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UOI/English Jeremia Alexander

30 minutes Grade 6

Day: Three (1 February 2017)

Lesson: Chapter 5-6
Instructional Mode: Direct Instruction
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Aligned with the unit of the sixth grade in SPH, this mini-unit introduces Interview Assignment
several social justice issues in a historical-fiction novel, Journey to Joburg. Making a Poster
While appreciating the novel as a work of literature, not only will the student
analyze human rights and social justice issues in the novel, but the student
will also learn to value other people as the image bearers of God.
Biblical Framework
This mini-unit fits within the Great Commandment Biblical Framework. The first and the greatest
commandment is that we shall love God with all our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our minds (Mat.
22:37). If we confess we love God, we know we also shall obey the second great commandment: to love our
neighbor as ourselves (Mat. 22:39). Loving other people as we love ourselves should not be a problem if we
believe everyone is created equally unique in the image of God (Gen. 1:27).

Lesson Overview
Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)
1. What is chapter 5 and 6 about? The student will:
2. What are some of the details contained 1. Know what chapter 5 and 6 is about
in chapter 5 and 6? 2. Analyze some details in chapter 5 and 6
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
1. Write the agenda on the board:
1. Brief review of chapter 1 to 4
2. Read chapter 5 and 6 together
3. Picture
Beginning the Lesson
5 mins. 1. Read the agenda.
2. [Opener] Have four students one by one tell the class about the four chapters they read
on Day 2. Show a picture using a PowerPoint slide after every one student tell the class
about one chapter
3. Show the last picture from the last class to remind them how they feel about arriving at
another city.
4. Ask a question Will Tiro and Naledi have a pleasant journey?
10 mins. Developing the Lesson
5. [Reading together as a class] Pick a student using the stick to read the novel aloud.
6. Have the student stop to discuss some details. Have another student read after
7. Some details to discuss in chapter 5
Page 21
1. What is baas?
Page 22
2. What do you remember about the city of gold in in our first class on Monday?
3. Why did working in mine make Naledi and Tiro father sick?
4. What does To get money so you can eat mean?
5. Write on the board: three implied metaphors: buildings seemed to follow buildings
without end, the truck raced along tall shapes that speared up into the sky. What do
UOI/English Jeremia Alexander
30 minutes Grade 6

they mean?
Page 23
10 mins. 6. What does guts mean? Write guts on the board. Informal. Personal courage and
determination; toughness of character.
8. Some details to discuss in chapter 6:
Page 25
1. Why does the author let us know that the driver is black?
Page 26
2. What is your first impression of this young woman?
Page 27
3. Lucky again. What was their previous luck?
4. There is another person just to cook, and another person to look after the garden.
Are you familiar with this?
5. Why do you think Mma never liked to tell Tiro and Naledi about her work? What are
5 mins.
some possibilities that Mma never like to tell them about what she is doing?
Closing the Lesson
9. [Closer] Have students comment on a picture that the teacher is going to show.
10. Show the picture.
11. Tell students Tomorrow we will see that Naledi and Tiro finally meet their Mma. How
does it feel to meet your mother after a very long time? Will Naledi and Tiro feel strange
about something? We will find out tomorrow!
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Students answer and participation Besides picking students to read, ask if anyone wants
to read because some students enjoy reading out
1. Journey to Joburg by Beverley Naidoo

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