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Theme 1: The best tools to increase sales Subject 2: Conquering customers Unit 1

: Understanding and customer loyalty

Hello, dear (a) student (a). This material is intended for use as a student (a)
included (a) How to Sell More and Better: the best tools to increase online sale
s, promoted by Sebrae. As you've read the travel guide, this is an additional re
source from which you have to support it (a) and is available for download. To f
acilitate the handling of material, it will follow the sequence established for
the ongoing themes, subjects and units. The material is made available by topic,
in the 1st unit of every subject, indicating the units to which it refers. Educ
ational activities proposed and carried out with special technological resources
, you must navigate the course through the internet. In this material, to find t
he word Warning! you should go to the environment of the course, locate the driv
e and step out and perform the activity. Once you complete the study of each uni
t, scroll through all the steps and click Finish. When all units of the same sub
ject are completed in the current environment of the Internet, you will have acc
ess to the texts of the next issue for download. Even reading this stuff is impo
rtant that you participate in discussions in the forum and to use other interact
ive tools offered by this course. PRESENTATION OVERVIEW UNDERSTANDING Dear stude
nt and retain customers. Dear student. Welcome to another unit of the course "Ho
w to sell more and better: the best tools to increase your sales! The world has
changed. And all this change facilitated people's access to information, product
s and services that could not even imagine. With all these changes, we can not w
ant to treat our customer as if he knew nothing and as if we were the ones provi
ding the products and services we sell. And most important: we can not want to t
reat customers as if all were equal. What we see today is just that: how to iden
tify and classify the various types of customers looking for our business.
Shall we? TIPS • • • If you have questions about navigating the course, return t
o the Course Guide and review it. We use bold to highlight important words in th
e text and / or to indicate those in the glossary. We use italics to indicate wo
rds of foreign origin not present or in the glossary.
INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY You already know that you can return to the environment of t
he course on the Internet and find it and drive you want. In the course entry sc
reen, simply click the subject title that demand (the right of the screen) and o
pens a window with the title of the corresponding drive. A new window will open
and click the page you want to check. On the top horizontal bar, is the numberin
g of the steps. See how easy it is to navigate the course? Warning! You have an
activity to be undertaken in the current environment on the Internet. Go to step
3 and 4 of the unit "Understanding and customer loyalty," the topic "Winning Cu
stomers" we are studying now. You'll like it. Remembering ... You already know y
ou can return to the course environment on the Internet and find it and drive yo
u want. In the course entry screen, simply click the subject title that demand (
the right of the screen) and opens a window with the title of the corresponding
drive. A new window will open and click the page you want to check. On the top h
orizontal bar, is the numbering of the steps. See how easy it is to navigate the
course? Proverbs you know? Before proceeding to the theory of this subject, let
's play a little. Let's see if you're really keen (a) in proverbs. If desired, f
ill in the blanks below, after carrying out the activity on the Internet. "Among
the blind ......................... "" He who laughs last .....................
..." "From grain in grain .............. .......... "" Who early bird ..........
......... "" Who hurts with iron ..................."
Let's continue with our sayings? "Who's mouth ........... "" An empty sack can .
......................" "The last ......... ............" "Gift horse ..........
........." "There are evils ........... ............." "Who wants it ..........
.. . Want to check the answers and save them in this space? Below is the list of
proverbs. "Among the blind ......................... (Answer: it is always dark
.) "He who laughs last .............................( answer: did not understand
joke.) "From grain to grain ........................( answer: it makes a planta
tion".) "Who early bird ... .................( answer: is sleepy all day.) "He w
ho injures with iron ................ ....( answer: do not know how it hurts. ")
"Who's mouth ...........( answer: go to the dentist.") "Empty bag .............
......... ...........( answer: it has nothing inside. ")" The last .........( an
swer: will be disqualified.) "gift horse ...... ....( answer: it's free. ")" The
re are evils ...........( answer: who come to worst ".)" Who wants everything ..
