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Endangered species

4th Year
• The glutton or wolverine (Gulo gulo) is a mammal of the family Mustelidae, ord
er Carnivora. He lives in the Northern Hemisphere, in cold regions of Siberia, S
candinavia, Alaska, Canada and parts of Europe. • The wolverine weighs 30 kg and
measuring an average of 70 to 110 cm in length

The gharial (gangeticus gharial) is the only species of the family Gavialidae, o
rder Crocodylia, which inhabits the rivers of India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Bangl
adesh. During the Miocene (there are about 18 million years) also occurred in So
uth America, including five distinct genres of today. Also occurred in North Ame
rica during the Late Cretaceous (70-65 Ma). Are among the largest animals of the
order to which they belong and can reach 6-7 length.
Crane Japan
• The Manchurian Crane or Japanese Crane (Grus japonensis) disappeared from much
of his home region. His elegant dance inspired many Japanese artists. • Occurs
in Japan and measures approximately 1 meter. • Presents a white coloration on th
e body and wings and black at the neck and wing tips. Red hood on her head.
• • The walrus (Odobenus rosmanus) is an animal that lives in arctic waters. It
can measure up to 4 feet long and weigh up to more than one tonne (the highest p
ass of 1.6 tonnes). Walruses have a rough and wrinkled skin that is becoming inc
reasingly thick over her life (15-30 years). For swimming they use the caudal fi
n. They move poorly on earth, using fins and walk almost to the previous jumps.
His nose has a solid mustache and two large fangs or tusks that can reach 1 mete
r in length. The tusks are used to pluck snails and crabs from the sea bed and s
pend over the years. Walruses are hunted for ivory lot of these prey.
• Quetzal is a bird with beautiful plumage color family Trogonidae which can be
found in tropical areas of Central America. • Although the word "quetzal" be app
lied to all species of the genus Pharomachrus, is often used to designate a sing
le species, the Resplendent Quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno. Other quetzales are:
• P. antisianus: Crested Quetzal • P. auriceps: Quetzal Golden-headed • P. fulgi
dus: Quetzal-of-white-tips • P. pavoninus: Quetzal Peacock
• The frigate-common or shears (Fregata magnificens) is a bird Pelecaniformes Fa
mily Fregatidae. • The common-frigate is about one meter long and more than two
wingspan, weighs only 1.5 kg. It is the largest bird with wing surface per unit
weight. The male is black and is distinguished by a red gular sac. The female is
smaller, has anegrada head and chest white. Juveniles have white head. • Only o
ne egg is laid in the nest of sticks solidified through feces. The couple turns
incubating the puppy for 40 days. It feeds on fish caught on the surface, does n
ot dive. Molests the other birds in search of fish regurgitated. Often boobies a
nd sea swallows can get rid of the frigates landed in the water, since these bir
ds can not swim.
• The piranhas are a group of carnivorous freshwater fish that inhabit some rive
rs in South America They belong to five genera of the subfamily Serrasalminae (w
hich also includes fish like pacu and gold). • The name piranha is a hybrid lang
uage composed of Tupi-Guarani languages; may have originated in the composition
of the words 'pirá', meaning 'fish', and 'fury' or 'ranha', meaning 'tooth'. Alt
ernatively, it can be originated from Tupi 'pirá' ('fish') and 'ain' ('cut').
• The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a mammal of the family ursídeos, e
ndemic to China. The short snout resembling a teddy bear (Teddy), the characteri
stic black and white coat and peaceful and good-natured way to become one of the
most beloved animals by mankind. Extremely sweet and shy, rarely attacks the ma
n, except when extremely angry. Da xiong mao (大熊猫), the Chinese name for pand
a, means large bear-cat. It can also be called huaxiong (Bear band), maoxiong (b
ear cat) or xiongmao (cat ursine). Historical records of 3000 years ("The Book o
f History and the Book of Songs", the oldest collection of Chinese poetry), the
mention under the name of pi and Pixiu. The Latin name Ailuropoda melanoleuca me
an foot black and white cat. The word panda means something like "bamboo eater."
• The white whale or beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) whale is a mammal of the fam
ily Monodontidae. Its closest relative in the group of cetaceans is the narwhal.
The white whale inhabits the cold waters around the Arctic Circle. They are opp
ortunistic hunters,€and eat a wide variety of fish, squid, octopus and crustacea
ns. • The white whale is a gregarious animal that measures up to five meters lon
g and weighs up to 1.5 tonnes. Have between 80-10 teeth in each jaw. • This beau
tiful specimen of an animal is able to coexist with humans and even assimilate t
heir habits if adopted as a puppy.
• The narwhal (English narwhal, Narwal, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish narhval na
rwhal) is a mammal cetacean (Monodon monoceros) belonging to the family Monodont
idae, which also includes the beluga. The narwhal whale is a characteristic of c
old waters around the Arctic Circle. The narwhal whale is a large, with 4-5 feet
long and about 1.5 tons of weight. It has a white and gray marble and is devoid
of dorsal fin. Sexual dimorphism in the species is quite pronounced and manifes
ts itself in the upper left incisor tooth of the males, which is wrapped in a sp
iral and that projects like a horn. This tooth is made of ivory and may reach th
ree meters in length, almost half the length of the animal. The male narwhal tus
k ivory is the source of commercial value and is an attractive hunting the speci
es. About one in 500 male prisoners have two instead of one.
Bernardo Alves Peixoto

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