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com by Gerardo Sanchez

ION Head of Technology Education
Technical High School No. 62
Ponciano Arriaga s / n Col. Benito Juárez Tel 8130734
Sheet name: LA Ink Jet Printer
Author: Rodrigo Alonzo Date: January 2008 Advisor: Gerardo Sánchez Nájera
http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com by Gerardo Sanchez
ORIGIN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... DEVELOPMENTS ...........
...................................... .........................................
......... ............. SOCIAL IMPACT ..........................................
...... .................................................. .. IMPLICATIONS ......
........................................... ....................................
.............. . July 3 July 8
1. PURPOSE FUNCTIONALITY FOR WHAT WAS BUILT ....................................
....... .......... POSSIBLE USES AND SCOPE .....................................
. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION ................................................ ....
.......................... CHARACTERISTICS OF MATERIALS ... ... ... ... ... ...
.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ORIGIN OF MATERIALS ... ... ... ... ... ..
.. ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... GENERAL PROPERTIES ... ... ... ... .
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. MANUFACTURING PROCESSES ..
............................................. ............................. MAIN
....................................... ............................. STRENGTH A
CE ............................................ ...... .........................
...................... Innovation proposals ......................... 13 13 14 1
4 9 10 11 11 11 12 12 8 8 9
http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com by Gerardo Sanchez
History-Social Aspect
ORIGIN. The history of writing the history of writing dates back many millions o
f years ago. The first writing, are of prehistory, dinosaurs still existed broth
er. Then at that time, was written in stone. Human beings at the time, they took
something that would serve to strike, a hard stick was leaving marked his writi
ng. Primitive man, appealed to many different signs of expression, both oral and
gestures, or materials such as knots, i finally drawings. These drawings are wh
at are known as cave paintings. Most of these, unfortunately, has not been able
to find meaning, given his long life. There are basically three different writin
g systems: synthetic scriptures that express ideas or phrases, with an unlimited
number of signs. They have no possible combination. These scripts have been nam
ed the "prewriting." Then there are the analytical writings, which represent a w
ord or a morpheme, an admitted possible combinations. And finally, there are pho
netic scripts, which represent sounds of a particular word. This allows a consid
erable reduction of the signs. You can combine very easily. The first letter, mo
re or less seriously is before 3000 BC It is attributed to the Sumerians of Meso
potamia, in the current Asia. As it is written with ideographic characters, the
reading is open to ambiguity. A few years later came the Egyptian culture. The E
gyptians a new form of writing. Using pictograms called hieroglyphics. Also wrot
e on rolls, made of papyrus stems. In general, the Egyptian writing, writing is
a very important history. Many documents are preserved writings of the Egyptians
. Then, a few thousand years later, 2000 a. C., is the Sumerian epic. APREC Gilh
amesh twelve clay tablets using cuneiform calligraphy.
http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com by Gerardo Sanchez This type of calligraphy, i
s named for the wedge-shaped instrument used to write. Probably the Sumerian scr
ipt, is the development of Egyptian writing. Later, other civilizations were eme
rging that also influenced the writing: Ottomans€Chinese, Indus Valley, in the
Aegean Sea (now Greece) ... As early as 1000 BC, mostly from the year 800 BC, Gr
eek wine culture. This civilization was very important for writing, it introduce
d alphabetic writing, which is currently used, with some variations, though. His
writing consisted of an alphabet of 24 letters, from the Phoenicians. In genera
l they were highly educated, or very smart. They made many works in writing. The
re were many variations of types of writing, but they were all interrelated. For
example, in the fourth century BC, when Alexander the Great began to conquer te
rritories of the Middle East, there was a change in writing. This was renamed Ko
ine (the standard). Among the most outstanding works written by the Greeks, is t
he Iliad, by Homer, Aesop did many fables, for example, "The eagle and the fox"
or "The goose that lays golden eggs." "The Cyclops" and "Medea" by Euripides, Pl
ato, who made many dialogues, such as "Charmides" or "lysis" and other names suc
h as Sophocles, Archimedes, Pausanias ... Also important is the invention of par
chment in the West. Parchment has been used since 1500 BC Its name comes from Pe
rgamum, a Greek city. In this town where there was a high quality material to ma
ke scrolls. Been utilized in many years. But it was not until the year 200 BC, t
hat began to replace parchment Egyptian papyrus. The scroll is made of sheepskin
, usually, to get a smooth surface. In conclusion, we could say that the Greeks
were the first great civilization which is devoted to background, the art of wri
ting, for this reason, they made many works. Meanwhile, the Greeks were doing wo
rks and more works, in Asia, were not idly, doing nothing. No written many works
as the Greeks, but also wrote a few. Overall, the work focused on the topic of
religion. Asians, were and remain very fororos of their respective religion (and
only to ask Bush!). Wrote works like "Vedas", a book sacred to Hindus. They use
d four different languages for
by Gerardo Sanchez http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com write the works of differen
t civilizations that existed at that time. The "Vedas", for example, was written
and is written in a language called Sanskrit. There is also a very important bo
ok Hindu. It is probably the most famous of all: The Bhagavadgita. This book is
written as a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna, two Hindu gods. A few years la
ter the year 105 AD, the Chinese are doing a great invention for the world of wr
iting. Invented paper. This material is so precious in those days, now not much
is made of pulp fibers, especially with trees of mulberry. The legend or traditi
on was that Cai Lun, a servant of the imperial court of the Chinese emperor of t
