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ince the classical work of van der Waals in 1873, a

S' large number of equations of state have appeared in

the literature. Their degree of complexity, as indicated by
the number of constants, has been deliberately increased
to better represent the PVT behavior of substances over A
wide ranges of temperature and pressure. In this
respect, the equation of state proposed by Martin and n .
Hou (78)requires nine constants to predict the PVT
behavior of a substance. Similarly, the Benedict-
Webb-Rubin equation (6) requires eight constants,
while the Beattie-Bridgeman equation (7, 2) uses five
constants to predict the PVT behavior of 3 substance for
conditions for which the constants are calculated. More
of Equations
recently, an equation of state has been suggested by
Pings and Sage (23), in the form of an orthogonal
polynomial. These equations have received consider-
able attention over recommended ranges of temperature
of State
and pressure. For instance, the Benedict-Webb-Rubin
equation is claimed to be reliable for twice the critical K. K. SHAH G .THODOS
density (6). Although these equations are logically
developed from well known thermodynamic principles,
their application is frequently limited by the inaccessi- The merits and limitations of fourteen
bility of the constants for the PVT conditions of in- of the most common equations of
terest. Establishing these constants is frequently a
lengthy process, requiring curve fitting and trial-and- state are thoroughly discussed for the
error procedures. For instance, in establishing the con- subcritical, critical, and hypercritical
stants of the Benedict-Webb-Rubinequation, ten distinct
s t e p are required, two of which in<olve trial-and-emr regions of argon and n-butane. The
and curve fitting. What appears to be limiting is the fact discussion will assist designers and
that some PVT data of the substance must be available
in order to begin establishing these constants. In addi- experimenters to select the best
tion, certain thermodynamic properties, such as the equations for their own applications
vapor pressure, must also be on hand. Finally, the
established constants are used to check their validity by
comparing experimental PVT data with predicted values.

Figure 1. Comparison of expm'mcnfal P.-uR rtlatiomhips for argon Figwa 2. Comparison of expm'nrnfol PR-vnrelatiomhips for argon
wirh isofhnmsprtdicledby fhc uan ah Wads equation with i s o I h p r e d i c t e d by fhc Clausiw equation


Attempts to correlate the constants of the Benedict- study will subject the various equations to a rather
Webb-Rubin equation of state have been made only for severe test. The inability of an equation properly to
hydrocarbons by Canjar et 01. (8). For the constants of represent the PVT behavior of such a simple substance
the Beattie-Bridgeman equation, Maron and Turnbull as argon would make it unsuitable for application to more
(77) have proposed a correlation which involves the use
of the critical constants of that substance and the Beattie-
Bridgeman constants of a reference substance, such as
sus u. for isotherms ranging from Tu = 0.7 to Tu 2.2
was constructed from the PVT compilation for argon
complex substances. In this study, a log-log plot of P. ver-

