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2.1 Safety considerations in Brandix

Safety is an important factor for all industry process. The workers life is more precious than
earning money, therefore, each and every industry have a standard recommended form of applied
safety precautions in their industry.

2.2 Colour codes used in Safety Alerts

1. Yellow
2. Blue
3. Red
4. Green


Yellow signs are used for warnings. Yellow is combined with black in order to indicate and warn
to take a look at and take precautions. Indicates caution and also used to mark hazards. Storage
cabinets for paints, gasoline cans, other flammable liquids and explosives are yellow (Figure
Visually striking colour of yellow and black together bring attention to a particular hazard.

Figure 2.1 Yellow safety alert signs


Blue signs indicate the instruction to do is must. In general industry, blue is used to provide
information. Information signs have a blue background with white lettering and symbols (Figure

Figure 2.2 Blue safety alert signs


Green sign board indicates safety and green colour is considered the colour of safety. Personal
protective equipment, first-aid kits, eyewash and emergency shower locations are marked in
green (Figure 2.3).

Figure 2.3 Green safety alert signs

Red and orange indicate danger. Red indicates fire protection equipment, alarm boxes and
extinguishers, and emergency shutoff switches on machinery. Orange marks dangerous parts of
machinery, so anything that cuts, crushes, pinches or will cause injury should be orange (Figure

Figure 2.4 Red safety alert signs

OSHA, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, insists to use specific colors
for different types of areas so that workers and the public can quickly and easily recognize the
type of danger or warning.

2.3 Fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are an important element in an industry. It is placed in every section with an
ease access point for using in an urgent need of fire. The Figure 2.5 shows the sign board
displaced for fire extinguishers. Next to that a brief instruction for using the extinguishers in
displayed as shown as in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.5 The fire extinguisher sign board

Figure 2.6 The fire extinguisher operating instruction

The old colour system had the whole of the body of the fire extinguisher one colour, today the
colour is represented by a colour label on the front of the extinguisher.

C las s es of fire
Table 2.1 Classes of fire
Combustible material (paper, wood, plastics and textiles)
Class A -

Flammable liquid(oils, spirits, greases, fats and certain plastics)

Class B -

Flammable gases
Class C-

1. Water extinguishers

Red colour band

Applicable for fires from such as materials such as wood,

paper, textile etc.

Class A fire (Figure 2.7)

Should not be used in fires involving live electrical equipment.

Not suitable for combustible liquids, oil, petrol

Figure 2.7 Water extinguisher

2. Dry powder extinguishers

Blue colour band (Figure 2.8)

Extremely efficient on class A fires, and are also effective on class B, class C

Non-conductive of electricity

Figure 2.8 Dry powder extinguishers

3. Foam extinguishers

Cream colour band (Figure 2.9)

Very effectively on class A and class B

flammable liquid fires

Seals the surface preventing re-ignition.

Figure 2.9 Foam extinguishers

4. Co2 extinguishers

Black colour band (Figure 2.10)

For use on class B, C fires

Non-conductive of electricity

Figure 2.10 CO2 extinguishers

Brief set of instruction in industry

- Always wear ear pads (heavy noise on industry process may

damage your ear drum)

- Always wear helmets

- Always wear safety shoes inside the industry

- Always wear goggles. The welders and workers involved in metal

cutting,grinding process should wear the eye protection.

The Figure 2.11 shows the complete set of safety protective kits the workshop worker should
Figure 2.11 Safety in industry


In the garment industry adding yet another milestone, not only for the country but the world too,
Brandix commissioned its Green Factory in April 2008, setting a new benchmark as the first one
of its kind in the country.

The 130,000 square foot Brandix Casual wear plant at Seeduwa exceeds stipulated Green
Factory standards for energy consumption, water conservation, and solid waste management and
carbon emissions.

3.1 Speciality of Brandix green plant:

1. Reduces carbon footprint by as much as 64%,

2. 46% saving energy

3.63% cut in water consumption

4. Zero solid waste to landfill

5. Controls carbon dioxide and humidity levels in modern air conditioning

6. Fully automated system monitors the water and electricity and steam generation.

7. Use of natural to lower heat

8. Windows fitted with special material to channel sunlight into the plant

9. Plants new rainwater percolation pits allow water to soak back into the ground helping
replenish the natural water table.

10. Plants roof is designed to harvest rainwater

11. Replaced diesel vehicles with electrically powered car and truck inside the factory premises.

12. These vehicles are powered form the renewable energy sourced from windmill plant.

13. Canteen wastage is composted to contribute to biogas generation

14. The biogas is used for burners in the kitchen.

The new, sophisticated air-conditioning systems and ducting have greatly increased efficiency
with special prismatic material in skylights letting in solar light but not solar heat.

3.2 Energy saving measures

The new, sophisticated air-conditioning systems and ducting have greatly increased efficiency
with special prismatic material in skylights letting in solar light but not solar heat.

Energy saving measures implemented:

Electricity consumption decreased through the use of electronic ballasts for fluorescent lights,
white LED lighting and filtered daylight for general purpose areas.

Energy for air conditioning managed with the use of efficient chillers with controls and
modular compressors and circular ducting to reduce loss of energy.

Air compressors and pneumatic systems managed efficiently with pressure control

Condensate recovery to heat boiler feed water and using steam taps to reduce unnecessary
steam consumption.

3.3 Sewerage treatment process

The wastages from canteen and the washing area in toilet and bathrooms with small particles
were filled to a tank for a sewerage process.

1. The large solids and plastic pieces were removed from the screening process.
2. The next procedure is carried out for removing small particles of sand and stone and it is
called grit removal.
3. In some procedure for the purpose of unclear water usage it is removed at this stage.
But in Brandix the process is further carried out.
4. Next, preliminary sedimentation is carried out to remove the sludge.
5. Then, biological treatment is carried out for removing minute micro bacterial livings.
6. After tertiary treatment water is again filled into another tank for usage. This water is normally
used at Brandix for watering plants.


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