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SUNY Delhi

MS in Nursing Education
NURS 604/605 Graduate Advanced Clinical Practicum Learning Contract

Student Name: Jennifer Dougherty Practicum hours to be 39 SUNY Ulster 33 RAM 72

completed Total

Student Delhi E-mail Address: Student Phone Number:

Course Faculty Name: Kristy Digger Course Faculty Phone Number:

Course Faculty Delhi E- Course#/Semester/Session 11309/ Spring/J

mail Address: /Year:

Preceptor Name: L. Loomis Preceptor Phone Number:

K. Digger
Preceptor E-mail Address:

Practicum Site: SUNY Ulster Unit/Department for Health Alliance, Broadway

Remote Area Medical Practicum: Campus
(RAM) Knoxville, TN
Current Employment
Location and N/A currently

Start Date: 1/20/2017 Completion Date: 3/6/2017

Practicum Focus:
The goal of participation in this advanced clinical practicum is to grow as a nurse educator, and an advanced
practice nurse. By growing in this role and participating in new experiences, this may place the MSN student out
of their comfort zone, but will enable the student to familiarize themselves with what the expectations and
duties of this new advanced role is. The end goal is to assist in producing safe, competent, practicing nurses by
being a role model, mentor, and educator.
Development of an advanced practice role.
Plan practical experiences.
Evaluate students performance.
Present weekly clinical topics, and patient scenarios.
Encourage evidence based practice, and interventions.
Assist in the care of an under privileged community by volunteering.

A B C Practicu
Outcomes for Each Week Learning Activities to Evidence of Accomplishments to Meet m Hours
in the Practicum Setting Accomplish Weekly Outcomes

Week 1 Zoom meeting with Zoom meeting with faculty completed on Week 1
Outcomes: The MSN faculty. January 17, 2017 at 1500 Cumulative
student will construct and Email/phone call to Several emails between MSN student and Practicum
document a plan for this preceptor. preceptor Total
sessions clinical practicum Meet with preceptor. Meeting date agreed upon by both MSN student Hours: 2
of the forth semester SUNY Prepare and submit and preceptor
Ulster ADN nursing student
Learning Contract. Completed LC submitted to faculty by
clinical rotation, occurring at
Wednesday of Week 2
Vassar Brothers Medical

Weeks 2-4 Attend two, three hour Observed students interaction, and reaction to Weeks 2-
Outcomes Week 2/3: The lectures held on Tuesday, lecture and techniques used to drive the topics 4
MSN student will observe January 30, 2017. home with the student Cumulati
techniques used during Meet with RAM faculty Introduced to Kahoot game and other games, ve
fourth semester med/surg Meet with RAM colleague case studys, and critical thinking questions Practicu
lecture as well as used during lectures. Notes taken for pointers m Total
pharmacology lecture on how to give meaningful and interactive
The MSN student will lecture Hours:
organize transportation with Co-teaching technique was observed
faculty and MSN colleague Email/phone call to RAM faculty. Week 2:
participating in the Remote 7
Email/phone call to RAM colleague(s)
Area Medical (RAM)

Attend RAM orientation

Demonstrate specific Collaborate with RAM
activities to assist RAM. faculty and MSN Orientation completed upon arrival to RAM site.
colleagues Met with RAM faculty to come up with a time
Complete mission in a and meeting schedule to accomplish the RAM
safe a and timely manner. tasks that were to be completed.
RAM mission completed safely, within the set
times that were provided.
The MSN student will attend
Listen to and write down
and assist 2nd semester Week 3:
report from night nurses
clinical at Health Alliance Report was received. 40
on 2 West
Broadway Campus.
Choose appropriate Student assignments were made.
The MSN student will meet patients for the students Observed and assisted with the students
with lab instructor to come and make up assignment patient. assignments, asking key questions to
up with a plan to present and Encourage critical encourage critical thinking.
help with lab. thinking Post conference was led and students interacted
Lead post conference at during it.
The MSN student will obtain the end of the clinical day.
and ID and parking permit
SUNY Ulster to be able to
participate in clinical and
park at Ulster.

Outcome Week 4: The Decide what media will be

PowerPoint presentation made using photos of
MSN student will construct a used to effectively
the RAM experience.
presentation about the present the topic. Week 4:
The presentation was given during post
experiences during their Select the appropriate 5
participation in RAM. conference.
time for the presentation
The audience was directed towards the fourth
to be made.
Feb 17, 2017: The MSN semester nursing students, but also nurses from
State the audience this
student will attend a the floor and the practicum preceptor were
presentation will be made
presentation to learn how to present.
make practice tests and
quizzes online in Blackboard

D: Activities, Evidence, and Outcomes (Weeks 1-4)

Activities completed: Activities:

