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SCHOOL ORGANISATION Modern educational theories on the underlying reforms being

carried out in European countries and our continent, are aimed at establishing a
n educational system that meets the needs of the social environment in which con
cepts which are embedded bases are decentralization, autonomy and participation.
To this end, the priority is to define the institutional profiles that will sha
pe through a curriculum relevant to men and women of tomorrow with his work will
be building a world that hopefully meets their own expectations and those of al
l who make up a society in technological change required to adapt more quickly t
o change. In this context, the school acquired a fundamental importance, since i
t is in your breast that will be shaping people should receive not only knowledg
e, but it also, the key tools for understanding and implementing them. But this
basic training, acquired by the teaching - learning in the classroom, can not be
exempt from a comprehensive training to deliver a value, which allows learners
to adapt to a world that is increasingly competitive and where the principles et
hics, truth, understanding, tolerance, and respect are key tools to navigate the
social environment. The school organization to meet the challenges imposed by t
he new reform, must operate on a structured basis to enable managers and their s
ubordinates to establish a harmonious working, free of tension, ie a healthy org
anizational climate in which all members of school organization have clear goals
and objectives of the school, identify with them and work through known and wel
l defined, can be coordinated in joint actions that contribute to a positive dev
elopment throughout the organization. For this purpose, must also have adequate
structures, material resources available, objectives and procedures consistent w
ith the type of organization that learns.
In considering the stages of organizational development to be considered the new
challenges, ie, what society demands, which allows the education system for org
anizational development, what can the organization and how to improve. Organizat
ional development depends on the structure of the education system, therefore, g
enerally, institutions do not have enough room to maneuver. The macro conditions
and degree of autonomy defined by both the type of model of a dependent or inde
pendent organization. The support organization to improve the structure should b
e revised human resources, material resources and operational resources. Agent o
rganization will improve the processes of participation: collaborative work and
teaching structure. The learning organization improving the processes of institu
tionalization, self-evaluation, impact assessment and note the results. Dependen
t model dependent model is subject to external requirements regarding the admini
stration and curriculum. Educational institutions and transmit what is mandated
in the cupolas above the system. This involves the cultural background given in
the teacher dominates the cultural content and the student who wants to buy them
. This model is very important figure of the teacher in the classroom, as a repr
esentative of didactics or methodology. Autonomous model There are institutions
that have evolved toward greater independence because they have an Institutional
Educational Project (PEI). This leads them to a more autonomous, and that cultu
ral content transmitted from the educational system will introduce changes consi
stent with their own organization and culture. According to this adapts its stru
cture, objectives and relational system. ELEMENTS OF THE ORGANIZATION
For an organization to reflect a good performance must have a defined structure,
have clear objectives and an appropriate relational system. These elements repr
esent the stable part of the organizations. The instrumentation is usually more,
a goal that half. Reflects power relations in an executive level, advisory and
participation of the base. Formality versus informality prevails in structure to
integrate procedures, material and human resources according to needs. It has a
plan, an operational manual, a linear table of responsibilities, a picture of d
istribution of work and responsibilities of the post cards. Structuring of mater
ial resources and space delimiters components shapers of space are the furnishin
gs and equipment. For its definition must consider implications psychological, s
ociological,€curricularess and organizational. The guidelines consider the fram
e / limit, the factor in education and learning center property. The architectur
e involves the situation, location, distribution (linealesnucleares (hexagonal).
Habitability conditions. The natural lighting can be bilateral, unilateral, art
ificial, artificial / neon graduation. The furniture should consider Higen-biolo
gical conditions, with little inclination in the tables. The educational aspect
of multi integrates elements such as boards that besides the writing section hol
ds flannel, a magnetic field, mirror etc.) Training materials were concentrated
in a resource center has brochures with information stok . A special area for it
and hold it responsible persons, promote and create.
