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Pedophilia: An Epidemic and a Problem

Adriane Manigo
First Colonial High School, Legal Studies Academy

In this paper I am going to be talking about the topic of pedophilia. In talking about

pedophilia I will be going over things such as; defining pedophilia, different misconceptions

about pedophilia, female pedophiles, laws concerning pedophiles, as well as the different

pedophilic acts.
The guiding questions that I will be asking myself throughout this paper are; what laws

do we have in place right now that are acting as a prevention method to deter pedophiles from

offending, how are these female pedophiles able to commit these offense with someone of them

not receiving adequate time, and how well are we protecting our children from these female

pedophiles, and pedophiles in general?

My objective for writing this paper is to shed more light on the topic of pedophilia and to

make clear the effects that this issue will have on future generations if not taken care of.
Keywords: Pedophilia, pedophiles, female pedophiles, sexual offenders

Pedophilia: an Epidemic and a Problem

Mike Lew once said, The rape of a child is a violent act of contempt, not an expression

of sexuality or affection. However, how do you explain this statement to Jackson Smith?

Jackson Smith is a twenty-year old man that has been trying to deal with his sexual attraction to

young girls since he was thirteen. He has been trying to control his urges to not sexually

fantasize about young girls for seven years. Women just dont interest him. While he wishes with

all his soul that he could have a normally functioning brain, he knows that he realistically never

can. Jackson knows that he can never act on how he feels; he knows that he has to keep constant

contact with his therapist in order to be able to cope. Most importantly he knows that no matter

how much his friends say that his life is worth, he can never get rid of the constant feeling of

wanting to take his life away because of his urges. So again how is Jackson ever going to fully be

able to comprehend the fact that having sex with younger girls is not a show of affection, but just

a violent and almost inhumane act? Jackson is just one of many people in our world today that

are suffering from pedophilia, or pedophilic tendencies. Hes said to be one of many because

throughout the past decade pedophiles have not only begun to become bolder in their actions but

also more outspoken on their taboo sexual desires. However, it seems as if society is choosing to

neglect the fact this pedophilia is coming to be not only a minor issue, but also an epidemic. So

not only can pedophilia now be said to be just a problem, it is an epidemic that the world needs

to come to realize for its gravity before any more children are hurt due to the worlds voluntary

Defining Pedophilia
Pedophilia is an adult sexual fondness for and activity with children. Pedophilia is a form

or paraphilia (deviant sexual behavior). If acted out, pedophilia is legally defined as sexual child

abuse. Pedophilia includes fondling a childs genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, sodomy,

exhibitionism, and commercial exploitation of children through prostitution of the production of

pornographic materials. (Medicine Net) Another term that is not always directly related to

pedophilia but is a good word to keep in mind is pedosexuailty. Pedosexuality simply means

performing sexual acts on children. Pedosexuality is not always directly linked to pedophilia for

two main reasons; not all pedophiles act out on their sexual urges by having sex with children,

and also this term can also be used when discussing cases of incest, hyper-sexuality and even a

wish for domination over a sexual partner.

Pedophiles who have sexually abused children require intense psychological and

pharmacological therapy prior to release into the community because the disorder is not yet well

understood. The incidence of pedophilia has been markedly underestimated. It is essential that

pedophilia be reported so that appropriate steps can be taken to protect the children involved and

all the other children.

Also there are three major areas that can be focused on when it comes to a pedophiles

neurological make-up; impulsivity, cognitive distortions and psychopathy. For a pedophile

impulsivity will impede inhibition in the form of inadequate consideration of consequences.

They will suffer from cognitive distortions through misunderstandings of implications dealing

with pedophilic behavior. Also they can possibly suffer from psychopathy through their lack of

concern of harm done to others, in this case being the harm done to their young victims through

their sexual assaults and things of the sort.

