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Spelling Spelling The term comes from ortho meaning correct and graph meaning wr

iting, As SPELLING TRADUCE "GOOD DEED" The knowledge of spelling is to remember

that letters represent sounds in different words. In this case we focus on the u
se of the letter "B" and "V". SUGGESTED EXERCISES: Replace the line with "b" or
"v, as appropriate: _i_liografía, conce_ir, e_itar, ó_ulo, _olvió, relie_e, perc
i_ió, nom_re, derum_e, am_iguo, _iodegrada_le, the part will, ha_itante, a_e, am
a_le, _iceministro, furi_unda , a_ícola, am_ar, _uelco, _izcocho, _uñuelo, ca_ez
a, al_éolo, _olumen, _izconde, e_itable, _oluntad, hil_anar, so_rina, _irrey, im
posi_ilidad, _ar_ero, ru_io, de_ol_erle, carní_oro, _eneplácito, li_ros, rá_ano,
arri_a, _ífido, lla_ero , dedica_a, _uelo, á_idez, _urladero, _ipolar, o_rero,
a_uelo, de_ajo, en_idia, di_erso, ó_alo, ha_er, ad_er_io, canta_a, i_an, _atalla
, aca_a_a, esta_lo, conlle_a, _a, a_ochornar, lle_a_a, a_asalla, ad_erso, con_en
ia , ám_ito, con_encido, o_licuo, _acío, di_ertido, _enidero, _i_lioteca, pro_le
ma, _ailar, lle_o, cam_ur, lle_ado, a_ispa, ta_ú.
Replace with "C" "S" or "Z" as appropriate:-one, _umo, conven_ido, _apato, de_ay
unar, cabe_a, _apien_ia, noble_a, a_ul, ca_o, mela_a, confe_a, _ig_ag, pe_, lu_e
ro, gra_io_o, Gan_úa, ane_te_ia, cru_, podero_a, Tropie_o, pa_ien_ia, pe_e_ito,
pere_o_a, Ma_eta, estan_ia, fun_ión, benefi_io, Á_ido, ca_uela, martilla_o, cáli
_, En_ina, ro_á_eo, ma_i_o, coche_ito, To_ino, eutana_ia, sancristobalen_e, noti
_ia, _ere_o, ma_as, espe_ie, carca_a, A_ote, di_e, pesade_, mala_ia, A_ar, prin_
e_a, verguen_a, pelli_co, Por_ión, fuer_a, porta_o, mo_ta_a. The accent is calle
d the pitch accent is stronger than, to utter a syllable of the words that are p
ronounced. The accent is identified with oblique hairline is placed above the st
ressed vowel known as Tilde ('). It is a phonetic element through which stresses
a syllable (the root) of other than one word (the Aten). The tilde in the writt
en language is placed over the vowel of the stressed syllable in accordance with
certain spelling rules. The capitalized words are not free to carry accents. Th
e types of emphasis are: prosodic accent, which is a faint extension of the vowe
l is stressed, together with a slight elevation of tone in itself is the greates
t strength with which to pronounce a syllable within a word isolated or monosyll
abic. Orthographic Accent: A tilde is placed at the syllable, the more effort wh
en we utter each word, according to the spelling rules.
Diacritics: the tilde placed over the accented words to distinguish them from th
ose that are spelled the same, as sheets and savanna; you go with your girlfrien
d, the boy went with him. According to the place they occupy the stressed syllab
le, we can distinguish four kinds of words: "Palabras Agudas: These are words wh
ose last syllable is tonic and take a vocal emphasis on the last syllable. After
eg, anise, Jesus, too. "Palabras Graves: Are those whose penultimate syllable i
s stressed. Ex Prison, who, what, useless grass. "Proparoxytone: Those whose pen
ultimate syllable is tonic and is where are the accent or tilde. Shell eg, fast,
helicopter, ceramics. Sobreesdrújulas-Word: Are those words in which tone is on
e of the syllables preceding the antepenúltima.Ej. Tell me, take it. Rules of ac
centuation: They tick all the words ending in acute vocal we, as a mom, why coun
try. A serious words ending in vowel letter other than us, as a prison, grass, t
he same is done with the antepenultimate and machine sobreesdrújulas eg, medical
, Catholic. - Diphthong: Flames diphthong to a combination of two adjacent vowel
s uttered in a single stroke of voice. In order to form a diphthong is necessary
that the two are weak. Widowed eg, fluid, flute, or that being a strong and one
weak, the strength of speech does not fall on the weak Ejamáis, cautious, comb,
roll, man. The interleaved h or prevent or facilitate the formation of a diphth
ong, eg in smoking is between a and diphthong or, in non-gambler. - Triphthong i
s called the combination of three contiguous vowels uttered in a single stroke o
f voice, so you can be triphthong need to be the first and third weak, middle an
d strong, the force is not applied to voice neither weak esteem ie, vaciéis, cac
ahuey, Uruguay. - Hiatus: Hiatus is called the separation of vowels in different
syllables that are found together in short hiatus occurs if two vowels are open
eg Pu-a, o-t-as;€or without weak tone is strengthened and separated from the ad
jacent pronounce, whether open Gui-tion eg, tru-han, ri-or, or else shut-in Ru e
g, ti-i-ta). www.ogm18d.tk

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