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OSSIER electronics
Managing and organizing files
Acessa São Paulo Program
Program Accesses SP is an initiative of the State of São Paulo and aims to comba
t the digital divide, bringing the resources of the Internet to low-income popul
ation, encouraging the development of communities. For this the State Government
created the Infocentros spaces with free Internet access. There are three types
of Infocentros: Infocentros the Community, created in partnership with communit
y organizations (neighborhood associations, friends, neighborhood etc.). Infocen
tros the Halls, created in partnership with municipalities in São Paulo, and the
Public Pay for Internet Access, created in partnership with agencies of the Sta
te Government itself that there is huge influx of population. To facilitate the
use of equipment, users have monitors trained and committed to the project for a
uxiliálos. These monitors are trained to meet the specific needs of each user. T
hey are also responsible for managing Infocentros. Another concern of access and
provision of relevant content to the audience as well as stimulating the creati
on of content by the community. Thus, Infocentros also act as information center
s and services for community development, enabling access to information on heal
th, education, business and government services available on the Internet etc..
We develop products such as short courses Acessa São Paulo, the partnership Acce
sses / WebAula, Dictionaries POUNDS and Network Projects. The communities provid
ed with a Infocenter are encouraged to develop projects and activities that use
technology resources in a creative and educational. For this was created the Int
ernet portal, so users can provide the infocenters content produced by the commu
nity and thus produce knowledge themselves.
OSSIER electronics
Electronic Notebooks Rector: Adolpho José Melfi Vice-Rector: Hélio Nogueira da C
ruz Pro-Rector for Research: Luiz Nunes de Oliveira Scientific Supervision: Fred
ric M. Litto Editorial Coordination and Pedagogy: Carlos Seabra Production Coord
inator: Drica Guzzi and Akira Shigemori Roadmap, Research and Writing: Maria da
Conceição C. Oliveira Graphic Design / DTP: Ronald Russo Ludimyla Chira and Web
Designer: Daniela Matielo Cover Illustration: Francisco Sá Godinho (Kiko) Revisi
on: Beth Abreu Collaborators: Simone Freitas Veloso Joeldo Netherlands Notebooks
and Electronics: www.cidec.futuro.usp.br / Notebooks
School of the Future - USP Tel: (11) 3091-6366 / 3091-9107 Email: acessasp@futur
o.usp.br th Av. Lucio Martins Rodrigues, Trav. 4 - Block 18 CEP 05508-900 São Pa
ulo / SP
Program Access São Paulo Governor: Geraldo Alckmin Ministry of Civil House: Arna
ldo Madeira CEO of Press Officer: Hubert Alquéres Coordinator of the Institution
al Projects: Emerson Pereira Bento Program Coordinator Acessa São Paulo: Fernand
o Guarnieri Team Program Accesses are New York: Alan Nicolich da Silva, Alexandr
e Geraldi Felipe Borgognoni, Flávia Brandão, Gilson Bevilacqua, Gisele Fabris do
s Reis, ND Farias, Leandro Benetti, Michele Damascus Karine Silva, Neide Novaes,
Richard Mallet, Silvana Maiéski Portal Acessa São Paulo: www . acessasaopaulo.s
Acessa São Paulo Program Tel: (11) 6099-9579 / 6099-9641 Email: acessa@sp.gov.br
Street Bristol, 1921, Bristol CEP 03103-902 São Paulo / SP
Electronic Notebooks were developed by the Center for Digital Inclusion and Comm
unity Education School of the Future of USP (CIDEC) for the Program Access São P
aulo State Government of São Paulo, through its Office of Civil House. Reproduct
ion of all or part of this specification is allowed and encouraged for noncommer
cial purposes only and subject to citation of the source. May/2003
The storage capacity of personal computers has greatly increased since the heyda
y of the 80s, where 16Kb of memory were a real luxury for machines of this size,
until the present day, where we have to deal with mega, giga, and even terabyte
s information. Administer requires so much practice, common sense and a lot, but
a lot of patience! In this book, you know what they are data files, for which t
hey serve and how they can be stored on a computer. Learn to copy them, delete t
hem, compress them, move them, back up and recover them in case of need or loss
of data. See, also, how to reorganize the disk space to increase the speed of da
ta access, and format a disk, to install a new operating system or simply record
new data, for example.€Learn that data can be stored in a file and how to disti
nguish what type of computer data resides on each file. At the end you will find
suggestions of remission among related electronic books, a section where you fi
nd links to downloads of freeware programs or courses offered online. There is a
lso a glossary with key terms of computers and the Internet in this dossier. Sha
ll we begin?
