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University of New South Wales School of Mathematics is identical in all four cases: really, only the notation is different.

MATH2601 Higher Linear Algebra seems clear that we are missing something important if we insist on
regarding them as calculations belonging to four unrelated topics.
1. GROUPS, FIELDS AND ABSTRACT ALGEBRA Here are a few of the many algebraic structures which have been
found useful in modern mathematics.
Introduction. An important development in mathematics since the A vector space describes the situation where we know how to
middle of the nineteenth century has been the realisation that, to some add objects and how to multiply objects by numbers. I put the
extent, the properties of mathematical objects can be studied without words add and multiply in quotation marks because there is no re-
reference to the specific identity of those objects. You have already be- quirement that these operations have their conventional meanings. The
gun to take this approach in learning about vector spaces. For example, numbers, or scalars, involved in a vector space must form a field (see
the following result is true in any vector space V . below). You have studied various examples of vector spaces in firstyear
mathematics. One which you have probably not seen, but which is very
Theorem. If the vectors v1 , . . . , vn are linearly dependent then
important in certain areas of number theory, is the set
one of them can be written as a linear combination of the others.

It makes no difference at all here whether the vectors we are talking S = x + y 5 x, y Q ,
about are arrows drawn in a plane, 3 4 matrices, polynomials or
something else; whether the scalars are real numbers, complex numbers, with the scalar field being Q, the set of rational numbers. Exercise.
or a different field; whether addition means lining up the tip of one Check that this is indeed a vector space by confirming that the vector
vector with the tail of another or some kind of algebraic operation: the space axioms hold.
property is true regardless of the type of vectors it refers to. A field may be thought of as a set of numbers within which we
There are two principal reasons why the abstract algebraic approach can add, subtract, multiply and divide, with the usual exception that
is fruitful. One is simply economy. It would make very little sense to we cannot divide by zero. Important examples are Q, R and C. If you
prove the above theorem for arrow vectors, then do it all over again are taking MATH2400 you will learn about finite fields and their use in
for 3 4 matrices, yet again for polynomials, and so on, when we can constructing errorcorrecting codes.
just do it once for all. The other is that by using abstract methods The set S above can also be thought of as a field! Certain problems
we can concentrate our attention on what is actually important in our of number theory require us to multiply together, or, conversely, to
algebraic problems and gain a deeper understanding of the issues. For factorise elements of sets such as S. On the other hand, a number of
example, the arithmetic involved in evaluating basic facts about S are best understood by ignoring the multiplication
and viewing S as a vector space over the field of rational scalars. The
(1, 2, 3, 5) + 2(3, 1, 4, 2) interaction between these two points of view proves to be immensely
1 2 3 1 Observe that the set of integers is not a field because it is not always
and +2
3 5 4 2 possible to divide integers.
and (1 + 2t 3t2 + 5t3 ) + 2(3 t + 4t2 2t3 ) In a group only one operation is considered. Groups are of great
significance in the study of symmetry, and this leads to applications
and (1 + 2i, 3 + 5i) + 2(3 i, 4 2i) in quantum theory and the classification of subatomic particles. One