nitrogen. It is interesting to note that, although the presented by Costolnick and Thodos (77). For argon,
Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation has been applied ex- the following critical values, reported by Michels,
tensively to the light hydrocarbons, hardly any effort Levelt, and de Graaff ( 7 9 , have been used: T , =
has been made to evaluate the wnstants for nonhydro- 150.875' K., Po = 48.34 atm., v. = 74.52 cm.*/g.-mole,
carbons. Although good accuracy is claimed by these and pc = 0.536 g./cm.'. These critical constants are
equations, the less complex equations of state, having the most recent and probably the most precise values
two or three constants, have been overlooked largely reported for argon. They were derived from all avail-
because of their lack of sophistication. This is consistent able argon data and, in particular, those of Michels et ol.
with the common notion that an equation with more (79,20). Calculations were made with an IBM 709
constants should produce results that are more consistent digital computer. At this time, it would be best to
with the experimental PVT behavior of a substance. treat, individually, the more common equations of state.
The classical equation of van der Waals (27)possesses
simplicity and has been modified many times to minimize Application of Equations of Jlah lo Argon
the deviation between predicted and observed values over
extended conditions of temperature and pressure. Al- Van der Waals Equation. The constants of the
together, the number of equations of state proposed van der Waals equation
exceeds 100 (13,but only a very few have come into
common use. Several of these equations have no (P+:)(u-6) =RT
theoretical basis but some are able to predict values in follow from the fact that, for the critical isotherm,
reasonably good agreement with experiment. ( b P / b ) = = 0 and ( ~ ' P / O V *=
) ~0. These restrictions
T o establish the merits and limitations of the more with Equation 1 lead to the following:
common equations, they have been used to calculate
the PVT behavior of argon over wide ranges of
temperature and pressure. Argon was selected as
a test substance because it is monatomic, and one of The critical constants of argon produce the following
the few substances for which reliable, experimental values: a = 1.3376 X 108 (cm.'/g.-mole)* aim. and 6 =
PVT values are available over extensive ranges of tem- 32.013 cm.8/g.-mole. These values were used with
perature and pressure. The use of argon in this Equation 1 to calculate the P. versus v. isothermal

Ftgugurc 3. Comparison of dxpm'menfal Ppvn rclutionrhips for argon Figurc 4 . Comparison of cxpm'minfnl Pa-". relatiomhipr faargon
with isothnms pedictcd by thc Bcrfhclot equalion uith i s o t h s predicrcd by thc Diefwin' cqwtion

VOL 5 7 NO. 3 MARCH 1965 31

relationships of Figure 1. In this figure and subsequent
figures the solid lines represent the experimental be-
havior while the predicted behavior is shoivn with dotted
The constants of Equation 3 are defined in terms of the
lines. Although isotherms were calculated from T, =
critical temperature and critical pressure as follows :
0 . 7 to T, = 2.2, for the sake of a clcarer presentation
the isotherms T , = 0.90, 1.00, 1.40, and 2.00 are shown
in Figures 1 to 8. The comparisons in Figure I indicate
that the van der Waals equation will produce isotherms For argon these values become a = 201.8073 X 106
in good agreement with experimental values up to PR = ( ~ r n . ~ / g . - m o latm.
e ) ~ K . and b = 32.013 ~rn.~/g.-mole.
1.OO for temperatures above the critical value for argon. The relationships calculated with these constants are
With increasing temperatures up to T, = 2.2, the presented in Figure 3 and are not in as good agree-
deviations continue to be small for pressures up to P, = ment as those predicted by the van der Tt'aals equation.
8.0, For subcritical temperatures, the gaseous state In this case, the introduction of temperature in the co-
