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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)

Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2017, pp. 292303, Article ID: IJMET_08_01_032

Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=8&IType=1
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
IAEME Publication


P. Munusamy
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India

R. Balaji
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India

C. Sivakandhan
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India

The greensand molding is one of the traditional ways of molding techniques usually employed
for producing castings in the foundry. The main constituents of molding sand are the sand, binder
and additives. The properties of the molding sand depend upon those major constituents. Since, the
properties like green compression and permeability can be varied by mixing various additives with
the molding sand. The casting efficiency can be improved with the help of different additives added
to the greensand in the correct proportions.
The main focus of our project is to make an attempt on the analysis of the greensand mold with
fly ash and clay. Fly ash and clay are the additives to be mixed with the greensand and the
properties like green strength and permeability are tested and tabulated.
The standard specimen of AFS size is to be made with different proportions of clay and fly ash.
The properties like green compression strength and permeability are checked with the help of
permeability meter and Universal strength testing machine. The strategic points are to be evaluated
and the aluminum castings are to be made as per the effective points.
Key words: Green Sand, fly Ash, AFS standard, Permeability test, Strength test.
Cite this Article: P. Munusamy, R. Balaji and C. Sivakandhan, Analysis of Sand Mold Using
Industrial Powders and Fly Ash. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology,
8(1), 2017, pp. 292303.

In our paper an attempt is to be made on the analysis of green sand mold with the industrial binders. Here
the fly ash and clay plays vital role in the aggregate of the molding sand. The fly ash is collected from the
Mettur Thermal Power Plant. The fly ash and the clay are added to the green sand as per the AFS standard

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Analysis of Sand Mold Using Industrial Powders and Fly Ash

norms. The various percentages of the clay and fly ash is to be added with the one kilogram of green sand
and the 35ml of water.
The cylindrical sand specimen of about 50cm in height and 50cm in diameter is to be made with the
help of sand rammer and then the permeability of the specimen is to be checked in the permeability meter.
The Green compression strength can be found through the Universal Strength Testing machine. The
permeability and the Green Compression Strength for various compositions are to be found and the values
are tabulated and compared. The casting is to be made on the strategic values by melting the aluminum in
the muffle furnace and poured in to the mold.

1. Khayat (1999) studied workability, testing, and performance of the SCC by using fly ash.
According to the author, self-consolidating concrete should be designed to meet specific
applications requiring high deformability, high flow ability, and high passing ability. Observations
of the author showed that the rheological properties of SCC vary in a wide range.
2. Persson (2001) carried out an investigation on the mechanical properties of SCC, such as strength,
elastic modulus, creep and shrinkage and the corresponding properties of normal concrete by using
Portland cement, fly ash and glass filler as binding material, and quartzite sandstone as aggregates.
A comparison between SCC with quartzite filler and NC without filler showed that SCC obtained
about 20MPa higher strength at w/b ratio of 0.40 and about 5MPa higher strength at w/b ratio of
0.80 compared with NC.
3. Bouzoubaa and Lachmi (2001) reported the use of SCC incorporating high volumes of class F fly
ash. Self-compacting mixture had a cement replacement of 40%, 50%, and 60% by class F fly ash
and developed compressive strength ranging from 26 to 48 MPa. The results showed that an
economical SCC could be successfully developed by incorporating high volume of Class F fly ash.
4. Zhu et al. (2001) studied the uniformity of in situ properties of the SCC in full scale structural
elements. They reported significant reduction of chloride diffusivity of SCC with fly ash.
5. Youjun et al. (2002) carried out an investigation on the optimum mix parameters of high strength
SCC with ultra pulverized fly ash. The results of this research indicated that the sand ratio could not
be less than 40%. If the sand ratio is higher, the workability of fresh SCC would be better, and
smaller the compressive strength difference between SCC and normal concrete.
6. Okamura et al. (2003) established a rational mix design method using fly ash and self-compatibility
testing method from the view point of making self-compacting concrete a standard concrete.
7. Mohammed Sonebi (2004) investigated the medium strength SCC containing fly ash. A factorial
design was carried out to mathematically model the influence of five key parameters on filling and
passing abilities, segregation and compressive strength, which were important for the development
of medium strength SCC incorporating fly ash. The parameters studied were the contents of
cements and fly ash, w/p ratio and dosage of SP. The results showed that the medium strength SCC
can be achieved with a 28 days compressive strength of 30 to 35 MPa by using up to 210 kg/m3 of
8. Poon et al. (2004) reported the preliminary results of rejected fly ash that could be used as a part of
powder content. Based on the materials used in this study, the results suggested that it was
technically feasible to utilize rejected fly ash as part of the powder content in the production of
9. Cenzin (2005) reported the strength properties of high volume fly ash roller compacted and super
plasticized workable concrete cured at moist and dry curing conditions. Concrete mixtures made
with 0%, 50% and 70% replacement of normal Portland cement with two different low lime class F
fly ashes were prepared with water-cementitious material ratios ranged from 0.28 to 0.43. The