he time, was the first to make paper. The oldest preserved paper was manufacture
d in the year 150 AD Durante, 500 or 600 years, the Chinese kept the secret of m
aking paper, and did not tell any other civilization, during all this time. The
seventh century AD, when the paper was introduced in the neighboring country, Ja
pan. The next century, and a little more, was introduced in all central Asia (Mo
ngolia, Pakistan, India ...). On paper, it spread more or less, to a certain spe
ed. Did not get to another continent, Latin, until much later. The paper, crossi
ng the border from Asia, through, from Egypt. There was the year 800, approximat
ely, but did not begin to make up a little later. In Europe, came through the Ar
abs, Spain. It built the first paper mill, 1150. As the years passed, and the ce
nturies, the role it spread throughout Europe. Meanwhile, in China are another i
mportant step in the history of writing. The Chinese book printed with wooden bl
ocks. It is a book with illustrations is known carved in wood, is called "Diamon
d Sutra." It is considered the first impression of humanity. Although the true i
mpression would a few years later. 1450, specifically, Johann Gutenberg invented
movable type printing, or it can move. The first printing was 170 Bibles. Besid
es causing a great furor social and streamline the process of printing books, al
so had an important economic consequence. The advent of printing greatly cheapen
ed the printing of books, or anything else. Also meant a big boost for the manuf
acture of paper.
by Gerardo Sanchez http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com following centuries went by
, but it was noted that missing part. Rags were missing, the only raw material t
hat they knew what Europeans. Then he attempted to create machines that would so
lve this major problem. Also tried to introduce things that could replace paper,
but there was no way. For example, some machines include as, the Hollander beat
er, which replaced the deck, or flat table, built by Nicolas Robert, 1798. Durin
g the nineteenth century, they invented many machines connected with writing and
with the paper. For example, the machine that made the shredding of the wood fo
r the paper. It should be noted, also in the nineteenth century, the invention o
f the typewriter in 1873 by the American company "Remington." Already in the twe
ntieth century, there was a significant development of the scale and speed of th
e paper. Well into the twentieth century, the paper industry, spent and remains
committed to incorporate ancillary products, basically. Then in the 70s, there w
as an event that radically changed the world I'm explaining now, writing. Came t
he computerized editing, that is, computers began to appear. Word processors and
computers revolutionized the printing of books. Since then, everything is movin
g much faster with computers. A few years later, began to appear the first CD-Ro
m, which are discs that can store millions of words in a small space. Currently
widely used, along with the Internet, which is a network to exchange messages wi
th people, besides many other things, obviously!. Since I have talked about writ
ing, as I say, I'll have to name you some writing samples. I'll tell you, those
who think they are more universally known. They are: Miguel de Cervantes Don Qui
xote de la Mancha, Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, Jules Verne Journey to the Ce
nter of the Earth, Anne Frank wrote her own diary from World War II; There are m
any others, but I would pass if the appointment everyone, so stop writing, and I
ask that you pass to the next page. The origin of the printer is not just since
patented the first but more remote times, since our ancestors helps implement h
is paintings on walls and invented writing. A printer is used to transcribe a do
cument from the PC to a physical medium such as paper, through the use of ribbon
s, ink cartridges or laser technology. The history of the printer can be traced
along with the creation of the first computer, the analytical engine of Charles
Babbage, despite the fact that the inventor never managed to build your PC, it e
nded the 6
by Gerardo Sanchez http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com planes which included the p
rinting mechanism. In 1950 comes the first electric computer printer, but was on
ly able to print texts. Seven years later he developed the dot matrix printer, b
ut had the same limitations as its predecessor. In 1959 Xerox copier and manufac
tures for 1973 appears the first color copier manufactured by Canon. In 1978, th
e printer creates a daisy, which could only write letters and numbers, but had t
he quality of a typewriter. Finally in 1980 laser printer appears in black and w
hite, 8 years later, he implemented the color mode. EVOLUTION. The printer has c
onstantly evolved since its invention, from the first printers can print only te
xt, printers could only print letters and numbers, until in 1980 appears white l
aser printer black and eight years later, he implemented the method color. Appea
r then dot matrix printers, inkjet and laser technology, the most modern. SOCIAL
IMPACT. The main advantage is that they have a much lower initial cost than oth
er printers. The new printers have a print speed of less than laser printers for
medium size. The installation of a system of continuous ink supply lower printi
ng costs less than .01 cents per color page. Another advantage is its small size
compared to color laser printers, because the latter have to store four toners
(cyan, yellow, magenta and black) large inside. Almost all laser printers cost p
er print with other printers is much higher (with original cartridges), because
the ink cartridge is consumed quickly and is fairly expensive.
http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com by Gerardo Sanchez Another important disadvant
age is the relative speed are becoming useless with the printheads when not in u
se for several months. This has caused many users with intermittent printing nee
ds have been forced to buy a color laser printer, although it does not justify i
ts purchase price for printing a small number of copies. Furthermore, its cost i
s lower compared with other types of printers. IMPLICATIONS. The printers are ch
anging rapidly and possibly in the future all people already have such a printer
, inkjet, because their cost is low compared to other printers such as laser tec
hnology for example, and there is no doubt that are much more efficient printing
at higher speeds resulting in a greater number of pages per minute, which are s
maller and more manageable and the ink lasts longer, and these may be some devel
opments that may happen in the future with inkjet printers ink.