1. Organizing directories, folders and files ...................................
......... ......................................... 4 2. Using the icon "My Comp
uter "........................................... ..............................
.................... .. 5 3. Knowing the commands of Windows Explorer ..........
.................................. .............................. 6 4. Managing
your files with Total Commander ........................................... ....
..................... 7 5. Associating programs to their respective formats ....
........................................ ........................ June 8. Save t
ime and space: Learn how to compress and decompress files ......................
........... July 9. Extend your security: make copies of your files ............
............................. ......................... 10 8. Detecting and fixi
ng problems: Scandisk ............................................ .............
..................... September 11. Make a cleaning on your computer ...........
................................. ..............................................
.... October 12. Learn how to defragment your computer .........................
.................... Waiver ............................................ 11 betw
een notebooks and links Internet ...............................................
. ........................................... Glossary .........................
....................... 13 .................................................. ..
............................................... March 14
Organizing a directory,
folders and files
What, after all, a data file? Imagine your computer as a big drawer. The main dr
awers that contain folders, in turn, contain sheets of paper with information. T
hese are the files the old fashioned way. But the logic of organizing files on t
he computer keeps an essential difference: the folders of the computers can cont
ain other folders! Files can be sorted by putting them into different folders an
d the folders themselves can be classified in the same way. Thus, folders can co
ntain files, along with other folders that can contain more files and more folde
rs, and so on. But where it ends (or begins) it all? There are folders that are
not contained in other folders, but in what we call the root directory. This dir
ectory is a computer disk that can be visible as a small-capacity floppy disk or
a CD-ROM (compact disc medium capacity) embedded in it as an HD (hard-disk - ha
rd disk, fixed on the computer) of high capacity, which are usually stored the o
perating system and programs (software) installed.
Observe the following picture a typical structure of organization of folders in
Example of folder structure of Windows.
On the left side of the screen above, we see the root, designated as "C" and the
folders that are beneath it, such as "Documents" and "Program Files". Notice ho
w the folder structure allows, for example, that the folder "Digital Inclusion"
contains many other folders, and within these, many others, as the case of folde
r "eBooks". The folder "eBooks" selected, which is under "Applications", this is
different. However, both are linked to the folder "Digital Inclusion". Since th
e folder (or directory) "Handouts" selected, as shown earlier, you can see its c
ontents on the right: it contains more folders. The machine where he was capture
d this screen has two root directories on the C: and D:. They represent two logi
cal disks are visible to the operating system.
How do the different disks (hard, floppy or compact) are represented in the Wind
ows system with letters marked with the symbol: (colon). Typically, A: and B: me
an the drives for the floppy drives of small capacity. Drives C: and D: usually
called fixed disks (two hard drives installed on the same machine or an HD-divis
ion, for example) and the letters E: and F: drives tend to name their CD-ROMs (r
eaders and / or recorders ).
How to make folders and directories represent the same thing in Windows. The wor
d "directory" is older and comes from the times of DOS: means the listing of fil
es on a floppy disk, for example. The concept of a directory, nowadays,€coincide
s with the concept of the Windows folder.
To create a new folder just select the folder that will contain it, or C: or D:
if you want to create the folder below the root. Then select File / New Folder.
The name "New Folder" will appear on the screen. To change this name, just click
on it and wait a moment until it becomes editable. Then simply enter the
desired name and press Enter. This can be done also for folders already created,
if you want to rename them.
