.

Drink the Spirit of the Rowan

Drink the Spirit of the Beech
Drink the Spirit of the Willow
Drink the Spirit of the Birch
Drink the Spirit of the Elm
Drink the Spirit of the Apple
Drink the Spirit of the Alder
Drink the Spirit of the Hazel
Drink the Spirit of the Yew
Drink the Spirit of the Oak
Drink the Spirit of the Ash
Drink the Spirit of the Hawthorn

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

Drink the Spirit of the Elder

Drink the Spirit of the Blackthorn
Drink the Spirit of the Cedar
Drink the Spirit of the Spruce

Distance Attunement
This method is exactly the same except that you will not have your actual
student present before you physically.

Prepare yourself and your space in whatever way you feel comfortable
with. Repeat the entire process either by visualization within your minds
eye or by using a proxy (usually a stuffed animal of sorts).

The Tree Spirit Affirmation Rhyme

This needs to be read out aloud by the teacher as well as the student.

Drink of the Tree Wines under the Moons Light

Under the Rowan, the Beech, the Willow this Night
Beneath the Birch, the Elm, the Apple so Fine
Drink the Elixirs and gift of the Spirit Tree Wines
All Hail the Alder, the Hazel, the Yew
The Spirits whose numbers are now but a few
Awaken the Great Oak, the Ash and Thorn
The Light of Faery and Magick is born
Welcome our Elder Mother, Blackthorn, Cedar and Spruce
We come to the humans in search of a truce
Keep our Spirit always within your hearts
So the Magick between us may now never part

How to Use the Tree Spirit Elixirs

The Tree Spirit Elixirs are used by simply calling upon the Faeries and
calling the Tree Spirits name such as : I call upon the Spirit of Faery and
the Spirit of the Oak. You may call upon any one of the Tree Spirits to
use the essence of their properties. If you need Strength, Wisdom and
protection, call upon the Oak and ask it to fill your spirit with its elixir.
Once attuned, you may do this with any of the Faery Trees. Take the
time to get to know each and every one, as they have much to teach us.

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies

Additional Information:
Copyright Information:
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies attunement and Manual was channeled
and copyrighted by Joanna Rowan Mullane, February 2009. All artwork
is copyright Joanna Rowan Mullane.

Please respect these new energies and treat them with the beauty and
light in which they were given. You may charge for this attunement but
please do not give this system away freely on any Website or any Yahoo
Group, nor overcharge for it. It is not to be posted freely on any type of
free exchange group sites. If you are planning to provide this attunement
to others, the set price for this system is at least $19.95 U.S. dollars. I
thank you for youre understanding and respecting my time and work in
creating this manual for all to share and benefit from.

Do Not copy or altar any part of this manual in any way or leave out any
part of this manual. If you would like to translate it into another
language, please get permission from the founder, Joanna Rowan
Mullane, before doing so.

The Faery Tree Spirit Energies attunement is not associated with any
other system or manual out there that may or may not already exist.

Wishing You All Deep Peace & Light,

Joanna Rowan Mullane

Please Visit My Website at: www.earthandskyspiritreiki.com

Contact me at: earthandskyspirit@yahoo.com

Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies


Joanna Rowan Mullane 2009 All Rights Reserved. This Manual May Not be Altered In Any Way

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