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Curriculum Vitae

Mauricio Sotto Maior Journalist

Salvador, Bahia in July, 2008
Curriculum Simplified
PERSONAL DATA: Name: Mauricio Gomes Sotto Mayor. Affiliation: Manoel Fonseca Lob
o Sotto Maior and Christolina Cardoso Gomes Sotto Mayor. Date of birth: November
10, 1964. Nationality: Brazilian. Birthplace: Rio de Janeiro. Marital status: M
arried. ID card: 1334391 SP / BA. Professional Registration: DRT-BA 1573. (L. 6
F.91). Professional portfolio: 16 064 715 series. Enrollment in CIC: 423.686.05/
82. Occupation: journalist. Address: Rua Padre Manoel Barbosa, 27-B, 1101, Itaig
ara, Salvador, Bahia. CEP. 41815-050. Phone: 55 + 71 88495641 / / 33582004 mauri
ciosottomaior@gmail.com EDUCATION: Graduate Specialization in Continuing Educati
on and Distance Education School of the University of Brasilia (UNB) / UNESCO Ch
air on Distance Education Period: 1999/2000 cities: Salvador, Brasilia. Universi
ty Education, Federal University of Bahia. School of Communication. Period: 1985
/ 1992. City: Salvador Middle School Education: College Our Lady of Victory (MA
RIST) Period: 1975 / 1983. School: College Baiano (UCBa) Period: 1984. City: Sal
vador. Education Elementary School: Ana Nery. Period: 1969 / 1974. City: Salvado
COMPANIES IN WHICH Communications Department has served the City of Camaçari Ba
hiatursa. Luis Eduardo Magalhaes Foundation Odebrecht Foundation Journal Correio
da Bahia newspaper O Globo Bahia Newspapers Today Newspaper The Afternoon Guild
of Teachers of private schools EngenhoNovo / Publivendas Social Service of Comm
erce Itapoan TV AWARDS: Award Bay (Environmental Protection COFIC - 1994) Associ
ation Bahia Press (1994/1996) OTHER EXPERIENCE: Creation and Management Program
TV - Salvador City of the Arts (premiere: the first half of 2008 by the Rede Ban
deirantes) Municipality of Salvador Theme Photo Exhibit: Portraits of Bahia Venu
e: Pelourinho Period: October-November 1983 Course Language Basic Computer Organ
ization: Computer Centre of Salvador Period: August-November 1985 Training Cours
e and the Professional Improvement Broadcaster Institution: Association of Broad
casters and Advertisers of Bahia Period: July 1988 to January 1989
Curriculum Reviewed
After more than two decades of professional activities primarily media, my BA in
Communication from the Federal University of Bahia was amplified by the sum of
experiences in newsrooms, news, advertising agencies, political campaigns, and i
nstitutions such as the Odebrecht Foundation, Foundation Luis Eduardo Magalhaes
and recently Bahiatursa. My trajectory was designed toward a synthesis word: Kno
wledge. Today the reality around us is suffering rapid changes that shake the fo
undations of institutions worldwide. A total break of paradigms, new concepts wh
ich are still being built, creating new forms of relationships in society. These
changes, now more visible, have intensified in recent decades. At the beginning
of my training. Along this trajectory gathered knowledge (skills and techniques
) now put me able to develop editorial and graphic designs for web sites and int
ranets, using even advanced languages like java and dhtml (Dreamweaver, Front Pa
ge) as well as printed newspapers and magazines (InDesing, Page Maker, Corel Dra
w), creation of logos and animated two-dimensional and three-dimensional (Azimet
rix, Micrografx, Swish, Ulead Gif Animator), Illustrations and edits images and
audio (Photoshop, PhotoImpact, Acid Pro), texts and reports written especially f
or web sites or printed, and financial advisory Communications, applied the new
information technologies, and editing scripts for television journalism and radi
o journalism. And, I hope to produce knowledge. 1985 - The Faculty of Communicat
ion UFBa was my choice in the entrance exam. Already married at 18 years old, an
d with a son one year from the first semester of college I decided I had to ente
r the area of Communication and invade the labor market. In my teens I read the
book "Future Shock" by Alvin Toflo but could never imagine the transformations t
hat occur in front of me during my career. 1986 - The TV Itapoan, through the Ca
mera Five, offered my first job in the field of journalism as a production assis
tant. He was campaigning for governor (Pires) and took over the production of th
e journalism program Camera Five, System Northeast Communications / TV Itapoan.