What activities were Most proposed activities were completed in weeks 1-4 which were:
proposed versus what Zoom meeting with faculty.
activities did you Email/phone call to preceptor.
actually complete? Meet with preceptor.
Evidence: Provide a Prepare and submit Learning Contract.
bulleted list of Attend two, three hour lectures held on Tuesday, January 30, 2017.
evidence of activities
Meet with RAM faculty
completed and attach
Meet with RAM colleague
evidence files in
dropbox with learning Attend RAM orientation
contract (up to 5 files) Collaborate with RAM faculty and MSN colleagues
Outcomes: What Complete mission in a safe a and timely manner.
outcomes were met, Encourage critical thinking
how were they met, Lead post conference at the end of the clinical day.
and if not met, provide Decide what media will be used to effectively present RAM topic.
insight. Select the appropriate time for the RAM presentation to be made.
State the audience this RAM presentation will be made for.

Two proposed activities that were not completed were:

Listen to and write down report from night nurses on 2 West
Choose appropriate patients for the students and make up assignment

Zoom meeting date confirmation
Copy of email(s) with preceptor
PowerPoint of lectures that were attended
RAM attendance report
RAM presentation that was given

Week ones outcomes were met except for coming up with a plan to participate in clinicals at
Vassar Brothers Medical Center (this was changed to Health Alliance for the rest of the
semester). The reason for this was that there was a long orientation, and paperwork process
that would not have been completed in a timely manner. A plan for my practicum experience
was discussed with the instructor, as well as the preceptor via email and zoom meeting.
Due to the weather I was unable to get to the clinical area by 630am to get report from night
shift, and then make student assignment. Therefore my preceptor got report and did the
student assignments.
Week two and threes outcomes were met by observing two lecture classes taught to fourth
semester nursing students lead by my preceptor. Transportation was arranged with my
classmate as well as my instructor for RAM. RAM was successfully completed by demonstrating
the ability to organize and check patients into the general medical area as well as preforming
coumadin checks for patients. Meeting attended with the lab instructor to develop a plan of
what to do for the students was made. I was able to obtain an ID, as well as a parking permit
which took more time than I thought it would. I also attended a clinical at Health Alliance
Hospital, and lead post conference, assisting students to critically think there and throughout
the day.
Week fours outcomes were accomplished as I successfully constructed a presentation on my
experience at RAM. I also presented this for the fourth semester lab students rather than during
post conference as there really was nowhere that had a room or a computer to use to give my
presentation. I completed this at SUNY Ulster, and I think it was well received, and my preceptor
enjoyed it as well. I also emailed the folks at RAM prior to the presentation to obtain a template
to make brochures to share with the students. There were none left behind in the classroom, so
I take that as a good sign that they thought it was interesting. They all seemed engaged while I
was giving the presentation which was nice to see as I was fairly nervous.

Please follow video link below for evidence that was unable to be attached to the
drop box:


Weeks 5-7 Arrive to the clinical site Arrival time to Health Alliance was 0615 for a Weeks 5-
Outcome Week 5: The MSN no less than 30 minutes 0800 practicum start time. 7
student will assign the prior to the students. This weeks lecture focused on GI and there Cumulati
patient assignments for the Correlate this weeks were appropriate patients on the unit that fit ve
clinical day. lecture focus with the into this category. Practicu
types of patients that the Most students were able to work with a GI m Total
students will be assigned patient. Hours:
Match the patients with Week 5:
their respective student 8
nurse for the day.
Outcome Week 6: The Pre- conference topic will
MSN student will lead the be related to the types of The topic discussed was the needs of the dying
pre-conference discussion. patients that will be seen patient. Week 6:
on the unit. Some student concerns that were addressed 6.5
Address student were religious beliefs in the death and dying
concerns. patient.
Make a plan for break Each student was assigned to one 15 minute
times break.
Outcome Week 7: The
MSN student will lead the
post-conference discussion. Post conference topic will Week 7:
be related to the types of 7
patients seen on the unit. The students chose to talk about EKGs, as there
Address students were a great number of monitored patients.
concerns about their day Some of the student concerns today were
whether patient or faculty related to not getting enough hands on
related. experience and time with their patients.
Complete post conference Post conference was completed by 1255, giving
in the allotted time the students five minutes to gather their
belongings and be finished for the day.

D: Activities, Evidence, and Outcomes (Weeks 5-7)

Activities completed: Activities:

What activities were Most proposed activities were completed in weeks 5-7 which were:
proposed versus what
activities did you Correlate this weeks lecture focus with the types of patients that the students will be
actually complete? assigned to.
Evidence: Provide a Match the patients with their respective student nurse for the day.
bulleted list of Pre-conference topic will be related to the types of patients that will be seen on the unit
evidence of activities Post-conference topic will be related to the types of patients seen on the unit.
completed and attach Address students concerns about their day whether patient or faculty related.
evidence files in
Complete post conference in the allotted time.
dropbox with learning
contract (up to 5 files) There were also additional activities that were added, and completed which were:
Outcomes: What Grade four students nursing process papers.
outcomes were met, Attend a class on student academic advising.
how were they met,
and if not met, provide Attend students medication evaluations.
insight. Evaluate at least one students medication administration competency.