1 2
can also use group theory to investigate the solvability of algebraic and it looks just like a + b, a b and so on, notations with which we are very
differential equations, and, in particular, to show that an arbitrary poly- familiar. And indeed, this is the general idea we are talking about
nomial of degree 5 or more cannot be solved by any method analogous some kind of rule which takes two elements of a set and returns an
to the quadratic formula. element of the set. However, you should always remember what a binary
Roughly speaking, a ring is a set within which we can add, subtract operation really is: a function (with certain constraints on the domain
and multiply, but where division may not always be possible. Typical and codomain).
examples are Z, the set of integers, and Zm , the set of integers modulo Exercise. For each of the following, find (if possible) a set on which it
m. Another is the set is a binary operation, and a set on which it is not a binary operation.
 arithmetic: +, , , , quotient, remainder;
R = x + y 5 x, y Z ,
set operations: , , complement;
which is closely related to the vector space (and field) S mentioned on functions: composition, inverse;
page 2. vectors: dot product, cross product.
Finally, a module is in effect (almost) the same as a vector space,
except that the scalars need only form a ring and not necessarily a Groups. There are certain properties which are shared by a large num-
field. So, for example, we cannot have a vector space with (only) integer ber of the binary operations in the above examples (as well as many
scalars, but we can have a module with integer scalars. In the most properties which are not). Three of the most important are taken to
useful case, the only difference between a module and a vector space define a group.
is that in a module we cannot divide scalars. However, this lack has Definition. A group (G, ) consists of a nonempty set G and a binary
surprisingly deep consequences: to give just one example, the vector operation on G for which the following properties, known as the group
space theorem quoted on page 1 is not true in a module! Exercise. axioms, are satisfied.
Recall (or look up) the proof of this theorem, and explain where it goes 1. Associativity. For all a, b, c G we have (a b) c = a (b c).
wrong in a module.
2. Identity element. There exists an element e of G such that for all
a G we have a e = a and e a = a.
Binary operations. Recall that the Cartesian product of two sets
A, B is the set of all ordered pairs with first element belonging to A and 3. Inverses. For each a in G there is an element b of G such that
a b = e and b a = e.
second belonging to B, that is,
A B = { (a, b) | a A and b B } . In some sources you will find another axiom, that of closure: for all
a, b G we have ab G. We do not need to take this as a separate
Definition. A binary operation on a set A is a function from A A axiom, since it is part of what we mean by a binary operation on
to A. G. Nevertheless, note carefully that part of proving something
The function which constitutes a binary operation is usually given is a group is to check that the proposed binary operation really
a special symbol rather than a letter name: thus, instead of f (a, b) is a binary operation on the given set.
we would write something like (a, b). However, this still looks pretty We did not actually need to say that G is nonempty, as we have
mystifying, so instead of (a, b), what we will actually write is a b: now specified in axiom 2 that G has at least one element.

3 4
Definition. A group (G, ) is called abelian Examples of groups.
if it satisfies the following axiom. 1. If + denotes ordinary addition of integers, then (Z, +) is a group.
4. Commutativity. For all a, b G we have 2. Let denote ordinary multiplication.
a b = b a.
Explain why (Z, ) is not a group.
Notation and terminology. If G is the interval ( 12 , 2 ), explain why (G, ) is not a group.
We will use various notations for the group Find some wellknown sets G such that (G, ) is a group.
operation. You need to be absolutely clear Niels Henrik Abel 3. Let m be a positive integer. Then the set Zm = { 0, 1, . . . , m 1 }
that conventional symbols do not repre- (18021829)
is a group under addition modulo m.
sent standard operations, unless we say so. Instead of a b we will
4. The set Zm is not a group under multiplication modulo m. However,
sometimes write a + b (which might not mean addition), or a b or
if we define
ab (which might not mean multiplication), or even a $ b if we feel
like it (probably not).
Um = { a Z | 1 a m and gcd(a, m) = 1 } ,
We will not use the symbol + unless the group is abelian; with other
symbols, the group may be abelian or not. then Um is a group under multiplication modulo m. It is called
The inverse of an element a will usually be written as a1 . Be the (multiplicative) group of units modulo m. For example,
sure to read this correctly as a inverse if you say a to the { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } is a group under multiplication modulo 7, while
minus one then you are implicitly assuming that the operation is { 1, 3, 7, 9 } is a group under multiplication modulo 10.
multiplication, and this is likely to lead you into all sorts of errors. Exercise. Is { 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 } a group under multiplication modulo
If the group operation is written + , we shall often write 0 instead 10? What about { 2, 4, 6, 8 }?
of e for the identity and a instead of a1 for the inverse. 5. The set F of all bijective functions f : R R is a group under
We shall need notations for repeated operations. Usually, if n is a composition of functions. Recall that composition is often written
positive integer, we shall write an to denote a a a, where the with the symbol and is defined by
expression contains n copies of a. We shall also define a0 = e (think
about it this should make sense) and an = a1 a1 a1 . (f g)(x) = f (g(x))
If the group operation is written as +, then we shall normally write
na to denote a+a+ +a, rather than an . Note carefully that what for all x. Note that this group is nonabelian; all of our previous
we have here is repeated addition. It is not multiplication: there examples have been abelian.
is only one operation in a group, and if the operation is addition, 6. Let G = { x R | 1 < x < 1 }. For any x, y G define
then multiplication is meaningless!
Strictly speaking, a group must be a pair (G, ) consisting of a set xy = ,
1 + xy
and an operation. However, we shall often say the group G if
the specific meaning of is understood (or irrelevant). Sometimes where the addition, multiplication and division on the right hand
instead of (G, ) is a group we shall say G is a group under . side are the standard operations with real numbers. Then is a
An abelian group may be referred to as a commutative group. binary operation on G, and (G, ) is a group.

