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The success or failure of a project depends directly on the management of human

resources. The two assumptions that ensure this statement are the people that in
fluence the success or failure of the project and that the problems of the proje
ct can only be solved by people. According to Cristina Werkema, managing human r
esources is directed to organizational planning and team building, team developm
ent, and it is important to emphasize the management of the project team. PLANNI
NG ORGANIZATION AND TRAINING OF STAFF Within six sigma project implementation, i
t is essential to train people with appropriate profile, which will become spons
ors of the program or specialists in methodology and tools in Six Sigma. All peo
ple in the company, at different levels of depth of the program are responsible
for knowing and implementing its concepts and methodology. The identification of
the functions is as follows: * define them (black, green, sponsor) Along with t
he chart (34) Within the tasks that must come from members of the organization c
ommitted the act (?), It is important to ensure the security of the projects are
aligned with business goals. The participation of project selection and prospec
tive Black Belts and Green Belts. The definition of Champions for the projects.
Participation of meetings (monthly) for presentation of projects. Removing barri
ers to the success of Six Sigma. Implementing the changes necessary to achieve s
uccess by meeting the activities foreseen in the process of monitoring and certi
fying Black Belts and Green Belts, monitoring performance and managing the activ
ities of the Six Sigma program in the company. It should report the status of th
e program to the Six Sigma Sponsors, participating in meetings of project teams
with the Champions. Assist Sponsors and Champions in the selection of projects a
nd prospective Black Belts and Green Belts. Monitor the Six Sigma projects, atte
nding meetings of project teams and providing technical support to Black and Gre
en Belts during execution. Using Six Sigma methodology in their projects. Leadin
g teams on projects, scheduling and conducting meetings, training staff, delegat
ing tasks and monitoring. Preparing an overview of the project for submission to
the Champions and Sponsors, performing all the tasks delegated to it in team me
etings. Report the status of tasks to Black Belt (where a member of a project te
am led by a Black Belt). The requirements relate to the competencies are the bas
ic knowledge of Six Sigma methodology, comprehensive and holistic understanding
of business skills to lead change, manage conflict and projects, make presentati
ons, facilitate teamwork. Possess good relationship. In the case of a Master Bla
ck Belt, should have knowledge of Six Sigma methodology and is an expert in your
area. A Black Belt must have mastery of the methodology, combined with a high e
xpertise in your area or specific line of work.
A Green Belt needs in the field of methodology and provide technical expertise i
n your area or specific line of work. Once a need to involve all levels, the pro
ject is implemented from top to bottom, under the leadership of CEO, or "Number
1", the company. The implementation of Six Sigma, with support of external consu
ltancy, involves the following steps: - visits of technical advice to knowledge,
preparedness and identify potential opportunities for the company, which may le
ad the Six Sigma projects - Completing the "Seminar for Senior Management "(defi
nition of projects, Champions and possible candidates for Black Belts and Green
Belts) - Realization of the" Workshop for Training of Champions "- Realization o
f the process for selection of candidates for Black Belts and Green Belts and id
entification of candidate lead each project - Oferencimento training for Black a
nd / or Green Belts. As part of the training, each candidate will conduct: - Bla
ck Belt: two projects (medium term - four to six months and longer term - eight
to twelve months). - Green Belt: A project (medium term - four to six months). T
he main contributions of consultants, and for the staff worked for the success o
f the program are: - Close follow up and systematic of all stages of implementat
ion of Six Sigma (orientation, defining the directions, identifying gaps and mee
ting the schedule); - Use of practical projects as key tools for the assimilatio
n of knowledge and the integration of Six Sigma to the company culture;€- Struc
ture of training and technical guidance to the development of Six Sigma projects
adaptable to the needs of the business - emphasis on the development of critica
l thinking skills of experts in Six Sigma - Course material of high level, espec
ially developed for the program. The table below depicts the activities and thei
r respective goals, according to each function, and that performs:
DEVELOPMENT TEAM PROJECT This step is the improvement of skills and interaction
of team members to enhance project performance. Within this step and this projec
t highlights the importance of training within each hierarchical level, for the
project. The training adopted following the following: â ¢ Seminar for Senior Mana
gement Objective The seminar aims to present the basic concepts of Six Sigma to
senior management and produce the following results: - Definition of Six Sigma p
rojects to be conducted and their Champions - Indication of the likely candidate
s for Black Belts or Green Belts are responsible for implementing each project.
â ¢ Training for Champions Objective - To present the basic concepts and some of t
he main Six Sigma tools for managers to directly monitor the implementation of p
rojects for prospective Black Belts or Green Belts. â ¢ Training for Black Belts t
raining phases: - Phase 1 Training for Black Belts in industrial areas is initia
lly composed of four sessions of the course, each one lasting a week, covering a
total period of four months. For Black Belts in administrative areas, sales or
service, the training consists of three sessions of course, in a total period of
three months. Between sessions there is a spacing of 30 days to apply the knowl
edge learned. Is the development of two strategic projects, which involve a sign
ificant financial return for the organization.
