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Electronic properties of band-inverted heterojunctions: supersymmetry in narrow-gap


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1990 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 5 S204


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Sernicond. Sci. Technol. 5 (1990) S2044209. Printed in the UK


Electronic properties of band-inverted

heterojunctions: supersymmetry in
narrow-gap semiconductors

0 A Pankratov
P N Lebedev Physical Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospect 53,
117924 Moscow, USSR

Received in accepted form 18 September 1989

Abstract. Heterojunctions between semiconductors with mutually inverted bands

contain massless spin-non-degenerate interface electron states independent of
their profile. The universality of these states is due to the specific symmetry (the
supersymmetry) of the effective Hamiltonian. The giant Landau splitting of
interface states and selection rules for optical transitions in a magnetic field are
predicted. Other types of ' supersymmetric' heterostructures-ferroelectric and
antiferromagnetic domain walls-also possess interface states with unique

1. Introduction For a symmetric band-inverted heterojunction with

aligned gap centres of both materials in contact (of
In the classical narrow-gap semiconducting compounds Pb, -,Sn,Te type), non-degenerate interface states have
Pb, -,Sn,Te and Hg, -,Cd,Te the energy levels which been predicted [4]. In a later paper the asymmetric band-
form thefundamentalgapinvertundercompositional invertedjunctionas well as anabruptHgTe-CdTe
variation [l]. As a result, heterojunctions between mater- contact were considered [S]. These states were also found
ials with mutually inverted energy bands can be created in a numerical calculation of the energy spectrum for the
by spatial variation of the composition. HgTe-CdTesuperlattice,butonly for zeroin-plane
Theschematicenergydiagram for such aband- momentum [S]. TheabruptHgTe-CdTecontact was
inverted junction is shown in figure 1. The labels L + and considered by Lin-Liu andSham [7], who used the
L - mark the even and odd bands in bulk Pb,-,Sn,Te Luttinger Hamiltonian. However, a correct analysis re-
(Se). Thefundamentalgap, defined as = L" - L + , quires the three-band Kane Hamiltonian. This has been
has opposite signs on different sides of the junction. In done by Cade [S], who obtained a conic spectrumof the
Hgl -,Cd,Te the gap is formed by r6 and T8 states and boundary states. Analytical treatment [S] shows, how-
band inversion concerns the electron and light-hole ever, that Cade lost two branches of the interface spec-
superlattices of alternating trum which overlap allowed bulk bands.
CdTe-HgTe and PbTe-SnTe layers have already been Mid-gap states
grown [ 2 , 31. They cannot be classified as either type I or made from IV-VI semiconductors were considered inde-
type I1 superlattices, because in these structures the band pendently by Korenman and Drew [S] and then in an
edges intersect periodically. extended paper by Agassi and Korenman [lo].
As is shown below, the basic feature of aband- The presence of specific interface states in a band-
inverted heterojunction, which determines the specificity inverted heterojunction is ensured by a special symmetry
of corresponding superlattices, is the presence of spin- of the effective Hamiltonian [S, 111, which is analogous
non-degenerateelectron interface states with alinear to thesupersymmetry in quantum field theory (QFT).
dispersion law. We examinedthegeneral case of a Thisinsight allows oneto find all possible supersym-
smooth heterojunction. This is important in two respects. metric heterostructures, which inevitably contain inter-
First, the specific interface states are independent of the face states [lZ]. Besides the band-inverted contact, these
band diagram profile and are thus stable with respect to are ferroelectric [l l] and antiferromagnetic [l21 domain
compositionfluctuations. Secondly, thesmoothness of walls in semiconductors which undergo the correspond-
the junction guarantees the applicability of an envelope ing phase transitions.
function approximation (EFA). The case of a ferroelectric domain wall is illustrated

0268-1242/90/038204+06 $03.50 @ 1990 IOP Publishing Ltd

Supersymmetry in narrow-gap semiconductors

1 L+
where for the band-inverted heterojunctionf(z) changes
its sign. Assumingf( - CO)< 0 andf( + CO)> 0, we put
the coordinate origin in such a way thatf(0) = 0 (figure

L- i C c
Under the constraint (3), the transformation

2 1 t-
I converts (2) into a pair of decoupled equations:
Figure 1. Energy diagram of a band-inverted
heterojunction made of Pb, - .Sn,Te(Se). Labels L F mark
odd and even energy bands.