2 Using the icon
"My Computer"
In all areas of work (desktop) computers operating with Windows is an icon calle
d "My Computer". This icon is a shortcut to a file manager stored in the compute
r. Let's check some of the basic commands it contains. By double-clicking the ic
on "My Computer", a new window with other icons to access the files from drive A
: (for floppy 3 ½) of the C: drive (HDD), the D drive (CD-ROM or DVD) and then C
ontrol Panel. These are the basic ways. Eventually there will be other icons dep
ending on the configuration of the computer as a Zip drive (D:), for example. Cl
icking once on the icons to any drive, we can view how much space is occupied by
files and how much is still free to record more content. Such information shall
be visible in a graphical form of pizza that the "My Computer" automatically di
splays. See example:
hard disk and floppy disks and CDs in our With the left mouse button can run sev
eral commands for the given file. Including: open, print, examined with the anti
-virus, open with a particular application, send it to another directory or anot
her folder. You can also choose "send to mail recipient" and attach the document
in a message from our manager e-mails. Besides these commands, you can also cop
y, cut, create a shortcut, rename, delete and check the properties - such as fil
e size, creation date and date of last change. The icon more than the "My Comput
er" is the "Control Panel". As its name implies, is that he manages several chan
ges in computer settings. For this panel, for example, we access the application
s managers, installation and removal of hardware (video cards, sound, etc..) And
Good to know in micros shared by many people, the commands of the "Control Panel
" are not always able to prevent the computer settings being changed by mistake.
This is because when Windows starts, the system asks for a login and password.
Depending on this identification, the person who will do or not allowed to chang
e the settings of the computer.
By double-clicking a drive icon, we see all folders, subfolders and files stored
on that drive. To open folders or files, simply double click on them. The icon
"My Computer" is the primary means to check the available space in our
Screen "Control Panel". The characteristics of the micro are modified here. We c
an add and remove software, among other things.
On the "Control Panel" is still possible to change the display settings to deter
mine how the mouse should work (for right-handed people or left-handed), configu
re the keyboard, add or remove fonts and many other applications.
3 Knowing
Windows Explorer Commands
Windows Explorer is a file management application already installed on computers
with Windows system. Its use is quite simple. Because he can organize your data
files and programs from your computer, move them from one folder to another, co
py them, delete, compress, etc.. The main shortcut to open Windows Explorer is t
o press both the Windows keys and the letter "E".
the screen. A portion of the screen to the left will change and you have two sea
rch options: writing the name or part of the file name, or a snippet of text con
tained in the document. If you do not remember the file name or a specific word
in the text, but know it is the Word file, you can type "*. doc" in the "Search
for files named". The sign of asterisks (*) indicates that the application shoul
d find all files with that extension, no matter what is written before. To compl
ete the search, select the directory where the file could be.
Tip The menu of Windows Explorer is almost equal to that of Internet Explorer. I
n fact,€both programs are well integrated. You can even browse the Internet from
Windows Explorer. The options menu of Windows Explorer work just like in Intern
et Explorer. The back and forward buttons, for example, are again displaying the
files that were already watching.
It is also the Explorer which organizes files stored on other computers connecte
d to a LAN. For example, in Infocentros (rooms, public Internet access to people
who do not have their own computers) the computers are connected to each other
by the internal network. A user can write the Infocenter, from any computer, you
r resume and save it on the Micro 2001. That computer, you can save your documen
t to a floppy disk - always by Windows Explorer, since the Micro 2001 is the onl
y room with the floppy drive. Therefore, this Windows application is used both t
o manipulate computer files that we are operating on some other network location
. Do a search by Windows to search for a file you do not know for sure that fold
er is written is an interesting feature. Click the "Search" at the top
How to Make Sharing folders and files on computers connected over an internal ne
twork is fairly simple. Just enable that particular folder is shared. To do this
, click the desired folder with the left mouse button. Choose "Sharing". On the
screen that opens, select the option "Share this folder". You can even determine
how many people can open the folder and it will not edit or open files.
To allow the folder to be opened by other computers on the internal network, sel
ect "Share this folder" Set which is also the kind of sharing.
If you do not remember the directory, select the C: drive to search the entire h
ard disk of the computer. By clicking the "Search" button, the system will begin
to search for all Word files saved on your computer. In the next topics of this
book we will see other commands called from the Windows Explorer, how to compre
ss files, defragment your hard drive etc.. We'll see what we can do much more wi
th the files besides just open them and close them.
as displaying open, rename, copy, and delete files and directories. Total Comman
der is possible to view the files through two different windows, which enables u
s to see, at the same time, the contents of the root C: drive A: or D: (lyrics n
ormally attributed to floppy drives and CD-ROM, respectively) and other diretóri
osraiz or micro drives that may have. For that task, just select the drive lette
r or directory in the main menu.