It is the responsibility of the company to create conditions for candidates have
, in stage one, at least 80% of dedication to training. In phase two are needed
at least 50% dedication. For whether or not the schedule of pg.39 and 40 â ¢ Train
ing for Green Belts training phases: - Phase 1 Training for Green Belts is initi
ally composed of two sessions of the course, each one lasting a week, covering a
total period four to six weeks. Between the two sessions there is a spacing of
15 to 30 days so that applicants can begin the implementation in their companies
, the knowledge acquired in the first session of the course. This application is
to develop a practical design of medium-term (four to six months) involving a s
ignificant financial return for the organization. - Phase 2 Phase 2 consists of
monitoring the development of practical design, which consists in carrying out t
he following activities: - At least two site visits. - Orientation at a distance
, according to the demand of candidates. - A session of presenting projects in t
he company's business units. - An assessment of reports of practical projects. -
Four or more meetings between the sponsors, the Program Coordinator and consult
ant for evaluation and adjustment of the Six Sigma program in the company. Phase
2 is closed with the nomination of Green Belts for certification. â ¢ Commitment
of the company's corporate responsibility to create conditions to ensure that pa
rticipants have at least 40% of dedication to training until the completion of t
he project. â ¢ Upgrade training: how to pass the Green Belt to Black Belt Candida
tes certified as Green Belts can do the training for Black Belts, starting of co
urse from the third session and develop a more practical design (long term).
Within the process of training of Black Belts, are passed the following steps:
- Beginning the process of defining projects: seminar for senior management; wor
kshop to train champions; meeting with advice to consolidate classes and candida
tes; Session 1 and 2 of the course for Black Belts - First site visit: Meeting w
ith the advice to evaluation; Session 3 Course for Black Belts; Meeting with the
advice; Session 4 of the course (for the industrial areas of the company). - Se
cond site visit: Meeting with the advice; Session presentation of projects in th
e company's business units - Project Completion medium term, delivery of project
reports (first version); new meeting with the advisory - Third site visit : Two
meetings with the consultant, for evaluation; session presenting projects in th
e company's business units, meeting with consultants, delivery of project report
s (final version);€Black Belts and indication for certification. Process of tra
ining of Green Belts in CNH: - Start the process of defining projects: seminar f
or senior management; workshop to train champions; meeting with advice to consol
idate classes and candidates; Session 1 and 2 of the course for Green Belts - fi
rst site visit: Two meetings with the consultant for evaluation - Second site vi
sit: Meeting with the advice; Session presentation of projects in the company's
business units - Project Completion medium term: meeting with the consultant - D
elivery of project reports, and statement of Green Belts for certification. CERT
IFICATION OF BLACK BELTS AND GREEN BELTS Training for Black Belts and Green Belt
s surrounding the full implementation of the stages of development and completio
n, with results of practical projects. The performance evaluation of each candid
ate for Black Belt or Green Belt should be made jointly by the consultants and m
anagers involved in projects developed by the candidate. This evaluation will ta
ke place in accordance with the criteria for certification, and its result will
or not, the certification of the candidate. It should be considered the followin
g aspects: - Understanding of the method and Six Sigma tools (performance in the
courses and the development of practical projects). - Completion of practical p
rojects (evaluating the economic returns of the projects must be validated by th
e CFO / comptroller of the company). - Reasoning and critical synthesis and comm
unication of ideas. - Skill in interpersonal relationships. The matrix for evalu
ation of candidates for Black Belts must be completed in two phases: - After rev
iewing the first version of project reports.
The first evaluation aimed at identifying the need for taking corrective actions
and is not intended to nominate candidates for Black Belt certification. - Afte
r the analysis of final project reports. The second evaluation aims to show (or
not) candidates for Black Belt certification. The matrix for evaluation of candi
dates for Green Belts is satisfied after considering the reports of the projects
and aims to show (or not) candidate to Green Belts for certification.
Responsible for filling out the matrix for assessing candidates, according to th
e above tables: Black Belts: (1) Consulting, (2.1) + Champion Consulting, (2.2,
2.3, 2.4) Champion, (2.5) + Champion Consulting; (2.6 ) Champion, (3) + Champion
Consultancy. Green Belts: (1) Consulting, (2.1) + Consultorioa Champion, (2.2,
2.3, 2.4) Champion, (3) + Champion Consultancy. PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM The mana
gement team's project aims at monitoring the performance of team members, provid
ing feedback, problem solving and coordination of changes to improve project per
formance. For this to happen and there should be support and sponsorship of seni
or management, ensuring the connection of the Six Sigma organizational strategie
s to create systems to track and measure customer satisfaction by allocating res
ources effectively and creating reward and recognition plans linked to results.
Training multi companies: 225.226 and 227 sqm for ... that is already Implementi
ng Six Sigma goes into our ...?
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