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Market Research

Market research is the process of gathering, processing and analysis of informat

ion on issues related to marketing, such as: Customers, Competitors and the Mark
et. Market research can help create the company's strategic plan, preparing the
launch of a product or support development of products launched depending on the
life cycle. With market research companies can learn more about current and pot
ential customers. Market research is a discipline that has contributed to the de
velopment of marketing and industry in general over the past fifty years, being
fed by the integration of multiple disciplines, including (Psychology, Anthropol
ogy, Sociology, Economics, Statistics, Communications, among others). The purpos
e of market research is to assist companies in making better decisions on the de
velopment and marketing of various products. Market research represents the voic
e of the customer into the company.
From the analysis techniques and data collection, recognize four major types of
studies in marketing research: quantitative or numerical • Research • Qualitativ
e Research • Research documentary and secondary sources of marketing • Secondary
The steps for developing a market research are: • Define research problem • Sele
cting and establishing research design • Collecting and analyzing data • Formula
te findings
Define the research problem
This step is where you define the existing problem and is composed of two basic
processes: "Formulation of the problem" and "Establishment of research objective
s." Define the problem is a simple step, but of great importance in the marketin
g research process as clarity in what you want is basic research to learn how. A
company may spend thousands of dollars in research, however, if it is not clear
the problem to investigate these dollars will be wasted. After formulating the
problem, it is necessary to formulate the research questions. What are the basic
questions that need answering and possible sub. questions you have. With the pr
oblem or opportunity defined, the next step is to determine the research objecti
ves, defining and thus determining what information is needed to answer the ques
tions. A good way to determine the objectives of an investigation is wondering,
"What information is needed to solve the problem?". It should be understood that
"Clear goals help you get clear results." After describing and formulating the
problem and the objectives, the next step is to prepare a detailed schedule spec
ifying the different steps of the investigation.
Selecting and establishing research design
This step is made up of three basic processes: • "Selecting the research design.
• "Identify the types of information needed and sources." • "Identifying and de
signing the instruments of measurement."
Select the research design
The first thing to remember is that each investigation for each type of business
is different, so the design can vary, and there are infinite types. The types "
generic" design research are: • Descriptive • Causal Exploration • Exploration:
Exploration Research is defined as the collection of information through informa
l and unstructured mechanisms. Description: This research refers to a set of met
hods and procedures that describe marketing variables. This type of study helps
determine the basic questions for each variable, answering Who, How, What and Wh
en. Such studies can describe things like customer attitudes, intentions and beh
aviors, as well as describe the number of competitors and their strategies. Even
t: In this type of research focuses on controlling various factors to determine
which one is causing the problem. This allows us to isolate the causes of the pr
oblem, while delivering a higher level of knowledge about the variable being stu
died. This type of study is the most complex and therefore expensive.
Identify the types of information needed and sources
There are two types of information on market research, primary and secondary. Pr
imary information is that which is relieved directly for a specific purpose.€Sec
ondary information refers to that which already exists somewhere and was collect
ed for another purpose. Usually this type of information is less costly than pri
mary and sometimes simply review the Internet or by visiting your local library.
At present there is much information from different business areas that can be
used for research.
Identify and design the measurement instruments
After determining what information is needed, determine the method in which such
information was achieved. There are multiple methods within which are the telep
hone surveys, mail surveys or e-mail, personal interviews or group surveys. More