....... ... (answer: it's selfish. ") COMMENTS Certainly, you missed some answer
s of proverbs. You know why? Because you already had an idea formed in relation
to them. Not always the way we usually do something is right or the only possibl
e. Should we stop to analyze each situation and see what has changed. Often, our
perception of the client does not correspond to reality. Customers, like all pe
ople, have their behavior influenced by everything around them. If we are in rec
ession, nobody should go out spending. In this case, customers will always seek
the lowest price. In the last fifty years, humanity has undergone profound chang
es with regard to values, beliefs, attitudes and habits.
Sure, the customer has also changed. And it requires special treatment. Mainly b
ecause of the Internet, besides being one of the generators of the radical trans
formation experienced by humanity, facilitating people's access to information a
nd products / services. Let's start the theoretical study of this unit? THEORY C
hain of customer loyalty
With sayings exercise in steps 3 and 4, we saw that appearances really deceiving
, right? We note also that if we get used to looking at just one angle, it will
not see a lot of things, will lose many opportunities. If we fail to understand
the differences - between people and situations - the nuances, we just have to l
ose. Including customers. As mentioned earlier, customers are not all equal We n
eed to classify them according to their importance for business. For this it is
crucial to segment customers. The model you saw in this table is our way of clas
sifying customers, or better, this is our way of understanding how the loyalty o
f our customers. Loyalty, as the word suggests, is to make its customers establi
sh an exclusive relationship with your business. That is, to make them completel
y faithful to their enterprise. Only when we understand and treat the customer t
he way he wants is that we get him to purchase, repurchase, return often and rec
ommend. Warning! Want to see another form of visual presentation of the text bel
ow? Return to the current environment of the Internet and locate the step 7 of t
he drive
we are studying ("Understanding" Winning Customers ".
In this new way of looking at customers, they are divided as follows: Bystanders
- Customers can come to buy from us or the competition. Incoming - Customers wh
o want to buy our brand focus. Comprantes - Clients for whom we offer our produc
ts and services through a competent service. Recomprantes or customers - Custome
rs who want loyalty, expanding services and leveraging relationships increasingl
y structured. Fans or recomendantes - We are the best provider of these customer
s, who are the best advertisement we can have. TIPS If you want to know more abo
ut this subject, read the text "Relationship of truth", available on the Media L
ibrary in the References section. For this, between the environment of the cours
e on the internet. After accessing the text, you can also print it or save it. I
NDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY Warning! You can perform the following activity in this space
or environment of the course on the internet. If you prefer, go to step 8 of th
e unit "Understanding customer loyalty and" the subject "Winning customers," we
are studying now. In both areas, you can store your answers. How about a little
coaching? Based on what you've read so far, answer the questions below. Then, if
you feel the need, go to the forum and discuss your answers with your colleague
s. 1. Do you really believe that loyalty is important for the growth of your bus
iness? Why?
2. Segmenting customers is important for you to define how to address them. What
have you done to segment them?
Even if you are following the course through this written material, be sure to t
ake advantage of the opportunities given to interact with their classmates. The
exchange of experiences among professionals is one of the most significant for o
ur growth as entrepreneurs.
THEORY Mapping customers Think and answer: every client is equal? Of course not.