Scientific Studies
In taking into account the science behind pedophilia the most common misconception

concerning pedophilia, is that pedophiles are the way they are by choice. Recent research, while

often limited to sex offenders- because of the stigma of pedophilia- suggests that the disorder

may stem from neurological discrepancies. The actual state of being a pedophile could result

from a failure of the brain to identify which environmental stimuli should provoke the correct

sexual response. M.R.Is of sexual offenders brains show fewer neural pathways known as white

matter in the brain. Scientist believe that this can be a neurological sign that a person is possibly

suffering from pedophilic urges. Also studies have shown that men that suffer from pedophilic

urges are three times likely to be left-handed or ambidextrous, they have had disturbances in

brain development in utero or early childhood, also that they on average will have lower scores

on tests of visual-spatial ability and verbal memory. All these findings strongly suggest that

pedophilia actually does stem from a brain disorder (Margo Kaplan, Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not

a Crime).
Classifying and Differentiating Between a Pedophile and a Sexual Predator
Pedophiles have a predisposed sexual preference for children. This does not make them

criminals; they only earn that title when they act out on their impulses and urges. For example

when they start paying to view or collect child pornography, which is a serious victim-exploiting

There are two main type of sexual abusers that are also can be classified as pedophiles,

the first being a Preferential Child Sexual Abusers. When pedophiles act on their impulses they

become a preferential child sexual abuser. To be classified as such these individuals will have no

interest in having sex with adults, only children that are normally in a pre-pubescent stage. These

offenders are generally males and have a distinct pattern to their predatory behavior including

recruiting victims, which can also be referred to as grooming, and retaining them in an ongoing

pattern of sexual abuse while ensuring that they do not discuss nor disclose the abuse. The

second type of sexual abuser that can be classified as a pedophile is called the situational child

sexual abuser.Thesituational child sexual abuser is one of opportunity. She/he enjoys having

sexual relations with adults and having sex with children when the opportunity presents itself. So

while this offender will not often go out to find a child to sexually abuse, when circumstances

allow they will take advantage of the situation and the child What is a distinctive feature for

these offenders is that in their behavior is their lack of conscience. With that coupling with the

fact that they will abuse the child if able, both typed of offenders are a danger to children at all

times. Again this is not saying that all pedophiles are one of the two sexual abusers, it is saying

that if the pedophile chooses to offend that is when they become one of the two (

Pedophilia is often used interchangeable with molestation, when this is not the case at all.

One can live with pedophilic urges and not act on them at all. It is not that these pedophiles

arent inactive or non practicing, however it just helps contribute to the fact that pedophilia

is a status and not just an act. Actually it has been found that half of actual child molesters are

not even sexually attracted to the children that they abuse. This is the biggest divider between a

child molester and a pedophile. The child molester may not even get sexual gratification from

abusing the child, and they will only find satisfaction in the fact that they have physically caused

harm to the child. Whereas with a pedophile, they will actually be sexually attracted the child,

and the whole reasoning behind their offenses against the children will be about the sexual

Defining the Different Pedophilic Acts
There are different ways that a pedophile will actually harm a child, if they choose to

offend, and some of them would for a period of time go unnoticed even. In most cases the first

step that a pedophile will take in order to gain the childs trust, will be to take them through the

grooming process.
When grooming a child the predator will in a way actually date the child in the way

that adults date each other when in a romantic relationship. They will do this by giving the child

gifts, flattery, play and attention. What the pedophile is trying to do is replace the parents role of

affection and attention. Thats why when choosing a victim they often choose children who have

problems communicating with their parents and those whose parents normally dont pay enough

attention to them. The child is looking to fill the void and the pedophile in his own way is trying

to do the same, however on two completely different scales (Abusewatch.net).

After the grooming process takes place, if it does at all, then the pedophile will move on

to actual abuse or a range of other offenses that will be seen as crimes against children. The most

common would be that the pedophile would actually have sexual contact with the child.

However it could also be that the pedophile would choose to watch child pornography or

contribute/encourage the delinquency of others like themselves.

Pedophilia: A Sexual Orientation or a Disease?
People do not choose to be attracted to children or adults any more than they choose to

be attracted to males or females.(Jenny Coleman, MA) Although it may go against our moral

standing can we really refer to being a pedophile as a disease? When taking into account the non-

offending pedophiles that are not sex offenders. Are those people entitled to have their sexuality

so to speak recognized as an actual sexual orientation?

When thinking about it, it seems that in some cases pedophiles are in a way expressing

their love to children in the way that another would express love toward their significant other.