by Pb, -,Ge,Te, which reveals a ferroelectric phasetran- where
sition. The antiferromagnetic system can be realised by
doping with magnetic impurities, e.g. Mn. Such a system
is of principal importance because it allows one to model
the effect of a parity violation in quantum electrodynam-
Equation (5) is thecommonSchrodingerequation
ics (QED) in (2 + 1) dimensions (two space plus onetime)
with a specific potential, which is a linear combinationof
[12]. The field-theoretical viewpoint on the band-
the square of the derivative of the same function W,(z). It
inverted system was used by Fradkin et a1 [13], although
possesses a special symmetry and represents the known
theprinciple role of themagneticimpurities was not
Wittensupersymmetric quantum mechanics [14]. The
supersymmetric potential permits the factorisationof ( 5 ) :

2. Interface states in a band-inverted heterojunction

The energy spectrum in Pb, -,Sn,Te near the L extrema (7)

is determined by a Dirac-type Hamiltonian. Neglecting where we have introduced the eigenvalue of the in-plane
far-band terms, which provide a negligible influence [lo], momentum pl. From (7) it is easy to find the localised
we get the following EFA equation: solutions
(iP,o, k W,(z)) xoT = 0 (8)
with eigenvalues
where A(z) = cg(z)/2 and the potential cp(z) (which can be 2 A?. 12
referred to as theworkfunction) describes the variationof & 2 2 ( P l )= f P1 (1 - cpo/ 0) * (9)
the gap centre. The momentum operators 8, and el= Thesearethe so-called zeromodes,theremarkable
( f i x , 8,) are projections of the momentum operator onto consequence of asupersymmetry [14, 151. Assuming
the growth directionz and the heterojunction plane(x, y ) +
W,( cc)> 0, we find two solutions of equation (8):
respectively; r~, and cl = (c,, ay) are the corresponding
Pauli matrices. The envelope II/ function is a column of
two spinors $ - and $ + which belong to the L - and L
bands. For simplicity we consider the L valley lying on
the [l 1 l] axis oriented along the z direction. x exp( - Lj^wE(z)
hull 0 dz +
Applying the left-hand-side matrix operator to both
sides of (1) gives corresponding to eigenvalues (9). In (lo), C is the nor-
r malisation constant and exp(i6) = ( p , ip,)/p.+
The only condition for the existence of bound states,
which comes from the normalisation, is that the asymp-
- A)] * = 0 (2) totics W,( cc) shouldhaveopposite signs. Thus only
the global behaviourof the function WE(z),which is called
the superpotential [14, 151, is important.
where 0 denotes the direct matrix product.
Both A and cp depend practically linearly on the alloy Owing tothe presence of theoperator in (8), the
compositi,on. As a result, they have a common depen- spin structure of (10) is fixed. This means that the two-
dimensional interface states (10) are not spin-degenerate,
dence on z:
in accordance with generalresults of supersymmetric
quantum mechanics.

0 A Pankratov

Hamiltonian can be transformed into a supersymmetric

f form, which ensures the existence of bound states. For
pl # 0, however, the heavy-hole band does not decouple
and only a sharp heterojunction can be treated analyti-
cally [S].
The localisation length for bound states (10) at low
energy is given by
I, = ht. 11 /(Ai - (P;)~~. (13)
It increases with increasing energy I E 1. At critical energies
(1 1) it becomes infinite. For a symmetric junction (p, =
0) and a bulk gap of211, N 0.1 eV we get I , Y 30 A.
If the characteristic width of a junction, determined
by f(z), isless than I,, the zero-mode (10) is the only
bound state. Otherwise, ordinary spin-degenerate inter-
face states may appear [4]. However, a spin-non-degen-
erate conic branch (9) exists at any width of junction.
Electrons occupying these states behave like spinless and
massless particles-two-dimensional charged neutrinos.
Itcan be shownthatanisotropy (for obliqueL
valleys) andfar-band corrections [lo] do notdestroy
Figure 2. Energy spectrum of non-degenerate interface these interface states but preserve the conic character of
states against in-plane momentum pL (dotted lines). E: (0, the spectrum.
p I ) are L bulk bands E; ( p z ,p I ) on the right of the
junction for pz = 0; E: (0,p L ) are the same bands on the
left of the junction.
3. Landau levels, magnetic susceptibilityand optical
selection rules
The sign reversal of W,(z) is guaranteed by the sign
reversal of f(z); but, as is seen from (6), at high I E ~ it
In a magnetic field H parallel to the z axis the spectrum
vanishes. This means that at the critical energies
(9) splits into Landau levels