behavior is acceptable, whereas that of the liquid region hesive pressure term offers no advantage. The constant
is unsatisfactory. b of van der TVaals is identical to the constant b of Ber-
Clausius Equation. In 1880 Clausius supplemented thelot.
the van der Waals equation by the introduction of a Dietirici Equation. In 1899 Dietirici (74) proposed
third constant (9). Clausius postulated the existence a two-constant exponential equation of the form
of clusters of two or more molecules that are temporarily
formed by collisions at lower temperatures and which p = RT
~- --(&')
break up more readily at higher temperaturcs. In such V - b
clusters the forces of attraction are much greater than if The constants for Equation 7 are given as follows :
the molecules were separate in the gas, and hence the
van der LVaals term a 'v2 is too small to account for these a=-
4 R2TC2 and
b =
forces at lower temperatures. Furthermore, Clausius P,e2 P,e2
considered a correction on the cohesive pressure term The results produced from Equation 7 are presented in
by introducing the dependence of temperature and also Figure 4 for argon. The calculated isotherms do not rep-
u + c for v. The Clausius equation is thus given as : resent an improvement in the high pressure region over
r ? those predicted by the van der LVaals equation, and in the
(U - b) = RT (3) low pressure region the van der LVaals equation predicts
them more accurately. It'ith increasing pressure, the
for which the constants are calculated isotherms have a tendency to pull away from
the corresponding experimental isotherms. Equation 7
R T c b = - 3 R T , - v,, and c =
27 R2TC3
a=v,-- ~
should not be applied in the liquid region. For volumes
4 P,' 8 pc 64 P,
less than b , the calculated pressures become negative.
(4) Wohl Equation. This equation was suggested in
Figure 2 presents a comparison between experimental 1914 and represents a rnodification of the original van
values and values calculated with Equation 3 for argon der Waals equation (28). The form of this equation
at T R = 2.0, 1.4, 1.0, and 0.90 As seen from Figure 2, is as follows :
Equation 3 is capable of predicting reasonably well
the critical isotherm up to the critical point. However,
at higher pressures the predicted values are considerably
The constants a, b , and c are found to be
lower. Above the critical temperature, such as T , =
1.4 and T , = 2.0, the predicted values are in very good 0,
a = 6 PcT,uc2, b = --, and
c = 4 ficTc2vc3(10)
agreement with the experimental values up to P, = 4. 4
I n the liquid region, Equation 3 fails to predict acceptable where v, is not the experimental value, but is recom-
values. although good agreement is found to exist in the mended to be v, = RT,/3.75 P,. This critical volume
gaseous region. In many ways, the equation of Clausius gives better values of pressure. Along the critical
embodies certain definite improvements over the van der isotherm the values predicted by Equation 9 agree
Waals equation, which are attributed largely to the closely with the experimental values for the gaseous
,introduction of temperature and the quantity. v +
c, region up to P, = 1.0. For the compressed state,
in the cohesive pressure term. The modifications point v, < 1.0, this predicted isotherm falls off sharply and
out that a proper adjustment of such a cohesive pressure
term might produce an improved equation of state AUTHORS G. Thodos is Professor of Chemical Engineering
applying better in the liquid and high pressure regions. and former Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineer@
Berthelot Equation. This equation was suggested at Ll-orthwestern Unicersitj. He has been active i n the correla-
in 1899 and represents a modification of van der TZ'aals tion and prediction of P V T , capor-liquid equilibrium data and
equation by introducing the temperature in the cohesive transport probeyties, and har published extensicely in these a r m s .
pressure term. The equation suggested by Berthelot K . K . S h a h is w i t h the -1-augatuck Chemical Division of the
(7) is as follows: U . S.Rubber Co.