Those who think so may be losing more than money.€One study showed that twenty
percent (20%) of customers of any business are responsible for eighty percent (8
0%) of sales. Certainly, not every customer is unique. So what do we do? What ca
n help a lot in this story is to map our clients according to the chain of loyal
ty that we have seen. Map the customer is our fourth tool. EXAMPLES Here are som
e examples that can help you (a) to map their customers. TRADE: Let's use the ex
ample of a shoe. ü Bystanders: all who pass by the store. ü Incoming: people who
stop to look at the window. ü Comprantes: people who buy once in a while in the
ü Recomprantes or clients: people who always buy. ü Fans or recomendantes: peopl
e who, besides buying always recommend the store for product quality and the ser
vice champion. SERVICES: Still in the business of shoes, let's take the example
of a shoemaker, whose service is to repair shoes. ü Bystanders: all people who w
ear shoes. ü Incoming: people who want to mend your shoes. ü Comprantes: people
who have used the services of a shoemaker in question. ü Customers or recomprant
es: people who always fix your shoes in the shoemaker in question. ü Fans or rec
omendantes: people who, in addition to repair your shoes with the cobbler, love
their service and recommend it to all your friends. THEORY We already know how o
ur customers are divided in the chain of loyalty. So, for the mapping, the next
step is to define how to communicate with each. But first, let's recall a little
history of the evolution of communication with customers. At the time of the in
dustrial products were still a novelty and hardly anyone had them - like the aut
omobile, for example, that factories were producing just one model, black in col
or - the idea was to popularize the product. Thus, the more people hear about it
, the better. Was created, then the mass marketing, which can be summarized in o
ne phrase: "equal caliber for hunting of any size." With that came the mass medi
a, we know so well, with advertisements on radio, television, promotions, "desco
ntões" and others. Mass communication is ideal when we want to achieve our passe
rs. Staying with the car ...
Some people began to want cars blue, green, white, etc.. For these people, the f
actories began to advertise in a more personalized, as they formed groups or nic
hes (such as began to be called). The factories also used advertising, promotion
s, but more targeted, so that people from these groups receive the information (
just announced on the radio that these people heard instead of advertising on al
l radio stations, for example). Thus arose the communications segment, which is
ideal when you want to reach consumers who are incoming. With our comprantes, th
e approach should be a little different. After all, they've noticed our company
and have bought from us. When we want to communicate with them, we need to make
sure they received the message. Therefore, we developed a more direct way to rea
ch them. Telemarketing, email and direct mail are the most used tools for this t
ype of communication, direct communication.
And our customers, those who already know us well and return to shop with us? Wi
th these, we must create relationships. Do you remember when you fell in love la
st? To conquer the beloved and start a relationship, what you did? He sent flowe
rs, bought that special outfit ... In other words, had all that attention, that
caring, devoted himself, is not it true? But above all, you listened, listened,
heard even know their tastes, interests, needs and desires. Well, to conquer and
build relationships with customers in high demand, you must do the same thing.
So was created the relationship marketing, which in fact is to act with the cust
omer in the same way we act when we are in love. It's always good to remember th
at our communication must be compatible with our attitudes. We can even use the
same tools of direct communication (telemarketing, direct mail, etc..), But the
approach must be fully personalized and individual. Remember that one of the mos
t unjust ways of doing things is different from treating people equally. So, ent
repreneurs will only succeed in upsetting the customers that are really importan
t for business. 8
With our customers, we have to do is keep the relationship, always innovating, g
iving special treatment to them and, above all, causing "UAUs!" To each meeting.
Remember panoramic review is live ...€How about recapitulate the concepts of cus
tomers? • • • • • Passante - Customers can come to buy our products and services
, or migrate from the competition. Incoming - Customers who want to buy our bran
d focus. Comprante - Clients for whom we offer our products and services, but do
es not buy as much as we'd like. Recomprante or customer - Customers want loyalt
y, expanding services and leveraging relationships increasingly structured. Fan
or recomendante - We are the best provider of these customers, who are the best
advertisement we can have.
INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY Now that you know the concepts of chain of customer loyalty,
Time to fill, just below the map "customer loyalty", defining the type of infor
mation about each of them necessary for your business. Examples: traditional inf
ormation (name, address, phone number, birthday, etc..) Additional information (
name of spouse, children, parents, birth dates of family members, favorite color
, etc.). Purchase information (which already bought, how often bought, which led
the last time, etc.). Remember that nothing is "cast" the data vary according t
o your needs. The objective of this exercise is to give you an overview map of t
he customers who are part of each of these groups. To fill it, is quite simple,
just describe the general features of each group.
