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Smokeless Tobacco:

Challenges and
Threats for India Hemant Goswami

Indians always had a penchant for the "imported" As one would logically conclude, all this has now
tag on all products. I feel that it would have been proved to be one of the biggest mistakes in Indian
better if this fad for the foreign stuff dominated the tobacco control scenario. Some realisation has now
Indian mentality in case of tobacco too. If it was dawned-upon about the health effects and death
so, then we wouldn't have been having the massive toll due to consumption of other forms of tobacco;
challenge we are now facing on account of our own which has been exponentially rising, even though still
home grown 'Bidi' and "Smokeless' tobacco products. little attention is being paid to the issue. Among all
While the common man didn't get infatuated forms, the rise of the smokeless form of tobacco is
exclusively by the foreign version of tobacco; the particularly alarming.
policy makers, all these years, looked only towards
the west for controlling tobacco. Unfortunately the What is smokeless tobacco?
section of Indian policy makers who should not have For most parts of the west, smokeless tobacco is a
imported their understanding about the problem-in- new thing; atleast as a commercial product marketed
hand actually found it easy to import the 'statistics' with competitive marketing strategies. However in
on tobacco usage and problem. As a result; all our India, we have all possible variants of tobacco. Any
tobacco control efforts got concentrated around the tobacco product which is consumed without it being
'White Cigarettes' (which are around 15% of the burnt and inhaled comes in the category of smokeless
total consumption) and we ignored the challenges tobacco product. Some of the more popular and
posed by the domestic brown cigarettes, popularly commercially marketed forms are;
known as 'Bidi' and also the varied forms of
'Smokeless' tobacco. It is indeed shameful that the • Chewing tobacco
government does not even have complete statistics - raw - Chewing
on these products. Little is clearly known about tobacco consists of
the consumption patterns, use of tobacco other small pieces of raw
than cigarettes, health effects of other forms of finely cut tobacco.
tobacco, etc. Most of the statistics quoted by the Most of the times it
government bodies either come from the industry is unlabelled coming
itself, or majority of statistical understanding and from small cottage
data comes from foreign papers or funded research industries but there
(mostly focussing on cigarettes) or from small sample are a lot of small time commercial brands too
surveys about 'self-declared tobacco use' conducted available.
by WHO and some other such bodies. As a result, • Paan Masala - Tobacco
organisations and policy makers grope in dark and Paan Masala is a
have to work only with the best available guess commercial concoction
estimates. Not a good scenario for a country which containing areca nut,
has to deal with over a million tobacco related slaked lime, catechu,
deaths every year. condiments along with

