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Reviewer in CLE 9

4th Grading Period

The Liturgy of the Word

The Liturgy of the Eucharist The two major parts of the mass

1. The Liturgy of the Word

A.) 1st Reading- Came from the Book of The Old Testament
B.) Responsorial Psalm - Came from the book of Psalms
- There are total of 150 psalms
- The author of the 73 psalms is King David
C.) 2nd Reading- Came from the Book of The New Testament Acts of the
Apostles, Epistles
D.) Gospel- The GOOD NEWS
Why do we do sign of the cross during Gospel?
- May the Lord be in my MIND, in my LIPS and in my HEART

E.) Homily- The sermon of the priest

- Further explanation of the Readings

F. Prayers of the Faithful

2.) The Liturgy of the Eucharist

G. The offertory
H. The Preface
I. The Consecration- The most important part of the mass
Transubstantiation- It is the process wherein the bread and wine becomes the
J. The Mystery of Faith
K. The Lords Prayer
L. Lamb of God
M. Holy Communion- Here we receive the Body of Christ
N. Final Blessing

Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist|

- We become the living Body of Christ when we receive Christ

Moral Laws
1. Natural Law- The universal moral law grounded on our Human
Nature and it is knowable through our human reason
2. Divine Law- These moral Laws revealed to us by God
The 10 Commandments- The fundamental moral law God has given
to Moses
3. Church Laws- These are expressions of Christ Law of Love in
particular Circumstances of Christian Living
4. Civil Laws- These are particular application of the Natural Laws

The Beatitudes
1.) Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
- It teaches us to be TOTALLY DEPENDENT on God
- When we realize were EMPTY God will pour BLESSINGS
2.) Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted
- It teaches us that it is okay to be sorrowful knowing that Jesus is there
- It is also a CHALLENGE to be COMPASSIONATE to those who
3.) Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the land
- It teaches us to be HUMBLE
4.) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
- It teaches us to strive for JUSTICE
What is WRONG will always be WRONG even though everybody is
doing it and what is RIGHT will always be RIGHT even though nobody
is doing it
5.) Blessed are the merciful for the will be shown mercy
- It teaches us to be MERCIFUL

2 virtues

6.) Blessed are the clean heart for they will see God
- It teaches us to make Christ as our CENTER.
- It asks us to make GOODNESS as our CENTER

7.) Blessed are the peacemakers for the will be called the Children of God
- It teaches us to focus more on others and to be SELFLESS
8.) Blessed are they who persecuted for the sake of righteousness for theirs
is he Kingdom of Heaven
- It teaches us to be firm to what is GOOD

Different ways on How people Make moral Decisions

1. Toss-coin decision making
- When we allow external events/ chances decide for us
2. Decision making which fails to realize that we are persons-in-community
Extremes Individualist- They dont consider others in their decisions
Passive conformist- Those who leave their decisions to other people
3. Holistic Decision making
- recognizes their capacity to make good choices in relation to others

Important Elements in Making Moral Decisions

1. Investigate the facts of the moral act
- to have a clear awareness and assessment of reality (act)
A. The object and nature of the act
- Is it good or not?
B. Ones intention for doing the act
- Why am I doing this?
C. The circumstances surrounding the act

2. Inquire about the moral norms affecting your act

- We seek the guidance of the community
3. Imagine alternatives and consequences
- Look at all the possibilities and outcome of your action
4. Introspect listen to emotions
- Give a space for your feelings in your thinking
The heart has its reason which reason do not
5. Implore Gods help in prayer
- We have to acknowledge the importance of prayer in decision
- Seek the guidance of God
- Any developed capacity of mind or will to accomplish moral good
- They are like instrument which brings out the goodness in us

Cardinal Virtues
A.) Prudence
- The virtue of good moral judge
B.) Fortitude
- The virtue of wisdom
- The virtue of moral strength and courage
- The drive to do the will of God and resist temptation
C.) Justice
- The firm will to give persons their due
- The responsibility to give what is and proper to people
D.) Temperance
The virtue of moderation or self mastery
- The ability to control and take a hold of ones self
Theological Virtues

A.) Faith
- The virtue of believing in God
- The acknowledgement of the importance of our relationship to God
B.) Hope
- The virtue by which we desire and actively await the promise of
Gods Kingdom
- The acknowledgement that there is more than what we see in our
naked eye
C.) Love
- The so called The mother of all virtues
- The primary source of and the motivation for growing in all other virtues
- It feeds the other virtues so they can bear fruits
- The giving of ones self to others

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