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Hints & Solutions

SECTION A In the formation of cation the atom loses
1. It proves that atoms contain massive, positively electrons. It acquires +1 charge by loss of 1
charged centre called nucleus. (1 mark) electron. So in the formation of U+2 ion, an atom
2. Bilaterally symmetrical means the left and right of Uranium has lost two electrons.
halves of the body have same designs.(1 mark) \ Number of electrons in U+2 ion = 92 2
3. The upward force experienced by a body when = 90
partly or wholly immersed in a fluid is called There is no change in number of protons
upthrust. (1 mark) \ Number of protons in U+2 ion = 92
4. Role of algae Preparing food for fungus.
(1+1=2 marks)
Role of fungi Providing shelter to algae.
9. 23g of Na = 6.023 1023 atoms
(12 = 2 marks)
5. (i) Through water 6
\ 6g of Na = 6.023 1023 atoms
(ii) Through sexual contact. (12 = 2 marks) 23
6. Sound is a form of energy which produces a = 1.57 1023 atom
sensation of hearing in our ears. (1 mark) Again 6.023 1023 atoms of K are present in
Sound is produced due to vibration of different = 39g of K
materials. (1 mark)
1 1
1 atom of K is present in
7. Here, m = 20 kg, u = 5ms , v = 2ms
Work done = Change in K.E. 39
= g of K
1 2 1 1 6.023 1023
2 2 2
or W = mv - mu = m(v - u ) (1 mark)
2 2 2 1.57 1023 atoms of K are present in