does not return to approach the experimental densities
of the liquid state. However, this equation predicts
well the PVT behavior at higher temperatures and does
not indicate significant deviations for the gaseous state
for pressures above PR = 1.0. The isotherms of this
equation have a tendency to reach a peak and then
decrease, never to rise again. The region predicted by
Equation 9 for the liquid state is inadequate since not
only the predicted pressures differ considerably from
the corresponding experimental values, but also because
the predicted pressures assume negative proportions.
The isotherms calculated with Equation 9 are presented
for argon in Figure 5.
Redlich-Kwong Fquation. In 1949 Redlich and
Kwong (24) proposed a two-constant equation based on
several theoretical and practical considerations. Their
equation is rather empirical in nature, and no rigorous
justification can be made in its presentation. Their
proposed equation is

where the constants are

a = 0.4278
ffT,L.' and 6 = 0.0867 -
R To
p. p.
Redlich and Kwong state that Equation 11 furnishes
satisfactory results above the critical temperature for
any pressure. A careful examination of Equation 11 piPC 5. CW'kJon of cxpnimcn~alPR-URralotionrhipsfor argon
with i s o f h mpdicted by fhc Wohl cguorion
and that of Clausius, Equation 3, reveals certain simi-
larities between them. In the cohesive pressure term of
Equation 11, the temperature appears as To.' instead of
T and the quantity u(v + b) instead of (u+ c)'. They
further state that at high pressures the volume of all
gases approaches the limiting value, 0.26 ue, which is
practically independent of temperature. Thus, this
equation has been constructed to satisfy the condition,
b = 0.26 uo, in order to provide a more realistic situation
at high pressures.
The results obtained with Equation 11 are presented
in Figure 6 for argon. For the four isotherms corre-
sponding to T R = 0.90, 1.00, 1.40, and 2.00, excellent
agreement is found to exist between predicted and
experimental values. This agreement is very good over
the entire pressure range for T R = 1.4 and T R = 2.00.
However, along the critical isotherm, small deviations
are encountered for pressures between PR = 1.0 and
PR = 4.0; for higher pressures, the agreement con-
tinues to be excellent up to Pa = 50. In the liquid
region, for T R = 0.90, good agreement is also observed
to exist. These results point out that this simple equa-
tion possesses the remarkable ability to represent both
the gaseous and liquid regions rather accurately. The
isotherm, T R = 0.90, for the gaseous state properly

these findings, the Redlich-Kwong equation appears to

possess a combination of advantages in simplicity and
accuracy over wide ranges of temperature and pressure,
and consequently it deserves further scrutiny.

VOL 5 7 NO. 3 MARCH 1 9 6 5 33

Beattie-Bridgeman Equation. In 1928, Beattie and
Bridgeman (2) proposed a five constant equation of state
whose constants were not derivable from the critical
constants alone. To obtain these constants, PVT data
of the substance must be available, and the stagewise

procedure to obtain these constants has been outlined
elsewhere (4). Their eauation mav be stated as follows:
p = -RV2T ( .I' - - v;J B(1: ;)] -
"9( I - :) (13)
where a, A., b, Bo, and c are empirical constants, which
are evaluated from experimental data. This equation
is claimed to be very accurate as long as its use is re-
stricted to the ranges of pressure, temperature, and
volume for which the constants are determined. Unlike
many of the other equations of state, Equation 13, does
not demand that the isochors be linear. The constants
presented for argon (3) have been used to calculate the
isotherms presented in Figure 7. For T R = 2.0 and
T R = 1.4, good agreement between predicted and
experimental values for moderate pressures is encoun-
tered and represents an improvement over several other
equations of state. This improvement is partly due to
the fact that this equation in essence is a virial type
equation, each virial term being strongly dependent on
temperature. For T R = 1.00, this agreement is valid
F i p e 7. Cornpariron of cxw'&d P,-vR r & j o m f i p .S.f mgon Up to PR = 0.9; for higher pressures the values obtained
w'th isotherm predicted by fhc Beattic-Bridgnnan cquation through Equation 13 becomes unrealistic, the predicted
isotherm exhibiting a pronounced reversal, reaching a
minimum at PR = 0.152 and uR = 0.575, and then rising
steeply, never to approach the experimental values of
T, = 1.00, in the liquid state. For T . = 0.90, the
predicted and experimental values are in excellent agree-
ment in.the gaseous region. However, for the liquid
region, no realistic values are obtained, since the resulting
values of PE become all negative. This is to be expected
( 3 ) , since the application of this equation in the liquid
region involved volumes considerably lower than the
restricted minimum volume of v = 167 cc./g.-mole.
Ammphd Modiflcdions of Equations of slate
A number of modified equations of state were applied
objectively to improve the prediction of the PVT be-
havior of argon. In these attempts, the number of
empirical wnstants were restricted to two or three in
order to utilize the critical constants for their evaluation.
An additional restriction imposed in these attempts
considered the application of a single equation to repre-
sent the PVT behavior over the entire temperature and
pressure range. Of the several equations tried, the
following six deserve mention. The constants for each
of these equations were evaluated using the restrictions
along the critical isotherm, (bP/bV), = 0 and (bT/
Figure 8. Comparison of expnirncntal P.-v. rcldionrhipsfor argon aV*)T =' 0 and the equation. These equations of state
with isoliurmsprcdicted by thc rnodijicd van dn Waah rgotion are as follows