Let's take the example of a clothing store inside a mall: • • • • • Bystanders:
All who go to the mall. Incoming: All who go to the mall with the intention of b
uying clothes. Comprantes: All who enter my store and buy some piece. Recomprant
es or customers: All customers who buy with me every six months. Fans or recomen
dantes: Everyone who buys me every two months and I recommend it to acquaintance
Shall we begin? Warning! You can perform the following activity in this space or
, alternatively, the environment of the course on the internet. If you prefer, g
o to step 18 of the unit "Understanding and customer loyalty" and the subject of
"Winning Customers", we are studying now. In both areas, you can store your ans
MAPPING THE CUSTOMERS Enter your answers in the boxes blank. Incoming bystanders
Comprantes Recomprantes fans or customers or recomendantes
Relying on the content with which you completed the "map" on the previous page,
answer the questions below. After answering them, go to the forum and exchange i
nformation and ideas with colleagues. 1. In exercise of the previous step, you s
elect some data from the different types of customers. Why did you choose whethe
r the data of the customer? What this data can bring benefits when it is differe
ntial offer them?
2. Describe at least one form of communication you can use with each client to t
heir enterprise.
3. Considering the various types of customers (bystanders, incoming, comprantes,
customers or recomprantes, fans or recomendantes) describe at least two differe
ntial may be offered for each client in order to make them fans or recomendantes
Even if you are following the course through this written material, be sure to t
ake advantage of the opportunities given to interact with their classmates. The
exchange of experiences among professionals is one of the most significant for o
ur growth as entrepreneurs.
COMMENTS learned a lot in this unit, was not it? Now, you deserve a rest. Get up
, stretch your arms and legs, walk around, take a deep breath. Go take a coffee
or a juice, listen to your favorite music ... Finally, relax! But, again, becaus
e our course continues. We meet in the next unit. See you there! A reminder for
you! In the current environment of the Internet, you must click on every step of
the unit and who is studying at the last step (final drive), click the Finish b
Theme 1: The best tools to increase sales Subject 2: Conquering customers Unit 2
: Competitive Essence
s) one more unit of the Course How to sell more and better: the best tools to in
crease your sales! In this unit we will look at two essential tools to turn cust
omers into fans, inside the chain of loyalty: the Essence and Compar-Competitive
Action. You know the term Essence Competitive? Have you ever stopped to think a
bout its meaning? Does Competitive Essence has something to do with the way it o
perates? If you thought yes, spot on! The essence of competitive shows us what t
he customer values most and what he wants most, namely, are the principles of ac
tion.€Already the tool Compar-Action, as its name implies, shows us how we are t
reating customers compared with competitors, or what we should prioritize. We ca
n begin to study these tools? TIPS • • • If you have questions about navigating
the course, return to the Course Guide and review it. We use bold to highlight i
mportant words in the text and / or to indicate those in the glossary. We use it
alics to indicate words of foreign origin not present or in the glossary.
THEORY The essence competitive
Competitive essence consists of five things we must do to keep the client's pref
erence. Few things, right? Think: What things a person more like you expect you
to do the day-to-day? In our house, our children always expect that extra dose o
f affection and attention. At work, people also expect that special help when th
ey have problems. In your business is no different. According Aurélio Buarque de
Hollanda, essence is "what is the nature of things, is the substance of any ani
mate or inanimate being." Now ponder for a moment: How does the concept of essen
ce can help in their sales activities? This concept helps you define what are th
e essential items to focus, what actions have to be done and that helps differen
tiate your company in the market. These items are only five jobs, or attitudes,
which his staff can not stop running and that will make the difference between y
our business and competitor. They are the "five commandments to retain customers
." Therefore, the essence is our fifth competitive tool. Warning! You have a bea
utiful animation to see the current environment of the Internet. Step 3 Locate t
he unit we are studying ("Essence competitive") and the subject of "Winning Cust
omers". You'll like it! Remembering ... You already know you can return to the c
ourse environment on the Internet and find it and drive you want. In the course
entry screen, simply click the subject title that demand (the right of the scree
n) and opens a window with the title of the corresponding drive. A new window wi
ll open and click the page you want to check. On the top horizontal bar, is the
numbering of the steps. See how easy it is to navigate the course? Understand th
e concept of essence is a simple mechanism. The most important thing is to defin
e and follow to the letter every day, the "five commandments to retain customers
." You may have asked yourself, but why five commandments, exactly? The conventi
onal wisdom is lavish. You may have heard someone say that "everything is too sp
are." Imagine if, in this case, we decided to follow the prophet Moses and Ten C
ommandments estabelecêssemos to retain customers ... Hardly could you systematiz
e them as to make them simple and feasible for their team.
