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Standard: CCSS.ELA-RL.4.

9 - Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics

(e.g., opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and
traditional literature from different cultures.

Culture or cultural concept: Accepting other, getting along, understanding others.

Objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast traditions in the book to their own life
with 95% accuracy.
Materials: The book an Amish Christmas by Richard Ammon, White board, dry erase makers,
Venn diagram worksheet, and pencils.
Set the Stage/Anticipatory Set:

Introduce the book an Amish Christmas to the class and tell them today we are going to
be learning about a different type of Christmas celebration. How do you celebrate Christmas?
Have you seen other ways people celebrate Christmas? (visual/ auditory)

State the Objective: Tell students today we will be comparing and contrasting our own
Christmas traditions to that of others.

New Information/Input &Model

Show students the book so they can see front cover (visual)
Tell them to remember the characters Christmas traditions as you read.
Read the book an Amish Christmas to the students. (auditory)

Guided Practice

Draw Venn diagram on the board two overlapping circles writing my Christmas
traditions on the right side, similarities in the middle, and Amish traditions on the
left side (visual)
Explain to students what the Venn diagram is for in this case comparing and
contrasting traditions/events from the book to traditions/events in ones life.
Ask them to copy the Venn diagram from the board to a sheet of paper (Tactile)
On the board do an example of your own tradition a similarity and an Amish
tradition explain what you are doing and why (visual/ auditory)

Independent Classroom Practice

Ask students to continue the Venn diagram until they have reached three of their
own traditions, three Amish traditions, and three similarities. (auditory)
Ask student not to copy examples on the board (auditory)
Them allow the students time to finish their Venn diagrams(tactile)

Topic Review/Closure: Close with a class discussion on what they learned about Amish

Evaluation: Teacher checks Venn diagram making sure traditions from the book are there and
correct, similarities are there, and self-traditions are there and that they compared and contracted
the traditions correctly.

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