1 39 1.57 1023
= 20 (22 - 52 ) = 10 (4 - 25) = g = 10.16 g
2 (3 marks)
6.023 1023
= -10 21 = 210 J (1 mark)
10. (a) Mass of 1 atom = 2.65 1023g
The negative sign indicates the retarding nature
Atomic mass = Mass of 6.023 1023 atoms
of the applied force.
8. (a) Number of protons = 24 12 = 12 \ g atomic mass
Number of electrons = 12 = 6.023 1023 2.65 1023 U = 15.97 g
K LM The element having atomic mass 16g is
Electronic configuration = 2, 8, 2 oxygen. (1 marks)
Number of valence electrons = 2 (b) Molecular mass of CuSO4.5H2O
\ Valency = 2 (1 mark) = 63.5 + 32 + 64 + 5 18
(b) In a neutral atom, number of protons = 63.5 + 96 + 90 = 249.5
= number of electrons Number of moles of CuSO4.5H2O in 24.95 mg
\ In Uranium (Z = 92), we have
Atomic number (Z) = number of electrons 24.95 10 3
= = 104 moles
= number of protons = 92 249.5
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Molecules of water of crystallisation reflected wave and the normal at the point of
present in 1 mole of CuSO4.5H2O incidence all lie in the same plane. (2 marks)
= 5 6.023 1023 15. (i) An object sinks in water if its density is
\ 104 moles of CuSO4.5H2O contains greater than that of water. (1 marks)
molecules of water of crystallisation or if the buoyant force of water is greater
= 5 6.023 1023 104 than the weight of object.
= 30.115 1019 moleculs (ii) An object floats on water when its density
= 3.01 1020 molecules. (1 marks) is less than that of water.
11. In case of any infection our immune system or if the buoyant force is less than the
becomes active and it recruits some cells to the weight of the object. (1 marks)
affected tissue to kill the microbes. This 16. (a) Sound waves travel through a medium in
recruitment process is called inflammation due the form of compressions and rarefactions.
to which general effects like fever is produced. The particles of the medium thus move to
So, fever is a good sign which indicates that our and fro along the direction of propagation
immume system is working well to fight the of the sound wave. That is why, the sound
microbes of disease. (3 marks) waves are called longitudinal waves.
12. Bryophytes are fundamentally terrestrial plants (2 marks)
but they require water for dehiscence of
(b) The audible range of frequency in humans
antheridia, liberation and swimming of
antherozoids, fertilization of egg, opening of is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (1mark)
archegonial neck and entry of sperms into the 17. Work is done by a constant force when a body
archegonium. Because of such peculiar habitat moves in the direction of applied force. As shown
they have been most appropriately called the in figure, suppose a force F acts on a body. The
amphibians of the plant kingdom. (3 marks) body moves through a distance s in the direction
13. (a) Organism A belongs to kingdom of the force.
Protista.Protista include all unicellular Work done = Force Displacement (2 marks)
eukaryotic microogrganisms. (1 mark) or W = Fs
(b) Organism B belon gs to kingdom
Monera.The Kingdom Monera includes all
prokaryotes-mycoplasma, bacteria,
actinomycetes and cyanobacteria or blue
green algae. (1 mark) Thus, work done by a force acting on a body is
(c) Organism C belongs to kingdom Plantae; equal to the magnitude of the force multiplied by
division Thallophyta and class Algae. Algae the distance moved in the direction of the force.
are plants because they have chlorophylla, (1mark)
cellulosic cell wall, starch as reserve food 18. Ozone layer protects the organisms of the earth
and absorbtion of food in liquid form. from harmful ultraviolet radiations. Chloro fluoro
(1 mark) carbons or CFCs are released in the atmosphere
14. Yes, sound follows the same laws of reflection due to various activities of man which persist in
as light does. (1 mark) the atmosphere. On reaching the ozone layer
they react with ozone molecules which results in
The directions in which sound is incident and
reduction of ozone layer called depletion of ozone
reflected make equal angles with the normal to
layer. A hole in ozone layer over Antartica
the reflecting surface. The incident wave, the
indicates depletion of ozone layer. (3 marks)
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19. Excessive and indiscriminate use of pesticides
causes air, water and soil pollution and adversely
affects human beings. (1 mark)
The pesticides are either inhaled or taken
through food and drinks. They accumulate in
the body and may get biologically magnified
with time as they pass through the food chain.
Pesticides have been reported to induce cancer,
growth of tumours and have mutagenic effects
in man. (2 marks)
20. (a) The conclusions are :
(i) Most of the space inside the atom is (2 marks)
hollow or empty. 22. Conservation of energy during the osicllations
of a simple pendulum. As shown in figure, a
(ii) There is a positive centre in the atom
simple pendulum consists of a spherical metal
which is a charged heavy body and is
bob suspended by a thread from a fixed support.
known as nucleus. As the bob is displaced to end A, it gains
(iii) The total volume occupied by nucleus potential energy. As it is released from rest, its
is very small compared to the total kinetic energy begins to increase. At an
volume of the atom. intermediate position like C, the energy is partly
kinetic and partly potential. At mean position O,
Drawbacks of Rutherfords Model : Rutherfords the energy is totally kinetic. At the end B, again
atomic model provides a reasonable view of the the energy becomes totally potential. Total
atom but it does not convey regarding the mechanical energy (K.E. + P.E) remains constant
positions of electrons relative to each other and at all points. (2 marks)
to the nucleus or to their state of motion around
the positively charged nucleus. S
(1 + 1 = 3 marks)
(b) Rutherfords experiment with large angle
all P.E
scattering of alpha-particles by a metal foil negated A v=0
Thomsons model of the atom as an intimate B
C h
mixture of negative and positive particles. all P.E O
(2 marks) all K.E Part K.E
h=0 +Part P.E (1 mark)
21. Sub kingdom Cryptogamae includes three
divisions i.e., thallophyta, bryophyta and
pteridophyts. Crytogams are seedless and Conservation of energy in a simple pendulum
flowerless plants, reproductive organs are The energy of the body is gradually spent in
inconspicuous and they reproduce by producing doing work against the force of friction at the
spores. On the other hand plants in sub-kingdom point of suspension and also against friction of
air. The energy spent is converted into heat. There
phanerogamae, includes angiosperms and
is no violation of the law of conservation of
gymnosperms, which are flowering plants and
energy. Due to decrease in the energy of the
produce seeds. They have well differentiated bob, its amplitude of oscillation decreases with
reproductive organs and there is an embryonic time and eventually the bob comes to rest.
stage during the life cycle. (3 marks) (2 marks)

