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. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Smoking is a chronic addictive disorder, where relapse is part of the quitting p
rocess. Understanding and contributes in improving our attitude to understand th
e problem. The snuff is the leading cause of preventable death in developed coun
tries and also the leading cause of years of life lost prematurely with YLD in S
pain Spain has a greater prevalence rates of the European Community with a 27.1%
of smokers among the population aged 16 years and only 1% decrease between 2003
and 2007 (National Health Survey, 2007) (Table 1). In the countries of Eastern
Europe there are more smokers so the average prevalence in Europe is 28.6% (40%
male and 18.2% women) among men born around 1920, prolonged cigarette smoking ha
bit from early adult life tripled specific mortality rates by age, cessation of
snuff to 50 reduces the risk in half and cessation at age 30 avoids almost compl
etely (Doll R, 2004). Quitting smoking is associated with a substantial reductio
n in risk of death from all causes among patients with coronary heart disease ov
er 60% of smokers want to quit smoking and has made any attempt to quit in the p
ast year (Jiménez Ruiz CA, 2000). Many of them resort to manuals and other do n
ot know where to seek help effectively. It is increasingly common request for he
lp to stop smoking in a primary care clinic. In our consultations each year goes
to 75% of people assigned and most have 5 or 6 times. Although there is little
time on each occasion, we have many opportunities to intervene and pharmacologic
al weapons and proven non-pharmacological. Smoking is highly prevalent, causes h
igh morbidity and mortality decreases with quitting, smokers often come to our c
linic and want to quit and effective treatments available to help, hence in all
clinical practice guidelines recognize the role of primary care professionals as
a key in addressing this problem.
Addictions are a problem in the field of public health, requiring comprehensive
and coordinated actions that must be included the efforts of all sectors of soci
ety about the health sector takes action, through the National Council Against A
ddictions (CONADIC), with national programs, which combine the many proposals an
d ideas that engage in countless groups and national and international (1). Howe
ver, the timing and the conditions under which described the approach and attent
ion to lower rates of addiction does not seem to reflect the effort and
care groups and organizations, which among its activities is the implementation
of strategies and activities against smoking for the benefit of the population.
Tobacco smoking is a preventable disease is associated with more health problems
and causes of death worldwide. In Mexico during 2000, it was estimated that ove
r 40,000 deaths annually are associated with the consumption of snuff. The cost
of this public health problem for our society is reflected in the premature deat
hs, the invalidity of productive population and a deteriorating quality of life
of Mexicans. Moreover, that attention to acute and chronic diseases caused by sm
oking severely affect the budget systems to health care (2,3). The smoking as an
epidemic, a constant opportunity to work and raise awareness. The anti-smoking
programs, provide guidance and a commitment to work, progress in developing comp
rehensive responses and initiatives proposed by many institutions and public org
anizations, social and private. This in order to provide the population with aff
ordable health alternative to smoking and with the purpose, to help preserve and
improve the health of the population. Moreover, the spread of the epidemic of s
moking has contributed to raise the development of strategic actions in the legi
slative, preventive, treatment and rehabilitation as well as in the area of rese
arch and community participation at the national level in international€this ty
pe of effort is in addition to actions for tobacco control that initiated the Wo
rld Health Organization and contributes to fulfilling the commitments it entered
Mexico during the General Assembly of the United Nations in June 1998 and the X
World Conference on Snuff and Health, held in China in 1997 Mexico and its corp
orate strategy against smoking: SSA-CONADIC The field of preventive and curative
care, smoking has relatively few years established in Mexico. It was in 1984 th
at for the first time the General Health Law consider addiction, drug addiction,
alcoholism and smoking as a general health problem. This regulatory scheme led
to the creation in the Ministry of Health (SSA), National Council Against Addict
ions (CONADIC) on July 8, 1986 whose objectives are to promote and support the a
ctions of the public, aimed at social and private prevent and combat public heal
th problems caused by addictions, as well as propose and evaluate national progr
ams on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, Smoking and Drug Dependence (6.7). The anti
-smoking program in 1986, developed with the consensus of the representatives of
different sectors within the Technical Committee on the matter, was directed sp
ecifically to the analysis of aspects of health, education, research and legisla
tion in this area, Based on epidemiological and clinical approaches first in the
country. Raised broad strategic guidelines aimed at prevention, health care, le
gislation and research as the model of the agent, host and environment. By 1992,
advances in these lines of work are to be the basis for the anti-smoking progra
m was updated, counting, once again, with the active participation of more insti
tutions. However, was not available
specific mechanisms to carry out monitoring and evaluation of the commitments ma
de by participating institutions. In 1993, the Department of Epidemiology perfor
ms the second National Survey of Addictions, which was the basis for trends of t
obacco use and support of the establishment of new priorities for how to provide
care services to this phenomenon or situation that its dimensions, and was one
of the major public health problems in the country. However, the prevalence dete
cted in urban households pointed out that around a quarter of the population had
used snuff "sometime in their life", which allowed us to estimate more than ten
million users. These results prove that despite the actions taken, snuff consum
ption remained high, particularly among adolescents, young women and a stable in
come urban groups. It is 1997 when the SSA, through the Secretariat for Disease
Control and Prevention, established the Program for Prevention and Control of Ad
dictions, by the CONADIC, as one of its priority programs seeking to strengthen,
expand coverage and increase the impact at the national level. All this in orde
r to comply with the Program on Health Sector Reform 1995-2000. Similarly, the r
egulation was issued Snuff consumption to implement the provisions of Article 18
8 of the General Health Law, which refers to the prohibition on smoking in facil
ities of the Federal Government, National Health System and entities providing s
ervices federal level.
A pandemic of our times
Smoking is now one of the biggest health problems in the world. Several diseases
are associated with smoking, such as cardiovascular disease and lung bronco. Si
nce respiratory cancer to become the gateway for illicit drug use, the snuff and
consumption, with consequent morbidity and mortality, is a significant concern
for the Pan American Health Organization. Some evidence worldwide point in the l
ast decade, the tendency to start smoking snuff increasingly younger ages for bo
th women and men, which implies the urgent need for preventive measures aimed at
adolescents and young. In Bolivia, demographic changes and epidemiological prod
uct of cultural, social and economic, are encouraging a transition box complex.
It coexist infectious problems together with the emergence of new problems and c
hallenges for public health as the case of non-communicable diseases, where a ma
jor risk factor is smoking. In this regard,€an important step taken by the Boli
vian state, is the ratification of the Framework Convention Snuff Control under
Republic Act No. 3029, same as that found in the regulatory process.
Considering the need for information and learn about experiences that help the d
ecision-making, we present below some relevant aspects that were promoted by
Pan American Health Organization, and also information which we consider
Since smoking represents a global epidemic and the most common cause of preventa
ble deaths in psychodynamics we have developed an effective treatment to eradica
te it (to know more about smoking). Thanks to Hypnosis Clinic (learn more about
Clinical Hypnosis), from the first session the patient can stop the compulsion t
o smoke, because we promote serenity and eliminate episodes of anxiety inherent
in this problem. Parallel to this, during our treatment breathed new habits to a
chieve healthy living. Initially, treatment consists of frequent meetings (every
two or three days) and then start spacing these meetings to the extent that the
patient regain control over their habits.

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