4 Managing Your
files with Total Commander
The Total Commander is a shareware application that can be downloaded over the n
etwork. In addition to managing files, Total Commander is a FTP program and file
archiver. His commands for managing files are quite intuitive, allowing us to o
rganize our files very easily. Besides the basic features of a default manager,
it has some quite sophisticated. Let us know some basic commands
Viewing files simultaneously drives and directories via Total Commander.
With this application you can copy files in two ways: by selecting the file with
your mouse and dragging it to where you want to copy it or selecting the file a
nd clicking on the "F5 Copy" (or clicking the F5 key on your keyboard).
Good to know the actions to open and rename a file are the same in Windows Explo
rer and Total Commander. In both use the following commands: 1. To open a file,
select it by placing the cursor over it and double click, it automatically opens
. 2. To rename it, select it and click once on it. Wait a few moments to make it
editable and type the new name. Warning! When renaming a file, hold down its le
ngth, otherwise you can not open it again! The file must be closed, because you
can not rename open documents.
Copying files from "Total Commander".
In both cases, a window appears to confirm the action. Just click "OK". To delet
e a file you need to select it with the mouse and clicking on the "Delete / Del.
You can also delete it, after selection by clicking on the "F8 Delete" (or pres
sing the F8 key on your keyboard). At this time also a window to confirm the act
ion. Once there, click "Yes."
Deleting files with Total Commander.
Finally, to create folders or directories,€select the location where the folder
or directory is created. Click the "F7 New Folder" (or press the F7 key). Shortl
y afterwards you will see a dialog box to enter the name of the new directory or
folder. Then just click "OK".
using a text editor such as Word, for example, while a video clip can be viewed
by Windows Media Player. (See the Electronic Notebooks 2:10, respectively). If w
e have the appropriate programs cited here installed on our computer, double cli
ck on each file in the previous example causes Word or Media Player to start aut
omatically, loading and displaying the file in desired format. Because the opera
ting system, for Windows, can distinguish between the two files, text and film,
knowing what application to call for each one? This is possible thanks to the ex
tension of the files. The extension is simply the final part of the file name. W
hen we click twice on a file, the operating system first looks for the file exte
nsion. If an extension that is already registered, the system calls the applicat
ion that is able to load that file type in order to display it properly.
The extension is important to everything that goes after the dot in the filename
. Therefore, all files ending in. Doc is recognized by the system to be viewed t
hrough the Open Word or Writer. Already the. Avi indicates that the file is view
able through Media Player and so on. See the end of this notebook a list of exte
But what does "register an extension? Registering is tell Windows what applicati
on he should call when you need to open files of that extension. Thus, the opera
ting system saves the information which applications open files, freeing you fro
m having to worry about that. The record of the extensions is normally done duri
ng the installation of each application. Each installation program takes care of
automatically log the file extension with which the application being installed
works. For example, is the installer of Office that registers the extensions. D
oc,. Dot (as related to the Word)
In this example we select the root disk C: to allocate a new directory.
Joining the five programs
their formats
You already know that a file stores data. Data, in the language of computers, co
uld be anything from a cake recipe to a video clip of Olodum. A cake recipe can
be made
as well as associated extensions. xls and. xlt Excel;. ppt to PowerPoint and so
on. Often, however, we must do so manually. This happens when an installation pr
ogram has not completed its execution, recording wrongly extensions of an applic
ation that did not install. To use this manual recording, you can use Windows Ex
plorer. Select the menu option "Tools" "Folder Options". Within this option, sel
ect the last tab, "File Types". To register an extension, just click "New", fill
the field with the desired length, click on "Advanced" and choose which applica
tion opens files with the extension registered for our example, the extent ficti
tious "XYZ", as in Figure 1. Chosen application, just click "OK" and ready. Acco
rding to our example, the operating system will recognize the file type "XYZ" as
an audio file of Windows Media Player. See example below:
Good to know is advisable to compress large files to store them, optimizing stor
age space on your hard drive. This procedure is also recommended for enviálos by
email, so that the download time and upload these files is much smaller.
