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PHED 239: High School Module

Videotape Assignment
20 points
Due: Two weekdays after videotaping lesson

Teacher: Elizabeth Marcyoniak Site: Agawam High School

Date: 3/2/2017 # of Students: 56-60 Lesson Focus: utilizing all 3 hits in a
volleyball game

Videotape one (1) lesson. Answer the following questions and submit your responses
on this assignment sheet via Google Doc (separate from lesson reflection).

1. Describe what you think about your content delivery and instruction time. Are
you pleased with the results? Why or why not? How could you change this for
next time when you teach?

Overall, I was pleased with results of the content delivery. I could tell that they were
paying attention during our informing because they applied the concepts of using all
three hits and especially communication during game play. One thing that I would
improve for the next time I teach would be to only give instructions when the group is
completely quiet. Before I began to give instruction I would wait for silence, but as I
started to talk, so did other students. This disrupted the content delivery not only to the
student that was talking but to those around them.

2. Describe what you think about your classroom management. Are you pleased
with the results? Why or why not? What specific teacher behaviors/techniques
could you have used to lessen your management time/transitions to increase the
activity time?

Overall I am pleased with my classroom management. I felt that the students respected
both myself and my co-teacher and listened to us. There was some behaviors that were
easily corrected like when the students were throwing the ball over the net instead of
rolling it under. There was also some students with headphones in, but they took them
out when asked. One thing that could have shortened transition time was giving each
team captain a card with their matchups for the day and a place to write the scores. The
cards could then be initialed by each captain at the end of the game and turned into the
teacher at the end of class. That would have lessened the time between games and
could have made each game a little longer.
3. Describe what you think about the classroom climate and control. Are you
pleased with the results? Why or why not? How could you change this for next
time when you teach?

The climate and control of the class was good. The students were engaged majority of
the time and respected the teachers. The class is a mix of students from 9th to 12th
grade, but for the most part, they all got along. I do not feel that any student was
excluded because they had assigned teams. One thing that could have improved our
control was voice projection and if the teacher stopped talking when the students did.
Having better control of music volume and turning it down when we were giving
instruction would have benefitted our control as well. When students were asked to do
something like to take their headphones out, they responded by doing so, and rarely
gave the teacher attitude or talked back to them. By setting our expectations for both
behavior and safety at the beginning of class, it set the tone for the remainder of the
lesson. Having those expectations kept the teachers and students on the same page
which helped the class run smoothly. The students did a good job of holding themselves
accountable because I could often hear students reminding them of things the teacher
talked about in class, like rolling the ball.

4. Identify one thing you can take away from observing yourself teach this

The biggest takeaway I got from this lesson was realizing how I need to project my
voice. Watching the lesson back made me realize how loud the gymnasium really is. I
heard more echos, people talking and yelling, and the ball making contact with the floor
during the video than I did during class time. Not only do I need to be louder, but I also
need to give more feedback. Even its a simple, Good job, or great hit lets the
students know that I am engaged in the lesson and I am paying attention to them. There
were many points during the video where I was just standing there, and because I was
so quiet it did not look like I was actually teaching, it looked more like I was supervising.

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