Students reviewed nursing process papers.
Notes from student advising class
Advisement worksheet used for group practice during student advising class.
Completed students clinical assignment sheets.
Floor report notes.
Floor census list with diagnosis.

(above link) Students reviewed papers for week 6
(above link) Clinical assignment sheets, report sheet with census and dx list, student
advisement class, medication eval form, clinical assignment sheets, report sheet with census
and dx list.

Week fives outcomes were accomplished as I successfully assigned the patient assignments
for the clinical day. Accomplishing this outcome this week was a bit difficult for the first go
around. I arrived at 6am to get the shuttle to the hospital, and met my preceptor. We arrived
on the floor, printed a list of the patients on the floor and what their admitting diagnosis was.
Since GI is what the focus of this weeks lecture was this is what we tried to focus on. There
were a few patients who had gastric tubes which were great for the students in relation to
keeping them on the same topics as lecture. I assisted the students during clinical with
observing and helping with patient assessment and any other questions or help they may have

Week sixs outcomes were not accomplished as originally planned. What was accomplished
was a class on tools to help advising students that I took, which was very interesting and
valuable. Especially doing the advisement sheets with the group taking the class. I also
reviewed four nursing process papers of the clinical group I have been working with. The
Fridays clinical was not at the hospital this week, they were on campus for medication
evaluations. After passing these evaluations the students will be able to give medications in
clinical (these are second semester students). Therefore, I went to the campus to observe and
assist with the evaluations, as well as assist the students in the lab prior to their evaluations. I
successfully evaluated one students medication competency. Unfortunately, this student did
not pass the evaluation as they ran out of time due to some issues with bubbles in syringes
when drawing up IM injection from an ampule. This was quite an experience. I felt really bad
for the student, but this was a great experience to have. Although, at this point in my nursing
education experience it was definitely awkward. I saw the student after the evaluation and
spoke with her. I know that I should not be concerned with what she thought of me, that her
failure was on her, I still felt guilty. It made me feel significantly better when she admitted that
she should have practiced more, and that she was mad at herself. This student is an LPN, and
per my preceptor most times does not do much hands-on practice, she just observes. So, I
discussed what she can do to practice to succeed, and what she needs to do to be more diligent
for when she re-tests next Wednesday.

Week sevens outcomes were met, as well as week sixs outcomes that were not able to be
accomplished in week six. I was able to run pre-conference, assign students to appropriate
patients, assist students during clinical, and I lead the post conference discussion. However,
this week was not dedicated to talking about EKGs, it was focused on hematology. I also
cannot say that the students complaints had anything to do with not enough hands on time, as
there was plenty of that. This group was very difficult and was very hard to motivate, they
really didnt have any complaints or concerns. Really their only concern was working on their
paperwork and finding those answers whereas the focus should have been on the patient.

The student agrees to:

Complete your approved total of practicum hours during Weeks 1-7 of the course, supervised and guided by the approved
Achieve the weekly outcomes, learning activities, and evidence of accomplishments as prepared in the Learning Contract,
and approved by the preceptor(s) and faculty.
Complete the Learning Contract per course requirements.
Agree to abide by the guidelines and policies for Joint Commissions National Patient Safety Goals, the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA), as appropriate for the practicum activities. The student will respect the confidential nature of all
information that they have access to, including but not limited to patients' personal health information provided to them
orally, contained in patient medical records, or maintained on the Hospital's/agency's electronic information system.
Information on Patient Safety Goals, HIPAA, and FERPA is provided in Week 1 materials.
I attest that I have completed the hours for this practicum course, as stated on this document.

Student Signature __Jennifer Dougherty____________________________ Date __January 17, 2017__________

The preceptor agrees to:

Supervise and guide the student for the approved number of practicum hours, including direct and indirect activities.
Assess whether the student met the learning outcomes of the course.
Sign this approved contract by Wednesday of Week 2 of class and return it to the student.
Respond to faculty communication regarding student hours and performance, and as needed.
Complete student and program online evaluations at the end of the course via Survey Monkey. (Links will be emailed to
you by faculty)

Preceptor Signature Date _____________________

Preceptor Signature Date _____________________

Preceptor Signature Date _____________________

The faculty agrees to:

Guide the student in the preparation of the Learning Contract.

Communicate individually with the student prior to the first week of class.
Contact the preceptor(s) to establish communication and provide information.
Provide guidance, problem solving, and follow up as needed throughout the practicum experience.
Communicate with preceptor(s) as needed during the course.
Contact the preceptor(s) for feedback and confirmation of hours.
Send student and program evaluations to the preceptor(s), and preceptor evaluations to the student prior to class

Faculty Signature _______________________________ Date _____________

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