To set the space should be asked what level we are and we ask? Then, organize th
e space, considering: The objectives sought, title (spaces for students and teac
hers, functionality (special education), social costs (uses for the community, i
e a whole. Organization Units of time: calendar, schedule Criterion toilet - bio
logical (rhythm of each person, time of activity, duration of activity periods t
hat allow interactivity considering the concentration according to age. Interses
sional Activities, index fonogénico. Organization of the subjects according to
degree of threat level: high grade (science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, ph
ysical education), intermediate (geography, history, languages, social), low gra
de (arts). Criterion Teaching: Possibilities of the teacher, curriculum organiza
tion, teaching staff requirements, unrestricted space or time a la carte. Socioc
ultural characteristics: local need. Adjustment of schedules and events. The org
anization of the school provides education depends on the educational department
, management is the responsibility of management teams and the training of educa
tional equipment. The teaching department functions are related to the curriculu
m, objectives, methodologies, activities, evaluation materials. The functions of
educational defined in tutoring, discipline, organization of activities and wor
king groups. Facing these problems the school is important to study the causes,
identify feasible solutions, the presentations, conduct a sharing of analysis an
d implement the solution. The importance of linking theory to practice relations
hip must exist between the act of teaching, teaching practices, and the meaning
them to the center, therefore, necessary factors are estimated as the case-study
: the degree of knowledge of the reality described, which gives priority to soci
al influence, actions, personal interests, group, and those who promote the stud
y; the
knowledge as a social product must prevail social group discussion (avoid indoct
rination), the relevance of language to argue, defend and build the engagement o
f the teacher (to avoid bias), the critical culture that leads to practical thin
king. reflective, and to promote meeting places of the departments, management t
eams, days of sharing experiences. SUMMARY OF THE COURSE APORTACIONESDEL 1 .- If
we consider the learning organization as one that facilitates the learning of a
ll its members and continually transforms herself, what she would be central to
learning. 2.-The development of the organization is based on personal developmen
t and challenging approach, which transforms it into proactive. 3 .- GairÍn (19
93) identifies five learning organizations: a) b) c) d) e) processes that identi
systematic problem solving experimentation with new approaches to learning from
past experiences learned from other knowledge transfer throughout the organizati
on and all its members
4 .- Kofman and Senge (1993) considered as barriers for an organization to learn
: fragmentation in the resolution of problems, an over emphasis on competition t
hat preclude cooperation and a tendency of the organization to experiment and in
novate only when there is competition. 5 .- Armengol (2000) outlines the interre
lated conditions to consider in shaping a collaborative culture that may be the
next Decalogue. a. - democratic norms and values widely shared b. - communicatio
n and coordination between staff and organizational units. c. - active implicati
on Members d. organization - positive predisposition towards change and innovati
on. e. - f. management autonomy-Groups holding structures with the optimal relat
ionship between the level of the task and the emotional or social and emotional
g. - formation of teams that can lead the Centre. h. - the center as a space for
teacher professional development. i. - agency collaboration, open to other soci
al centers nearby. j. - stability of the team of teachers and fitness center tea
cher to project the center and not vice versa. Develop the profile teacher aide,
in a context independent: with emphasis on professionalism: sensitivity to soci
al change, connected and critical of reality, dynamic, flexible, adaptable, comm
on cultural development, supported by an instructional leadership, partnership b
ased in levels: personal, collective international action, institutional, collab
orative relationships clear in their meaning: PEI. To ensure the achievement mus
t have knowledge of the situation, prioritizing interests / needs. As the discus
sion occurs Effect social group to avoid indoctrination, installed critical cult
ure: The language departments and teams is important, as an educational tool: to
argue, create and defend Towards collaborative work, the subjects take a positi
ve attitude, openness to reflection , analysis of reality, the motivation for in
vestigating global strategies: DO, collaborative development is influenced by th
e entire organization affects all the targets modified components Organizations
learn through individuals require changes of mindset at all levels to ensure tha
t skills are institutionalized. It is necessary to amend the current conditions
in which moves the teacher and clarify the functions of the management team from
the perspective of learning organizations. Functions of management in a learnin
g organization (rector-headed academic-cycle orientador.coordinador) Assume: - T
he total liability of the center
Representatives to the community inside and outside the center leading the activ
ities define development policies and plans made agreements encourage and promot
e improvement of their estates Comply and enforce existing regulations Formulate
Plan and Annual Report organize teams of teachers supervise and evaluate develo
pment projects Broadcast educational management results spoke to the community i
n conflict resolution to the international community Consult adequacy of standar
ds and support stimulate methodological innovation financing manage fonts Evalua
te curricular
Common Issues Chilean school organizations such as no physical space to work exc
lusively for all departments. Increased budget for concrete programs, despite th
e annual proposal. Imposition of uncooperative teachers (teacher profile inconsi
stency with PEI. By having two hours a week working in a stable, does not coinci
de with other departments is made an enormous effort to make interdisicplinarias
units. Lack realize greater cohesion to improve the organizational climate. Ada
ptation to the new structure of work and computer system has different answers i
n the groups of teachers. Some departments must take greater responsibility than
Solutions under the perspective of learning during the school management should
make a greater leadership role in which the expansion of economic powers. There
should be a rational distribution of economic resources for all the department,
fair, according to the level of work and responsibility.