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powdered tobacco. Paan MasaLa contains aLmost added and the mixture may
aLLthe ingredients that go into the making of a also be rolled into balls. It is
paan, but are dehydrated so that the finaL product heLd in the mouth for 10 to
is not perishabLe. Paan MasaLa is more popuLar 15 minutes. If it is chewed
in urban areas. The market for Paan Masala has it produces a bad taste in
grown many folds over the last 10 years. the mouth. People who are
addicted may consume it
• Gutka - It is a preparation
of crushed beteL nut, on an hourLy basis. Besides
tobacco, catechu, Lime India (among peopLe tracing
and sweet or a Little savory their origin to Pashtun ethnic groups) it is more
flavourings. It is mostly commonly used in Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan,
soLd across smaLL sachets Pakistan, Tajikistan, etc.
at a highly economical • Snus - .Snus is a moist
price of Rs. 1 to 8. It is powder tobacco product
chewing tobacco. originated from a variant
of dry snuff, in the early
• Paan (Betel Quid) with
Tobacco - Paan with 19th century in Sweden,
tobacco consists of; consumed by pLacing it
• under the lip for extended
betel leaf, areca nut,
slaked Lime, catechu periods of time. It is
and tobacco. Betel availabLe in teabag Like
leaves contain voLatile pouches. Snus has its
oi~ such as eugenoL uniqueness in the fact that it is steam-cured rather
and terpenes, nitrates than fire-cured. It is said to be not fermented
and small quantities of containing no added sugar, unlike many chewing
sugar, starch, tannin and tobacco variants available in India.
several other substances. • Snuff - Snuff is ground
Many Condiments and sweetening agents may aLso or puLverized tobacco,
be added as per regional practices and individual which is generally
preferences. Each Paan is tailor made and insufflated or "snuffed"
specific ingredients are added along with tobacco through the nose. There
according to the instructions of the chewer. One are several types of
can find Paan shops in even the smaLLest viLLages snuff, but traditionally
of India. it means nasal snuff. It
is also often flavoured
• Khaini and Zarda
Another variant of and typical flavors are floral, mentholated, fruit,
chewing tobacco which and spice, either pure or in bLends. "Snuff" can
consists of raw tobacco also refer to dipping tobacco, which is appLied to
mixed with fragrances the gums rather than inhaled. Another common
and spices for achieving variant of this is 'Bajjar' in India. Bajjar is dry
desired flavors. While snuff (aka Tapkeer) applied commonly by women
Zarda represents tobacco in Gujarat on the teeth and gums.
that is Later mixed with • Other forms - Besides the above mentioned, there
lime by the user, Khaini is a considered a step are numerous other variants of liquid, chewing
ahead and provides the final mixture in a single and nasal tobacco like Tuibur, Mishri, Mawa, GuL,
package. Khaini is widely used for its wider range Gudhaku, Plug, etc., in use in many regions and
of fragrances and flavours and is a little costlier parts of India.
than Zarda because of its user-friendly nature.
Promotion Strategy of the Industry
• Naswar - Naswar is sun and heat-dried tobacco
leaves mixed with slaked lime and ash from tree To attract new users and highlight the features of
bark, flavoring and coLoring agents. Water is its smokeLess tobacco, the website of one of smokeless

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lIIIIIIIIIIiIIi_F_eb_ru_a~ __-_Ma_rC_h_a_nd_A_p_ril_-_Ma_~~2_0_10 ~=- ~==~_=~ _
tobacco manufacturers spells the advantages of its around the worLd. In some cases it is also being
products as reproduced hereunder; wrongLy pushed as a repLacement to cigarettes or even
• Less harmfuL than cigarettes. deceitfully pushed as an aLternate form of nicotine
usefuL in quitting tobacco. ALLsuch claims are not onLy
• No externaL effects such as those from passive faLse and incorrect but rather have the potentiaL to
smoking. cause further miseries and compLicate and aggravate
• Can be used in "No-Smoking" areas Like airports, the heaLth condition of existing smokers. The entry of
air pLanes & other pubLic pLaces. big pLayers has resuLted in these giants pressurising
the governments and heaLth authorities to declare
• UnLike cigarettes, hands remain free since there is
that smokeLess tobacco is Less harmfuL and LikeLyto
no need to hoLd the product during consumption.
offer heaLth benefits. This is done soLeLyto give a faLse
• As easy to use as chewing gum with a Use & Throw notion of safety to peopLe.
method Like that of chewing gum
Smokeless tobacco is aLso a 'class K carcinogen
• It is an extremeLy Low-priced product and contains over 25 cancer causing agents. It is
The manufactures promotionaL statement above weLL known that oraL and spit tobacco increases
highLights the exact strategic approach of the the risk for leukoplakia. a precursor to oraL cancer.
smokeLess tobacco industry. From the above, it is Chewing tobacco has been known to cause cancer,
clear that the tobacco industry is trying to buiLd upon particuLarLy of the pancreatic, oesophagus, mouth and
the restrictions on smoking and take advantage of throat. There is now clear evidence that increasing
the tobacco controL momentum. The industry is aLso trend of 'qutka consumption is causing an epidemic
strategising to gain from the cessation efforts of a of 'oral submucous fibrosis' and is Leading to an
Large number of peopLe trying to quit smoking. One of increased incidence of oraL cancer even among young
the most dangerous faLse statements made above are persons.
claims stating, "Less harmfuL than cigarettes." Similar SmokeLess tobacco use, which has now become
misconception and faLse notions about safety are aLso more common among women in India, has been found
being pushed by Swedish 'Snus. to cause adverse reproductive outcomes in the form of
Lowbirth weight (Lower by an average of 105 g), Lower
Health Effects gestation period ( an average of 6 days) and higher
SmokeLess tobacco is no Less harmfuL than its stillbirth rates. One of the Latest studies by Prakash
smoked variant Like cigarettes. In many cases it is Gupta (in Ahmedabad) shows that how there is an
even more harmfuL with a smaller gestation period exponentiaL growth of cases in mouth cancer with
for the onset of heaLth effects and the consequentiaL increase in consumption patterns of chewing tobacco,
fataLity. However many myths about the false concept especially Gutka. The study shows that between 1985
about its safety are being spread by the tobacco and 2006, the incidents of mouth cancer have become
industry to confuse the pubLic and even governments nearLy 300 percent more prevaLent among youngsters
in the age group of 35 to 44 years of age and has seen
over four foLd increase among the 25-34 age group
(see Fig. 1). This is indeed aLarming.