Scientific and Technical Dimension
FUNCTIONALITY. The main function of a printer's "print" documents or photographs
available on the computer. Possible Uses and Scope. Homes Offices Schools Appli
cation Example In all these areas is the printer is used to print documents
Utility or Frequency of Use in Relation to the satisfaction of Necessity 8
http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com by Gerardo Sanchez This technical object is in
direct proportion to the satisfaction of the need is increasing, because every
human being has in their homes, schools, offices, etc., at least one printer the
refore to have a computer you need to print files stored in it. STRUCTURE. IDENT
IFICATION OF THE PARTIES up the object. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 PART Station Setting Output Stacker Automatic Trans. Paper. Transfer Station
Forms Inbox Cleaning Station Download Station Station Role Set Revealed Photocon
ductor Drum Cleaning Filter corotron Acoustic Optical Deflector Cargo Mirror Mir
ror Polygonal Forms Printing Device
Graphic representation.
http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com by Gerardo Sanchez
by Gerardo Sanchez http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MATE
RIALS. Source Material. Copper Steel Plastic Materials Inorg. x x x Org. Renov.
Not to renew. Mineral x x x x x x Animal Plant
General Properties
The properties depend on the total amount of matter in the body are called gener
al properties, among them are the shape, size, weight, temperature.
Gral Mass Volume Property
Amount of matter contained in a body. It is measured in (kg) place or area occup
ied by a body in space. It is measured in (m3). The volume not only depends on t
he amount of material, but also temperature gravitational force that Earth exert
s on all bodies. Is proportional to the mass
Where is manifested In weighing the printer on a scale. It is the place the prin
ter in a space.
It is the force of gravitational attraction exerted by earth on the printer. It
says the move or at rest
Quality that have the bodies to preserve the state of rest or motion in a straig
ht line until it found an external force acted upon property that has the bodies
to split into ever smaller pieces
Very unlikely that could damage or break the deal somewhere with no porosity nor
mal because steel and is very dense atomic structure
property of matter that is to present pores or voids
MANUFACTURING PROCESS. Manufacturing Systems and Techniques.
http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com by Gerardo Sanchez
Bolt Assy Painted Enamel
Which expresses
In assembling the inner and outer parts of the printer. By joining the parts of
the printer. Whole object is painted to give technical presentation. It is cover
ed with enamel paint applied throughout to polish and protect paint Fold to shap
e steel and plastic.
Tools used in the manufacture of the object.
No Description Features
An elongated tool bar
Develop sensitive parts of the
printer. Screw metal parts with a printer.
plastic handle on one end and a flat tip screwdriver or two cross-shaped in the
end to another, of different sizes screws.
OPERATION.€An inkjet printer or inkjet printer is used by the propulsion of dro
plets of ink (ink jet technology) on a solid support (paper or acetate) to obtai
n a copy of a document. The ink is usually found in liquid form and comes to sta
nd for thermal injection or piezoelectric effect. They usually use two heads, on
e with a cartridge of 12
by Gerardo Sanchez http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com black and one with three co
lor ink tanks different, normally, cyan, magenta and yellow printers are CMYK (s
hort for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). Each item is printed in different colors
by combining the appropriate amount, which allows high accuracy. If you use an
appropriate role, you can get photographic quality prints. There are also solid
ink printers, instead of conventional cartridges have four solid ink sticks with
the primary colors. CMYK. They produce a high quality output at relatively low,
which makes them a good alternative to color laser printers. Forces and Types o
f energy that causes the function object.
The mechanical energy is created or generated when an external power source feed
s the mechanical device and spinning, fast forward, rewind, etc.. Electricity is
called the form of energy that results from the existence of a potential differ
ence between two points, which allow an electric current between them-when you p
ut them in touch through a
Which expresses
When lifting with the pulley.
The energy that operates the printer.
http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com by Gerardo Sanchez
electrical conductor, and obtain employment.
Scientific Principles Every machine is built by machines made simple in this cas
e are:
Screw Shaft Pulley
Which expresses
In the parties that had to be screwed. Gears inside the printer. They argue the
gears of the printer.
Innovation Proposals
Ink Cartridges Improve internal circuitry. minutes.
Possible Application
That the ink cartridges last longer. The printer to print a larger quantity of p
http://puntadiamante.blogspot.com by Gerardo Sanchez
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