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Modeling of hybrid systems in bipedal walker robot

Ruben D. Escandon G.

AbstractIn this article named Hybrid zero dynamics of differential equations. While the zero dynamics for a system
planar biped walkers to show as modeling a scene of robot modeled by ordinary differential equations is a well-known
that emulated the walking human named biped walker. Here and increasingly used concept, the hybrid zero dynamics is
the author give two approaches to discuss. First, he uses a model
hybrid system defining all characteristic the content its because a novel notion developed in this paper to deal with the
thus is hybrid in nature, consisting of a continuous dynamics impact map that is common in legged locomotion models.
and a reinitialization rule at the contact event. As results show The hybrid zero dynamics may be defined analogously to the
the modeling with its respectably simulations. Second, In this zero dynamics: the largest internal dynamics compatible with
paper introduce in hybrid zero dynamic the which is a novel. the output being identically zero. The central concern of the
The central concern of the paper is to establish a constructive
approach to the definition of hybrid zero dynamics resulting in paper is to establish a constructive approach to the definition of
useful controllers for robotic walking. Of the above, in this report hybrid zero dynamics resulting in useful controllers for robotic
realize more emphasis in the first part modeling hybrid model. walking. The zero dynamics of the swing phase portion of the
Finally, the authors shown results of apply a special class of model have been previously studied in [39] in the context of
output functions that used to simplify the computation of the trajectory planning and tracking for an underactuated biped.
hybrid zero dynamic and at the same time a convenient, finite
parameterization, satisfied the design the constraints that they In the paper the author uses a widely assumptions hy-
assumed for the controller for get a average-speed acceptable. potheses list for the modeling of system from several points,
dynamic, robot construction i.e. the robot use point feet and
finally the gait cycle. This with the goal has a model more
I. I NTRODUCTION simplified but detailed and precise of the robot a has guarantee

T HE biped walker is a robot that locomotes via alternation

of two legs in the sagittal plane. The models for such
robots are necessarily hybrid, it model has ordinary differential
of stability. Robot Hypotheses: The robot us assumed to be:
RH1) comprised of rigid links with mass, connected by revo-
lute joints with no closed kinematic chains;
equations to describe the motion of the robot with a only RH2) planar, with motion constrained to the sagittal plane;
leg in the ground (single support or swing phase). Also, it RH3) bipedal, with identical legs connected at a common point
has a discrete map to model the impact when the second leg called the hips;
touches the ground (double support phase). That is similar to RH4) actuated at each joint;
human movement (See Fig. 1). The complexity of the robot RH5) unactuated at the point of contact between the stance leg
dependents the quantity of degrees of freedom of the model and ground.
or degree of actuation named underactuation of the system.
Gait Hypotheses Now from the conditions of motion of the
The motivation for studying bipedal robots in particular
robot satisface a simple walking gait.
arises form diverse sociological and commercial interest, rang-
ing from the desire to replace humans inf hazardous occu- GH1) There are alternating phases of single support and double
pations (de-mining, nuclear power plants inspection, military support.
interventions, etc.) the which this objective hasnt changed. GH2) During the single support phase, the stance leg acts as
that objective already has followed with more passion because a pivot joint, that is, throughout the contact, it can be
today there is more power computational than before. In the guaranteed that the vertical component of the ground
other hand, the research thinks in the restoration of motion in reaction force is positive and that the ratio of the
the disabled for humans as prostheses, rehabilitation robotics horizontal component to the vertical component does not
etc. exceed the coefficient of static friction.
The canonical problem in bipedal robots is how to design a GH3) The double support phase is instantaneous and can be
controller that generates closed-loop motions, such as walking modeled as a rigid contact.
or running, that are periodic and stable (i.e., stable limits GH4) At impact, the swing leg neither slips nor rebounds.
cycles). In this papers, know the problem therefore they GH5) In steady state, successive phases of single support are
introduce an important improvement on the previous design symmetric with respect to the two legs.
methodology by affording a common framework for stability GH6) Walking is from left to right, so that the swing leg starts
analysis and performance enhancement the which is named from behind the stance leg and is placed strictly in front
hybrid zero dynamics. of the stance leg at impact.
The notion of hybrid zero dynamics is an extension of the Impact Model Hypotheses: As the model is composed by
notion of zero dynamics for systems described by ordinary two part the swing phase model and the impact phase. the
author gives also assumptions for this case:
Escandon G. Ruben D. Engineering Faculty, Pontificia Universi-
dad Javeriana Cali, Cali, CO 760031 COLOMBIA (e-mail: rube- IH1 The contact of the swing leg with the ground results in
nesda@javerianacali.edu.co). no rebound and no slipping of the swing leg.

