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Language Study Tips

Make sure you have enough motivation - either inner or outer, without it you will
never make it.

Decide what languages you want to study - there is so many of them. You can decide
according to: number of native speakers, number of total speakers, difficulty level,
geographical area, your future intentions, job requirements, availability of study
resources, your financial situation.

Think about the best order of studying them - eg if you study Spanish then Italian and
French become much easier.

Go to youtube to see the videos for beginners

Study basic phrases and polite expressions - ordering food, hotel room reservation,
asking for directions.

Begin with vocabulary - study as many words as you can and then have a look at the
grammar. For that I recommend Project Lowell. It is a new thing online and it is growing
pretty quickly. The blogs there are a great resource too.

Study the pronunciation rules

Order online or buy in a store: grammar books

Be willing to make mistakes

Join a language forum online - I recommend wordreference, reddit or stackexchange.

There are great people that help others completely for free. Each of these three sites
contains subsections for many languages.
Study with other people - with a friend from school, with an online friend on Facebook,
or form a study group in school.

Date a native speaker - you will be fluent in 3 months.

Don't stop thinking after asking a native speaker - sometimes they can tell you lots of
nonsense. In addition many native speakers have limited vocabulary. If you study hard,
you can become better than a native. That happens in the top American universities,
where the international students study hard to improve their English and at a certain
point they realise that they speak better English than the American students.

Read books - start with easy reading - fairy tales for children, and continue later with
novels in your target language.

Listen - I recommend to start with podcast for language learners, later you can change
those for podcasts for native speakers.

English German Spanish

https://www.eslpod.com http://slowgerman.com http://audiria.com
http://www.podcastsinenglish.com http://learngermanbypodcast.com http://podcastsinspanish.org

Italian French Portuguese

http://www.learnitalianpod.com http://www.dailyfrenchpod.com http://brazilianpodcast.com
https://www.newsinslowitalian.com http://www.coffeebreakfrench.com https://www.brazilianpodclass.com

Write - find a pen pal friend to communicate with, or find one on Facebook; later you
can write your own diary in the target language.

Talk - with a friend while study, or in your class, or you can record yourself and send the
record to a native to give you feedback.

Watch movies in your target language - either in a cinema or you can download a
movie from Google Play or iTunes.
Read online newspapers

English German Spanish

http://www.wsj.com AmE http://www.zeit.de http://elpais.com
https://www.thesun.co.uk BrE http://www.welt.de http://www.elmundo.es

Italian French Portuguese

http://www.corriere.it http://www.lefigaro.fr http://oglobo.globo.com
http://www.repubblica.it http://www.la-croix.com http://correiobraziliense.com.br

Memorise poems - every country has its poets:

English German Spanish

Emily Dickinson, AmE Ernst Moritz Arndt Pablo Neruda
Robert Browning, BrE Clemens Brentano Delmira Agustini

Italian French Portuguese (Brazil)

Aleardo Aleardi Anne-Marie Albiach Casimiro Jos Marques de Abreu
Giuseppe Gioachino Belli Louis Aragon Antnio Frederico de Castro Alves

Everywhere you go, try to name things around you in your target language (in work:
chair, table, computer, secretary, shoes, pen, mouse, keyboard; in a car: license plate,
headlight, windshield, rear window, side window, windshield wiper, tire, tail light,
exhaust pipe etc.)

Think in your target language

At a certain level, start to use X-X dictionary - let's say that you study German. At a
certain point it is great to have a German-German dictionary, that explains German
words in the German language.

English German Spanish

Cambridge Dictionary DWDS RAE
Italian French Portuguese
Treccani Larousse Dicio

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