Respect the teacher profile established in the draft Institutional Education. In
stitutionalize the hours of teamwork. Professionalize the organization and struc
ture of the school. Make a greater amount of integration activities. Educating a
nd training in evaluation evenly distribute the activities of the institution fr
om the department.
MOST COMMON PROBLEMS SCHOOLS OF CHILEAN Regarding the organizational structure.
Dependence in the formal administrative structure municipalized-teaching depends
on the municipal corporation and the Ministerial Secretary of Education. Respec
tively. Organizational and management procedures are rigid and do not facilitate
interaction. Bureaucracy hinders the processes and decision making for manageme
nt. Lack delineation of roles and commitment of the people be fulfilled accordin
gly. Generally, leadership is weak and in many cases only limited to follow guid
elines established by the contingency. Missing a relational system to enable the
exchange of experiences,€ideas and teamwork that leads to meet broader goals.
Technical units and faculty council have become instances that analyze only poor
ly contingency and encourage participation. Dependence on private establishments
have a better chance of achieving the learning organization model, because they
have more resources, autonomy and easier to encourage participation because the
organizational climate is good and the contract terms covering the expectations
of the people. As for the definition of space, the local authority educational
establishments have a predetermined physical space, defined by the Department of
Educational Establishments. These are structured according to the needs that th
e central level has been determined as their own educational system. No part of
previous study of the environment, the kinds of needs of the student population,
a relevant curriculum or projects that may develop in the community. Any modifi
cations to the infrastructure involves cumbersome procedures involving all the a
gencies mentioned. Only private schools can set their own pattern of constructio
n, but according to laws and requirements of the municipality where it is insert
ed. Regarding the organization of time, in the municipal schools, the designatio
n of defined class hours for each subject is determined by the central and burea
ucratic aspects that must be met. In times of teaching and administrative staff,
are not considered overtime work of the teacher, although commonly crosses the
contract hours. This implies a few hours to rest and prepare lessons at home. Pr
ivate educational institutions have greater autonomy to organize their time, con
sidering the most part, the characteristics of educational levels, the burden of
teacher time and needs reinforcement for certain subjects. QUESTIONS FOR REFLEC
TION in the Chilean - Is the learning organization is more likely to apply to de
veloped countries? - How to achieve a flexible schedule and changing to an educa
tional organization with a low budget and few resources, even when teachers and
students adapt to the system of broad freedoms? How to encourage research facult
y to identify needs and effective resolution of problems if you do not have peop
le giving up smoking? How to change the mentality of a partnership or working gr
oups tend to meet only in a climate deficient or problematic?
How to change the bureaucratic aspects that hinder the educational and administr
ative management of the centers?
How to foster a contingency based leadership in schools, if only instructive mod
el has prevailed rather than a facilitator, understanding that we develop the sp
irit of collaborative work?