IH2 At the moment of impact, the stance leg lifts from the u := (u1 ; ; uN 1 ) R(N 1) , where ui is the torque applied
ground without interaction. between the two links connected by joint-i, and there is no
IH3 The impact is instantaneous. torque applied between the stance leg and ground.
IH4 The external forces during the impact can be represented Other part in the study of dynamic of the robot is the
by impulses. impact, this occurs when when the swing leg touches the
IH5 The impulsive forces may result in an instantaneous walking surface, also called the ground. The impact between
change in the velocities, but there is no instantaneous the swing leg and the ground is modeled as a contact between
change in the configuration. two rigid bodies. The impact model accounts for the relabeling
IH6 The actuators cannot generate impulses and, hence, can of the robots coordinates that occurs after each phase of double
be ignored during impact. support. By adding Cartesian coordinates (phH , pvJ ) to the hips,
Therefore, this impact hypotheses imply total angular mo- by the method Lagrange:
mentum is conserved.
De (qe )qe + Ce (qe , qe ))qe + Ge (qe ) = Be u + Fext
II. M ODELING Solver with base in the literature where qe :=
The model considered is a planar open kinematic chain (q1 , q2 , ..., qN , phH , pvH )0 and qe := (q1 , q2 , ..., qN
, phH , pvH )0 . It
connected at a single joint called the hip, comprising two gets the expression for the reset map showed in the formal
identical open chains called the legs, and a third called the representation involve a solution with a impact hypotheses
torso. All motions will be assumed to take place in the sagittal and a equations just before and after impact
plane and consist of successive and consist of successive
phases of single and double support. The mathematical model x+ = (x )
of the biped consisting of two parts: he differential equations
describing the dynamics during the single support phase, and where x+ = (q + , q+ ) (respectively, x = (q , q )) is state
a model of the dynamics of the double support phase and value just after (respectively, just before) impact
with in order to avoid the stiffness associated with including 
q q

a second differential equation to model the rapid evolution of (x ) :=
q (q )q
the robots state at the impact time.
Then, to show the formal representation of model hybrid where q := R and
for a case of biped walker robot of three-links (See Fig. 3). In  
manner graphic the representation of hybrid model (See Fig. IN N
q (q ) := [R 0]De1 E20 F2 +
2) qs e
Q = {swing phase}
where R content the reinitialization of state variables, E2 =
X = T Qs <2
qe p2 (qe ) and F2 is a expression similar to q (q )

f (x) = fs (x) + gs (x)u

Dom(swing phase) = {qs Q, qs <N }
The results present in this work was realized with the
E = {(swing phase, swing phase)}
parameters of Table. I. is a biped of three links for simplifying
G(swing phase, swing phase) = the complexity of the report and show the behavior of hybrid
system in action (See Fig. 4). Where in each moment of
T Q|pv2 (q) = 0, ph2 (q) > 0 0}
{(q, q)
impact occur the values in positions and velocities they show
R(swing phase, swing phase, x) = x+ = (x ) a discontinues. This is because in this moment there are
relabeling of variables in this instant and the leg switched of
stance leg to swing leg.
Where x := (qs , qs )0 and qs = (q1 , q2 , q3 )0 are positions
and qs = (q1 , q2 , q3 )0 are velocities in each joint. Moreover,
the robot begin in double support, ends in double support with
the configurations of the legs swapped, and contains only one
impact event. Walking is a sequence of steps.In the part of
the field vector in the literature correspond the swing phase
model is composed by a set of matrix that result of the analyze
Lagrange in the dynamic mechanical of the robot (See Fig. 3):
x =
Ds1 (q)[Cs (q, q) q Gs (q) + Bs u)]
where the matrix Ds is the inertia matrix; Cs is the Coriolis Fig. 1. Cycle into of walking human.
matrix; Gs is the gravity vector; and Bs maps the joint torques
to generalized forces. In accordance with RH4 and RH5,

Fig. 2. Hybrid model of walking with point feet. continuous dynamics written
in state space form with switching or impact condition, and the reinitialization
rule from the impact map.

Fig. 4. Position and velocities curves for five steps in this example.
Fig. 3. Schematic indicating the definition of the generalize coordinates and
the mechanical data of a three-link bipedal robot. In (a), the model is indicated
in a set of absolute coordinates, each angle respect to the inertial frame. In
(b), the model is indicated in body coordinates where q1 and q2 are measured
relative to the body and only q3 is referenced to the inertial frame

Parameters Units Value
Torso length, l m 0.5
Leg length, r m 1.0
Torso mass, MT kg 10
Hip mass, MH kg 15
Leg mass, m kg 5
Acceleration due to gravity, g0 m/s2 9.81

This work is useful because leave to see other field where
the modeling of hybrid system is important of other manner is
very difficult solver a dynamic as in this article where there is
event which the movement fluent obligate to system to jump
to new conditions as in this work. The map impact or reset
map change the position of how leg because there are replace
of leg.
In this paper to show a scheme of controller hybrid for
control these biped model where the important is to guarantee
stability of the same in the period or steps of movement of he
Fig. 5. Forces and ratio of forces tangential over normal.

[2] E. R. Westervelt J. W. Grizzle C. Chevallereau J. H. Choi B. Morris
[1] E. R. Westervelt, J. W. Grizzle and D. E. Koditschek, Hybrid zero Feebdack Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion 2007 CRC.
dynamics of planar biped walkers, in IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 42-56, Jan 2003.

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