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Language has a central role in the acquisition of cultural content in developing
independent, critical and social skills is to interact with others. With the en
try to school the context of adult-child learning the proper way to leave early
interactions with peers to learn to express feelings, explain reaccines, underst
and the d elos others and incorporate values and social norms. As a vehicle lang
uage, oral language will be supplemented with reading and writing to enrich unn
instrument becoming increasingly more complex. Given the importance of language
in teaching and learning processes the problems that may arise in this area goes
beyond the clinical setting to coordinate with the education and interventions
to develop more comprehensive and effective. I. - LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. Language
is an internal representation of reality constructed through a socially shared
media and most important property is great creative potential based on their kno
wledge. Main evolutionary stages. • preverbal period. From birth the child shows
a great facility for the social relationship reacting to visual and auditory pa
tterns, with a share of the adult sensitive and adaptive, giving rise to so-call
ed protoconversaciones "early dialogues based on eye contact, smiles and gurglin
g (two months). Between 4-8 months aparaecen Bruner entertaining routines called
"forms" and allow the child to learn a lot about the rules governing communicat
ion: prediction of the sequence, alternating roles ... At 12 months, the behavio
rs are "proto" (Bates): the adult becomes a partner with which it shares informa
tion. • Acquisition of language. Around 12 m begins the expression of their inte
ntions through the words, turning from the 2 a. one of the most spectacular phen
omena of child development. - Acquisition of formal aspects: phonology, morpholo
gy and syntax. 18m-6a: phonological stage: Ingram notes that the phonemes are ac
quired with each other in the process of replacement (hair / dog), assimilation
(papo / duck) and simplification (duck / dish) solábica structure. - Acquisition
of meaning: the semantic development refers to the acquisition of vocabulary an
d the acquisition of meaning. Understanding precedes the expression with a gradu
al acquisition of the meaning of the words: restrictive meaning (bow-wow for the
dog only) or more entensivos (for animals). These "over-extensions" Clark attri
buted to the similarity of certain attributes perceptive cone shape, sound, colo
r ... Bowerman defend purchasing from "prototypes": the first words refer to the
most prototypical examples which have more features in common with the other ex
amples in the same category (eg mammalian cow instead of a whale). - Acquisition
of the functional aspects. The study models the communicative functions coincid
e in highlighting the following functions:
. regulatory-based communication is the expression of wishes. . declarative tran
smit and share information. interrogative or heuristics: to obtain information.
Regulatory functions and declarative have their antecedents in the preverbal sta
ge: proto-imperatives and proto. The communicative intention is given before the
re is a formal development: language evolved from a functional basis, pragmatic,
based on communication and user situations. At 2 a. are acquired most important
communicative functions, resulting in a further enrich unna while multifunction
ality: carry more of an intention (Dore, 1979). At the age eSolar development is
centered on the gradual acquisition of communication skills: objective informat
ion (inform, explain, identify ...) and subjective (expression of opinion, quest
ion, predict, ...), which make assumptions diversifying and enriching go to meet
new requirements. II .- THE MAIN PROBLEMS OF LANGUAGE. 1 .- The significance an
d prevalence of language problems. There are variations in the rhythms and patte
rns of language acquisition in children, it is appropriate to differentiate betw
een delay and disorder: the language delay shows a level corresponding to younge
r children (slow development) and refers to the disorder that his language is qu
alitative and maladjusted cuantitativamenet (slow and different.) There are larg
e variations in the studies. In general: the% are higher in children€at early ag
es. In the pre-school gives an incidence of 7.6% and in school by 8%. 2 .- Probl
ems of school age. a) Essentially communication: communication • Severe Problems
: resulting from disorders such as autism and psychosis. • Selective mutism: the
absence of language in certain situations / people. • stuttering (stuttering):
a change in the flow of speech (2-7 a) consisting of repeats (clone) or crashes
(root) differs from the physiological or developmental stuttering own evolution
to three years.