over, there are two basic methods of data collection, through questioning or by
observation, being the most common instrument in the questionnaire. There are tw
o types of formats for collection, the structured and unstructured. Structured:
Are closed lists with specific questions, which include multiple choice question
s with single or multiple choice selection. It also includes reference scales an
d systems. Not Structured: These are open questions where the respondent can ans
wer in their own words.
Data collection and analysis
The first thing to do is train the interviewers, who will be responsible to cont
act the respondents and fill the questions in a format for further analysis. The
analysis should start with cleaning the data, with the confirmation of the scal
es, verification of the correct filling out surveys and sometimes with pretabula
ciones (in the case of open questions.) Once all information is encoded as such
analysis can begin. The information may also be on a small scale and qualitative
information obtained through being the focus groups the most used tool.
Using information on market research we decided to choose the market analysis in
the survey because it is a very effective and fast method for collecting, proce
ssing and analysis.
For Customer Survey: Surveys we have done through questions asked of Merchandisi
ng at school, "United Nations" from 1-5 years in the TM and TT resulted as follo
ws: "buy Merchandising: (Bands, Teams, TV .) Respondents answered
5Personas, 16% bands 16Personas, 52% soccer equipment TV Programs
10Personas, 32%
- What bands? (Green Day, Los Piojos, La Renga, Linkin Park, Street, etc.) Respo
ndents answered
1person; 1person 4%, 4% 5Personas, 18% 3Personas; 4Personas 11%, 14% 7Personas;
7Personas 25%, 24% Green Day Lice Linkin Park La Renga Reggeton Callegeros Kapan
- What football teams? (River, Boca, Racing, Independiente, Atlanta, Argentina,
San Lorenzo, Velez, Central, Manchester) The respondents answered
Soccer Teams
1person; 1person 4%, 4% 1person; 0Personas 4%, 0% 0Personas; 0Personas 0%, 0% 8P
ersonas; 11Personas 35%, 49% 1 Person, 4% River Boca Independiente Racing San Lo
renzo Argentina Atlanta Manchester Central
- What TV shows? (The Simpsons, South Park, Mad Arts). Respondents answered
5Personas, 22% The Simpsons 1person; 17Personas 4%, 74% South Park Loco Arts
- In what type of material you buy the Merchandising? (Wood, Rubber Eva, Rubber
Foam, Aluminum, Plastic, Cloth) Respondents answered
3Personas; 4Personas 8%, 10% Goma Eva 10Personas; 6Personas 26%, 15% Wood Foam 1
1Personas Tela, 28% 5Personas, 13% Aluminum Plastic
- What type of Merchandising buy? The respondents answered similarly some produc
ts such as (T-shirts, flags, t-shirts, keychains, posters, etc). - How much woul
d you pay for these products? Respondents answered: • • • • From 1-5 From 2-8 pe
sos pesos pesos from 3-5 5 to 10 pesos
12 individuals, 29%
11Personas, 27% $ 5 $ 10 $ 3 $ 5 $ 2 to $ 8 $ 1 to $ 5
8Personas, 20%
10Personas, 24%
Polls regard to the competition: we have done surveys with questions of competit
ion that was in secret places in "The shovels of the Andes", resulted in the fol
lowing: What do you call your business? Of the five people surveyed one answered
us and told us that their business is called Fashion Space. What items sell? Re
2people, 10% 3Personas; 4Personas 14%, 19%
2people; 5Personas 10%, 23%
key rings necklaces bracelets pins rings
5Personas, 24%
In what type of material are the items for sale? Respondents answered
Material fabrication
2people; 5Personas 10%, 23%
pastic cardboard aluminum wire metal wire
5Personas, 24%
1 Persons aged, 5%
5Personas, 24%
3Personas, 14%
At what price to sell these items? The respondents was that the bracelets come i
n between 2 and 3 pesos rings between 3 and 4 weights, chains between 7 and 10 p
esos (usually the price varies by quality, material and time it takes to manufac
ture). What kind of demand is the sale of these items? Respondents answered
Type of demand
2people, 20%
3Personas, 30% Bijuterias ornaments necklaces bracelets 4Personas, 40%
1person, 10%
Conclusion: For the consumer: After analyzing the surveys have come to the concl
usion that the items would sell more in our micro-enterprise in the school envir
onment would be the sale of T-shirts, flags, key chains, etc., in general, anyth
ing that has to do with
Merchandising the music scene, sports and television.
We reach this conclusion because most of the people surveyed had many similariti
es in responding that he would like to buy (shirts, flags, etc.).. Regarding com
petition: After analyzing the surveys we concluded
Bibliography: • Internet (Wikipedia), etc.

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