Fig. 1

Tobacco 50.0
India, Ahmedabad (Mouth Cancer) MaLe

causes 40.0


mouth 25.0


cancer o
15-24 24-34 35-44 45-54 55-64

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The growth of smokeless tobacco also seeing this as a new lifecyde of another tobacco
variant as the replacement of the dead cigarette
All evils grow the best in dark, away from any
consumers (6 million oftheir consumers die each year)
attention. Smokeless tobacco is no different. Due to
and low induction rates of new cigarette users among
lack of focus on smokeless tobacco by health workers,
educated and in developed countries.
government and policy makers; smokeless tobacco had
a very healthy growth in the last couple of decades.
Legal provisions and the tax
The evil of smokeless tobacco found its way to schools
and now the average age of initiation of smokeless structure
tobacco among the first time users has come down to Though the addictive nature of tobacco in itself
8 to 10 years old children. is enough; the low entry cost, lax tax regime and
A mere perusal of various snap-shots of some virtually no restriction market has further made
sample surveys show how the usage is increasing over smokeless tobacco a very lucrative business. While a
the years. The NSSO data of 1993-94 reported that single stick of cigarette may cost 3 to 15 Rupees, a
9.9 % male and 4.3 % females (age>10 yrs) in urban sachet of Gutka costs just Rs 1/. Even the premium
areas consumed smokeless tobacco. The NFHS 1998- brands of smokeless are priced at highly affordable
99 data showed that the consumption of smokeless Rs. 5/ a pouch. While a lot of attention is paid to
tobacco was 20.8 % in males and 8.8% among taxation on cigarettes, smokeless has escaped all
females. However NFHS-2 data of 2000 mentions attention. It is well known that cigarettes in India
that over 35.4% of the males and 18.2 % females are not sufficiently taxed; however smokeless tobacco
consumed smokeless tobacco. The reported figures is virtually not taxed at all. Most of the smokeless
show a possible trend on the growing menace. Latest tobacco is prepared from raw tobacco leaves and
estimates put this figure to above 50% with alarming requires no registration or license. There is no taxation
increased rates of consumption among females. The on tobacco at the entry stage and only two rupees per
2003 survey showed that 10.7% females in Tamil kilogram as service charge and one paisa per kilogram
Nadu, 18% in Maharashtra, 14.4 % in Madhya Pradesh 'tobacco cess' is charged at the time of auction sale
and 60.7% females in Mizoram are already consuming of tobacco. According to the Tobacco Board Report,
smokeless tobacco. about one million rupees were collected by way of
cess by selling tobacco at the auction on an average
The industry has found that chewing tobacco is price of around 47 rupees (1 US$) a Kg.
a good way to get around the traditional taboo on
female smoking. Chewing of tobacco is not perceived Quite interestingly the taxation on chewing
as such a bad thing as smoking among females. Since tobacco is imposed by the government on tobacco
it does not smell and on the contrary it is scented, so packed through mechanised machines. In this case
female acceptance of chewing tobacco is higher. For too the tax is imposed on the basis of number of
the industry, lack of appropriate legislation dealing machines used for packaging and not on the finished
with the issues posed by the smokeless tobacco has product. A rough estimate of the assumed capacity of
also been very helpful for its growth. The growth is machine and the average suggested sale-price of the
so good that the Economic Survey for 2008-09 reads finished product is used as a guideline for collection
that, "the beverage and tobacco group recorded the
highest growth (15.6%) among all two digit industrial
groups during 2008-09; thai too on top of a strong
base. Among the industries subsumed under this product
group, cigarette production marginally declined during
2008-09." The increase reported mostly indicates the
growth of smokeless tobacco.
The growing market of smokeless tobacco has made
the big players in the market take note and enter the
market. Most big tobacco multinationals have already
entered the smokeless tobacco market and are all set
to consolidate the market and grab the lion's share
from small unorganised units, who till now were
playing in an open unchallenged market. Big MNC'sare