There are several software to compress and decompress files available on the mar
ket. They reduce different file formats. Zip,. Arj and others.
Good to know if you need only read some information from a compressed document,
it is not necessary to unzip it to that. Zip Peeker The application allows the u
ser to read the contents of compressed files, but without the inconvenience of h
aving to unpack them. You can also delete, copy or move the selected files. Here
's how to download the application by referring to the "Links on the Internet."
One of the most used software by users is Winzip. If this application is properl
y installed, to compress a file from Windows Explorer, just click on it with the
right mouse button and choose "Add to Zip". This can be done with sets of files
and even folders. When you choose this option,€A window will pop up asking the
name of the new file to be created with the (s) file (s) properly compacted (s)
and other information. After filling this information, the compressed file is re
ady. In later versions of Winzip, by clicking right on a file, it automatically
enables the option of creating the compressed (or zipped, as they say) has the s
ame name as the original file, by changing only the original file extension to.
6 Save time and space:
learn how to compress and decompress files
In the past, to store files on our computer we needed him to have lots of memory
and this required investment. Some files could not be copied to floppy disks, b
ecause they did not have enough memory to store them. These and other problems l
ed programmers to develop ways of working files by changing its shape, making th
em smaller. Today, with the techniques employed, it is possible to reduce a text
file by 82% or more of its original size, depending on content. This is done wi
th programs called compactors.
To decompress a file, just as double-click it. A window will open with all the f
iles stored inside a zipped file and you can choose to unzip all by clicking on
the "Extract" button, or just some of them by selecting them with a click and ag
ain using the button "Extract ". Remember that as you can compress entire direct
ories when they are unpacked, WinZip and other programs compactors reconstruct t
he original structure of folders. The FreeZip decompressor is a freeware. See th
e section "Links on the Internet address to download this application. Installat
ion is fairly simple, just double click on the icon of the executable file, acce
pt the license agreement and ready: the installation proceeds smoothly. To use t
his application, start Windows Explorer, select the folder to be compressed (pre
ferably on the left side of the screen, where only folders are displayed) and cl
ick the right mouse button on it. When you see the drop down menu, you should se
lect the option "Add to Zip". A file with the entire contents of the selected fo
lder will be generated compressed. As on the image, the contents of a folder is
compressed and placed on file Free.zip. To do the reverse operation, just double
click the zipped file and the files will be removed from the zip file and place
d in their respective folders.
As we said, Total Commander also has the function of file compression. Just sele
ct the file you wish to compress and click on menu "File", "Compress". To unzip
a file, just to select it, click on "File" menu and choose "Unzip." Then you'll
see a dialog box similar to the previous image, choose the folder where the file
is unpacked.
7 Extend your safety:
make copies of your files
It is very important that you make the backup (backup) your files, especially th
ose with whom you work every day. To do this, always have on hand a diskette. In
sert it into the floppy drive media, usually represented by the letter A:. Open
Windows Explorer and right side of the screen, select the files (or folders) you
want to copy. To select more than one file, simply hold down the "Ctrl" key whi
le you click on the files. Then click the "Edit" menu, "Copy". This action creat
es a temporary copy of files in a special place called "Clipboard". Then click o
n the icon A:, which indicates the floppy drive, and select "Edit" "Paste". The
files stored in the clipboard will be copied onto the floppy. The use of a flopp
y disk limits the copying of files or file sets up the total size of 1.44Mb. For
copying large amounts of information, the ideal is to use virtual disks, offere
d by certain servers, or a compact media such as CD-ROM.
Dialog box of Total Commander enabling the choice of location to save the compre
ssed file and also the compression format (. Zip,. Arj etc.)..
Important It is essential to use antivirus software on your computer. Let always
on the function "File Protection". This function enables automatic verification
as they are copied. See also 9 Electronic Notebook: Safety in the computer and
the Internet.
Good to know there other ways to copy files.€One is to select those you wish to
copy, click on them and hold the mouse button, drag them to the A: drive.