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23. (i) Archimedes' principle: When a body is (iii) Change in water temperature The
immersed fully or partially in a fluid, it aquatic organisms are adapted to a certain
experiences an upward force that is equal range of temperature in the water body. Any
to the weight of the fluid displaced by it. change in the water temperature would be
(1 mark) dangerous for their existence. Th e
industries use water for cooling purpose
Applications of Archimedes' principle:
and later return hot water to rivers. In dams
Archimedes' principle is applied for
water is colder inside but on the surface
(a) determination of density and relative which gets heated by sun. When water is
density of substances and released from dams the temperature
(b) the design of ships and submarines changes. The changed water temperature
(2 marks) affects the breeding of organisms. The eggs
(ii) Buoyant force depends upon the following and leave of aquatice animals are very
two factors. sensitive to temperature changes. (1 mark)
1. Density of fluid-bouyant force is SECTION B
directly proportional to the fluid 25. (a) Speed of sound is greater in liquids than in
density. gases.
2. Volume of the body immersed in the 26. (a)
fluid - buoyant force is maximum when
27. (b) Due to Buoyant force, reading of A will be
the body is completely immersed in the
less than 2 kg and that of B will be more
fluid. (2 marks)
than 5 kg.
24. The addition of undesirable substances to water
28. (c) Upthrust = weight of 40 cm3 of water
and removal of desirable substances from water
is called water-pollution. (2 marks) = 40 g. = down thrust on water
The main causes of water pollution are as follows: 29. (a) According to law of reflection of sound
waveangle of incidence is always equal to
(i) Addition of harmful substances to water
angle of reflection.
The pesticides and fertilizers used in farming
dissolves in water and makes the water 30. (b) Volume of solid = V2 V1
impure. Sewage from towns and cities and 31. (d) i = r
wastes from factories are also dumped into 32. (a) When the weight of the object is greater
the rivers and lakes. Poisonous substances than the liquid displaced then it will sink.
like mercury salts are also released from
33. (b)
paper-industries which make the water
34. (a) To get correct reading
harmful for us. Water also gets polluted due
to mans activities-like bathing, washing etc. (i) Solid should not touch the bottom of
(1 mark) the vessel
(ii) Removal of desirable substances from (ii) Solid should be completely immersed
water Oxygen dissolved in water is used in fluid.
by animals and plants living in water. Any 35. (b)
chan ge th at r educes the amount of 36. (b) In cockroaches, both male and female have
dissolved oxygen would adversely affect anal cerci which are jointed structures. But
aquatic organisms. Biochemical oxygen in male, in addition, there is a paired
demand or BOD of water will increase and unjointed needle like anal style which serve
water is said to be polluted. It is mainly due to distinguish between the male and the
to disposal of sewage and wastes in the female.
water. (1 mark)
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37. (c) Possible effects of these dangerous levels-
38. (a) The leaf is ditinguishable into three parts No one can escape toxic air. Short - term
namely leaf base, petiole and lamina. The respiratory and cardiac effects as well as long-
main role of stipule is to protect the young term cancer and other metabolic and cellular
axillary buds. effects. Toxic effects like cancer surface after a
39. (c) According to law of mass conservation, long latency period. Therefore, exposure to air
total mass of reactants is equal to total mass pollution will have to be reduced today to reduce
of products. the burden of diseases. These effects include
40. (d) All the above possibilities can result into premature death, as well as increases in the
loss of products formed there by creating incidence of chronic heart and lung disease.
difference between mass of reactants and Effects on health from PM10 exposure: Brain:
Strokes; Lungs: Inflammation, Respiratory
41. (a) Spirogyra belongs to class Chlorophyceae problems, reduced lung function, chronic
(green alge) havin g spir al-shaped bronchitis, Lung cancer, Asthma
Heart: Heart attacks, Cardiovascular issues,
42. (c) A is earthworm having bilaterally
increased heart rate
symmetrical and triploblastic. B is cockroach
which has an open circulatory system. D Blood: High blood pressure, reduced oxygen
belongs to class Aves and has exoskeleton levels, changes blood vessel structure, increased
feather. blood thickness;
SECTION C 44. (a) Above lines suggest, agriculture to be
43. According to the table given, the cities which promoted and implemented.
are in danger range of NO2- Kolkata, Delhi, (b) Benefits of agriculture ecologically-
Raipur According to the table given, the cities
More agricultural production will
which are in danger range of PM10- All the cities
ensure that every person in state will
given in the table except Malappuram(kerala).
have economic access to food because
According to the table given, the cities which
of increase in production and cost cut
are in danger range of SO2: None of the cities in
will make food cheaper. As this will be
the given table is present in danger range of SO2.
sustainable kind of agr iculture
Several factors are responsible for the acute air
pollution in Raipur and Delhi are: revolution, state will also be able to
make its agriculture sector ecologically
Toxic industrial waste, domestic waste.
Too many vehicles (rough estimates say
the number of vehicles has doubled in the Due to agriculture soil erosion will be
last two years), reduced to a great level.
Rapidly increasing constructions and fast Rain water or flood water can be hold
growing population. by the roots of crops which will result
PM10 comes from man-made sources such in the decrease of the speed of the
as burning coal, oil, wood and light fuel oil flowing water leading to less
in domestic fires, motor vehicles and destruction.
industrial processes. It will also contribute to the
Natural sources of particles include sea salt, preservation of biodiversity of the
dust, pollens and volcanic activity. region.

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Benefits of agriculture economically- Increase in the export of agricultural

Increase in agricultural production and goods- The surplus agricultural
productivity- As agriculture produce will enter the world market and
production will increase, state will be agriculture sector will be able to tap
safe from food security concern. the benefits of globalization thus,
farmers, rural areas and agri-business
Increase in National Income- Increase
will be able to feel the benefits of
in agricultural production of state will
economic reforms and globalization.
also lead to the increase in GDP of the
country. Increase in share of trade.
Increase in employments- It will create Reduction in poverty.
gainful employment sources in the
agriculture sector on which more than
58% of the population of the state
depends for its livelihood.

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