Too much information confuses. Therefore, more important is knowing how to commu
nicate, clearly and succinctly, their goals and motivate your staff to make ever
yone happy with what has to be done. It is for this role you good communicator!
The leader has a crucial role in the company's commitment to the core competitiv
e. He has to master this concept and truly believe in it. After all, the example
must always come from above, is not it? Employees use their leaders as an examp
le to be followed. So pay attention to the actions you take on the day to day. I
t is they who will judge whether your business is just another market or not. We
know it takes work. But do not expect the world to change and then adapt to cha
nge. Anticipate yourself, create a unique concept in your business. Just so you
can keep a great distance from your competition and a close proximity to the hea
rt of every customer. If everything is done accordingly, the results will come s
urely and its customers well. To determine where to focus the energies, we must
try to understand the five "things" that your customer values most and that will
cause him to remain faithful to your business. The essence of competitiveness i
s made up of these five priorities, you should do for the customer. Why five? Be
cause the day-to-day can not easily remember more than five action points. We ne
ed the competitive essence is the head of all who work in your business. And it
is easy to remember, is prerequisite. REFLECTIONS Think about it: You think a bu
siness that has more than five foci can be successful? Do you believe that the l
ess "focus" the greater the chances of success of the enterprise? Go to the Foru
ms and discuss these issues with their colleagues. It's good to interact,€do not
you think? Even if you are following the course through this written material,
enjoy the occasions shown to interact with their classmates. The exchange of exp
eriences among professionals is one of the most significant for our growth as en
Theory is also essential to remind the customer profile, defined in "Positioning
". You remember what is positioning? It helps drive the definition of essences.
If you want to revisit this concept, return to the Unit Positioning and Goals. "
A good tip to find out what customers value most is to put in their place and t
ry to think like him to find out why they choose your business and would return
there. How is that? Remember to also ask for the client. This helps to compare w
hat you thought about what he really thinks. But how to decide and elect the mos
t important points? First, remember that the number of areas of action can not s
pend five! But why only five? Businesses with more than five outbreaks have actu
ally no. Then, based on their perceptions of the business, set the actions you w
ill prioritize. Remember that when you set your core competitive, we must share
with everyone in your business. It is this sharing that will generate the commit
ment of people and their implementation in practice. As stated in its day to day
, it is very difficult if you remember more than five "things" related to the sa
me subject. And if these five "things" are well defined in your business, you wi
ll be concentrating their efforts on what will really make a difference and posi
tively impact each client.
INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY Warning! You can perform the following activity in this spac
e or, alternatively, the environment of the course on the internet. If you prefe
r, go to step 7 of the unit "Essence competitive" and the subject of "Winning Cu
stomers", we are studying now. In both areas, you can store your answers. The fi
rst step to find out what are the five most important items for your business is
to answer the two questions below.
Then, answer them honestly! 1. For customers looking for the first time my busin
2. List at least two reasons that lead a customer to return to your business.
TIPS If you want to better understand the concept of competitive essence, read t
he texts "Differential" and "Essence of Competition", both available in the Medi
a Library in the References section. For this, between the environment of the co
urse on the internet. After accessing the text, you can also print it or save it
APPLICATION OF THEORY It is time to develop the competitive essence of your busi
ness. Try to think as a customer and try to register the five "things" more impo
rtant than ever and can only be made when your client is in contact with the com
pany. You can also collect information through surveys of customer satisfaction.