- How to integrate internal collaboration to the estates, students and administr
ative activities, if the system allows? Why dilute the axiological dimension of
teachers and their environment, if the values are the foundation of the training
n in the light of the experts in the field, education is undergoing rapid change
s can be traumatic, creating uncertainty and disillusionment, considered as infl
uential factors in this economic recession, restricting public spending on educa
tion, declining birth rates and differences in regard to the philosophies of edu
cation have motivated clashes between different ideologies and interests. The ex
pectations of young people towards education, have also changed, especially with
the changes that have occurred in work and employment opportunities. The increa
se in unemployment and there seems to be little relationship between the educati
onal process and the workforce, has influenced to believe that the efforts devot
ed to the study are not offset by achieving a secure and stable work in the futu
re. Other factors that are seen as obvious is the decline in birth rate, the few
er resources for education and the shortage of jobs and the impact of technology
, both the whole of society as traditional methods of teaching and learning .
According to Moon (1980), the microprocessor, the word processor and other proce
ssors that have not yet imagined, must transform the academic and vocational pre
paration for life.€This could widen further irrelevance that characterizes toda
y's schools. Some new ideas for education, presented by this author are moving t
owards a common curriculum, opportunities for community-type program, changes in
the organizational structures of schools to meet the new requirement, decreased
schools This may require a lower base of expertise for much of secondary educat
ion, with the grouping of subjects and a matrix approach to examine the relation
ship that allows horizontal and vertical content and issues within the curriculu
m of a school. Apparently the references are pointing to the formation of smalle
r schools with a more unified curriculum. The organizational concept The concept
of organization has been studied by many scholars in management and most agree
that it exists, must have people who conform, levels of responsibility, relation
ships, communication, a base and a permanent structural dynamics that are orient
ed toward common goals. Thus Merlinovky, 1934 defines the organization as a "gro
up of people united in a common task or tasks linked to specific portion of thei
r surroundings, which together handle a technical device and obey a body of rule
s." For its part Barnard, 1984 suggests that organization is a "system of consci
ously coordinated cooperation of people where there are different roles perfectl
y identifiable." In a more advanced conceptualization, Schlema, 1985, posits tha
t organization "is a deliberately built up a technical partner for the relations
hip of a particular project, aimed at meeting the needs of its members and a pop
ulation or an external audience gives it meaning. Is inserted
within a socio-economic and political relations which keeps mutual exchange and
determination. " As regards the organization as a social system Quijano, 1987, d
efines the organization as complex and pluralistic social formations made up of
individuals and groups with relatively fixed and identifiable boundaries that co
nstitute the system of authority and communication articulated standards and sys
tems values that integrate the activities of its members in order to achieve pre
-established purposes. Relatively stable term and continuous, are immersed in an
environment that influences them. " On these concepts we can see the school org
anization as "referring to the field of knowledge dealing with the elements of t
he school and their proper disposal to get the most effective result in order to
his own purposes, ie education. In this regard stresses the ideas of: the dynam
ic nature of the organization, the school as a complex entity, organization or a
rrangement of elements and appropriate, the school action, or education, as arti
culated core "(Saenz, 1985). For its part Soto, 1992, states that "school organi
zation as a social body formed by a number of people who have met explicit aims
to achieve certain objectives. Its operation requires a set of rules and procedu
res governing relations between members, the powers of each and the level of the
ir responsibility. " (1987 GairÍn cit. To Schein) suggests that the key to unde
rstand and comprehend the current reality of school organization is having a cle
ar conception of corporate culture is the set of principles and basic beliefs of
an organization "emphasizes that seems GairÍn easy to admit that each organiza
tion has something special that unlike the others, but it is difficult to say wh
at that something special, like real life influences of organizations and how to
modify if necessary. Explain that something special is what is commonly called
culture or style, ideology, way of life, values, philosophy, or other. The set o
f principles and beliefs that has been accepted by the organization, as may have
been unconscious in the original culture developed by the founder or team promo
ting the organization, or
well-formed, conscious and participatory manner through a process of change or i
mplementing a new culture. The principles and basic beliefs are developed and go
specifying the organization as "sensed" that this particular way of relating to
the environment-adaptation-and internally-positioning work concerning the envir
onment, "Structure-division of tasks and responsibilities, allocation objectives
, "systems-management procedures, control, communication and information flows,"
€people-typology of managers and employees who, in turn, set up appropriate str