theboundstatesdisappearandthesupersymmetry is
said to be broken. It is easy to verify that atthese energies
the conic interface spectrum (9) touches the L- bands where L, = (ch/lel H)112is the magnetic length. Formula
(taken at zero momentum p,) of bulk materials on both (14) follows from (9) after a substitutionpI + (huL/LH) x
sides of the junction (figure 2). (271). To estimate the splitting it is instructive to note
From (9) and (1 1) we find that the number of bound that ~ u J L H= ( ~ ~ h 0 , / 2 ) ~where
/ ~ , cg and W, arethe
states per unit area is given by fundamental gap and cyclotron frequency of the bulk
material either to the left or to the right. Since usually
N = (A;/pi - l)(Az( + CO)+ A2( - ~0))/4nh~uf.(12) h o c , the splitting (14) is much larger than that of the
Assuming the factor Ai/& - 1 is of the order of unity, we band states. In a field H = 1 T the bulk fundamental gap
get an estimate of N Y 10l2 cm-2 for typical values E* ?: 0.1 eV is overlapped by only five Landau levels. As a
2: 0.1 eV and uI 2: 2.2 x lo7 cm S - . result of thegiantsplitting,onecan realise at finite
From (9) and (12) it follows that bound states exist temperature the quantum regime for interface states and
only when I I < I A, 1. Otherwise, the superpotential ( 6 ) the classical region for band states. Then one can expect
does not change sign and the supersymmetry is broken at that quantum oscillations of the longitudinal magnetor-
any energy. This restriction implies that in Pb,-,Sn,Te esistance due to resonant scattering by interface Landau
alloy the L- and L bands move towardseachother levels will not be masked by band effects.
with increasing x. In a weak field (classical limit T 9 hv,/L,), using the
Experimentally, the value of p
, for Pb, -,Sn,Te has spectrum (14) we get thediamagnetic susceptibility of
still not been uniquely determined. According to Pichler interface electrons [4] :
et al [16], I p o l < IAoi (type I band diagram), although
Murase et al [17], supported by a recent paper [18],
insist on type 11. However, Pb, -,Sn,Se experiments [l91
favour the type I diagram. where the chemical potential p is counted from the conic
For Hg,-,Cd,Te thetypeIbanddiagram iswell point. The temperature dependence x ( T ) is non-mono-
established, although there is some controversy regard- tonic and shows a maximum at T,,, ?: 0.641p i .
ing the value of the valence band offset [20, 211. When Circular polarised light propagating parallel to the
pL = 0 thecorresponding EFA equation for the Kane magnetic field along the z axis (Faraday configuration)

Supersymmetry in narrow-gap semiconductors

inducescyclotrontransitions in) -, In k 1) between possess thesamespectrum (18) with thesubstitution

levels (14) with the dipole matrix element v I . In theVoigt P -,A and po -,0. These two possibilities are described
geometry (linear polarisation along z for light propaga- by unitary equivalent Hamiltonians [12].
tion perpendicular to the magnetic field), only transitions Incontrasttothe three-dimensional case, in two
between interfacestates and bulk Landausub-bands space dimensions the massive character of the spectrum
with n conservationare allowed. The dipolematrix (18) dramatically changes the electromagnetic response
element is equal to of the interface electrons. Calculation [l21 gives, instead
of (14), the following Landau levels:

) - PsgnH
~ ( 0= (19)
where E? is the EFA Hamiltonian, the cps determine the ~ ( n )= f [ P 2 + 2 4 1 - ~ ~ / d ~ ) h ~ : / L ~ ] ~ .
z-dependent part of the bulk and interface wavefunctions,
and ~ ~ , , ( nis) the energy of the nth Landau sub-band. An important feature of (19) is that the zero level ~ ( 0 )
crosses the gap 2P when H is switched from left to right.
If this levelis populated by electrons, this switching
4. Magnetic impurities in a band-inverted heterojunc- requires some work. This means that the interface elec-
tion: antiferromagnetic domain walls trons possess a magnetic moment. At finite temperature
this moment per unit area is given by [l21
Does a possibility exist to create a gap in an interface
electron spectrum (9)? The degeneracy in a conic pointis
ensured by the time-reversal symmetry and can be re-
moved only by magnetic impurities. To provide a gap we
where 4,, = hc/l e I is a fluxoid.
need the off-diagonal interband matrix element in the
EFA Hamiltonian (1). Symmetry analysis [123 shows that
M is directed along z and is produced by interface
it can be produced by an exchange interaction with an electrons not by magnetic impurities. It creates an inter-
odd-spin density (because of the opposite parity of L* nal magnetic field which can evoke a Hall current in the
bands).Homogeneouslydistributedantiferromagneti- absence of an external field H . This current is identical to
cally ordered impurities will provide the imaginary term the so-called abnormal vacuumcurrent discovered in
iP = constant in theHamiltonian of aband-inverted QED C221 in (2 + 1) dimensions. Instability of the (2 1) +
QED vacuumstate with respect to thegeneration of a
magnetic field was also found [23]. However, in (2 1) +
A(z) + cp(z) vu-p + iP QED the magnetic moment is not an observable (it is a
HC -A@> + vacuum property). In our case we have a third dimen-
sion, which allows us to measure its deflection from the z
and instead of a linear interface spectrum (9) we get a
axis, and M becomes an observable.
massive spectrum
~ ~ ~= ( p [P~ ) u:pl(l - cp&Ai)]2. (18)
Another way to obtain an analogous interface spec- 5. Ferroelectric domain walls
trum in the case A(z) = constant is to consider an inho-
mogeneous configuration of an exchange field P(z) like The thirdexample of a supersymmetric heterostructure is
that of figure 3. It is important that, similar to We(z), the a domain wall in semiconductor ferroelectrics such as
field P(z)shouldchangeits sign. Suchasoliton-like Pb, -.Ge,Te. Below the Curie point the polarisationU is
configuration is indeed an antiferromagnetic domain directed along one of the [11l] axes. Symmetry analysis
wall. In this case thenon-degenerateinterfacestates [ 12,241 shows that via the optical deformation potential
the polarisation U produces an off-diagonal perturbation
in the k - p Hamiltonian:

A vu*jj- i u - u
(an isotropic form is given for simplicity). We will discuss
the simplest case of oppositely directed domains, when
the domain wall is perpendicular to U. In this case the
term iu U = ia,u(z) changes its sign as shown in figure 3.
The loss of an inversion centre lifts the spin degenera-
cy in a homogeneous ferroelectric, leading to the spin-
split bulk bands (figure 4)
Figure 3. Soliton configuration of an exchange field-the
antiferromagnetic domain wall. The same configuration of
an electric polarisation corresponds to oppositely directed
k &*(pZ, pI) = f [A2 + ufipf + (U f uIpJ 23 112 .
domains in a semiconductor ferroelectric. (22)

0 A Pankratov

1 2 3 4 5
H, / H

i Figure 5. Quantum oscillations of the total number of

bound states of the ferroelectric domain wall in an external
Figure 4. Energy spectrum of a semiconductor magnetic field. The scale of the field is H, = 4,/4nl: N 1 T.
ferroelectric with oppositely directed domains against two-
component momentum p,. Branches ~ ~ (p 0 I ) ,are spin-
split energy bands of a homogeneous ferroelectric at p z =
0. The bold line indicates the doubly degenerate interface
Inspite of the infinite in-plane mass, the interface
energy level E = A (A is the half-width of the fundamental states feel the external magnetic field. Of course, the level
gap.) Delocalised electrons between branches E +(O, p I ) (26) is not split, butthetotalnumber of states, (27),
are completely reflected by the wall. Therefore ,E is the reveals quantum oscillations (figure 5). Under the substi-
mobility threshold in a many-domain system.
tution p , + (2n)'I2h/LH, thecondition u,p, < ~ u ( x ) ~
limits the upper Landau number:
n < nmax= Li/21:.
The solution of a Dirac equation with variable u ( z ) is The steps correspond to those values of H when nmax
straightforward after the introduction of new envelope changes by unity.
$1 = - iOz$l $2 = $2. (23) 6. Conclusions
These functions are eigenfunctions of the operator
As has been shown above, some particular semiconduc-
Cc x PlZ4:,2 = L- P d , 2 (24) tor interfaces possess universal interface states with an
with eigenvalues L- p , . In (24), thesuperscripts f energy spectrum which does not depend on the shape of
correspond to different projections of the spin on an axis the transition region. At present, there seems to exist only
perpendicular to in-plane momentum pl. The localised one experimental manifestation of massless two-dimen-
solutions sional statesin band-inverted Hg,-,Cd,Te-CdTe hetero-
junctions. After thebandinversion,Faurie et aE [25]
$:,2(z) 5 exp( L- found
anomalously high in-plane
mobility in
Hg, -,Cd,Te-CdTe superlattices.
are normalised if ulp, < I U( L- m) 1 , The corresponding The technology of IV-VI compounds is now also
energy eigenvalues do not depend on p,, i.e. the in-plane developed enough to prepareband-inverted structures of
mass is infinite. Therefore we have an energy level a sufficiently high quality. IV-VI ferroelectric superlat-
tices are also in progress [26]. Thus there is hope that
8 =Ae(w)I/t', - P,) (26) experimentalstudies of universal interface states in
of interface states which is doubly degenerate because of supersymmetricsemiconductorstructures will become
the two $ * states; 0 is a step function(see figure 4). If one possible in the near future.
changes the signs of the asymptotics from U( L- x)2 0 to
U( f m) 5 0, the level (26) moves to the position E =
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