[P + 53 (v - b ) = R T (14)
where n = 2 zc =t-
d u = RT.v,"-' [(l + n)*/
4 n],and b = [(n - l)/(n + l)]v,.
where b can be evaluated from the cubic muation.. b' -t.
[(RTJP,) - 3 v.]ba +
3 vOPb v," = 0, a = Pg,"/b, -
and c = bP. - 3 PJI. RT.. +
[. + T'(v " I
(v - 6 ) = R j
+ b)'
forn = 0, 1,2, 3, . . .
where a = (27/20) v.T.^+'.and b = v./5

[. + T*(v c)' "+ 1

forn = 0, 1 , 2 , 3 ,

b) = R T

nllrle n = (81/48) RTP+' (0. - b), b = ((4 z, - 1)/

v ~ C = v0/2 - 3 b/2.
4 z ~ ) and


where b can be evaluated fmm the dationship

- 2
[ - -
[z] v.
b)' (u. - b)* 1-
- b)'
+ (v,
- b)"
= -

RT, v: - 2 Figurt 9. Comparison of rxptrin~cnial P.@R rciationrhipr for n-

b)' (u. - b)' ] (lEb) butane with isothmnrprcdillcd by the Rediich-Kwong quation

2 - 3

c = RT,
(0, - b)' ~.(v. - 6)

Equations 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 prcduced results I

that could not compare with those obtained by the
Redlich-Kwong equation over the entire range of tem-
perature and pressure. However, in the high pressure
regions, Equation 15 was capable of predicting accept-
able results, although it was unable to do as wdl as the
Redlich-Kwong equation or the van der Waals equation
in the low pressure region. The results obtained from
Equation 15 are presented in Figure 8. In view of the
fact that this equation is unable properly to handle the
PVT behavior in both the low and high pressure regions,
it has not been considered further.
The results obtained thus far indicate the superiority
of the Redlich-Kwong equation over a 1 equations EPrc 70. , C O m P h n of t v ' m d a i Pr% rtiarionr).ipr for
n-butaw wrth i m t h p r c d i c t c d by the &aura-Bridgeman a p t i o n
examined thus far. This fact leads to comparing this
equation with the Beattie-Bridgeman and the Benedict-
Webb-Rubin equations. Since, unfortunately, no con-
stants are reported in the literature for argon for the
Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation, it was decided to

VOL 57 NO. 3 MARCH 1965 35

Figure 11. Comparison of expmimnlal PR-URrelationships for Figwe 12. Cornparikon betwcm cxpenmnfol, criiicd irothmns for
n-butane with isotherm predicted by thc Bmdict- Webb-Rubin n-butane with co~cspondingrelations c d d a k d from thc Bcaftie-Bridge-
cporion man, Bcnedict- Webb-Rubin, and Rtdlich-Kwong cquotions of state