5 6
Exercise in notation. In the given group, evaluate a4 , where which fits exactly into the hole. Exercise. If we remove the square
the group is (Z, +) and a = 7; from the hole, in how many ways can it be replaced?
the group is Z11 as in example 3 above, and a = 7; We can describe a removalandreplacement of the square by
means of a function , where (k) is the location after the move of
the group is U11 as in example 4, and a = 7;
the vertex of the square which was in location k before the move.
the group is F from example 5, and a is 2x 3; For example, a rotation through a right angle anticlockwise is given
the group is G from example 6, and a = 21 . by
(1) = 2 , (2) = 3 , (3) = 4 , (4) = 1 ,
Basic properties of groups. In order to work seriously with groups,
the first thing we need to do is to expand our knowledge base beyond often written as 1 2 3 4
the three facts which we have at this stage. = .
Lemma. Basic properties of groups. Let (G, ) be a group. Similarly, a reflection about the diagonal joining vertices 1 and 3 is
1. Uniqueness of identity. There is only one identity element in G. given by
1 2 3 4
2. Uniqueness of inverses. Each element of G has only one inverse. = .
3. Inverse of an inverse. For each a G we have (a1 )1 = a.
The natural operation with functions of this type is to perform
4. Inverse of a product. For all a, b G we have (a b)1 = b1 a1 . one move followed by another: we write for the move we get
5. Cancellation. Let a, b, c G. If ab = ac then b = c, and if ba = ca by performing on the result of . (Note carefully the order of
then b = c. operations it may seem strange but the reason will soon become
Proof. We prove the first and leave the others as exercises. Suppose clear.) For example, we have
that G has identity elements e and f . Then 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
= and =
2143 4321
e=ef because f is an identity
=f because e is an identity. and (which should be obvious)
1 2 3 4
So there is only one identity, and this completes the proof. 4 = .
Examples, continued. In fact, a little thought will show that the operation we are de-
7. Is R3 a group under the cross product? scribing is just composition of functions (this is why we denote
8. Consider the operation x y = y on the 2element set S = { 0, 1 }. followed by by and not ); and that the set of all possible
Note that for all a in S we have 0 a = a, and for any a we can moves of the square is
take b = 0 giving a b = 0. It is clear that is associative. Is (S, )
G = { e, , 2 , 3 , , , 2 , 3 } ;
a group?
9. Consider a piece of cardboard having a square hole, the corners of and that G is a group under composition. It can be regarded as
the hole being labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 in anticlockwise order, and a square a group of bijections (not the group of all bijections, however) on

7 8
{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, and is called the group of symmetries of the square Comment. If S is a (nonempty) finite subset of G, then closure alone
or the dihedral group D8 . will guarantee that S is a subgroup of G. (Exercise!)
If we go back to our original situation and add another rule by
Examples, continued.
saying that we are not allowed to turn the square over, then the
allowable moves are just { e, , 2 , 3 }, which forms the group of 12. For any nonnegative integer m, write mZ for the set of all (integer)
rotations of the square. multiples of m. Then mZ is a subgroup of (Z, +). Conversely, every
subgroup of Z is equal to mZ for some m.
Exercise. Assuming that we have convinced ourselves that com-
position is a binary operation on G, the element must be one of If m1 | m2 , then m2 Z is a subgroup of m1 Z.
the eight elements listed above. Which one? 13. The set C of nonzero complex numbers is a group under multi-
10. Other geometric objects have symmetry groups too. The symme- plication. For any positive integer m, the set of all complex mth
tries of a regular ngon can be treated in the same way as above, roots of 1 is a subgroup of C .
and we get the dihedral group D2n . A circle has infinitely many 14. For any positive integer n, the set of all invertible real nn matrices
symmetries; we can write its symmetry group as forms a group under matrix multiplication. It is often denoted
GL(n, R) and is called the general linear group of degree n over
{ | 0 < 2 } { | 0 < } , R. It has many important subgroups, including
where is an anticlockwise rotation through an angle about the the special linear group SL(n, R) of n n real matrices with
centre of the circle, and is a reflection about the diameter which determinant 1;
makes an angle with the horizontal. Exercise. Express in the orthogonal group O(n) of n n orthogonal matrices;
terms of 0 and a rotation. the special orthogonal group SO(n) = SL(n) O(n) of n n
11. Let S = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } and let G be the set of all bijections f : S S. orthogonal matrices with determinant 1.
Then G is a group under composition of functions; the reasons for
this are essentially the same as in example 5. (In fact, the set of Returning to example 4, lets consider in particular U5 = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
bijections on any set will form a group.) and U10 = { 1, 3, 7, 9 }. Remember that these are groups under the op-
erations of multiplication modulo 5 and modulo 10 respectively. Instead
Observe that the bijections of S include the symmetries of the of actually doing the multiplication, we could simply write out all the
square (example 9), which in turn include the rotations of the results in tables.
square. This leads into our next topic.
1 2 3 4 1 3 7 9
Definition. Let (G, ) be a group, and let S be a nonempty subset of
G. If (S, ) is a group, then we say that S is a subgroup of G. 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 3 7 9
2 2 4 1 3 3 3 9 1 7
Lemma. Let (G, ) be a group and let S be a nonempty subset of G. 3 3 1 4 2 7 7 1 9 3
The S is a subgroup of G if and only if the following conditions hold.
4 4 3 2 1 9 9 7 3 1
1. Closure under . For all a, b S we have a b S.
2. S contains inverses. For all a S we have a1 S. If we take the group table for U5 and relabel the elements 1, 2, 3, 4 as
Proof. Exercise. 1, 3, 7, 9 respectively we obtain precisely the table for U10 . We say that