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HEALTH FOR THE MILLIONS February - March and April- May, 2010
of tax as suggested under "Chewing Tobacco and Un- safety compared to cigarettes. India's own export of
manufactured Tobacco Packing Machines (Capacity chewing tobacco increased by 40% in quantity term
Determination and Collection of Duty) Rules, 2010." and 27% in value term in 2008 and is continuously
The structure of taxation is such that there is an increasing since then. UAEremains one of the largest
incentive for the manufacture to sell the product at a importers with over 5000 tonnes every year.
lower cost. Such kind of taxation harms the poor more There are countries which have realised the harmful
than the rich. This encourages consumption of cheaply effects of smokeless tobacco and banned the entry of
priced tobacco and defeats the public health policies such products in their country. Among such countries
on tobacco control. are Iran and Tanzania who last year completely banned
Despite smokeless tobacco being a big challenge smokeless tobacco import into the country. But with
for India, the tobacco control legislation in India, the entry of the big companies' one can again see the
namely the "Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products age-old arm-twisting of the smaller countries in WTO
(Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and such like forums to open up their markets.
and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) For us in India we are face-to-face with the next
Act, 2003" does not address the problem. Except for big fight. If not controlled urgently and immediately,
some restrictions on advertisement and promotion of smokeless tobacco will become one of the biggest
tobacco, there are no other provisions to deal with problems for us. Chewing tobacco has already reached
the challenges of smokeless tobacco. The smokeless the primary schools. With every passing day more and
companies have found innovations to get around these more children will become new tobacco addict and
lame and unenforced restrictions too. The Government in another ten years we will see the face of biggest
still has to wake from its deep slumber. tobacco epidemic. Considering our slow paced, inertia
ridden government and the ultra-lax enforcement
Challenges and the next step machinery, even if we initiate action today, it will take
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) at-least five years to put them in shape.
is a wonderful initiative on tobacco control but it too
As a priority, we must push for replacement of the
is centred around the assumption that the biggest
current tobacco control legislation, not only to plug
challenge is smoked form of tobacco and its emissions.
loop-holes in the current legislation but also to have
For the affluent world, chewing tobacco was not such a
sufficient provisions to deal with all smokeless variants
big challenge as the consumption was always low. For
and bring them within the scope of law under a new
example per capita consumption of chewing tobacco
comprehensive and well thought out legislation. There
in Canada is around 1% only. However the situation is also an urgent need of unified action by various
is not likely to remain like this for long. According to arms and ministries of the Government, like Ministry
2007 figures, in USA around 3% people use chewing of Health, Commerce, Finance, Agriculture, etc.
tobacco. The 2007 CDC survey points-out that more This growing menace has to be stopped completely
than 13% of male high school students and more than
by imposing complete prohibition on all forms of
2% offemale high school students were using smokeless smokeless tobacco products.
tobacco among which even 4% of the boys and 1% of
the girls in middle school reported using smokeless
tobacco. So the menace is now reaching other parts of Hemant Goswami is a social activist. He is member of
the world too. Snus is also being pushed aggressively the Indian Tobacco Control Steering Committee as well as
by the industry and has started invading the global Chandigarh Tobacco Control Cell. He also heads the civil
market with a strategic misleading campaign about its society group, Tobacco Free India Coalition,' among others.
Feb.-Mar. 2010, Vol. 35 No.6 & Apr.-May 2010, Vol. 36 N

Tobacco Control:
Gaining Momentum


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