A talk show studio, live, headed by journalist Carlos Mendes.€The camera was on
e of the five best political journalism programs in the state of Bahia, broadcas
t daily to more than
300 municipalities, with four blocks of 10 minutes of each production. My first
dive was in the media through television. I learned what it is timing, which is
stress, to produce an interview and understand the power of mass communication,
from the inside. 1987 - The following year he took over as Editor Five Camera pr
ogram with an accumulation of functions newspaper editor and producer. It was a
moment of intense experience in which he plays various roles behind the scenes n
ews. Video editing, writing of the staff interviews, guided the program with tim
ing, direction and production studio ... I had contact with computers, image edi
tors, language, camera and scene. The experience with journalism was a real labo
ratory practice for whom was only two years of the School of Communication. Part
icipated in the process of reformatting the program, predominantly in the studio
, a magazine of morning discussions with teams of journalism in VT doing special
reports for the National Network. I could not more time to study and despite al
l the success, I slowed down in college. Had a choice and I chose my future. 198
8 - Between the months of July 87/dezembro 87 and July 88-December 88, I left te
levision to work as an intern for communication in Human Resources Management of
Social Service for Commerce (SESC). Working with psychologists and educators is
very interesting. We made up everything from writing texts for server manuals t
o programming visual training materials, etc. mural. Was no longer mass media be
cause the public was at my side, which was much more rewarding. But the truth is
that I wanted to bring the advertising branch of activity that attracted me ver
y early teens. Soon after got an internship at the advertising agency Engenhonov
o / Publivendas in the company's RTVC Productions for Radio, Television and Film
. I watched closely the work of care professionals, creation, production, art, p
articipated in the production of campaigns and ended up plunging headlong into a
world where perfectionism sets the time to finish the job, piercing the early m
orning. 1989 - I found myself in a situation even worse ... no time for studies
and intern with a bag that did not hold any family. Had to go for something diff
erent, something more challenging. I did a test in the Official Correio da Bahia
and started a new phase of their experiences through print journalism. It was l
ove at first sight. Writing, reporting facts and interpret the versions to build
what we call news, or clippings from reality. News joyful, sad, historical, did
actic, revolting,
winners ... For five years I was a special reporter, Editor of City Journal Corr
eio da Bahia, an important practical laboratory that extended beyond my knowledg
e of reporting techniques. During this period the Correio da Bahia suffered his
first retirement Graph / Editorial. I learned to 'copidescar' the text of others
, to build a page with a diagram, to give titles to the editor ... This 1990/91-
my learning in the communication has been formed as the most plural possible. H
ad been through television and advertising and I ended up playing strategic role
s for my training, reporting for the newspaper Correio da Bahia for many differe
nt editors (cities, economy, politics, culture, sports, economy, and even the po
lice). In addition, experienced experiences as 'assignment editors' head of stor
y and edits of pages, replacing or helping at times. 1992 - also worked with jou
rnalistic research for committees of candidates Lidice da Mata (June) and Manuel
Castro (August / September) in the 1992 elections. Times of elections for the M
unicipality of Salvador. The research, done in public and private libraries and
electronic clipping of news shows, which teams muniam journalism of applications
of information. I learned to build dossiers and discover strategic information
for use in campaigns such as "virus" or "vaccine" ... 1993 - The following year
I received the invitation to participate in the creation of the first computeriz
ed newsroom of the State of Bahia. In parallel to my activities as Special Repor
ter of the Correio da Bahia, took the same position in the Official Bahia Today,
the Northeast System of Communication. I worked for a year with different techn
ological processes for producing journalism, comparing, experiencing and evaluat
ing the new procedures and insertion of new technologies in communication.€In t
he same period won the two major journalism awards in the state, among them the
Association of Bahia Press Association (ABI - December/1993). 1994 - ran for the
Bay of Environmental Protection (COFIC - 1994), the most important journalism a
ward ecological Bahia, with two stories. One by Correio da Bahia Bahia and anoth
er by now. A report in the Correio da Bahia and won the prize money bought my fi
rst computer. Even fueling criticism regarding the process of introduction of ne
w technologies in Bahia Today newspaper, picked out of the Correio da Bahia in l
ine with the new challenge of new information technologies.