• •
b) From the speech: dyslalia: articulation disorder discrminación difficulty in
hearing and / or oropharyngeal praxis. Diglossia or organic dyslalias: difficult
ies anatomical or physiological articulatory organs, can be, according to Perell
o (1977): labial, mandibular, lingual, palatal and nasal (cleft lip / palate arc

Delayed speech: difficulties in their normal phonological system morphosyntactic
and semantic development. c) From Language: Dysphasia (congenital aphasia): pro
found disturbance of the mechanisms of acquisition of language comprehension pro
blems of language delay: chronological dislocation at the phonological, morpholo
gical and semantic. d) classification of language problems as proposed by the DS
M IV. Expressive Language Disorder (related to speech delay and language of the
classification anetrior) time lag between the child's language and the expected
for age (poor vocabulary, errors in tense, difficulty in recalling words. ..) di
sorder receptive-expressive language (related to the previous dysphasia): abnorm
al development of both. Ranging from the difficulty understanding words or phras
es to the inability to understand the basic vocabulary and simple sentences, and
auditory processing difficulties. Before the 4a. Phonological disorder. Difficu
lty using speech sounds of their age and language .. In severe cases may be unin
telligible language Stuttering. Altered fluidity. Communication disorders not sp
ecified. Disorders that do not meet any citerios especígico disorder (eg, voice
• •

• • •
3 .- Source of the disorders. • The optimal niño.Un own language development req
uires a professional and optimal cognitive equipment. Certain difficulties are a
manifestation of a more general cognitive impairment (difficulties in the use o
f symbolic language = disorders). • In relation to the environment. Situational
and interpersonal contexts: a disorder is the result of an interactive story (Mo
nfort and Johnson, 1993). The exposure to very poor communications experiences,
environments very overprotective, pathological family environments and belonging
to social classes and marginalized desfavoracidas (Bernstein, 1971 / 3), cause
language difficulties appear to be on the basis of higher rates of school failur
e , interpreted this as a contradiction between the restricted code used by the
children and the elaborated code used in the ecuela.
III .- DETECTION AND EVALUATION. The field school is the manifestation of many o
f the problems of language. A good evaluation requires a complete description of
the language features and depends on the timing to be performed in three phases
initial assessment: the starting point with analysis of linguistic and communica
tive competence complementary sensorial evaluations, neurological and cognitive
development - formative or process: to review progress and set the mode of inter
vention and the validity of the resources, time .. . and summative evaluation: f
inal phase in the observed changes and the degree of achievement of the objectiv
es proposed in the beginning. Specialists, teachers and the family environment c
ontribute especially in the process with their contributions. a) Evaluation of t
he subject. Aspects to be evaluated depend on the problems of the subject: - mil
d speech difficulties: assessment of phonetic and phonological aspects - limited
language: overall evaluation with analysis of other communication systems. (Dea
f: Signs / bimodal, or motor disability: SPC / BLISS). b) Assessment of context.
Should refer to the interaction between two or more partners in a given situati
on, it is useful observation in the family and school environment as the number
of messages that direct (types of questions, clear answers ...) c ) the assessme
nt procedures. Vary by age, objectives or time ..€The most used strategies are:
- test: appropriate for assessing specific aspects, not completely evaluated, fo
cusing on formal aspects (phonology and morphosyntax) and content (vocabulary).
Table 8 presents some of the tests used: Boehm test of basic concepts, ITPA, TSA
Morphosyntactic and phonological Monforty Register Juarez - Samples espotáneo l
anguage: they represent real competition of the subject difficult to compare sub
jects and consume long time. It is important to determine where and how partners
get the sample being preferred family environment and natural contexts. It need
s a registration system (ECO and A-REL) and make the necessary transcripts (CHIL
IV .- THE INTERVENTION. a) Methodological approaches. - Formal type: with a prev
alence of language content in order of complexity - intervention functional or n
atural, which is part of communicative interactions as natural as possible, but
noo always possible, so Johnson and Monfort (1989) propose - an intervention mod
el at three levels:
. Interactive: plans and organizes the speech therapist interaction situations.
programming content that will work. language teaching behaviors through structur
ed exercise. Augmentative communication the systems are growing in strength in t
he teaching of language, according to child characteristics and environmental co
nditions. b) The family and school. They play an important role in individual as
sistance for language problems and should therefore be closely coordinated to ta
ke advantage of natural settings that can stimulate and promote generalization o
f learning from the intervention sessions. There are a number of factors that ma
y influence the language and the child's learning and are beyond the control of
educators you, so for these is recommended: from child's interests and experienc
es, comment on the activity most to questions, avoid repetition corrective allow
time for expression, always reinforce successes, open questions that allow dive
rse responses, rely on visual representations to support the theme of the talk,
take advantage of game situations and to ensure communication between family and
school, using a simple notebook
The demand for complete control by all highlights the difficulty of writing. His
mastery involves, first, recognize the words (the mechanic) and, secondly, poss
ess skills to impart (this communication). The problems are approached from an i
ntegrative perspective and educational. 1 .- Dilemmas of written language. How i
s the acquisition combines the two types of skills: mechanical and operational?
