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Nattanicha Siamnikorn (Mimi) 1106

Julamanee Siriphattarawong (Pim) 1106

Aticha Treeprasertsuk (Tangkwa) 1106
Niti Thongkumpum (Game) 1106

To launch the rocket and let it drop at 20 meter target.

Another objective is to determine the exact ratio of baking
soda and vinegar that will result in the most accuracy target.

In this experiment, we use the vinegar and baking soda as

the reaction to produce the gas which make rocket launch. If the
amount of gas is high enough, then it pushes the rocket to reach
the 20 meter goal. We set the launcher at 45 degrees and use the
right proportion of the acid and base which are the vinegar and
baking soda. Moreover, we have to design the rocket that will
reach the target straight away.

Discussion of Physics
A. The rocket measurement should be accurate because it will play an important
role when launching the rocket as rocket has to be balance. For example, all the
wings should be the same size and made from the same materials. As well as , the
measurement of the chemical reactants should be proportional to the rocket size.

B. Newtons first law of motion stated, Every object continues in a state of rest or
of uniform speed in a straight line unless acted on by a nonzero net force. Before
the rocket is released it stays at rest meaning that airspeed is zero. Once chemical
reaction occurred, the thrust increases from zero and weight decreases slightly as
the reacted substances burst out. Therefore, net force is positive upward and
rocket accelerates upward which mean velocity increases from zero. Newtons
second law of motion stated, The acceleration of an object is directly proportional
to the net force acting on the object, is in the direction of the net force, and is
inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Force, acceleration, momentum
and velocity are all vector quantities meaning that each has both a magnitude and
a direction. By knowing the external force which consists of weight, thrust, drag
and lift, will be able to solve the equation to describe the motion of rocket. Hence,
the amount of force depends on how much air is pumped inside the rocket.
Newtons third law of motion stated, Whenever one object exerts a force on a
second object, the object object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first. In
a rocket, chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda create a push on the
front of the rocket pushing it forward. This creates an equal and opposite push on
the exhaust gas backwards.

C. The mass of a rocket does not depend on the location, the weight does. An object
that moves because of the action of gravity alone is said to be free falling. When
launching a rocket, it is moving both upward and forward.

D. The mass and design of the rocket, the pressure at which it is released, the
weather conditions and the angle at which decided to launch the rocket will
determine its range (the horizontal distance it travels) these are the main factors.
If launching a rocket straight up, it goes very high but comes back to the floor
quite quick. If launching it almost horizontally, gravity brings it down to the
ground before it can travel very far. Therefore In between is an angle 45 degrees
will let the rocket travel horizontally as far as possible before gravity brings it
back to the ground.

E. When the rocket is launched, the momentum increases therefore, impulse

increases as well because it is related to the momentum.

F. The value of work mostly depends on the force value. If the force exerted is
negative, then the final work will be negative. If the force exerted is positive, then
the final work will be positive. If force values is 0, then of course there is no work.
The rocket speed increases therefore more kinetic energy is produced. When the
chemical is acting up the potential energy is produced as energy is stored to be
ready for launching.

Discussion of Design
1. Prepare the materials. Such as: 1 bottle of coke, vinegar, baking
soda, board, tape, corks, wood board, tissue paper, colour spray
and PVC.
2. Measure the Vinegar 400 mL and Baking Soda 20 g.
3. Wrap the tape around the tissue paper that have baking soda
4. Pour the vinegar inside the bottle.
5. Put the baking soda into another side of the bottle and use the
cork to close it.
6. Turn the rocket upside down. Then, the vinegar and baking
soda will mix together and form gas.
7. Put the rocket on the launcher.
8. Wait for few second.
9. The rocket will fly up and fall down to the target.

Analysis of Data
In the first trial, we measure 600 ml of vinegar and 40 g of
baking soda. Our rocket fly over 25 meters which far from the
target. So, we consider to decrease the amount of vinegar to
become 500 ml and also decrease baking soda to 30 g. And our
result is the rocket fly far from the target less than the first trial
which is 22 meters, but it also not in the rate of 20 meters. And
the last time we decide to decrease vinegar to 400 ml and baking
soda to 20 g. The solution of our rocket is nearly 20 meter which
completely touch the target but for the last time there was wind
blowing so the rocket fly tilt to the left because of wind power.

The right proportion of acid and base which are 400 ml of

vinegar and 20 g of baking soda cause the gas that can make the
rocket move. The amount of gas is 7.304 g. Which make the rocket
weight 124.32 move and reach the target at 20 meters.

If there is a rocket project again next time, there should be a

wind measurement devices so that launching the rocket will be an
easy and fair experiment. Also, our group will use a clay to stick
at the head of the rocket so it will make the head of the rocket
heavy so it will point to the ground when landing.
Member Work

Nattanicha -Cut bottle

-Cut future board
-Paint rocket and Launcher
-Making launcher
-Vinegar brought
-Buy colour Spray
-Brief checked
Lab report
-Discussion of Physics Concept

Julamanee -Bring coke bottle

-Paint rocket and Launcher
-Bring corks
-Vinegar brought
-Baking soda brought
-Buy colour Spray
-Buy wood board
-Set-up (drawing)
-Discussion of Design (Step by Steps)
-Decoration (Rocket Presentation)
Lab report
-Background/ Introduction
-Discussion of Design

Aticha -Cut future board

-Data (Make a table)
-Analysis of Data
Lab report
-Analysis of Data

Niti -Cut future board

-Paint rocket and Launcher
-Making launcher
-Baking soda brought
Lab report
-Background/ Introduction

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