9 10
these two groups are isomorphic: the concept is similar to isomorphism Definition. Let G and H be groups with operations and respec-
of graphs, which some of you have met in MATH1081 Discrete Mathe- tively. A homomorphism from G to H is a function : G H with
matics. The idea is that in many situations, the actual identity of group the property that
elements is unimportant and the only thing that matters is how they (a b) = (a) (b)
relate to each other. From this point of view we can regard these groups for all elements a, b of G. An isomorphism is a bijective homomor-
as being the same. phism. The groups G and H are said to be isomorphic, written G
= H,
Consider the group table for Z4 , recalling that in this case the oper- if there exists an isomorphism between them. The kernel and image
ation will be addition modulo 4. If we write the elements in the obvious of a homomorphism : G H are the sets
order, the table does not look quite like those above; but the order in
which we list the elements is not important, and if we change the or- ker = { a G | (a) = f } and im = { (a) | a G } ,
der then we see that once again we have a relabelling of the same where f is the identity element of H.
Lemma. Properties of homomorphisms. Let be a homomorphism
+ 0 1 2 3 + 0 1 3 2 from (G, ) to (H, ). Write the identity elements of G and H as e and
0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 3 2 f , respectively. Then
1 1 2 3 0 1 1 2 0 3 1. identities map to identities, that is, (e) = f ;
2 2 3 0 1 3 3 0 2 1 2. inverses map to inverses: for all a G we have (a1 ) = (a)1 ;
3 3 0 1 2 2 2 3 1 0 3. ker is a subgroup of G;
4. im is a subgroup of H;
So, what is a relabelling? In effect, it is a function, and more specifi- 5. is onetoone if and only if ker = { e };
cally a bijection: to show that Z4 and U10 are isomorphic we may rely 6. if is an isomorphism then the inverse function 1 : H G is
on the bijection from Z4 to U10 given by also an isomorphism.
Proof. We prove the first and fourth results and leave the others as
(0) = 1 , (1) = 3 , (2) = 9 , (3) = 7 . exercises. For the first, the defining property of homomorphisms gives

The fact that the tables turn out to be the same means that if we take (e) = (e e) = (e) (e) ,
a true statement such as 1 = 2 + 3 and relabel it to get 3 = 9 7, then that is, (e)f = (e)(e); and then by cancellation we have (e) = f .
the latter statement is also true. That is,
For the fourth part, let c1 , c2 be elements of im . By definition we
have c1 = (a1 ), c2 = (a2 ) for some a1 , a2 G and hence
2 + 3 relabelled equals 2 relabelled times 3 relabelled ,
c1 c2 = (a1 ) (a2 ) = (a1 a2 ) im ;
or symbolically so im is closed under . If c im , say c = (a), then the second
(2 + 3) = (2) (3) . property in this lemma gives
This prompts the following definition. c1 = (a)1 = (a1 ) im .