- Position traditional first taught to read and write and then to understand and
write. - Integrated Language (Kenneth Goodman) lead to situations in which comm
unication skills are exercised to recognize and write words. The treatment of th
e difficulties depend on the response we've chosen. If we consider that the impo
rtant thing is to understand the expression or communication, accuracy and fluen
cy will be a minor. And to the extent that these routines are viscosity impresci
nbibles to express themselves and understand, gain in importance. In summary, we
consider the difficulties as a problem focusing on the context or characteristi
cs of the subject. The choice of one or another kind of consideration also influ
ence the intervention. If we focus on the subject will require individual attent
ion and specific programs, if we chose a communicative vision, focusing on the c
ontext, advocate for global action. 2 .- The written language. • Recognition and
spelling of words. Reading is recognized, but we can recognize by ear and recog
nize by sight. (Vivliareconocemos by the sequence of sounds, not spelling; ligth
-recognize visually and audibly). These two operations are the essence of the mo
st influential theory to explain the words reonocimiento esctitas: Theory of two
-way (Coltheart, 1978). The phonological processing via orthographic units of so
unds (vi bi; vlia BLIA) and brings together the sounds of a complete representat
ion (bi + BLIA = Bible) that recognizes (orally familiar).€Keep in mind that in
order to transform the orthographic units into sounds we need to look visually s
timulating (read by ear with the hearing aid) and before accessing the meaning w
e know which are the sounds. The lexical route is assumed that the word recognit
ion and access to its meaning are two simultaneous processes: recognizing the sp
elling of the word Bible with the same immediacy with which recognizes a picture
of a Bible. The familiar words can be read either by the two tracks, while the
lexical is faster, while unfamiliar require the use of phonological route. In an
y case, you will need an active auniversity a regular and systematic practice in
a meaningful context as possible.
• -
Understand and express themselves. Understanding is: building relationships loca
lly and globally to connect text information, for what is necessary to relate th
e meanings of words (ideas) which have been extracted from the readings and to c
reate interconnections between them based on some element common although not ex
plicitly appear (inferences). The network of connections between each idea and i
ts adjoining is a first level of understanding referred to as microstructure (re
cognize words, constructing sentences, linked together) that the reader believes
to understand, but that alone will not suffice. So macroideas appear or macropo
siciones (derived from the text and the reader's knowledge) that give meaning to
the structure creating causal links, motivational, explanatory ... for global n
etworking ideas (superstructure). integrate text information as you know, for wh
at we need a certain number of inference or prior knowledge. According to this t
here are two kinds of understanding: understanding what is said in the text (bas
ed on inferences bridge) and create in our minds a representation of what it say
s (through elaborative inferences: the situation model). The task of evaluation
of the student may have a stronger in either reperesentación: literal questions,
free recall and abstract understanding artificial value, and creative issues in
-depth understanding. self-regulatory processes involved. The reader should dete
ct that something is being covered and try to solve it (supervision), to detect
whether the level of understanding is acceptable (evaluation) in relation to the
type of understanding that was proposed (planning). How do cognitive processes
identified during the interpretation of the text? saturates understanding the li
mited capacity of working memory (operating), due to the number of processes inv
olved in it. Only automation strategies and less complex components make the pro
cess successful. automation requires the most basic operations and this requires
a lot of reading, and reading has read a lot to like: if you read some do not d
evelop the necessary skills and tend to read less marked and the initial problem
s (San Mateo effect ) is an interactive process that supports compensation, (the
problems of word recognition are offset by the ability to sense the overall mea
ning) but competent reading requires the automation of low-level tools.
• -
is a process that is facilitated when it occurs in a collaborative environment i
n which another person helps in organizing the text and in the identification of
general ideas. is a process which involves a new way of using language, written
language that bring more complex communicative possibilities which find in oral
communication (Vygotsky, Olson).