uctures and systems to the main objectives has been proposed to meet an organiza
tion. Influence each other, yet are influenced steadily, and the principles and
beliefs that form the basis of the organizational culture. Culture is another el
ement, but an item with very clear characteristics, which are gaining slowly but
consistency, too, have great difficulty in quickly and easily modified. Organiz
ational health is an external balance-adaptation-and inner-cultural integration,
and when there are any inconsistencies, the overall efficiency suffers. In this
context suggests that GairÍn depth understanding of the culture of a particula
r organization, is especially important for strategic and structural changes; fo
r Selecting, training and developing managers, to understand and overcome) the p
roblems that arise in case of mergers and acquisitions ; to direct efficient org
anizational development processes, both in stable situations and in situations o
f change aimed at improving the educational process in schools. El Centro School
in the News Several different theoretical orientations underlying assumptions a
bout what is school, and each focuses mainly on specific topics and areas of stu
dy. González 1990, states that "the guidance, technical-rational presents an ov
erview of the school formal and structural terms substantially as an organizatio
n that works rationally and in its elements and processes that have an instrumen
tal character. In contrast, the symbolic and political perspectives
provide an overview of the school as a socially constructed reality and not free
of ideological and political components. " From the perspective of the school a
s integral whole, Soto, 1992, states that it "is constituted by multiple element
s, dimensions and processes being considered also an area of thought and action.
" Therefore, it follows that school is a complex environment because it multiple
interacting variables ranging from simple infrastructure with all respect to it
s implementation, the social factor through which establishes the interrelationa
l, the learning process basis of the curriculum and a dynamic that puts into act
ion the program lines have been established to achieve the objectives. From a mo
re critical view regarding the most characteristic features of the school as an
organization, GairÍn, 1987, raises several points that clearly demonstrate thei
r lack of efficiency and respond in some way be generalized to field failures of
the Chilean educational today. a) lack of definition of goals. The school is an
organization to which society assigns to achieve many different goals. But in a
ddition to the variety, there is a lack of prioritization and a large ambiguity
in the wording of these objectives. All of which leads to uncertainty regarding
the actions undertaken, the role that people must meet, and therefore difficult
to evaluate the process and system. b) Nature of the goals. The claim education,
essential to a school, contributes to the identification of targets because it
affects an area (the school) all categorization difficult and complex nature. Bu
t also the nature of education requires the maintenance of values pertaining to
the organizational model. Thus, the non-competitive organization that defines th
e school carries little interest in innovation and a low level of research. His
nature harnessed (not selected customers) and their "professionalism" (high tech
nical preparation referred to a greater desire for autonomy and participation in
management). c) Ambiguity of technologies. The educational activity can not be
characterized optimally, depends on situations and circumstances that almost alw
ays result of the particular individual. This makes it impossible for the moment
, to have technology that, while simple to harmonize situations and classify org
anizational processes
d) Lack of technical preparation. The complexity of the reality in schools and e
ducational task unfeasible the existence of a single model of teacher and, there
fore, a real characterization of its actions and professional needs. Is needed b
efore a widespread reality, a professional who can deal with ambiguity, but also
on actions she can redefine and has sufficient flexibility to adapt. but also€
the functioning of school organization requires other technical and non-teaching
time to the very process of organization. e) Weakness of the system. All the fa
ctors mentioned can characterize the school as a loosely structured reality. The
extent of the informal organization, as opposed to structures and goals, lack o
f definition of functions, etc., Contribute to subtle relationships and not nece
ssarily stable between the different components of the system. f) Vulnerability.
The weakness of the system is not only due to internal factors, also responds t
o external influence. The openness of the school against the background makes it
vulnerable to environmental changes. According to Saez, 1985, the school is cur
rently characterized by its complexity, the tendency to autonomy, increased part
icipation in the organization and development of the activities of its members,
and increased intra-and interschool. To support this, argues that the current co
mplexity of the school, seems to derive, essentially, by: a) Increasing dimensio
n attributable to factors: sociological, related to population concentration in
cities, rural-urban migration, other ; teaching in terms of graduation and diver
sity in teaching, and others, and by the concentration of economic resources to
the best use of them. b) Diversification of the facilities and that the classes
have been added: laboratories, workshops, media rooms, meeting space, others. c)
Variety of activities taking place in the school from which include, school cla
sses, extracurricular, non-formal education, others).