11 12
By the subgroup lemma (page 9), im is a subgroup of H. Cyclic groups form in many respects the simplest class of groups,
but they are nevertheless very important. Among other things,
Lemma. Isomorphism is an equivalence. The relation
= between every finite abelian group can be written in terms of cyclic groups.
groups is an equivalence relation, that is,
16. Consider U8 , the group of units modulo 8.
1. it is reflexive: for any group G we have G = G;
2. it is symmetric: for any groups G, H, if G 1 3 5 7
= H then H
= G;
H and H 1 1 3 5 7
3. it is transitive: for any groups G, H, K, if G = = K then

G = K. 3 3 1 7 5
5 5 7 1 3
Examples, continued. 7 7 5 3 1
15. Let m be a positive integer and consider the set
This is not isomorphic to Z4 . One way to see this would be to
Cm = { e, a, a2 , a3 , . . . , am1 } ; consider all 24 bijections from U8 to Z4 and show that none of them
satisfies the definition of a homomorphism; another way would be to
here a is regarded as an undefined symbol. We define an operation cut down the feasible bijections by using the lemma properties of
on Cm by specifying that a0 = e and homomorphisms, page 12. An even better way would be to observe
 that if we calculate a a for all a U8 , we get the same answer four
k l ak+l if k + l < m times, whereas if we do likewise in Z4 we get two answers twice each.
a a =
ak+lm otherwise. Therefore the two groups are genuinely different, and neither can
be regarded as a relabelling of the other. To put this argument
In effect, we are multiplying powers in the usual way, with the rule more formally, suppose that there is an isomorphism : U8 Z4 .
that am = e. It is not hard to show that Cm is a group under this In U8 the products
multiplication; it is called the cyclic group of order m.
1 1, 3 3, 5 5, 77
Observe that the group of complex mth roots of unity (example 13)
can be regarded as a relabelling of Cm : replace e by 1 and a by are all the same; therefore
e2i/m . More formally, we may check that the function
(1 1) , (3 3) , (5 5) , (7 7)
k 2ki/m
: Cm { mth roots of unity } , (a ) = e are all the same in Z4 . By the homomorphism property, this means
is an isomorphism. In fact, the bijection
(1) + (1) , (3) + (3) , (5) + (5) , (7) + (7)
: Z m Cm , (k) = a are all the same in Z4 . But is a bijection and therefore (1), (3),
(5), (7) are equal to 0, 1, 2, 3, possibly in a different order; so in
shows that Zm is also isomorphic to Cm : this should not be sur- Z4 the elements
prising, since when we compute products in Cm , all we are really
doing is adding integers modulo m. 0 + 0, 1 + 1, 2 + 2, 3+3

13 14
are all the same. But these elements are 0, 2, 0, 2 which are clearly elements in a group; yet it turns out that for any group G with a finite
not all the same, and we have a contradiction. number of elements, there is a stringent restriction on the number of
Observe from this and page 11 that the groups of units modulo 5 and elements in a subgroup of G. This is one of the most fundamental facts
10 are isomorphic to cyclic groups, but the group of units modulo about subgroups.
8 is not. It is a difficult question in number theory to determine
Theorem. Lagranges Theorem. If G is a finite group and H is a
(with proof) which of the groups Um are cyclic.
subgroup of G, then |H| is a factor of |G|.
17. The function : U8 Z4 defined by
Proof. We shall use multiplicative notation. For any a G we define
the left coset of H by a to be
(1) = (3) = 0 , (5) = (7) = 2
aH = { ah | h H } .
is a homomorphism, but not an isomorphism.
18. Consider relativistic motion in one dimension, and choose units so We shall prove that
that the speed of light is taken to be 1. Suppose that an observer every element of G is in one of the cosets of H;
in one reference frame sees an event occurring at position x, time t. no element is in two different cosets;
Suppose also that a second observer, who is moving with velocity any coset has the same number of elements as H.
v relative to the first, finds the same event to occur at position x ,
It will then follow that the cosets split G into a number of sets of size
time t . Then we have
|H|, and so |G| is a multiple of |H|.
  1  The first part is straightforward. Let g G; since H is a subgroup
x , t = fv x, t = x vt, t vx .
1v 2 of G it contains e, and so the coset gH contains ge; that is, g is an
element of gH.
The 2dimensional Lorenz group consists of the set of functions
Next, suppose that an element g of G is in both a1 H and a2 H.
Then g = a1 h1 = a2 h2 for certain elements h1 , h2 of H. Suppose that
L = { fv | 1 < v < 1 }
k a1 H; then k = a1 h for some h H and so
under the operation of composition. Exercise. Prove that L is a k = a1 h = (a2 h2 h1 1
1 )h = a2 (h2 h1 h) .
group. For those who are interested in such things: why did we
impose the restriction 1 < v < 1? Would you expect (on physical But h2 h1
1 h is in H and so k a2 H. This shows that a1 H a2 H; by
grounds) the group to be abelian? Check your answer algebraically. a similar argument we have a2 H a1 H, and so a1 H = a2 H. Therefore
The group L is isomorphic to one of the groups in previous exam- g is not in two different cosets.
ples, and also to another very familiar group. Exercise. Identify Finally, if H has elements h1 , h2 , . . . , hm then the left coset aH has
(with proof) these groups. elements ah1 , ah2 , . . . , ahm ; and all these elements are distinct, because