8 Detecting and
correcting problems: Scandisk
We know that the files are saved to disk sectors (rigid or flexible). Often, how
ever, these groups may be defective, causing loss of data. Other times, recordin
g process of completion can take the file system to an inconsistent state. When
you begin to encounter errors like "Unable to read / write from the device, rest
assured that things are not as they should. The first step towards a solution i
s to run Scandisk to detect and correct problems in the file system. To run Scan
disk, enter the Windows
Explorer and click the right mouse button on the drive to be diagnosed (A:, B:,
C: or D:). Select "Properties", within the "Properties" window, select the "Tool
s". Click on the button "Check Now" and Scandisk starts. Select the test "Comple
te" and select the AutoCorrect option. Click "Start" to perform the verification
and correction. The first option seeks to read the data, looking for bad sector
s. The second seeks to make his move to good sectors, automatically correcting s
ectors ambiguous and orphans. In any case, bad sectors that were found are marke
d not to be commonly used by the operating system. Depending on the size in mega
bytes of the disk drive to be diagnosed, this process can be lengthy.
Important Scandisk tool can be used only on disks that support new recording dat
a, such as floppy disks and hard drives. Thus, CD-ROMs that can only be written
once can not be corrected if there is any problem with the recording process.
9 Make a hurdle
on your computer
The Windows operating system, the measure of work, makes use of a scratch area i
t uses to store data temporarily. When you browse the web, for example, the page
s you visited are stored in a temporary area so that they can be viewed quickly,
if you return them. All this consumes space on your hard disk, which, as discus
sed in the following topic, your computer becomes slower. To get rid of temporar
y files, from time to time, use the "Disk Cleanup". To do this, do the following
way: on the desktop of Windows, click on "Start" "Programs" "Accessories, Syste
m Tools,"
Good to know Scandisk eliminates sectors mistakenly marked as belonging to more
than one file, orphans and sectors, which are marked as used, but does not belon
g to any file. He also tries to read data from bad sectors, transferring them to
good sectors, and mark the defective so that the operating system does not use
them anymore.
"Disk Cleanup". When you turn on this option, a window appears for you to choose
the drive to be cleaned. Make your choice and click "OK". Windows will calculat
e how much space can be released on disk and after this process will open a wind
ow like the one shown next. By choosing, for example, to delete the ActiveX and
Java files downloaded from the Internet, you will prevent the execution of them
offline. But it will still trail navigation such as cookies, for example. There
are other ways to delete unneeded files, cookies and other clues left at our PC
every time you open a file we put a program or surf the Internet. There are even
specialized programs in this task. This makes cleaning faster browsing. To cove
r their tracks shipping, for example, open Windows Explorer and select the C: di
sk folders "Program Files", "Windows", "temp", "Temporary Internet Files". To th
e right of the screen you can see all files and cookies recently downloaded from
the Internet to your computer. Just select them and hit the commands "shift / d
el." See also Electronic Notebook 4: Navigation and search on the Internet.
10 Learn
defragment your computer
You should notice that as you install more applications, your computer slows dow
n. This is because a larger amount of applications will occupy a larger space, l
eaving less space for Windows to work. The daily work with your PC, even without
installing new applications or copy large amounts of data to the hard drive als
o makes it slow, because the very use of the applications degrades computer perf
ormance. What actually happens in the processes described above,€is an increasin
g fragmentation of the compartments of the hard disk. The files are stored on th
e disks into pieces. Each piece has a fixed size and saved
in locations called sectors. A complex system of organization associates each se
t of pieces to each file, keeping your system organized. When a file is created,
the pieces are in contiguous sectors, ie each piece of the file is next to the
next bit, and they form a solid block of data within the disk. As files are eras
ed and other files are added, the lack of space makes the file pieces are placed
in non-contiguous. That is, although we see the file as a single block (for the
operating system ensures that it appears that way) it is spread over several pl
aces on the disk. To this we call fragmentation. If the computer is no problem o
f conflict between applications, it is hard disk fragmentation is responsible fo
r the slow access to files and acceptable performance of programs in general. Ev
ery time the PC is very fragmented, the operating system is required to get the
various pieces that make up the file on disk sectors apart. It is quite easy to
solve this problem. Just open Windows Explorer and click the right mouse button
on the drive being defragmented: in the case shown here, the C: drive. You will
repeat the same procedure used to run Scandisk. Only this time, the tab "Tools"
will change the status for defragmentation. Select the "Defragment Now" and the
program starts.