select another test substance for which constants are avail- PVT behavior of the critical isotherm up to the critical
able and thus permit a comparison between the Redlich- point. However, for pressures above P . = 1.00, the
Kwong and the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equations. predicted values are considerably higher over the experi-
mental values. This equation cannot be relied on in
Application of Equations of Stale for h8ulanm the liquid region, as indicated by its inability to predict
In this comparison, n-butane was selected as the test acceptable values for the liquid state at T, = 0.90.
substance. In order to obtain the PVT behavior of this On the other hand, for TR = 0.90 in the gaseous regions,
substance, the experimental data of nine sources (4, 10, the predictions of this equation for n-butane produce
12, 13, 16,21,22,25, 26) were used to prepare isothermal acceptable values. The agreement between calculated
relationships from TR = 0.80 to TR = 1.4, for which the and experimental values is good in the hypercritical
pressure extended up to PR = 20. In these comparisons region for T, = 1.10 and T, = 1.40. For n-butane,
the critical constants of n-butane kported by Kay (76): the Redlich-Kwong equation does not appear to be
T, = 425.4" K., P, = 37.43 atm. and de = 0.228 g./cm?, much better than the Beattie-Bridgeman as indicated
were used to calculate the following constants for the in the comparisons of Figures 9 and 10. Despite the fact
Redlich-Kwong equation (u = 2.87269 X lo8 (cm.l/' that the ability of both the Redlich-Kwong and the
g.-mole)' atm. (" K.)'", b = 80.85 cm.l/g.-mole). The Beattie-Bridgeman equations to predict the PVT be-
results obtained with this equation are presented in havior of n-butane is comparable, it cannot be over-
Figure 9. The calculated isotherms for n-butane are in looked that one is a five-constant equation and the other
good' agreement with the experimental values, except has only two constants.
for T, = 0.90, where some differences are encountered. The Benedict-Webb-Rubm equation has also been
The over-all results obtained with the Redlich-Kwong used to predict the PVT behavior of n-butane. This
equation for n-butane are not as good as those found for equation is reported to be as follows (6):
argon. The calculated critical isotherm agrees well
with the experimental values up to the critical point, P =RTd+
{B&T - Ao "}Tz
-- @ +
but exhibits some deviations immediately above it which
diminish with pressure and approach the experimental (bRT - a)@ + nudo + cdr 1
+ y@ e-(7drl (20)
values above PR = 10. The predicted isotherms corre-
sponding to PR = 1.10 and TR = 1.40 are in reasonably where the empirical constants for n-butane are reported
good agreement over the entire range of pressures. by them to be asfollows: = 10.0847, Bo = 0.124361,
The Beattie-Bridgeman equation was used to calculate Co = 0.992830 X lo', b = 0.0399983, (I = 1.88231,
the PVT behavior of n-butane using the following con- c = 0.316400 X lo8,? = 0.0340000,andor= 0.00110132.
stants reported by Beattie, Simard, and Su (5): (I = These constants are compatible with the units of g.-
0.12161, b = 0.09423, c = 3.50 X 106, Ao = 17.7940 moles/liter for density, atmospheres for pressure, and
and Bo = 0.24620. The results in Figure 10 indicate degrees Kelvin for temperature. Thus, the gas constant
that Equation 13 is capable of predicting accurately the becomes R = 0.082055 liters X atm./g.-mole X K.


Figure 11 includes the isotherms calculated with . The complex Beattie-Bridgeman and Benedict-Webb-
Equation 20. I t can be seen in this figure that along the Rubin equations produced values for n-butane which
critical isotherm this equation predicts accurate values were comparable to those predicted by the simpler
only up to PR = 0.3. Above PR = 0.3, the calculated Redlich-Kwong equation of state. In certain regions,
values deviate considerably from the experimental the Redlich-Kwong equation was found to be superior.
values. Near the critical point, this isotherm reverses, This fact, coupled with the ability to obtain the two
becomes negative, and again increases sharply to give constants of the Redlich-Kwong equation from the
values in the liquid region which are much less than the critical constants of a substance, makes this equation of
experimental values for this isotherm. The same state attractive to use without an a priori knowledge of
experience is encountered for the gaseous isotherm at the PVT behavior of a substance. In view of these
T, = 0.90, for which deviations appear at PR = 0.20, conclusions, it seems appropriate to utilize this equation
and continually increase with pressure to produce an with more substances in order to establish its ability to
isotherm that is unrealistic in the vicinity of the satu- predict their PVT behavior.
rated vapor envelope. However, the isotherm, TR =
0.90, in the liquid region is in good agreement with the
Q, b = van der Waals constants, Equation 1
experimental values. The calculated isotherm, T , = Q, b = constants for Berthelot equation, Equation 5
1.40, appears to be very close to the corresponding Q, b = constants for Dietirici equation, Equation 7
experimental values; however, the isotherm, T , = Q, b = constants for Redlich-Kwong equation, Equation 11
Q, b = constants for ETuation 1 6
1.10, shows deviations beyond PR = 0.4, which become Q, b , c = constants for Clausius equation, Equation 3
excessive for values of V , < 1 .OO. a, b , c = constants for Wohl equation, Equation 9
A close scrutiny of the results presented in Figures 9, Q, b , c = constants for Equation 15
a, b , c = constants for Equation 18
10, and 11 indicates that for n-butane the two-constant Q , 6 , c = constants for Equation 19
Redlich-Kwong equation is at least as good as the Beattie- Q, b , n = constants for Equation 14