ahi = ahj hi = hj
Lagranges Theorem. One of the fascinating things about group the-
ory is that a tiny set of axioms entails an immense range of consequences. (cancellation property, page 7). Therefore aH has the same number of
For instance, the axioms say nothing (explicitly) about the number of elements as H. As explained previously, this completes the proof.

15 16
Example to illustrate the above proof. Let G = U7 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } which is not equal to any of the left cosets: thus left and right cosets
and H = { 1, 2, 4 }. It is easy to check that H is a subgroup of G. The are not the same. On the other hand, K = { e, , 2 , 2 } is also
left cosets of H are a subgroup of G, but the left and right cosets of K are the same.
(Exercise. Check this if you think carefully, there is a very simple
1H = { 1, 2, 4 } ; 2H = { 2, 4, 1 } ; reason why it is true.)
3H = { 3, 6, 5 } ; 4H = { 4, 1, 2 } ; It turns out that subgroups for which left and right cosets coincide
5H = { 5, 3, 6 } ; 6H = { 6, 5, 3 } ; are especially important, and this leads into the topic of quotient
we can see that each coset has the same number of elements as H, and
that different cosets do not overlap. There are only two different cosets, Fields. Roughly speaking, a field is a set of numbers within which we
which between them make up all of U7 . So the number of elements in can add, subtract, multiply and divide, except for division by zero, in
G is twice the number in H. accordance with sensible rules. More precisely:
Another example: consider the group G = { e, , 2 , 3 , , , 2 , 3 } Definition. A field is a (nonempty) set F with two binary operations
of symmetries of the square. It has a subgroup (check! ) H = { e, } addition, denoted +, and multiplication, denoted by or juxtaposition,
whose cosets are such that the following properties hold.
eH = { e, } , H = { , } , 2 H = { 2 , 2 } , 3 H = { 3 , 3 } 1. Associativity of addition. For all a, b, c in F we have (a + b) + c =
a + (b + c).
(check this too); thus G is made up of four cosets, each having 2 ele- 2. Commutativity of addition. For all a, b in F we have a + b = b + a.
ments. 3. Zero element. There exists an element 0 of F such that if a F
then a + 0 = a.
4. Negatives. For each element a of F there is an element b of F such
If we used additive notation we would write a coset of H as a + H.
that a + b = 0. (We usually denote this element by a.)
You can visualise this as a translation of H: think of the cosets as
being a collection of parallel planes which between them fill up all of 5. Associativity of multiplication. If a, b, c F then (ab)c = a(bc).
R3 . Notice that only one of these planes will contain the origin and 6. Commutativity of multiplication. If a, b F then ab = ba.
will therefore be a subspace of R3 ; in the same way, only one coset
7. Multiplicative identity. There exists a nonzero element 1 of F such
(namely, H itself) will contain the identity and will be a subgroup
that if a F then 1a = a.
of G.
8. Multiplicative inverses. For each nonzero a in F there is an element
We may also define right cosets Ha = { ha | h H }. In the
b of F such that ab = 1. (We usually denote this element by a1 .)
example involving U7 , left cosets and right cosets are the same; and
it is not hard to see that this will always be the case in an abelian 9. Distributive law. For all a, b, c in F we have a(b + c) = ab + ac.
group. However in the group G of symmetries of the square, one of
the right cosets of H is Comments.
Notice that we have slipped into axiom 7 the requirement that 1 6= 0:
H = { , } this is to rule out the trivial case of a oneelement field F = { 0 }.