The same way that the normal human being would be sexually interested in a female/male, the

pedophile is sexually interested in a child. However there is some sort of cross wiring in the

brain that a persons paternal response to a child is instead being made out to be that of a sexual

response instead.
Common Misconceptions
There are many misconceptions when it comes to pedophiles. While a majority of people

believe that they know exactly what a pedophile will look like, act like, talk like or be like, this

often not the case. The problem then arises that with these persons having these predispositions

about what they know a pedophile to be, they allow the actual ones to slip by unnoticed.
The common pedophile is always an older white male. Now while this is a true fact, this

does not mean that every older white male that likes to interact with children is automatically a

pedophile. I believe that Dr. Goode said it best when he said, "I think we half-realize that sexual

attraction to kids is potentially there in people who look just like us. The problem is, that

knowledge makes us so uncomfortable [that] we prefer to pretend it's 'those weird monsters over

there. I take this saying to mean that people as a society try to either generalize a type of person

that they see as a pedophile, or try to create them out to be this monstrous image in their heads.

Now while that was maybe okay for a younger brain it is time that the mature brain comes to

terms with the fact that a pedophile does not have a specific gender, race, economic class, or

social status.
The most common stereotype, however, concerning pedophiles is that all pedophiles are

violent sexual offenders. Now not saying that no pedophiles commit offenses against children,

because they do, however there are starting to become certain pedophiles that take a life long

vow that they will never harm a child. Ignoring their sexual urges and fantasies these pedophiles

put the damage that could possibly happen to the child first when they begin to think of

offending. These non-offending pedophiles are also the main reason why child molester/sexual

predator cannot be used interchangeably with the term pedophile.

The Pedophile Profile
Now while there can never be a set generalization for whom a pedophile might be, there

is a profile that has been made that appears to fit the average pedophile. Often the person will

be male and over 30 years of age, single or with few friends in his age group, if married the

relationship is more companion based with no sexual relations, he is often vague about time

gaps in employment which may indicate a loss in employment for questionable reasons or

possible past incarceration. (Crime About) The typical offender will have started to molest by the

age 15, engages in a variety of deviant behavior, and molests an average of 117 children, most of

whom do not report the offense (Dr. Gene Abel in a National Institute of Mental Health Study).

Now while this type of person is said to be the most common to have been found to commit

crimes against children and also be classified as a pedophile, it does not mean that there are not

people out there that are pedophiles that just deviate from this norm.
Labeling Pedophiles Molesters, right or wrong?
Labels can in most cases be very helpful. However when people start to generalize

certain things too much and then begin giving them the wrong labels is when a problem arises.

This is the case more often than not when it comes to most people always labeling a pedophile as

a sexual offender, or even more commonly using the term pedophile interchangeably with

molester. A pedophile is a person that has to actually be clinically diagnosed. The term

pedophile is a clinical term describing a person who has a psychological disorder (pedophilic

disorder or pedophilia) that causes the person to have a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to

prepubescent boys and girls. (WK Sex Crimes) This term applies whether the person has

committed a crime or not, and applies even in cases where the person has not acted upon his or

her attraction to children. Child molesters are defined by their acts; pedophiles are defined by

their desires. (Dr. Ray Blanchard, Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto) So while

the first thing that someone wants to do is label a pedophile a child molester they have to take

into consideration that not all pedophiles actually do offend.

Non-Offending Pedophiles
Not all pedophiles are molesters, not all molesters are pedophiles. (Ender Wiggin) The

non-offending pedophile is one that, despite common belief, does exist. These pedophiles are

those that have neither had sexual contact with a child, nor have they had access to illegal sexual

exploitation material that involved children. This type of pedophile in most cases has taken a

personal vow to themselves that they will not harm a child no matter how strong the sexual urges

may become. While they cannot stop their sexual urges from occurring they form enough self-

control in order to be able to not have to resort to molesting a child or viewing child

Since pedophiles in general do not receive support in general, in order for non-offenders

to continue on with this vow they form their own support groups instead. A modern group that is

composed of non-offending pedophiles and their supporters, is a organization called Virtuous

Pedophiles. (Virped) This group provides support and in some cases a life line for pedophiles

who choose to live a non-offending lifestyle but cannot seek support from anyone else.
So contrary to popular belief, there are pedophiles in the world that, despite their urges

and impulses, will never harm a child and have no plans to. They only have plans to live a law-

abiding life and fight who they are to be able to fit the normal status.
Female Pedophiles
There is not a different way to define a female pedophile from a male. They are both the

same in terms of the fact that they are an adult that experiences a primary or an exclusive

attraction to pre-pubescent/pubescent children. The only thing that differentiates a male

pedophile from a female pedophile is their genetic make-up. Society tends to not want to accept

the fact that there pedophiles out there that are female, and they can be just as dangerous as the

male monsters that they make them out to be.