That is, ask customers what they expect of their services. Polls show many surp
rises, believe me! Example of competitive essence of a bakery. Hot bread every h
our 2. Cake and sweet as grandma makes three. Clean First World
4. Exposure that makes you want to grab fifth. Loving care Now, finally, you wil
l put into practice the theory studied. Think hard, think about your business an
d fill in the table below so well aware. Warning! You can perform the following
activities in this area or if you prefer, in the environment of the course on th
e internet. Go up the steps 9:10 drive "Essence competitive" and the subject of
"Winning Customers", we are studying now. In both areas, you can store your answ
ers. Essence (What matters most to our client) 1. competitive
INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY Now that you have set the competitive essence of your busine
ss, answer the questions below. If felt necessary, go to the forum and share you
r answers with your colleagues. 1. List at least three reasons that you took int
o consideration to reach five points.
2. Describe how each item on the competitive essence can influence the client's
relationship with its business.
3. Look for at least two strategies you need to adopt to ensure that each employ
ee is fully committed to the competitive essence of your business.
Even if you are following the course through this written material, enjoy the oc
casions shown to interact with their classmates. The exchange of experiences amo
ng professionals is one of the most significant for our growth as entrepreneurs.
€Let's relax? Go to step 11 of this unit and subject we are studying and three d
ifferent proposals to (a) expect. Go and check! Compar-Action THEORY As we have
seen, not just our products or services are only good features and benefits. We
need to offer something that most competitors do not have: competitive essence.
But only count on our core competitive, it would be like "look only at his own n
avel." To ensure that we are indeed in differentiating the market, you need to k
now clearly that we are better, same or worse than our competitors.
The five tools previously studied - Build your cathedral, positioning, targets,
customers and Mapping the Competitive Essence - were instrumental in building le
arning tool this course we'll see now, "Compar-Action," allows us to do analysis
of the markets where we operate comparing them with direct competitors. It is o
ur sixth tool. Knowing how we are against competitors allows us to plan more eas
ily, the actions that best fit our day-to-day.
APPLICATION OF THEORY Warning! You can perform the following activities in this
area or if you prefer, in the environment of the course on the internet. Go to s
tep 13 of the unit "Essence competitive" and the subject of "Winning Customers",
we are studying now. In both areas, you can store your answers. Companies Compa
re-Action Benefits the Customer We wish 1 2 3
Only one has
There is good and
It is not good
Analyze your business, filling the frame Compar-Action, shown above. Use a baker
y as an example. What are the benefits that a customer wants a bakery? Returning
to the example given in step 8, this unit, we'll remind you: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hot
bread every hour. Cake and sweet as grandma does. Cleaning of the first world.
Exposure that makes you want to grab. Loving care.
Reflections Before starting the exercise, reflect on the five benefits you expec
t from your business. If you feel the need, go to the forum and exchange ideas w
ith their peers. APPLICATION OF THEORY The next step is to define competitors wh
o want to analyze. With these defined, the next step is to analyze each one base
d on the benefits that customers want.
Who's better? Competitors 1 and 2 are the most consistent. You know why? Because
they offer most of the benefits that customers want and do not offer the benefi
ts of which are not good. Note that they do not have anything yellow. This means
that these competitors only offer full services to suit customers. That is, the
y are good at what they do.
INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY Warning! You can perform the following activities in this ar
ea or if you prefer, in the environment of the course on the internet. Go to ste
p 15 of the unit "Essence competitive" and the subject of "Winning Customers", w
e are studying now. In both areas, you can store your answers. Now, your turn ha
s come. Set the competitors you want to analyze. Then complete the table below.
But first, think about the key benefits that customers expect from your business
and your competitor's business. The essence competitive this time is crucial. N
ow, just put your hands dirty. Recalling the analysis criteria: Items in BLUE ar
e the benefits that only an analysis of offers. Items in GREEN are the benefits
offered by all analyzed. Items in yellow represent the benefits that the busines
s has, but where need to improve. They deserve the most attention because they a
re the ones that count against your business. Items in RED are the benefits that
the business does not offer. When finished its analysis, some results and you g
et a complete map to analyze as it is in relation to its competitors, to take th
e necessary action and focus their energies to improve your business.