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P. Munusamy, R. Balaji and C. Sivakandhan

results showed that producing high strength concrete was possible with high volume fly ash
10. Sivarama et al. (2006) discussed the novel method of placing SCC by bottom up pumping in their
study. It was the first innovative attempt in India, that L & T had developed a mechanism to pump
the concrete from bottom up. An experimental trial had been made with M50 grade concrete and
experimental data proved that concreting could be done by the novel method of bottom up which
sets a new trend in construction practices in near future.

The main focus of our paper is to make cost effective method by preparing the aggregate sand mold. There
are two ways to reduce the production cost in the foundry either reduce the cost of metal or reducing cost
of molding sand. It is impossible to reduce the cost of metal rather go for reducing the cost of molding
sand, the cost of molding sand can reduce by reducing the molding sand consumption. Molding sand
mainly consists of majority of natural sand, clay, saw dust and other additives. The additives are special
agents that can be included for special purpose castings needs very good quality. Based on the application
of the casting component the composition can be modified.
In the foundry the molding sand are prepared, mold was made then the metal was melted and poured in
the mold cavity. The sand has to be processed or reclaimed for further use.
In the view of reducing the cost of the molding sand the way identified is the mixing of some other
material which is cheaper than the molding sand in common practice. Some of the mixing agents currently
in practice are combustion product of coal, agricultural by-products which are dumped as waste, waste
from sugar industries (molasses).

4.1. Sand Casting
The sand used for making castings is called as foundry sand. This sand consists of clean silica and which is
of high quality lake sand which is bonded to make molds for ferrous and non ferrous castings. The
following types of sand are used for making molds in the industry

Figure 1 Sand Casting

4.1.1. Sand
Silica sand is widely used as molding sand. Silica has 80- 90% of silicon dioxide. Silica gives
refractoriness to the sand.
According to the clay content molding sand is classified in to

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Analysis of Sand Mold Using Industrial Powders and Fly Ash

Silica sand up to 2% of clay.

Lean or weak sand-2 to 10 % clay.
Moderately strong sand 10 to 20 % clay.
Strong sand- up to 30 % clay.
Loam sand up to 50 % clay.

Figure 2 Silica sand

4.2. Mold Making

The mould is formed in a mould box with two halves that helps in removing the pattern. As sand moulds
are temporary in nature, a new mould has to be formed each time for individual casting. When the core is
inserted on the top of the furnace, its burner starts the melting process immediately. Drag, the bottom half
of the mould, is made on a molding board. During pouring cores require higher strength to hold their form.
Dimensional precision also needs to be greater because interior surfaces are more difficult to machine,
making errors costly to fix. One of the chemical binding systems is used in forming the cores. Once the
core is inserted, the top half of the mould or the cope is placed on top. The interface between the two
mould halves is called a parting line. Sometimes, weights are placed on the cope, which helps in securing
the two halves together. Mould designs include a gating system which is designed to carry smoothly
molten metal to all parts of the mould. a sprue, gates, runners and risers are typically include in gating
system. The sprue is where the metal is poured. Metal enters the running through gate system. Molten
Metal enters the casting cavity through runners and the risers function which includes vents to allow the
gases to escape out to aid progressive casting solidification and waste cavities to allow metal to rise from
the casting cavity to ensure it is filled and to remove the first poured metal from the casting cavity, thus
avoiding solidification problems.

Figure 3 Mold making

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P. Munusamy, R. Balaji and C. Sivakandhan

5.1. Fly Ash
Fly ash is collected from the Mettur Thermal Power Plant which contains the following compositions.
By combustion of coal the fly ash residues are generated. From the chimneys of coal fired power plants
fly ash is generally captured and is also known as one type of ash jointly coal ash and from the bottom of
coal furnaces the other bottom ash is removed. The components of fly ash vary considerably depending
upon the source and makeup of the coal being burned, but all fly ash includes substantial amounts of
silicon dioxide (SiO2), calcium oxide (CaO). (both amorphous and crystalline)
Arsenic, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, chromium VI, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury,
molybdenum, strontium, thallium, and vanadium, selenium, along with dioxins and PAH compounds are
toxic constituents. By electrostatic precipitators or filter bags Fly ash material solidifies while suspended in
the exhaust gases and is collected. In the exhaust gases the particles solidify while suspended; are generally
spherical in shape and range in size from 0.5 m to 100 m. They consist mostly of (SiO2) silicon dioxide,
which is present in two forms: amorphous, which is rounded and smooth, and crystalline, and is sharp,
pointed and hazardous; aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and iron oxide (Fe2O3).Crystalline phases such as quartz,
mullite, and various iron oxides with various identifiable particles along with mixture of glassy particles
are included in fly ashes and are highly heterogeneous.