Common Misconceptions About Female Pedophile
The most common misconception that is related to female pedophiles is that sex offenses

committed by them are rare. Now while the numbers are more in favor for male pedophiles

female pedophiles are found to commit offenses just as often as men. However female offenses

are severely underreported. Numerous studies have shown that less than ten percent of sexual

abuse cases ever get reported and even fewer than that actually make it to the judicial system.

Rosecrans (1997) study of female perpetrated sexual abuse found that only three percent of

female victims and zero percent of male victims told anyone about sexual abuse that was

committed against them during childhood. Even though one hundred percent of them reported

that it was damaging. One in six adult men reported being sexually molested as children; and- in

a surprise finding- nearly forty percent of the perpetrators were female.

Another common misconception is that women in places of authority wont abuse the

power that they have over children. When in fact it was found that in cases of daycare

molestation, more than sixty-percent of children who were molested, were molested by women.

Also approximately ninety-five percent of all youth reporting staff sexual misconduct said they

had been victimized by female staff (Bureau of Justice Report)

Another misconception is that female pedophiles or abusers will only offend when

coerced by male co-offenders. While in some cases this is true a Dube et al. study found that

twenty-three percent of reported abuse was female only perpetrators. Meaning that these females,

with no persuasion from male counterparts, committed sexual abuse crimes against children.
Related Laws
Laws Concerning Pedophiles

In dealing with legal issues related to the sexual exploitation of children one law that we

would look to is 18 U.S. Code 2251. This code states that any person who employs, uses,

persuades, induces, entices or coerces any minor to engage in, or who has a minor assist any

other person to engage in, or who transports any minor in or affecting interstate or foreign

commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, with the intent that such minor

engage in, any sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing any visual depiction of

such conduct for the purpose of transmitting a live visual depiction of such conduct, shall be

punished as provided under subsection. It also includes that parents or guardians that give

permission for such activity shall be punished as well. For any individual who violates, or

attempts r conspires to violate, this section shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less

than fifteen years nor more than thirty years. Also if the offender were to have prior convictions

they would be held to a higher standard of sorts, which means that there punishment would carry

more weight. (Cornell Law)

Federal sex offense against children can be divided into three groups- pornography,

transportation, and sexual abuse.

Sentencing Guidelines for Pedophilic Related Offenses
The Sex Crimes Against Children Prevention Act of 1995 directed the Sentencing

Commission to increase sentencing guideline offense levels for crimes involving; child

pornography, prostitution, and other offenses to add penalty enhancements for use of computer in

child pornography cases. Also the Telecommunications Act of 1996 created a new offense

involving the persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of a minor, in areas under federal

jurisdiction or by means of foreign commerce, to engage in prostitution or other prohibited

sexual activity. Both of these acts have been instrumental in helping those children that have

become victims to receive the proper justice they deserve.

Bills to bought up

A recommendation should be made that Congress increase the statutory maximum for

production of child pornography to fifteen years, which would be double the statutory maximum

for those offenders who have prior convictions for state or federal sex offenses against children.
Comparing and Contrasting
Comparing Male Pedophiles to Female Pedophiles
When looking for comparisons between female and male pedophiles there is one extreme

similarity that first sticks out, a pedophile no matter the gender has a sexual attraction to

children. There is definitely not an exclusive gender, nor any demographic, when labeling

someone a pedophile. The female and male pedophile will in some cases still have two or more

different personalities. The one that they show in public and then their true personality. A male or

female pedophile will still always have that constant possibility that they will commit a crime

against a child. So all in all the female and male pedophile are essentially the same. The only

things that possibly differentiate them are there genetic make-ups as well as the different

preferences that they all may have.