Compar-Action Enterprise Competitive Essence (Benefits) We 1 2 3
Only one has
There is good and
It is not good
COMMENTS tool Compar-action allows us to do analysis of the markets where we ope
rate, comparing them with direct competitors. Knowing how we are against competi
tors, we can identify trends and we have an easier time to adequately plan our a
ctions in day-to-day. It is therefore essential to use it from time to time and
see how are the competitors and customers.
Well, we got to the end of another unit. You like it? Well, there's more ... Get
up a little if you can lie on the rug or pillow, close your eyes, breathe deepl
y, quiet your mind, renew your energy, because ...€Our progress continues! Until
next drive! A reminder for you! In the current environment of the Internet, you
must click on every step of the unit and who is studying at the last step (fina
l drive), click the Finish button.
Theme 1: The best tools to increase sales Subject 2: Conquering customers Unit 3
: Turning customers
Dear student. Dear student. Very welcome to the sixth unit of the course "How to
sell more and better: the best tools to increase your sales! Today, we know a t
ool that helps a lot to turn customers into fans of their business. The name say
s everything about her: "Transforming our customers." Can we start? TIPS • • • I
f you have questions about navigating the course, return to the Course Guide and
review it. We use bold to highlight important words in the text and / or to ind
icate those in the glossary. We use italics to indicate words of foreign origin
not present or in the glossary.
You liked Raul Seixas? Great artist! Composer, singer, musician, poet, prophet.
How about paying tribute to him? Let's sing "Metamorphosis," one of the most bea
utiful compositions "Raulzito. We started
singing a few verses here and you are still there. Pay close attention to the be
auty of words! Come on! "I prefer to be a metamorphosis of have that old opinion
about everything ..." COMMENTS Killed the miss Raul Seixas? "Metamorphosis" is
a great song, agree? We are all "Metamorphosis." We're mutants, as Lee says Rita
His clients also. Think about it. Incidentally, the lyrics of "Metamorphosis" i
s available in the Media Library in the References section. Let's start the theo
ry of this unit? THEORY The main goal of any seller is definitely win customers,
turning them into fans. If desired, review the chain of loyalty, studied the un
it Understanding and loyalty customers. In the fourth unit of this course, you h
ave mapped your customers. Now, let's define actions that generate impact in eac
h group. The first point to be considered is this: every action should help to c
hange the initial phase of his client in jail loyalty. To make each client in th
e chain of loyalty, some actions are needed. Among them, we cite as an example,
promotions, reduced profit margins and obtaining discounts from suppliers.
Warning! You have a beautiful animation to see in step 6 of that unit and subjec
t. Cheer up! Go there to check. What to do for a client can become a potential c
ustomer? Depends little on you and more of the changes that the prospects of tha
t client may suffer. This phase of processing the client possible potential cust
omer more dependent on the desires and wishes, rather than its business capabili
ty and sensitivity. It is important to remember also that the external reality o
f the client is a determining factor in this process step. However, despite its
limitations, it is worth getting ligadíssimo what happens in the market to take
advantage of every opportunity, and often can create conditions so that the cust
omer develops a need that had not before. Have to turn the prospect into a clien
t, you get all communication efforts, benefits and competitive advantages offere
d by the company. Advertisements, prospectuses, launch events all help to create
that desire to experiment. And also your responsibility to attend, which is one
of the most convincing to establish confidence in the company. The philosophy o
f care can not be something done at random or just based on common sense of thos
e working in the company. Besides the company's philosophy, it is necessary to s
ystematize the care that he wants to give customers. The only way to generate re
putation is to provide customers with consistent care philosophy. This requires
a very defined profile of people working in the company. Customers have to reali
ze the same tone of voice, the same willingness to solve problems, the same spee
d. For this alone is not enough to choose well, you must focus on monitoring and
training the sales team. Only then will we ensure that they are prepared to pla
y the role expected.