One kilogram of green sand, 35ml of water and required amount of clay and industrial powder are taken
for analyzing the strength and permeability of the mixtures. All of them are mixed proportionately and a
specimen is prepared using standard die. The prepared specimen is rammed using rammer up to 5 strokes.
After completion of ramming permeability of the mixture is tested with the help of the permeability
testing meter. After that the strength of the specimen is tested with the help of universal testing machine.
Specimen is placed on the required place on the testing machine; by compressing the specimen the green
compression strength of the specimen is calculated. Tensile test and Shear test can be made on the sand
specimen using the different attachment. By repeating the procedure to obtain compression and
permeability value of different composition of green sand with industrial powders and the strength of the
industrial powder along with mixture of the green sand is analyzed. The composition of green sand along
with the industrial powder and clay is used for making the mold and casting of Aluminum is done.
The following test is conducted on the test specimen for the complete analysis of sand.
Permeability test
Green compression test

6.1. Permeability Test

During hot metal pouring in the mould the steam and other gases generated are made to escape out is the
property of moulding sand is permeability. Permeability depends on grain size, grain shape, grain
distribution, binder and its content, degree of ramming and water content of the molding sand. Standard
size sand specimen is rammed first by a rammer specimen and is used for permeability tester for finding its
Permeability of the sand specimen prepared is determined by passing a given volume of air through the
sand. The permeability tester consists of an inverted bell jar, which floats in a water seal and can permit
2000cc of air flow. Specimen tube to hold the sand specimen. A manometer to read the air temperature.
In standard method of sand permeability, permeability number can be determined by,
Permeability number = V.H / A.P.T

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Analysis of Sand Mold Using Industrial Powders and Fly Ash

V- Volume of air passed through specimen. (cc)

H- Height of the specimen. (cm)
A- Area of the specimen. (cm2)
P- Air Pressure recorded by manometer. (gm/cm2)
T- Time taken by the air to pass through the sand specimen. (min)

Figure 4 Sand Rammer and Permeability Tester Figure 5 Universal strength machine

Figure 6 Specimen Maker and Stripping Post Figure 7 Fly Ash (Sample)

6.2. Green Compression Test

The strength of a foundry molding sand is determined by compression, tensile, shear and transverse tests.
All these types of strength tests are used for sand control purposes; of course. The most commonly used
test is that of compression strength. Specimen for compression, tension, transverse and shear testing can be
made on the sand specimen tester using different attachments. The specimen is held between the grips.
Hand wheel when rotated actuates a mechanism which builds up hydraulic pressure on the specimen. Dial
indicator fitted on the tester measures the deformation occurring in the specimen. There are two indicators.
One is meant for use testing low strength sands and other to high strength sands.

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P. Munusamy, R. Balaji and C. Sivakandhan

7.1. Molding process
Steps involved in making a mold,
Select a molding box which can accommodate mold cavity, risers and the gating system. Mold cavity
should have sufficient wall thickness it will have hold molten metal. Place the drag pattern with parting
surface down on the bottom board. Sprinkle off the excess sand carefully all around the pattern so that the
pattern does not stick with molding sand. Fill the drag with loose molding sand. Ram the sand uniformly in
the molding box around the pattern. Strike off the excess sand to bring it at the same level of the flask
height. This completes the drag. Place the cope pattern on the drag pattern. Erect sprue and riser pins to
form suitable sized cavities for pouring molten metal. Set the gaggers in the cope, if necessary. Gaggers
should not be too close to the mold cavity otherwise they may chill the casting. Fill the cope with sand and
ram. Strike off the excess sand from the top of the cope. Remove sprue and riser pins. Vent the cope with a
vent wire. Sprinkle the parting sand over the top of the cope surface. Roll over the cope on the bottom
board. Rap and remove both the cope and drag patterns. Cut the gate connecting the sprue basin with the
mold cavity. Apply mold coating with a swab. Bake the mold in case of dry sand mold. Set the cores in the
mold, if required. Close the mold by inverting cope over drag. Clamp cope with drag and the mold is ready
for pouring.

Figure 8 Mold Preparation Figure 9 Mold Preparation

7.2. Melting of Aluminum

Aluminum can be melted in a variety of ways. Coreless and channel induction furnace, crucible and open-
hearth reverberate furnace fired by natural gas or fuel oil, and electric resistance and electric radiation
furnaces. The furnace charge is as varied and important as the choice of furnace type for metal casting
operations. The furnace charge may range from high quality prealloyed ingot to exclusively made low
grade scrap. Under optimum melting and melt holding conditions, molten aluminum is susceptible to three
types of degradation.
With time at temperature, for an equilibrium value of specific composition and temperature, as a result
in increased dissolved hydrogen content with adsorption of hydrogen.
Magnesium containing alloys in which oxidation of metal occur with sometime of temperature oxidation
losses and the formation of complex oxides may not be self-limiting.
Transient elements characterized by low vapour pressure and high reactivity are reduced as a function of
time at temperature. up to which mechanical properties directly or indirectly rely on Magnesium,
sodium, calcium and strontium.