Contrasting Male Pedophiles to Female Pedophiles
When contrasting female and male pedophiles the biggest factor that comes into play is

the way in which each are sentenced. The following cases, while not all in the same areas, still

show proof that. A female teacher from Fort Thomas, Kentucky, who had sex with a male student

multiple times in and outside of her classroom, was sentenced to 90 days in jail, when she could

have faced up to five years. A female teacher from Johnson County, Kansas, was sentenced to 36

months probation and must register as a sex offender from having sex with her students. She

pleaded guilty to three counts of unlawful sex with a minor, which typically carries a 31-month

to 14-year prison sentence. If she does not violate her probation for three years, her record will

be completely cleared and she will have served a day in jail. A female teacher from Long Island,

New York was sentenced to six years probation for having sex with a male student. She was also

required to register as a sex offender. A male teacher from Winston Salem, North Carolina, was

sentenced to 26-33 years in prison with having sex with two female students. A male teacher was

sentenced to twenty years in prison for having sex with two male students who say they were not

From the cases displayed above, no matter the fact that they took place in different

locations, it shows proof that males are almost always given longer and crueler sentences than

their female counterparts. Even if they were found to have committed lesser crimes.Also in most

occurrences when a case is talked about in the media, when dealing with a female offender, the

crime will be said to have been an affair or some other word or phrase that almost romanticizes

the womens actions. Whereas when dealing with a male they never hesitate to try and present

the crime to be as horrible an offense as it actually is.

It is a fact that males are more likely to commit sexual offenses against children than a

female. It is however also a fact that a female pedophile will be more of a taboo subject than a

male. People rarely like to associate the word pedophile with a female because in most eyes,

females are supposed to love a comforting and would never think of harming a child in that way.

Now while that creates a wonderful picture there is evidence to support the fact that that is not

always the case. Also touching back on the fact that males are more likely to commit sexual

offenses than females does not mean that male pedophiles are necessarily worse. All pedophiles

have sexual urges and fantasies about children, there are just more reported cases that a male has

actually acted on those urges. That does not take into account the many victims that female

pedophiles may have manipulated and therefore gotten away with their crimes. Also it does not

take into account the predisposition that most have, that females would never and could never be

classified as a pedophile.
There is also one more factor that sets the female and male pedophile apart. Now while

both female and male will have sexual urges directed toward the children, the female has been

found to want to create a deeper level than just that sexual urge. Meaning that a female pedophile

will more often than not want to carry on a relationship rather than just have the children as

sexual partners. They see the children as lifelong companions, well as least until they grow out of

their specified age range.

Different Pedophile Preferences
Highlighting the Sexual Scale of Pedophiles
There is an actual scale to the male human sexuality. There is one end of the scale where

you have the man who is completely heterosexual, has no attraction to young girls or boys what

so ever and is considered to have a normal sex life. Then you have the men who fall in the

middle of the scale who have a sexual attraction to both people their age as well an attraction to

younger children as well. Then at the other extreme end of the scale you have the men who are

exclusively attracted to young boys and girls, and that will be their preference no matter what.

(The Pedophile Next Door). By some estimates, one percent of the male population continues,

long after puberty, to find themselves attracted to prepubescent children. Now while some may

try to debate this evidence. It still does nothing to disprove the fact that it is still there. The reality

that our society needs to come to face is that there are a significant amount of male members in

the society that are attracted to children.

There is also said to be a different category of pedophiles, which fall under the

Hebephilia category. The differentiating factor between a pedophile and a hebephile is that while

pedophiles have a strong attraction to prepubescent children, hebephiles are said to have a

persistent sexual interest in pubescent children. The hebephiles typical range of age will be

between eleven and fourteen year olds. There is also another category under the pedophile

umbrella known as ephebophilia. Ephebophiles will have a strong sexual attraction to children

that are later in adolescence, ages ranging from fifteen to nineteen year olds. Another term that is

sometimes related to pedophilia is chronophilias, which is the sexual preference for a specific

psychological appearance related to age.


A pedophile cannot choose to be what they are. There is scientific evidence that they

were born with a sexual attraction to children that will always be there no matter how much

society may hate that it is a fact. However, as a society we need to become more conscious and

aware of the fact that there are more and more pedophiles that are starting to become predators.

In order to save the children of this world we have to first accept the fact that there are

pedophiles out in the world, both male and female. Another thing that needs to be accepted is the

fact that no matter how much society will hate it, they will never be able to change their sexual

attraction. Now while asking for them to become accepted may be a far stretch, coming to the

realization that there is no way to completely isolate them off into another dimension has to be

something that is recognized as well. All in all society as a whole will not be able to accept

pedophilia as the epidemic it is, if they fail to realize that it is an epidemic at all.

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