So that everything is structured, it is necessary to design the service you want
to give. We do this based on profile and owner of the business, product knowled
ge, the relationship between company departments and, especially, redirecting ou
r structure, if necessary, and defining a system
fair recognition and reward - both for employees and for customers. Remember! Wo
rking in a cooperative way, joining forces, we can help everyone win.
INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY We practice a little theory? Time to exercise our seventh to
ol, called "Transforming our customers." Relying on the content studied, define
the necessary actions to make each customer in the chain of loyalty. There are t
hree key aspects to this transformation, you need to know before completing the
table below. They should guide the completion of your frame. Therefore, before b
eginning the exercise, read the following. 1. The actions themselves. For exampl
e, promotions that some clothing stores do to attract more potential customers t
o be transformed into potential customers. Loyal Customer already like to be tre
ated as unique and special way. This customer generally prefers to do all your s
hopping for clothes in one store, where he will be treated in a personalized and
will have better payment terms, than buying every piece of clothing in a differ
ent store. So it's good business to attract a customer who becomes a believer, y
ou buy and check back often. In this case, a promotion that attracts this type o
f client can be very effective. 2. The resources required to do so. For example,
lowering the profit margin to sell cheaper, as some grocery stores do to turn p
rospects into customers. A stay-at-home shopping, daily milk and French bread at
the grocery in the neighborhood where he lives. One day, however, this client i
s a sales and decides to buy a croissant. At home, she and her children eat croi
ssant and enjoy them. Thereafter, the item becomes part of your shopping list. 3
. With whom you. Even in the case of grocery stores, they can get discounts with
suppliers to sell a cheaper product and turn prospects into customers. For exam
ple: A grocery store sells organic products such as fresh vegetables grown on 28
gardens, fresh milk, tapioca flour, eggs, rustic, and others. This grocery store
has a customer that just wont buy the vegetables. Rarely buy cassava flour ther
e, because they think the price is high. The grocer can get a discount with your
supplier and is able to sell the same meal for a price thirty percent lower. Th
ereafter, the customer goes to buy vegetables, too, manioc flour. Like him, othe
r guests begin to consume that item. Turn customers Attention! You can perform t
he following activity in this space or, alternatively, the environment of the co
urse on the internet. Go to Step 9 of the unit "Transforming customers" and the
subject of "Winning Customers", we are studying now. In both areas, you can stor
e your answers. Remembering ... You already know you can return to the course en
vironment on the Internet and find it and drive you want. In the course entry sc
reen, simply click the subject title that demand (the right of the screen) and o
pens a window with the title of the corresponding drive. A new window will open
and click the page you want to check. On the top horizontal bar, is the numberin
g of the steps. See how easy it is to navigate the course? To complete the table
below, keep in mind the following: under "Objectives", the olhante must be tran
sformed into incoming, the incoming in comprante; in the comprante recomprante;
in the recomprante recomendante; recomendante and should be retained as such. In
the item "What," you should explain what to do, ie, stocks that will perform to
achieve this. In the item "With what," you will show the resources to use to ac
hieve your goal. Finally, specify its partners, under "Who".
Chain Customers
With whom? With what? (Persons / (resources) companies)
COMMENTS liked to exercise tool "Transforming the customers? Practice is key. Re
member the following: the concepts that you used to populate the table should al
ways be applied in your business. Warning! You have a beautiful animation to see
the environment of the Internet course alluding to the subject here is clear. G
o to step 10 of this unit. Well, one more step in our course was unsuccessful. N
ow, relax a little and come back, because we still have other steps to win. We m
eet in the next unit. See you there!
A reminder for you! In the current environment of the Internet, you must click o
n every step of the unit and who is studying at the last step (final drive), cli
ck the Finish button.€It is a procedure that will allow you access to a new subj
ect and the possibility to download this new content. If you are unsure how to p
roceed, refer to the course or refer to Recall (page 29 of this material).

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