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"College of Sciences and Humanities" Azapotzalco Campus Series: Extra-Support In
structional Materials School Pregnancy
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- Month by Month Guide -
Student: Rough Cibernus Advisor: Elizabeth A. Molina
Group: 604
Azcapotzalco, Mexico, 1997
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Teacher Support Coordination
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It is called pregnancy, pregnancy, or pregnancy (from the Latin gravitas) to the
period of time between the fertilization of egg by sperm, and the time of deliv
ery. Covers all the physiological processes of growth and development of the fet
us inside the womb, and the important physiological changes, metabolic and morph
ological occur even in women designed to protect, nurture and enable the develop
ment of the fetus, such as disruption menstrual cycles, or increasing the size o
f the breasts to prepare for lactation. In humans, pregnancies tend to be unique
, although there may be multiple pregnancies. The application of assisted reprod
uctive technologies is driving up the incidence of multiple pregnancies in devel
oped countries. Human pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks after the first day
of the last menstrual period or 38 from fertilization (approximately 9 months.)
The first trimester is the time of increased risk of spontaneous abortion, the
beginning of the third quarter is considered the point of fetal viability (from
which one can survive without medical support Ex utero). Pregnancy occurs when a
sperm reaches and crosses the cell membrane of the egg, fusing the nuclei and s
haring both their genetic makeup to give rise to an egg cell or zygote, in a pro
cess called fertilization. Cell division of the zygote gives rise to the embryo,
from which derives the adult individual development. Pregnancy begins at the ti
me of implantation and ending with delivery. Embryology is the branch of medicin
e that studies the complex process of embryonic development from the moment of f
ertilization until the formation of the fetus, which is the name given to the bo
dy as a result of this development has not yet taken place on delivery. Inside t
he uterus, the fetus is floating in amniotic fluid, and in turn the fluid and th
e fetus are involved in the amniotic sac, which is attached to the uterus. In th
e cervix, it forms a thick mucus plug during pregnancy to hinder the entry of mi
croorganisms that cause intrauterine infection. This plug will be expelled durin
g early labor. While still in the zygote, embryo or fetus gets oxygen and nutrie
nts and removes wastes from your metabolism through the placenta. The placenta i
s anchored to the inner wall of the uterus and is attached to the fetus by the u
mbilical cord. The expulsion of the placenta after birth is called birth.
Human Embryo Development Month by Month
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FIRST MONTH embryo appearance is similar to a disk. The head begins to develop f
rom the first week and almost met the month, the heart begins to beat. Around th
e placenta begins to form. It measures about 4 mm and weighs less than a gram.
SECOND MONTH eyes are formed, they begin to grow arms and legs. The internal org
ans and brain are developing. The embryo is 3 inches and weighs about 3 grams. F
leet within a kind of bag filled with amniotic fluid.
THIRD MONTH is already fully formed and move your legs and arms. It has eyes and
is about 10 centimeters. It weighs about 45 grams.
MONTH QUARTER The fetal skin is transparent and thinner. His body is completely
covered with a fine hair called lanugo. Your gut starts to fill up -3 -
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a green substance called meconium. It weighs about 180 grams and measures just u
nder 15 inches.
FIFTH MONTH Thumb-sucking and starts to develop its defense systems. It has hair
on his head, eyebrows and eyelashes. Its weight is about half a kilo and is bet
ween 18 and 20 centimeters.
SIX MONTH passes between 18 and 20 hours sleeping and when awake, he moves a lot
. His face is finished and you open your eyes. The skin is covered with a fat kn
own as vernix caseosa. It measures about 25 inches and weighs almost a kilo.
SEVENTH MONTH The fetus responds to external sounds and movements began to fail
site in the uterine cavity. Given early breathing movements, though his lungs wi
ll not work independently until after birth,€after cutting the umbilical cord.
It measures just under 30 inches and weighs about 1,500 grams.
EIGHTH MONTH usually placed face down. The skin thickens and begins to have a pi
nkish tone. Its size is 35 inches and it weighs about two and a half kilos.
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NINTH MONTH The fetus receives antibodies from the mother and her lungs are read
y to work abroad. The longer wrinkled skin and lanugo falls almost entirely. It
weighs about 3 kilos and measures about 50 centimeters.
DELIVERY The delivery man, also called birth or childbirth (giving birth), is th
e culmination of human pregnancy, the period of the infant out of the womb. It i
s considered by many the beginning of the life of the person, and against death.
The age of an individual is defined by this event in many cultures.
Development Viewed With one ultrasound at 3 months
Month 1: Measures 4 mm and weighs 1 g. Early development of the head. The heart
beats and
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Month 2: Measure 3 inches and weighs 3 g. Development of the arms and legs as we
ll as the brain and internal organs.
In the third month, the embryo is now called a fetus. Begins to take on the typi
cal human form, with the differentiation of limbs, change in head shape, etc. Ev
en at this early stage of pregnancy, sexual organs are different. However, on ul
trasound are not yet visible. â ¢ The organs of the fetus, development, come on. F
or example, the fetus begins to urinate into the amniotic fluid. â ¢ The future ba
by begins to move, but these movements are not yet visible and the mother does n
ot notice. Will have to wait approximately 16 weeks to start feeling the expecte
d kicking. How tall: At the end of the third month, the fetus is about 12cm (hea
d-feet) and weighs about 65g.
Bibliography: http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.muymoderna.com.ar http://www.e
lbebe.com http://www.umm.edu
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http://i227.photobucket.com http://lomalindahealth.org
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Printed in the printing shop UNAM CCH Azcapotzalco, Azcapotzalco, Mexico, 1997
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