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Individual Education Plan

Student- Johny Jablonski DOB- 10-09-2005 School- Nixon Elementary

Student identification number- 741776 Enrollment- Current school year

Teacher- Mr. Serrano Environment- General classroom setting.

Current grade- 4 Gender- male Ethnicity- Caucasian

Address- 1642 Ocean Blue Avenue, Santa Maria, Fla.

Legal guardian- Mrs. Juanita Jablonski (mother) and Tina Mendoza (grandmother).

Emergency contact- Juanita Jablonski (777)227-1976

Primary disability- Emotional disturbance Secondary disability- ADHD

Current performance

Wechsler Intelligence scale

1. Verbal comprehension-105 average
2. Perceptual-95 average
3. Reasoning-84 below average
4. Working memory-82 below average
5. Processing speed- 94 average


Annual goals:

Reading- Johny will have a reading goal set to increase his vocabulary and reading

comprehension. Johny is currently at a pace of four new vocabulary words a week as

opposed to his classmates who average ten a week. Johny will have an annual goal of

eight new vocabulary words a week and a reading comprehension level that is at least 80

percent of his fellow student.

Math- Johny has a failing math grade. He tends to be distracted and has difficulty paying

attention during mathematical process. Our projected goal for Johny is to allow him time

to review the lesson at a pace that is not boring and raise his math scores to a minimum

of 80 percent of his peers.

Behavioral goals- The behavioral goals will be set towards creating an environment of

acceptance and socialization for Johny. As his grades improve less academic frustration

will alleviate some aggressive tendencies. We want to promote communicative

development through group work and team projects so as to socialize Johny with other

students and teach appropriate ways of dealing with stress. We will aim towards behavior

modification by implementing physical activity in each lesson to reduce the amount of

distracting behavior and to satisfy the limited attention span that causes Johny to act

outwardly aggressively.

Participation with typical students:

Johny will participate in a general education class room. He will be expected to be

involved with group learning activities, team projects and partnering up for art and

recreational activities as well. This student will not need any additional instruction

outside of the standard class room curriculum.


Johny has difficulty in social settings and is prone to aggressive language and action.

At times Johny displays a limited attention span, disruptive behavior and internal

frustration that distracts him from learning tasks. Other functional attributes seem to be

at suggested norms. Tying shoe laces, using the lavatory and other daily functioning are

all at adequate levels for his age group. Johny appears to be shy and reserved in front of

peer groups, experiences social anxiety when in front of the class room and typically

lashes out at other students and authority figures.

Johnys current aptitudes include art and writing that uses his creative imagination however he has difficulty reading
due to his tendency towards being easily distracted and can stray off topic and subject matter of the

curriculum being addressed.

Participation in state and district wide assessments:

This student will participate in the standard state and district assessment testing with an

adjustment to the time scheduling as more time will be needed to complete these

assessments. Headphones will be provided to lesson distraction and a transparent plastic

colored focus sheet will be provided during testing for maximum clarity.

Special education and related services:

Johny will be allowed period water breaks at intervals of twice each lesson. He will be

provided with a stress ball to help him release tension in a healthy manner. His desk will

be equipped with a squishy cushion to sit on and colored transparencies to be placed over

the written lesson to help him focus on pages. Johny will be allowed to take the

appropriate medications for both his ADHD and behavioral disorder according to a

doctors recommended dosage and time schedule. If any special counseling session is

needed to provide Johny with additional psychological therapy it will take place after or

before the regular school day schedule, preferably in the company of a guardian and will

last no longer than 20 minutes as to accommodate his attention deficiency.

Dates and Places:

The initiation of services will begin Dec 1st 2014

Location- R.M. Nixon Elementary School general class room setting

Services will take place as needed in the class room until the next review of progress at

which time either the proper adjustment to services will be made and continued or unless

it is determined through evaluation that services are no longer required.

Measuring progress

Johnys progress will be evaluated annualy and also quarterly. All progress will reports will be sent to the
parent/guardian at home address provided and also in person (according to parent availability) quarterly as part of
the evaluation short term bench marks.

Individual Education Plan

Hazard County School District
1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter
4th quarter
Improvement in basic math skills. Shows additional progress in story problems.

Group work has shown progress in cognition and helped attention span.

Marked improvements in behavior. There is still aggressive verbal communication issues.

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