3 .- Students with learning difficulties in reading (dyslexia) • difficulties in
the recognition of words without understanding problems (dyslexia). difficultie
s in understanding and learn from what they read.
Difficulties in word recognition. Conditions to speak of particular delay in lea
rning to read: - nomal intellectual (IQ> 85) - delay of 2 a. between general abi
lity and achievement in reading - regular attendance to school - no major sensor
y and emotional causes. Types of problems: - in relation to the phonological rou
te: phonological dyslexia, especially in reading unfamiliar words. Types of erro
rs: stop at a phonological reading with many errors (curl by cuerla) or visual r
eading and spelling by analogy with other familiar words (cuerla rope). - In rel
ation to the track lexical: surface dyslexia, with little errors in reading,€but
slow and susceptible to misunderstanding. - Problems in both ways, they read th
rough phonological difficulties. The difficulties are due to internal factors ar
e genetic, for some neurological or both, is unknown the reciprocating mechanism
of influence between them. Its evolution, based on the work of Maggie Bruck, sh
ows that dyslexics fail to fully automate the recognition of words even with a h
igh degree of adaptation to the school world. Difficulties in understanding. The
y read well but do not understand. With the incorrect integration of ideas, a re
lationship with defective background and an inability to assess themselves and d
etermine where problems are comprensión.Puede speak even a mode of operation in
which the difficulties relate to one another and feed each other. Reasons? Perha
ps the limited working memory (loss of connection between ideas) or limited cont
act with the reading (Matthew effect).

4 .- Participation.
specific intervention or resources. Phonological difficulties on the road (not d
own right equivalences between orthographic and phonological features): - Help y
ou establish the correct relationship between graphemes and phonemes. - Helping
to increase their ability to operate with the rules of grapheme / phoneme - Fava
recer the degree of automation of these rules. Lexical difficulties on the road.
Helping them to acquire a basic sight vocabulary (minimal spelling vocabulary,
gradually increasing it.) Comprehension problems. provide resources to locate an
d work with text elements that relate the ideas (compare two versions of the sam
e text, see which seems more accessible and search for expressions that facilita
te this, ask questions to assess whether they have understood ...)
or comprehensive treatment. (Students with reading problems) - Reunion with read
ing. Ensure a rewarding experience in which, together with a tutor, read a text
of interest for the student to ensure a satisfactory interpretation of it. - Ree
ncuentro himself. Lest it be seen as a bad reader but as someone who is sometime
s confused with some letters or types of words, being active with respect to the
problems that have to face - individual and curricular intervention. The import
ant thing is not so much the elimination of the problems but its reduction. It i
s important to design activities so as to accommodate the capabilities of studen
ts, establishing a continuum between individual and general measures, reducing t
he frustration and the number of students with problems. May .- The new dilemmas
. Vision "traditional or whole language? Loa "Students should start with the mos
t basic resources or a communication experience? Are they two extreme views of t
he educational task? Is there a more inclusive? We must unite use and acquisitio
n of skills, requiring the consolidation of specific skills (word recognition, s
kills summary, rhetorical ...). How hard is that all do well, is the challenge t
o acquire literacy pablación. What is important? Being able to communicate. And
for this the word recognition is a necessary step, its speed and automation help
s us understand.
Interpretation of the difficulties. Two opposing positions: the difficulties are
due to a disorder in learning to read ("fully genetic differences) or depend on
the quality of the response to the educational environment, family and social n
eeds of the students (with contact form). In practice there is a continuum of si
tuations that may dominate more or less both. So absurd is exclusively engage in
a design context and in other exclusively individualistic. Type of action to be
: specific or global. The development of written language requires both a global
approach and communicative as ofa wide range of individual resources. What matt
ers is not so much a comprehensive proposal about how written language developer
but anticipate the benefits and risks involved in each case, regardless of the
methodology of each site, taking into account that: - the importance of informal
and spontaneous contact print, - the consolidation of the road phonological and
alphabetic understanding, - the consolidation of resources to read lexically wo
rds (orthographic stage), allowing us to gain in fluency and comprehension, - au
tonomy when it comes to understanding and drafting , - developing the ability to
read and write to learn to think.

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