17 18
The first four axioms state that (F, +) is an abelian group, the next multiplication modulo 5. The only special thing about 5 in this
four that (F { 0 }, ) is an abelian group. Because of this, we example is that it is prime; in fact, if p is any prime then Zp forms
immediately have results such as (a) = a and the cancellation a field.
laws. There are finite fields with pk elements, where p is prime and k is a
As we mentioned with reference to groups on page 4, we have omit- positive integer; however (warning!) these fields do not consist of
ted the closure axioms for addition and multiplication (stated in the integers modulo pk , unless k = 1. It can be shown that there
some sources) because for us they are part of the definition of a are no finite fields except for these.
binary operation. However, these properties must be checked in The finite field with pk elements is often referred to as a Galois
order to prove that a given structure is a field. field and notated GF(pk ).
Examples. Definition. Further operations in a field. Let a, b be elements of a field
1. You are already familiar with the fields Q = { rational numbers }, F. We define the operations of subtraction and division by
R = { real numbers } and C = { complex numbers }.
2. Properties of certain kinds of fields are extremely important in num- a b = a + (b) and a b = a/b = ab1 ,
ber theory. For any real or complex number we define Q() to
provided in the latter case that b 6= 0. Note that strictly speaking,
be the smallest field which contains Q as a subset and also has
division is not a binary operation on F.
as an element. It can be shown that
 Properties of addition and multiplication (separately) in a field follow, by
Q 2 = { a + b 2 | a, b Q } , Q(i) = { a + bi | a, b Q } . and large, from the group axioms. However, there are many important
basic results which involve addition and multiplication together.
Exercise. Check that these really are fields. If = e2i/5 then Lemma. Properties of fields. Let F be a field and a, b, c F. Then
Q() = { a + b + c 2 + d 3 | a, b, c, d Q } . 1. a0 = 0;
2. a(b) = (ab);
If we wish to extend Q by we need something rather more com- 3. a(b c) = ab ac;
plicated: 4. if ab = 0, then either a = 0 or b = 0.
n p() o Proof of the second result. We have
Q() = p, q Q[x] and q 6= 0 ;

ab + a(b) = a(b + (b)) = a0 = 0 = (ab) + ((ab)) ,
here Q[x] denotes the set of all polynomials in one variable with
and the result follows from the cancellation rule.
rational coefficients.
3. We have already seen that Z5 is an abelian group under addition; Different fields have various important extra properties. The field
and that if we remove 0 we obtain U5 , an abelian group under R is complete, which means, roughly speaking, that every infinite dec-
multiplication; and it is well known that the distributive law also imal represents a number: see MATH3570 Foundations of Calculus for
holds. Therefore Z5 is a field under the operations of addition and more details (and more precision). Completeness is essential for doing

19 20
calculus: if we tried to do calculus using only rational numbers, then im-
portant results such as the Intermediate Value Theorem would no longer
be true. You are also familiar with the fact that R can be ordered, and
with many of the implications of this.
The complex field is also complete, and so we can do calculus on
C: some of you will already be studying this. However C cannot be
ordered (exercise: work out what this means, and then prove it, care-
fully). Another vital property of C is that it is algebraically closed:
every polynomial with coefficients in C has roots in C. This guarantees
that a real or complex n n matrix will always have n eigenvalues*.
As mentioned above, Q() and similar fields are very important in
number theory. They can be employed in order to settle the three famous
problems of ancient Greek geometry, by showing that it is impossible to
square the circle, to trisect an arbitrary angle or to duplicate a cube.
They can be used to solve Diophantine equations such as x2 + 2 = y 3 ,
where x, y must be integers, and also make an appearance in the proof
of Fermats Last Theorem.
Finite fields are widely used in information theory, for example,
in cryptography and errorcorrecting codes. In particular, certain con-
structions of these kinds employ vector spaces over finite fields. For
more on these topics you could take MATH2400 Finite Mathematics
and MATH3411 Information, Codes and Ciphers.
For MATH2601, the main purpose of fields will be as the sets of
scalars associated with vector spaces. Mostly we shall be working over
R or C.

* conditions apply.


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