1995 - Experience with the Bahia Today, despite good reports of surrender, was a
major failure in two years. The project created a computer system that did not
respect the work process of the journalist, creating obstacles, resistance and c
onflict. A strike ended the dream of the first newspaper in Bahia and computeriz
ed, even before the bankruptcy ordered the newspaper, between 1995 and 1996, I a
ssumed Press office of the Association of Teachers of Bahia / Sinpro and returne
d to Correio da Bahia newspaper. 1996 - In this second period of Correio da Bahi
a experienced two most important experiences in my training: the computerization
of the newsroom and the second printing of the newspaper reform, with the intro
duction of the element color. Also in this period, once again won the prize of B
ahia Press Association (ABI November/1996) and already I was preparing to boost
flights 'Internet' own, when I received another call challenging ... 1997 - I wa
s invited to assume responsibility for communication with the Press and the Cent
er for Documentation of the Odebrecht Foundation, which develops work with teens
with a mission to train them for life. Odebrecht Foundation in I delved further
into the issue of new technologies applied to information science, developing w
ith the librarian Sonia Cordeiro, the proposed reorganization of the Documentati
on Center of the Center for Documentation and Communication of the Odebrecht Fou
ndation. 1998 - The experience for the construction of the proposal for the Odeb
recht Foundation, which endorsed the creation of an information system supported
by a Support System for Decisions (strategic information) and connected via a n
etwork environment, definitely broadened my professional horizons. I discovered
a new universe and a field of theoretical research crucial to the future of my t
rade. I decided to return to university as a special student in the first class
of Masters of the Institute of Information Science, established by the Federal U
niversity of Bahia, while working as a freelance for the newspaper O Globo as I
have been doing in holiday periods. On this occasion, I covered the funeral of M
r Luis Eduardo Magalhaes. 1999 - Mal year begins and I get another call challeng
ing. This time to join the team of Communications and Marketing Foundation found
er Luis Eduardo Magalhaes. Soon after I was selected by the 3rd Specialization C
ourse for Continuing Education and Distance Learning, School of Education, Unive
rsity of BrasÍlia (UNB) / UNESCO Chair on Distance Education, completed in Dece
mber 2000. My challenge is to develop a non-
face learning from shared processes information that allows all members of the g
roup monitoring and evaluation of the process of collective construction of know
ledge: learning networks. 2002 - Reflection on my conversations with the new inf
ormation technologies, the environment of the Luis Eduardo Magalhaes Foundation,
was in the midst of a ransom of my professional activity during the period cove
red May 1999 to July 2002. The construction of my mind, the review of my princip
les and how those within proposals, projects and contributions to the press offi
ce of Luis Eduardo Magalhaes Foundation. Memoirs of a job in which I try, uneasi
ly, to go beyond journalism, exploring the possibilities of construction of new
languages for electronic media and the democratization of communication within o
rganizations. 2003 - The next challenge was the Department of Communication, Bah
iatursa, where development work on the production and dissemination of Bahia and
programs Bahiatursa from the production of press releases and ostensible work o
f distributing reports and journalistic notes, maintaining direct contacts with
journalists. My main project was the introduction of programming and Electronic
Clipping Tool Evaluation and Publication Electronic Clipping, developed along wi
th programmers Bahiatursa 2003/2004- In July 2003,€the Department of Communicat
ion Bahiatursa (Decom) started producing the report also inching Clipping accoun
ting of the materials produced and published in printed newspapers. The introduc
tion of the calculus of inching Decom allowed to evaluate the space that has bee
n occupied in the press and have a reference on the market value that the report
s match. The next step was the creation of the Publication and Assessment Tool E
lectronic Clipping in order to organize, index and make available information ab
out the publication in newspapers and magazines and through online (Internet) on
topics of interest Bahiatursa. 2004 - The tool, launched in May 2004, allows no
t only tracking what is being published (Bahiatursa own material and volunteer),
but evaluating the information in terms of content, space, market value and his
tory, when we compare data month by month. The report is done by table or figure
(number of publications and inching), swing clipping (table with vehicles, numb
er of publications, inching and market value), information about the clipping (a
clipping file of all respondents) and listing materials (with
content of reports). But the tool allows for multiple readings and comparisons.
