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Exploration Systems - Course Information Technology

Ponte de Sor, April 2, 2007
1 PART 1 - What does the acronym PERT? In what historical context was developed
the system development projects? 2 - Functionally, say what is the PERT system a
nd the advantages that its use presents. 3 - Describe an everyday situation - th
e business environment - which justifies the use of a PERT network.
1 - In the context of a schematic PERT network, spoke about the concept of Task
and Step or Event. Relate these concepts to the types of PERT networks that they
can produce. 2 - Suppose you're preparing a holiday trip with all the issues su
rrounding necessary for the proper planning of it.
a) Sketch of the network project, indicating the relations of priority to find n
eccessárias. It's a) Consider, first, all tasks (or activities) that project ma
y involve, and steps to be achieved by obtaining natural that there is only one
sort of activity to which all persons producing the final draft. agree, surely t
here will be differences of opinion. Decide the order that seems most logical. b
) Develop a simple PERT network that models the functional solution of construct
ion of the plan.
3 - A small project is composed by the following 10 activities, whose priorities
are listed below by one. A project events. numbers of its nodes (or steps, oupe
queno conservation is made by the following 10 activities whose priorities are l
isted below by the numbers of its nodes (events)
Activity ABCDEFGHIJ initial starting node, end node (1.2) (2.3) (2.4) (3.5) (3.6
) (4.6) (4.7) (5.8) (6, 8) (7.8) Duration (in days) 2 3 5 4 1 6 2 8 7 4
Network analysis
a) Draw the network planning of the project a) Draw the PERT network and the dat
e that representecedo more junk project. event b) calculate the earliest date th
e planning of every month c) what is the margin - off - the operation (3.5) and
(4.6) and (7.8) b) Calculate the dates d) what activities are critical maximum a
nd minimum for each event. e) indicate the number of hours of time critical f) i
f the operation (2.3) took six days c) Describe the critical activities, and fin
ally evicencieem Critical Path. Instead of the three, who suffered change the en
d date of the project g) some of the activities are free margin (slack to be use
d, does not affect any clearances from the following activities)? If so say what
? 2. All morning, Mr. Sousa, his wife and children held a series of activities t
hat are necessary to good home "Mr. Sousa arrancartrabalho! To go to work. " The
following list contains the most important activities, with their durations and
Activities 1 2 3
Description Made by Mr. Sousa Plays the Clock Get up, stop the alarm and turn th
e heat back to bed until the house warm
Duration 0 2 10
Preceding February 1

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