d) Possible use by the community of certain facilities for meetings and other ac
tivities. e) Phenomenon of increased participation and relationships. The organi
zation and operation of the centers created in the new premises are planned from
the moment that the public authorities assume the task of extending education t
o all people. Therefore, not only build the necessary premises but are worried a
bout the situation in its entirety, generalizing the contexts in a single criter
ion. Thus, schools are, in their structure and performance, almost equal. This u
niformity begins to break down when you open the debate about the purposes of ed
ucation and begins testing new teaching methods. This aspect is just beginning t
o visualize the process of differentiation of the school that is being driven an
d exacerbated by the incidence of phenomena such as the tendency to decentralize
the system, participation and the displacement of center of gravity of the rela
tions the center to the surrounding community. This trend towards decentralizati
on of process has led to greater autonomy of schools, that is, the power to gove
rn and manage the center itself. The limits of this autonomy is found in the pow
ers exercised by management of the entire education system. a one of the
The incentive for participation has to serve the best interests and identificati
on of problems related to the center. This improved knowledge will facilitate mo
re appropriate treatment and its possible solution. Collaboration in research an
d developing solutions with the participation is encouraged. While attendance do
es not reach the level of decision making is important as a means to influence t
hese decisions and achieve greater involvement of all actions on account of them
adopted. The modern school marked increase its profile in its relations with th
e community. Important is to consider the interests and
community needs to establish plans and actions of the center, both which can aff
ect students, for the collaboration that must be maintained between the center a
nd the community. The characteristics of the current school demands a more compl
ex organization and administration. The administration can no longer be in charg
e only of the director, but must have a set of persons or committees that suppor
t or decisions taken with him. Participation is then concentrated in a variety o
f committees some technical, others in which predominates over the element of re
presentativeness, or both. Commissions can be classified by their composition in
one-person, peer, and the role they play in: Policy, support and consultation.
Educational administration is considered as "the set of bodies to ensure that ed
ucation is given.€The complexity of these organs depends on the complexity of t
he field in which they operate: the national education system or school system "
Soto, 1992. This is why the author mentioned above leads us to reflect on how th
ey should address the current educational moment. It is clear that this requires
the adoption of large and important political decision. We agree that these dec
isions on the scale achieved by education systems, the amount of resources invol
ved and their social impact can not be left to intuition or improvisation. I rai
sed then, requires an administration that knows to make responsible choices base
d on accurate information, resulting from the use of methods and concepts approp
riate analytical and critical thinking. Analysis should allow a reasonable assur
ance of certainty, the knowledge of what goes on inside the system and the asses
sment of the results obtained therein, and in their environment. It also require
s the use of an adequate organization to ensure maximum efficiency of available
resources. The social system, educational and school are closely related because
the variables appear to conform the processes and characteristics of the social
system, their difference lies in the greater relevance acquired specific variab
les: education in some cases and in other institutional education .
The school collects, therefore, the specifications of the systems that are frame
d but also incorporates specific to the contextual situation in which it is loca
ted. Lets all talk about educational institutions diversified but connections re
main essential. The next contextual reality and law, as an expression of general
context, is budgets with which the educational system and ordered the school sy
stem. The factors that make the school environment from the organizational point
of view are consequently essential reference points when performing any analysi
s. The habits and customs exercised in a particular social reality and legal and
administrative rules applicable, are the operational expression of the social a
nd political structure that makes up a given society. Located in the same school
environment, you can see the difference often offer different service instituti
ons. And is that in the operation of schools interfere, apart from the elements
mentioned above, internal elements that shape their specialty. At this level are
to highlight the singularities coming from the typology of the Centre and its p
eculiar structure and function. So there are determinants of school organization
, beyond the generic such as the concept of school that we have and the principl
es of organizations that want to apply, the socio-economic and cultural where it
is, the structure of relevant education authorities, the applicable law, the ty
pe of school and their level of organizational development. All institutional ap
proach should build them and consider the particularities presented.

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