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Sixth Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Mr. Dallas
Course Description: This class will trace the impact of world events from the last century and early part of this century.
The course will focus on the Western and Eastern history. It will draw connections from the past to the present through
the use of Current Events. Writing skills, map skills, and independent research will be emphasized in this course to help
develop critical thinking skills.
Course Objectives:
1. Analyze how events are related over time.
2. Assess the credibility of primary and secondary sources.
3. Formulate questions based on information needs.
4. Use effective strategies for locating information.
5. Summarize information in written, graphic, and oral formats.
Class Expectations: I expect each student to follow the classroom rules and show respect to the teacher and all
other classmates. I expect assignments to be completed by their due date. I have designed this class so that
every student who puts in effort has ample opportunity to succeed. Remembering this simple equation will
serve you well EFFORT=SUCCESS.

Class Rules: Students must arrive to class on time, be respectful towards everyone in class and do not speak
when others are speaking. There is no space for intolerance in this class. Leave all negativity at the door. Our
classroom is a place where all students have the right to learn in a safe and positive environment.


Students who are disrupting the class in any way will have their name written on the board as a warning. If the
disruption continues during that same class, the student will get a check next to their name. This means that the
student will have a lunch detention the NEXT school day. If the disruption continues after that, the student will
get two checks and will have an after school detention the NEXT day. If a student would like to know why they
got their name on the board, they may ask at the END of class, as they have already taken enough time from the
rest of the class. Parents will be contacted if a student receives a lunch or an after-school detention.

Class Needs: Pen or pencil, folder or binder to hold handouts and a notebook
Course Topics:
Early Humankind
The Worlds Early People (Paleolithic and Neolithic periods)
Ancient River Valley Civilizations
Indus Valley
Classical Civilizations
Reading: Our course textbook is Harcourt Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations and the accompanying
workbook. You will be reading from this book, workbook and supplemental reading packets often. Questions
will accompany all readings and must be completed by due dates. If you have not read the book it will become
apparent through class discussions and homework assignments! Once again, if you put in the EFFORT in the
readings and homework, you will receive SUCCESSFUL
- Alternative Assignments (Will
grades. have Individual Rubrics)
o PowerPoints
Policy: Right off the bat, I should have you know that I don't
give grades students to earn grades. o Research Papers
o Oral Presentations
My grading policy is as follows: Debates
-Tests--40% Tests, Projects, Writing, & Portfolios Speech
-Quizzes--25% PowerPoints
-Classwork and Participation--15% Daily Reviews, o Maps
Assignments, and Behavior o Charts/ Graphs
-Homework--20% o Novel Journal Writing

Each chapter will typically be broken into three to four homework assignments. All homework needs to
be handed in by due dates. Homework accepted late will get half credit.
WARNING: Plagiarism will result in a 0.

Assessment: Reading comprehension assignments will usually be graded on a ten-point scale.

Homework = 10 Points
Quizzes are usually = 10-20 points
Essay = 50 points
Tests = 50 Points

*As the teacher I reserve the right to change the amount an assignment is worth.

Each student should have two copies of their syllabus and grading information/ expectations, one will be
brought home and signed by one of your parental guardians which will imply that they have read and
agree to everything that was covered in this syllabus and all grading policies. Please return these to ME
Parental Guardian: ________________________________________________
The foresaid student (please check only one of the following):

_________ will be able to access the internet at home to complete assignments.

_________ will not be able to access the internet at home to complete assignments.

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