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Entropy 2013, xx, 1-x; doi:10.


ISSN 1099-4300


Title of Article
Firstname Lastname 1, *, Firstname Lastname 1 and Firstname Lastname 2

Institute 1, University 1, Full Address, City, Country
Institute 2, University 2, Full Address, City, Country

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail, telephone and fax number of the
corresponding author.

Received: xx / Accepted: xx / Published: xx

Abstract: This is the abstract section. The abstract should be one section and count less than
200 words.

Keywords: keyword; keyword; keyword

1. Introduction

Main text paragraph. Citing a journal paper [? ]. And now citing a book reference [? ].
Main text paragraph.

2. Experimental Section

Main text paragraph.

Main text paragraph.

2.1. This is a Subsection Heading

Main text paragraph.

Main text paragraph.

2.1.1. This is a Subsubsection Heading

Main text paragraph.

Entropy 2013, xx 2

3. Results and Discussion

Main text paragraph.

Main text paragraph.

3.1. This is a Subsection Heading

Main text paragraph.

4. Conclusions

Main text paragraph.

Main text paragraph.


Main text.

Conflict of Interest

State any potential conflicts of interest here or The authors declare no conflict of interest.


1. Lastname, F.; Author, T. The title of the cited article. Journal Abbreviation 2008, 10, 142-149.
2. Lastname, F.F.; Author, T. The title of the cited contribution. In The Book Title; Editor, F., Meditor,
A., Eds.; Publishing House: City, Country, 2007; pp. 32-58.

c 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license

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