The mining environment can be expanded through the intersection of any metadata
record, structured questions such as "The Material that quotes the late presiden
t?", "Materials to sell Bahia with the publication of photos?" Or "spontaneous m
atter which sell Bahia? "among others. The possibilities are endless. 2005/2006-
Another product developed was the creation of the CD-ROM with photos and storie
s aimed at journalists. The CD was launched nationally during the Congress of AB
AV (Brazilian Association of Travel Agents), in October 2003 and continued until
its update in 2006. Using Flash technology, the novelty of the CD was the navig
ation system through the map of Bahia, language, later absorbed by the CD traini
ng for operators and travel agents. The experience of the production of CDs to t
he press, with its own resources department, socialized knowledge of image proce
ssing and editing in HTML with the team of professionals and trainees DECOM. Nor
can we forget the great advance in the field of photography DECOM from the year
2004, with the choice of stickers and subsequent digitization of the collection
selected to power distribution for the print media by electronic means and for
sharing with Department of Planning and Marketing (Depla). The photographs were
organized using the following nomenclature: touristic region, town, motivation a
nd authorship. The entire digitized collection occupies 30 gigabytes of memory o
ver the two years of scans. 2007 - With the dissolution of the team's Communicat
ions Department Bahiatursa, I was invited to perform the same functions in the C
ity of Camaçari, managing a team of journalists and photographers, developing p
rojects in the area of Information Technology (clipping electronic cataloging re
ports and photographs, distribution system for the press) in addition to writing
stories. During this period, wrote the paper "Representation of City Hall in Ca
maçari InternetReflexões to the debate on the new information technologies Sug
gestions for modeling the site of the City of Camaçari," when I received an inv
itation from challenger City Department of Education Salvador: Create and direct
ing an educational TV program for youth and adult literacy. 2007/2008 - City of
Letters of a TV nature Salvador Municipal City of adults, a partnership between
- an end to illiteracy is teaching that is part of the Literature, literacy and
youth City Department of Education and
With the culture of Salvador BRAZIL Literate Ministry of Culture and Education (
MEC). The proposal aims to support the activities of the classroom through progr
ams that will air weekly on Sundays by the "Bandeirantes Television Network", ed
itions of 28 minutes without intermission. 12 programs were developed from the c
urriculum of the Department of Education and Culture in Salvador, reviewing cont
ents of the previous week and anticipating next week's activities, with news and
information to complement didactic classroom and focused on the student and for
Professor Program Municipal Salvador City of Literature.
Mauricio Gomes Sotto Maior
Rua Padre Manoel Barbosa, 27-B, 1101, Itaigara, Salvador, Bahia. CEP. 41815-050.
Phone: 55 + 71 88495641 / / 33582004 mauriciosottomaior@gmail.com

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