The picture shows the defrag tool in action. If you click "Show Details", you ca
n see the defragmentation process as it happens.
Now that you know how to organize your folders and files, compress files knows,
do disk cleanup, check and fix problems, defragment your computer and other reso
urces, how about that little break to swing? Put your files in order, save a bac
kup of those files that you can not lose in any way, do a good cleaning, and fin
ally defragment your hard disk. You will notice that your computer's performance
will improve significantly. Get to work!
Extensions Guide
Acrobat Reader Corel Presentations Corel Draw Excel executable files executable
files executable files Images Images Images Images Images Images Images Images I
mages Images Help Files Internet Lotus 1-2-3 Files Video Files Video Files Video
files MS Works Page Maker 6.0 Page Maker 6.5 Photoshop PowerPoint Quattro Pro S
ound File Sound File Sound File Sound File Sound File Sound File System File Sys
tem File System File System File System Files Temporary Files Notepad / Text Win
dows Write Word Word Word Word Perfect WINZIP Extension. pdf. shw. cdr. xls. exe
. com. bat. gif. jpg or. jpeg. bmp. pcx. tif or. tiff. eps. ico. wmf. wpg. ico.
hlp. htm or. html. wk? . Qt. Avi. Fli. Wks. Pm6.0. Pm6.5. Pho. Ppt. Qb? . Wav. A
u. Mid. Rmi. Mp3. Ram. Sys. Ini. Dat. Dll. Inf. Tmp. Txt. Wri. Doc. Dot. Rtf. Wp
d. Zip
Remission among Notebooks Computers
Electronic Notebook 4: Navigation and search the Internet to learn more about pr
ocedures for cleaning temporary files, history of sites visited and cookies afte
r browsing the net. Electronic Notebook 5: Creating and publishing Web pages you
'll know a little more about FTP programs and ways of transmission of files for
these applications. 9 Electronic Notebook: Safety on the computer and the Intern
et to learn safety procedures to protect your files on your computer. E-10 noteb
ook: Multimedia, video and audio on your computer you will get more information
on different file formats and the use of media such as CD-ROM.
Internet Links
Software Download:
(Total Commander)
(Acrobat Reader)
www.freedownloadscenter.com www.freezip.cjb.net www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br
Virtual disks, and other tips:
(Website hosting and virtual disk)
(Virtual disk)
(Free webmail with virtual disk)
(Agenda and virtual disk - in English)
www.acessa.sp.gov.br / webaula www.discovirtual.hpg.ig.com.br www.abcdicas.com.b
r www.ajudacerta.com.br www.portaldeinformatica.com.br http://noticias.uol .com
/ mundodigital / www.ilhasolteira.com.br/elias/
ActiveX: communication pattern between small applications usually made in a lang
uage like C + + or Visual Basic, and the browser or other application where they
perform, in the form of objects. For the browser, they behave like applets, run
ning in a window. You can also view ActiveX objects when, for example, insert an
Excel spreadsheet inside a Word document. In such cases, the most common name t
hey get is the OLE objects, and there since version 3.1 of Windows. Applications
: computer programs; software. File: A set of data that are stored on disk and g
iven a name by which can be accessed. AVI: Audio Video Interleave. Avi is a stan
dard used by Windows to exchange video. Backup: backup of the information used i
n the event of data loss. Cookie: cookie mean in English. The name originates fr
om those fortune cookies that come with a paper with a short message. Cookies ar
e small text files (txt) that web servers store temporarily assigned to browsers
who visit these servers. Directory or folder: system element that contains file
s or other folders below it. Root: the directory or folder that has no name, nor
is under any other folder. The directories are the basic root file system of a
logical disk. Boot disk: floppy disk with a small part of the operating system,
enough so that a computer can boot without the need of information on the hard d
isk. The boot disk is generally used in case of contamination or loss of data fr
om disk. Logical disk: the element that contains a root directory. A logical dis
k is presented by the operating system as a letter, A:, B:, C:, D: etc.. Virtual
Disk: is the name of the space offered by some servers, usually providing free
webmail service and rental sites on the net, so the user can store their files.
The advantage is that your prints will be on another computer on the network, fr
eeing, so storage space in HD from your computer. DOC: abbreviated document, fil
e format, the text editor Word (Microsoft Office). DOS: disk operating system (d
isk operating system). Download: English "load" means load and 'down' down. Down
load a means to download a file from a server, downloading it to your computer.
