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4/29/2015 Day19:BeatingWeakerOpponents21DaystoSuperchargeYourChessbyTheChessWorld.


21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess Day 19: Beating Weaker Opponents


Here is your homework that you should do after reading the chapter!

Master s Game ' : Position 19


Go through this master game, read all the comments and try to understand the basic ideas behind the moves. To
fully understand the game you might want to study it multiple times. For your convenience the PGN of this game is
attached below the diagram.

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4/29/2015 Day19:BeatingWeakerOpponents21DaystoSuperchargeYourChessbyTheChessWorld.com

1. Rb1 Let's look at the

following position that arise in
the game Carlsen Ivanchuk.
At the same time, white has
the pressure? 1... Bd3 If white
recaptures with a King than
there is no need to exchange
bishops, since the pawn on c3
takesond3:2.cd3Nd4 3. cd4
And now white has a pawn
majority on the queen's side.]
2... Rab8 Protecting the b6
blockading square b5. How
should black proceed here?
3... g5 Black starts playing
<< < + > >>
actively on the king's side,

Download PGN of this exercise.

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Tactics Lab : Homework 19


Here is your practical (tactical) exercises. Solving these problems is a very important part of the program on your
way to improve your game. Try solving them by looking on the diagram. If that is hard you can setup pieces on the
board and attempt again. Solutions are given at the bottom.

#104. Black to move and win

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#105. White to move and win

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#106. White to move and win

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#107. White to move and win

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#108. White to move and win

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#109. White to move and win

Hide Solution

#104.1Qf3 2. gxf3 (2. Kh2 Rxg2+ 3. Rxg2 Qxg2#) (2. Qd1 Rxh3#) 2Rxh3# 0-1

#105.1. Qf6 Qxe5 (1 Bg7 2. h8=Q+ Bxh8 3. Qxh8+ Ke7 4. Qxa8) (1Bxf6 2.
exf6 Ke8 3. h8=Q+ Kd7 4. Qxa8) 2. Nfxe5 Bxf6 3. Bxc6 Rc8 4. Nxf6 Kg7 5. Be81-0

#106.1. Qa3 Bd7 (1 Qxa3 2. Rd8+ Ke7 3. Re8#) (1Nf6 2. Rd8+ Ne8 3. Rxe8#)
(1g6 2. Rd8+ Kg7 3. Rxg8+ Rxg8 4. Qxe7) (1f6 2. Rd8+ Kf7 3. Be8+Qxe8 4. Nd6+) 2. Qxe7+ Nxe7 3. Bxd7 1-0

#107.1. Nd7 Bxd7 (1 Qxd7 2. Bxf6 g6 3. Qg5) (1Nh5 2. Nf6+ Nxf6 3.Bxf6 g6 4. Qg5) 2. Bxf6 g6 3. Qg5 1-0

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#108.1. Qxg6+ fxg6 (1hxg6 2. Ng5 Rfc8 3. h7+ Kf8 4. h8=R#) 2. Rg7+ Kh8 3.Ng5 Rxf6 4. exf6 Ne5 5. Rxh7+
Kg8 6. dxe5 1-0

#109.1. Be8 Rxe8 (1...Qe7 2. Qxf8+ Qxf8 3. Rxf8#) (1...Bxc5+ 2. Qxc5 Rxe8 3.Qf8+ Rxf8 4. Rxf8#) (1...Be7 2. Qf8+
Bxf8 3. Rxf8#) 2. Qxf8+ Rxf8 3. Rxf8# 1-0

Endgame Lab:Position 19

Here is your practical (tactical) exercises. Solving these problems is a very important part of the program on your
way to improve your game. Try solving them by looking on the diagram. If that is hard you can setup pieces on the
board and attempt again. Solutions are given at the end. Check them only after your complete/attempt all problems.

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#19. White to move and win

Download PGN of this exercise.

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4/29/2015 Day19:BeatingWeakerOpponents21DaystoSuperchargeYourChessbyTheChessWorld.com

1. d4 Sacrificing the pawn to

removing the defender. 1... Kd4
[1... Ke6 2. a7 Ra4 3. Nc7+
Promoting next move.] 2. a7 Ra4
3. Nc7+ Ra7 4. Nb5 Winning

<< < + > >>

GreatJob! That's it for today. You can move to the next lesson!

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2015 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by TheChessWorld com . - All Rights Reserved

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