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I operate with diverse technological equipment in the domestic context - televis

ion, telephone, refrigerator, etc.. - Having regard to its standards of good use
. Life situation recognize the unfair use by men and women of certain electrical
equipment in cotexto home, and how to overcome this inequality. Life situation
I recognize some scientific principles that underpin the operation of various do
mestic technological equipment. The life situation
I recognize the importance of professional qualifications and school to work wit
h technical equipment in a professional context with a view to improving the hie
rarchical position in the workplace. Life situation recognize the importance of
knowing the characteristics and limitations of the equipment in my professional
context. Life situation identify, through contact with technical experts, includ
ing scientific principles and mathematical relationships that underpin the funct
ioning of various technical equipment in my professional context. Life situation
I know what rights and obligations of users and consumers of technical equipmen
t, as well as institutions related to them. Life situation turn to scientific fo
undations in making decisions about the technical equipment. Life situation that
I identify the impact of technological equipment promoted in today's societies.
Life situation I operate with different technical equipment in view of its tech
nological developments to improve their efficiency. Life situation
I recognize the importance of the historical evolution of science, for technolog
ical equipment. Life situation
ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY I identify which procedures allow in my home envi
ronment, reduce energy consumption, based on scientific knowledge. Life situatio
n turn to practices or equipment that energy wastage in my daily life. Life situ
ation do not involve the
I recognize the importance of the collection, treatment and recovery of waste as
safety measures and environmental conservation. Life situation I identify scien
tific principles underlying the recycling. I understand the life situation of co
nflict in contemporary society between the needs of natural resources - oil, coa
l, water, wood, etc.. - Given the great development of societies, and secondly,
the need to limit the environmental impact caused the planet by that holding. Li
fe situation I identify the relationship between technological evolution of soci
eties and the increasing environmental instability and changes in climate. Life
situation recognize the influence of the historical evolution of our planet's cl
imate on populations and societies. Life situation
Health adopted in my day-to-day different primary health care. Life situation wh
ich recognize the specific needs of the organism as a function of different vari
ables - age, type of activity, health status, etc.. Life situation
I operate in my professional context with equipment and materials while minimizi
ng health risks and accidents at work, while respecting security measures. Life
situation I acknowledge my rights and obligations as a citizen on matters of hea
lth care - services and health systems, self-medication, alternative medicines.
Life situation recognize how to prevent certain diseases adquadamente based on t
he evolution of scientific and technological knowledge in this area. Life situat
MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS I elaborate family budgets in accordance with the compo
sition of my household, and taking into account taxes, identifying ways to reduc
e spending and debt. Life situation I manage the family budget accounting and ma
thematical applications. Life situation using knowledge
I recognize the importance of context in exploring different models of professio
nal management with a view to improving efficiency and productivity, and welfare
of workers. Life situation recognize the influence of monetary and financial sy
stems in the economy and society. Life situation I identify the impact that deve
lopments in society and technology have on how we use and manage our time. Life
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES in the domestic context have explored
the features of equipment used for distance communication. Life situation recog
nize the principles radio communications. basic science underlying the
I use life situation and seeking to acquire skills in ICT,€in my professional c
ontext given its importance in the information society in which we live. Life si
tuation I recognize some of the basic scientific principles that underpin the fu
nctioning of some equipment that support ICT in my professional context. Life si
tuation understand the relationship between the mass media - newspapers, radio,
TV - and the construction of public opinion in contemporary society. Life situat
ion which recognize the concepts and the scientific procedures that allowed the
evolution of the media. Life situation recognize the relationship between the de
velopment of technological networks - Internet, mobile phones - with the evoluti
on of social networks. I relate to the life situation cosntrução networking te
chnology with the development of scientific knowledge. Life situation
URBAN PLANNING AND MOBILITY I relate the factors associated with construction an
d architecture - thermal and acoustic insulation materials, accessibility, etc -
with improved quality of life and good social integration. Life situation relat
ed to the quantity of construction materials, with the needs and areas or volume
s of construction which will be used, based on knowledge of mathematics. Life si
tuation I understand the dynamics of development in rural and urban contexts, re
lated to changes in economic activity and socio-cultural. Life situation
I recognize the modes of action at the level of chemical, biological and product
ion in order to maintain balance in the environment and the welfare of different
communities. Life situation recognize the field of action and modes of regulati
on of different institutions within the administration and security of the terri
tory. Life situation recognize the standards and regulatory codes of safety and
administration of the territory and scientific knowledge that support them. I re
late the life situation of migration flows with regard to economic, cultural and
/ or policy. Life situation understand the influence of technological change in
mobility. Life situation
FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGES recognize the element as a structural unit, eg the social
level, and the importance of their practices and individual characteristics to
society. Life situation I understand the scientific basis of different structura
l units, such as matter, living organisms, etc.. Life situation in a professiona
l context I turn to conduct rational and scientific with a view to finding solut
ions that can improve efficiency, specifically the trial. Life situation as I va
lue scientific practices experimentation and theoretical formulation, and the im
portance of mathematical models in predicting events. Life situation recognize t
he importance of scientific and technical arguments in public debates on various
current issues in modern societies.
Life situation recognize the role of the historical evolution of certain phenome
na socias complex. Life situation recognize the laws and scientific models as we
ll as many technical solutions in a limited validity in time, given the constant
change that we see, whether in science or in society. Life situation

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