Drive: the place where the user enters compact media (CD-ROM) or flexible (flopp
y). EXE: executable program. Freeware: any software (program) offered free on th
e net or in specialized publications on media such as CD-ROM. The English word "
free" means free. FTP: File Transfer Protocol or File Transfer Protocol. " It's
a way to copy files over the Internet. The files are available and located on se
rvers or personal computers for an FTP server program. Gigabyte: A gigabyte repr
esents 1024 MB. Infocenter: public access point to the Internet built by the Sta
te of São Paulo in partnership with community organizations in the capital, and
city halls in the interior and coast. Internet: World Wide Web. This is a global
network of computers that cooperate. This cooperation is based on communication
protocols, ie, "code conventions of conversation" between computers networked.
Java: it is a programming language like C + + to create applications for various
operating systems like Windows and Linux, and also allows you to create applets
which are small windows downloadable via the web. The C language was used, amon
g other things, to write the Linux operating system. C is an evolution of langua
ge B which in turn evolved from a pseudolinguagem called BCPL. Kbyte: unit of in
formation that corresponds to about 1000 bytes. A byte represents a character of
text, like a letter 'A', 'B' etc.. Link: link, link, link. Web pages is an addr
ess that is underlined, or in a different color of the color of the rest of the
text. A link is nothing more than a cross-reference, a pointer from one place to
another on the web. Megabyte: a megabyte corresponds to 1024 KB. (See the entry
"Kbyte".) Offline: disconnected from the network. Online: on, connected to the
network. PPS: Power Point Slides. PPT: PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint prese
ntation). Servers: companies that provide access to communication and data trans
mission over the network. Shareware: is a trading method that allows free distri
bution, for a certain time, a software so the user can test it. At the end of th
is period of testing,€the user is prompted to register (buy) the product or unin
stall it. File system: the entire set of data from a logical disk and the mechan
ism by which the files are stored and accessed by the operating system. Software
: applications, computer programs. Terabyte: A terabyte equivalent to 1024 GB. (
See vertebe "Kbyte"). Upload: the opposite of download, or means to load a file
from your computer to send someone to unload on another computer. Xls: MS Excel
documents. Corresponds to XL (Excel) and S (Spreadsheet), or spreadsheet. XLT: m
odels of MS Excel. XL (Excel) and template (model). Zip: contraction of the word
"zipper" which in English means closed, compressed.
Electronic Notebooks
1 March 2 May 4
Electronic Notebooks
June 7 August 9
How to use and manage their e-mails
Managing and organizing files
Electronic Notebooks
Electronic Notebooks
Publishing and word processing
Use of printer and imaging
Electronic Notebooks
Electronic Notebooks
Spreadsheet and database and
Virtual Communities lists, chat rooms and other
Electronic Notebooks
Electronic Notebooks
Navigation and search on the Internet
Security on computer and Internet
Electronic Notebooks
Electronic Notebooks
Creating and publishing Web pages
Multimedia: video and audio on the computer
Organize your computer!
Have you ever used computer files? Have you used a floppy to store school work,
photos, videos, recipes, music or pictures? Ever need to compress or "zip" file
to reduce its size? Has had to split it in several pieces, to save several diffe
rent disks? He has recorded a CD with songs or pamphlets as digital texts, email
s and old things you do not want to spoil the time? Has had to prepare a floppy
disk to receive data, formatandoo? Already had to format a hard drive after a co
mputer crash? What about the process of reorganizing the data within the disc, j
oining the files that are fragmented into larger blocks to reduce the access tim
e to them? Or perhaps you have recovered a disk, retrieve lost information befor
e, who were in so-called "bad sectors". Perhaps you've needed "clean up" a disk,
removing unnecessary files, to solve a problem of lack of space, for example, i
nstalling a new application. If you've ever done (or needed to accomplish) of th
ese activities, certainly awakened to the use of computer files and management c
apabilities that offer computer programs to better organize our files. In this b
ook presents some of these features that allow users to make this common file ma
nagement, enabling you to use and the files and the space they occupy, with rati
onality and common sense.

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