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Analysis of Sand Mold Using Industrial Powders and Fly Ash

By increasing the rate of hydrogen solution oxidation and transient element loss, Turbulence or
agitation of the melt and increased holding temperature the mechanical property of aluminum alloys
depends on casting soundness, which is strongly influenced by hydrogen porosity and entrained non-
metallic inclusions.

Figure 10 Melting Of Aluminum Figure 11 Melting Of Aluminum


8.1. Properties of Greensand with Clay
8.1.1. Permeability Values, One kg of greensand + 35ml of water + % of clay added

% of Permeability
Specimen no powder (gm/sq.cm)
1 0 288
2 1 322
3 2 345
4 3 352
5 4 318
6 5 316
7 6 300

8.1.2. Green Compression values, One kg of greensand + 35 ml of water + % of clay added

Specimen no % of powder compression
1 0 80
2 1 85
3 2 90
4 3 95
5 4 100
6 5 110
7 6 120

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P. Munusamy, R. Balaji and C. Sivakandhan

8.2. Properties of Greensand with Fly ash

8.2.1. Permeability values, One kg of Greensand + 35ml of water + % of fly ash

Specimen % of Permeability Permeablity of Greensand with Flyash

No powder (gm/sq.cm) 300

1 1 253 250

2 2 275 200

3 3 243 150 permability(gm/cm2)

4 4 235 100

5 5 226 50

6 6 226 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

%of powder

8.3. Permeability Properties of Greensand with Fly ash

8.3.1. Green compression values, One kg of Greensand + 35 ml of water + % of fly ash added

Specimen % of Green Compression of Greensand with flyash
no powder
(gm/sq.cm) 350

1 0 60
Green compression strength (gm/sq.cm)

2 1 60
3 2 60 250

4 3 80 200

5 4 140 green compression(gm/sq.cm)

6 5 160
7 6 200 100

8 8 220 50

9 12 300

10 14 330 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

% of fly ash
11 16 290

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Analysis of Sand Mold Using Industrial Powders and Fly Ash

8.4. Comparision Values

8.4.1. Properties of Greensand with Fly ash

Specimen No % of powder Permeability(gm/sq.cm) Green compression(gm/sq.cm)
1 0 288 60
2 1 253 60
3 2 275 60
4 3 243 80
5 4 235 140
6 5 226 160
7 6 226 200
8 8 224 220
9 12 220 300
10 14 210 330
11 16 208 290

Properties of Greensand with flyash

Technological properties

250 m)
150 Green
100 compression(gm/sq.c
0 5 10 15 20
% of powder

8.4.2. Properties of Green Sand with Clay

Specimen no % of powder Permeability (gm/sq.cm) Green compression(gm/sq.cm)
1 0 288 80
2 1 322 85
3 2 345 90
4 3 352 95
5 4 318 100
6 5 316 110
7 6 300 120

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P. Munusamy, R. Balaji and C. Sivakandhan

Properties of greensand with clay


Technological properties
300 Permeability(gm/sq.c
100 m)
0 2 4 6 8
% of powder


From the experimental analysis conducted, the properties of the green sand mold can be varied when the
fly ash and clay are used as an aggregate for the sand mold. The specimen was prepared according to the
AFS size and it is undergone to the Green Compression and Permeability test. The values of the test of
different compositions are tabulated and evaluated. Since the compression strength of the specimen is
increased on both the proportions. The permeability values are increased to some extent and decreased.
From the comparative graphs the strategic values are evaluated and the aluminum castings are made.

From the experimental analysis the compression strength of the green sand with fly ash increases up to the
14 % and for the clay it increases with the increase in the addition of clay. The permeability of the green
sand with fly ash increases up to 2% and then decreases with the addition of fly ash. Simultaneously the
permeability of the green sand with clay increases up to 3% and decreases with the addition of clay. With
respect to the permeability values the strategic points are evaluated and the castings are made. The values
which meet the normal technological properties are 2% for the fly ash and 3% for the clay. The aluminum
casting components with moderate surface finish are obtained from the castings.


By adding different binders the strength of the molding sand can be increased.
The production cost can be analysed simultaneously with normal molding methods.
The research is to be extended for the core sand and the properties are to be analysed.
The other test for the molding sand can be carried out to meet the technological properties

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