Bridgeman and the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equations. Q, c, n = constants for Eouation 17

Q, b , c , A,, Bo = constants for Beattie-Bridgeman equation, Equa-
In several respects, the isotherms predicted by the tion 13,
Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation exhibit an erratic and d = density, g.-moles/liter

unusual behavior in the vicinity of the critical point. e = logarithmic constant, 2.71828
Q, b , c, 01, y , A,, Bo, C, = constants for Benedict-Webb-Rubin
On the other hand, the isotherms predicttd with the equation, Equation 20
Redlich-Kwong equation are definitely more realistic P = absolute pressure, atm.
and are free of this peculiar behavior. Furthermore, P, = critical pressure, atm.
the isotherms, T R < 1.00, predicted with the Benedict- PR = reduced pressure, P I P ,
R = gas constant, 82.055 ~ matm./g.-mole
. ~ K.
Webb-Rubin equation do not meet properly the satu- T = absolute temperature, K.
rated envelope as ordinarily expected. In the high T, = critical temperature, K.
TR = reduced temperature, T / T ,
pressure region, 1.OO < PR < 20, the isotherms calculated V = molar volume, cm.3/g.-mole
with the Redlich-Kwong equation represent better the UC = critical volume, ~ m . ~ / g . - m o l e
experimental behavior than is possible with the isotherms UR = reduced voli.ime, u / u C
ZC = critical compressibility factor, P C v , / RT ,
predicted by the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation. The
inability of the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation to LITERATURE CITED
produce better values in the vicinity of the critical point (1) Beattie, J. A , , Bridgeman, 0. C . , J . A m . Ckem. SOC.
49, 1665 (1927).
(2) Ibid., 50, 3133 (1928).
might be partially traced to the set of constants presented (3) Beattie, J. A , , Bridgeman, 0 . C., Proc. Am. h a d . ArtsSci. 63, 229 (1928).
in the literature (6) which were used to generate the (4) Beattie, J. A , , Simard, G . L., Su, G. J., J . Am. Chem SOC.61, 24 (1939).
(5) Ibid., 61, 26 (1939).
calculated isotherms of Figure 11. (6) Benedict, M., Webb, G . W., Rubin, L. C., J . Chem. Phys. 8 , 334 (1940).
As an example of the relative capabilities of the (7) Berthelot, D. J., J . Pkys. 8, 263 (1899).
(8) Canjar, L. N., Smith, R. F., Volianitis, E., Galluzzo, J. F., Cabarcos, M . , Ind.
Redlich-Kwong, Reattie-Bridgeman, and the Benedict- Eng. Ckem. 47, 1028 (1955).
Webb-Rubin equations, the behavior of the critical ( 9 ) Clausius, R., Ann. Phys. 9, 337 (1880).
(10) Coffin, C. C., Maass, O., J . Am. Chem. Sot. 5 0 , 1427 (1928).
isotherm for n-butane predicted from each of these (11) Costolnick, J. J., Thodos, G., A.I.Ch.E. J . 9, 269 (1963).
equations of state, is compared with the corresponding (12) Dana, L. I., Jenkins, A. C., Burdick, J. N., Timm, R. C . , Refrig. Eng. 12, 387
(1 926).
experimental isotherm in Figure 12. (13) De Malleman, R., Suhrer, F., Grange, J., C a m p . rend. 234, 2247 (1952).
(14) Dietirici, C., Ann. Phys. 69, 685 (1899).
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