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(a) (3)

iii his rig/a hand the Adiuzisswn Badge, a Ca/vai-y Cross oJ C. Very Worthy Exponent, what is the purpose of our
twe/ve squares, a// white except the /owest one, which is Convocation?
b/at~k. To obtaui admission he nzu~tk . . . 7, as a P/act/c/u,
two and thiec. .E. Being ourselves already familiar with the Chiistian
Faith we should in this Grade consider the doctrines of the
The k . . . . s oJ a Phi/osoph/la ore OilC O0/dJO1(r, most famous philosophers and compare the tenets of the
several great religious of the world, so that we may not
Fi-ato-es oJ thu gi-ode arc expected to study the gi eat kVoi /d
ppear ignorant of the faiths which have influenced the
Religions, a/Id also the do1ti liles oJthe most famous lysteills
istory of the world in past ages, or of the beliefs of foreign
oJ Philoscp5 hy.
nations with which our Christian civilisation must often
come into conflict.

Opening. C. It us well, Frater Exponent, to make a study of the

great thoughts which have tended to make men better.
Celebiant, Fratres Phdosophi [n all the great faiths of the world there is some trath
Gives 01/C h . . . k. enshrined let us consider all the doctrines which have
guided mankind in the past, and then hold fast that which
C. Assist me to open the Temple in the Fourth Grade is good
of Philosophus.
All rue, and the Herald stai/ds beside the Portal. .E. It is indeed well to gain knowledge, but it is best to
grow wise we must also teach otheis. There are, Right
C. Frater Herald, you will assure yourself that the (or Very) Worthy Celebrant, some who appear to have
Acolyte is without, and that the Portal of the Temple is done good work as Practici, and they seek ieception into
duly closed. this higher Grade.
This is done by the Herald.
C. It is a satisfaction to me to declare that I have
H. Right (Or Very) Worthy Celebrant the Temple is approved of the attainments of Frater- . He has
secure. perfoi med the necessary Alchymic work, and I have
chosen him for reception among us. Frater Herald, you
C. Fratres I I declare the Teniple is duly opened in
the Grade of Philosophus.
( will ascertain if Frater is in attendance then if
he is prepared, and is wearing the proper Jewel, you will
Celebront k . , . 5 OilC Oi/d /oar. supply him with the Admission Badge, a Calvary Cross.
5 5

,#, ~Z7~Am 63
(4) (5)
.E. In this Grade you must study with zeal the tenets
of the Religions of the World, and the doctrines of the
Ceremony of Reception. philosophers; will you undertake to do so?

The 1-Jerald leaves the Teouiple, prepau-es the .Practicns, Piac. I will.
hands hloui the Cross, ai/d jilitriects h/ni to give two aiid .E. Do you give a solemn promise to keep secret the
three Is . . . . s after a short interval. special knowledge, the S . . n and the W . . d of the
Grade of a Philosophus, from all persons who have not
The Herald re-enters, and closes the Portal. K. . . ,
attained unto this Grade?
are heard.
Prac. I will.
H. Right Worthy Celebrant, Frater the
Practicus approved by yourself, is applying for admission. A?. Oar Frater the Conductor will then lead you to our
Celebrant in the East, who will address you, and will con-
C. Admit oui Frater. fer upon you the Seci eta in ancient form.
Herald admits the Practicar, who bows. The Coiidiectoi leads the Pro cticiu to the Celebrant iii the
C. Show the S..n and give the W .d ofyour
C. I-land to me the Cioss you carry in your Right hand.
This is done and the C. places it npOn the Altar.
Fit gives the Sign and Word. The Herald iesi~iutes his
seat. C. Worthy Frater Practicus, I feel assured ofthe good
intentions which animate you, but I warn you that the sub-
C. Fratei Conductor, you will lead our Frater once jects of our studies are more abstruse and elevated than
around the Temple and then place him before the those in which you have already become pioficient. As a

Frater of this Society of the Rose and Cross you are
familiar with the Christian Faith, and have learned to
Condnctor does this.
know of a Divine Creator and of Jesus Who is the Christ.

B. Frater , your attainments in the practice You have now to study and compare the various con-
of Alehymy have been approved; do you now eau neatly ceptions of Divinity which have been held by the great
desire to be received into the Grade of Philosophus? nations of the Ancient World, and the tenets of the most
famous philosophers, for in all their systems great moial
Practrcns. I do. lessons ale to be found. By a serious contemplation of
6 ~


(6) (7)
these systems we helirve you will come to a more just B. For great is the fall of those who fail
appreciation of the heauties of the Christian Faith, and he
well able to show to the world without that our Rosi- Celebrant retn;iis to his plice, and the Practicus rtandi
crucian Fraternity not only confers knowledge upon its beJore him.
members, hut also Wisdom. C. I admit you, Frater to the exalted Grade
Can you undertake so great a task, to comprehend the of Philosophus it is the highest grade of the First Order
Nature of God, so far as human intellect iiiay approach of this Society of the Rose and Cross. The S . . n is
Him Who is past finding out? given hy pointing with the r . . - . h
fingers extended, and with I . - . h . . . shield the eyes
Practieni. In hum~luty I will attempt the task. from the hrightness you look up at.
C. Is your heart steadfast?
Prac. It is.
The W . . d is and its meaning isThe
study and knowledge of the Divine.
C. Is your mind clear? C. taking up the Cross aiid shownig it. In this grade
Pi-ac. [t is. the Admission Badge is the Calvary or Crucifixion Cross;
it should be formed of tx~elve squares; one is above ; two
C. Approach the Altar with me.
form each aim ; one is central, and six form the lower
Celebrauut, leaving his icat, leads Prczctucni to the Altar. pillar. The Numher Twelve represents the cosunogony
C. Say after meraising yoor Right hand to the White of the Universe, of the starry heavens; of the months in
Cross, which is ahove the Altar. the year in the Old Testament it is referred to the Twelve
sons of Jacoh and the Trihes of Israel, while in the New
Celebrant aimd Practicits.
Testament this numhem is prominent in the Twelve Apostles
I pledge myself to personal improvement, and that I of the Messiah.
will aim at the highest knowledge even as the fumes of the The eleven squares are White ; the lowest square is
incense are now rising towards the heavens. Black, it refers to the traitor Judas, and it should give you
Pratres. We are all witnesses of the Pledge. warning that the careless as well as the vicious may fall
from grace. C. lays the Co-osi aside.
C. Great is the reward of the virtuous.
B. Having promised to commence the ascent of the 4 C. Fiater , we congratulate you upon your

Mountain of Wisdom reception, and hope for your progress and success.
The study of the Divinity above us should he your future
C. Look not hack. aim, the suhject of your aspirations. Life is all too short
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