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OLD AND EDITOR Weblog: possible coexistence? Contents Introduction 1.

The newspa
pers online, as is becoming the information daily 1.1 Space and time; 1.2 The la
nguage; 1.3 The form: hypertext, links, and multimedia; 1.4 Content: What makes
news online; 1.5 interactivity and mobility 1.6 customization information; 1.7 H
ow sustainable economic models. 2. The online journalists, present and future of
the trade 2.1 The new role of the journalist in society and its relationship wi
th readers; 2.2 change the instruments but not the craft; 2.3 The end of reporte
r "to a size "2.4 The sources and the problem of credibility; 2.5 The" One-man n
ewspaper "2.6 Legal status and new crimes; 2.7 Ethical issues and ethics. 3. The
information in the hands of the player 3.1 A new subject: the reader user, 3.2
Cityzen journalism or "Be the Media" 3.3 The professional journalism meets the i
nformation 4. The blogosphere, we all journalists? Weblogs 4.1, 4.2 Problem of c
redibility: blogging is real journalism?, 4.3 watchdogs information, 4.4 exponen
tial growth, 4.5 Nodes linked to issues of law and ethics, 4.6 Subsistence econo
my; Appendix. Cross-media experience: the case Nòva100. Final considerations an
d conclusions Summary old editors and weblogs: coexistence possible? The world o
f information worldwide and in Italy is undergoing a period of radical change, a
llowing us to speak of a revolution in progress. New information technologies an
d social transformations taking place in the world are the main drivers of this
change. The editorial offices are all adapting to new technological conditions t
hat require a significant presence and structured within the web. Stay out may b
e too great a risk in terms of both commercial prestige. Consumers of informatio
n, in turn, are no longer with our hands, passive in the face of media messages.
Thanks to the spread of digital technologies and the convergence of traditional
media to new
technology platforms, the public has the opportunity, unprecedented in history,
to participate actively in the production of content and information. The public
has taken possession of the media, new media, to express themselves and communi
cate if not at par with the media, at least almost. The manner in which the publ
ic actively participates in the production of information content are varied. Co
mments from the readers of conventional warheads on their sites, forums, polls a
nd so on. People connected to the web can also work actively to the production o
f information and news is collaborating with the activities of journalists with
publishers. The forms in which this collaboration can develop are more diverse,
but what is important is that the number of active cooperation is increasing all
over the world. Faced with increasingly massive participation and quality of th
eir audience, even the professionals can not keep still, perched on the conserva
tive positions that lead people to believe that the category of journalists is t
he only MP to make information. Is not so and this is increasingly evident even
to the skeptics and traditionalists. Journalists play a crucial role in maintain
ing democratic standards of any free and democratic country, but to better fulfi
ll its mission, the world of journalism should abide by the technological and so
cial changes that Western societies are experiencing. Many journalists are doing
blog consulting, agreeing to blunt and direct with their readers and, increasin
gly, launching a blog to freely exercise their profession and share their knowle
dge, their findings and opinions, which often are hidden under the cover of obje
ctivity with which the conventional warheads like cover. The journalist, like th
e city has at its disposal tools that allow you to interact with an audience wit
hout suffering editorial control regarding the compatibility of the words with e
ditorial drawn from the ownership of the magazine he works for. Citizens and jou
rnalists are making such information on the same field, being very often work to
gether to pursue the goal of providing more comprehensive information and plural
, allowing really raise the standards of common knowledge. A journalist can disc
over the stories of watching and reading blogs amateurs deal on its space,€deep
en and, thanks to his skills, make complete and contextualized instance, a compl
aint or good news reported by a blogger. These, likewise, can recognize the good
work done by a journalist - bloggers, restoring and link to their blog, thus in
creasing the visibility and reputation with its audience. Is created as an effec
tive collaboration in the creation and promotion of content and information that
often can not find space in the papers of paper in cathode ray tube, or between
radio frequencies. A world that until a few years ago had no voice is coming to
the forefront and is gaining important spaces in time that people devote to inq
uire. The mainstream media professionals should consider this possibility is in
the hands of the public and must learn to listen more and more and learn to use
the collective wisdom of public information to improve the news. Even the world'
s publishers who are still skeptical of the information produced by users, as th
ey can see a profit. There is, however, who is more daring and, seeing the possi
bilities of development, is launching an adventure unprecedented publishing, or
to ask not only for journalists to do more for their own head, but open the cont
ribution of all, be they journalists or not. Yet there is no certainty on the su
ccess and the success of these projects, but there is no doubt that if you begin
to experience not ever be able to understand what are the right ways to make su
ch projects successful. These trials are becoming increasingly gaining certainty
step by step, especially in light of
that traditional media are in crisis. Pardon users and, consequently, advertiser
s that are shifting, albeit slowly, but surely, towards the web and its innovati
ve forms of commercial advertising. The spread so widespread practice of telling
facts, events and opinions from many different points of view, individual or co
llective, can be seriously talking about a social practice that is emerging and
that the future will be increasingly likely to serve the public: journalism. Mak
ing information has always had a social aspect and the public interest, as it al
lows the population to follow world events and to act accordingly and that is wh
y the meaning of the noblest profession of journalist is that of watchdog power,
"mastiff" in the name of public interest monitor and near vision those who deci
de the fate of citizens. Recently in Italy, but not limited to this task appears
to have come less and less, or, rather, the mainstream news is increasingly per
ceived by citizens in the service of great economic and political potentates and
the few genuinely critical voices are constantly attacked by these powers. In o
rder to remain visible, the mainstream news is forced to land in the network and
to learn from all those new tools available to citizens who do not pray for the
ir use and, indeed, voluntarily agree to do their part by expressing their ideas
and share their knowledge. In this world where information travels from a perso
nal space to another and step by step are completed, improved and, if necessary,
criticize and correct entries free practice of journalism meet with the public,
that is sick the mainstream, contributing to the emergence of new, authoritativ
e and credible voices in the information world. This mechanism is much more usef
ul and necessary in countries where freedom of information items are actually th
reatened by those in power.
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g.debiase.com - Luca De Biase http://benoit-raphael.blogspot.com Blogs - Blog ht
tp://www.lsdi.it Benoit Raphael - Press freedom and right to information http://
mediablog.corriere.it/ - Mediablog Charles Pratellesi http://www.tecnoetica.it -
Tecnoetica Davide Bennato http://robertozarriello.wordpress.com - Blog Roberto
Zarriello http://blogosfere.it/ - blogosfere http://www.nova100. ilsole24ore.com
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ri.wordpress.com / - The minotaurs http://skytg24.blogs.com/ - Blogs of Sky http
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torio Zambardino http://www.beppegrillo.it/ - Blog Beppe Grillo
http://mariotedeschini.blog.kataweb.it/ - Mario Tedeschini http://conversazionid
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