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Newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES

41397 Buecking Drive ) Temecula, CA 92590-5668
951.296.6261) FAX 951.296.9117) www.facim.org

Volume 19 Number 3 September 2008


Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

The title for this article is adapted from an 1804 letter its continuity by making the future like the past, and
Beethoven wrote to his childhood friend, Stephen von thus avoiding the present. By the notion of paying for
Bruening, after an argument had driven them apart.1 It the past in the future, the past becomes the determiner
echoes what Jesus says to us on every page of A Course in of the future, making them continuous without an inter-
Miracles. Indeed, one could say that his purpose in the vening present (T-13.IV.4:2-4).
Course is to have usonce and for allchoose against Moreover, guilt blinds us to the truth of the Atone-
the ego thought system of separation and judgment that ment, at the same time, through projection, blinding us to
has kept us so divided from each other; a division that has the mind in general by rooting us in the mindless world of
existed since the beginning of time, and will end only bodies, a most effective shield that prevents us from rec-
when time has cease(d) to seem to be (M-14.2:12). ognizing the inherent unreality of the egos thought sys-
It is this need to keep ourselves separate from others, tem of sin, guilt, and fear:
even our closest friends and family, that reinforces and Guilt makes you blind, for while you see one spot
preserves our belief that the separated identity we seem- of guilt within you, you will not see the light. And by
ingly stole from God is real. Moreover, it is our guilt over projecting it the world seems dark, and shrouded in
this self-perceived sin that ensures that this belief can your guilt. You throw a dark veil over it, and cannot
never be looked at and chosen against, for guilt roots us see it because you cannot look within. You are afraid
firmly in the egos mindless world of time, from which of what you would see there, but it is not there. The
there is no apparent escape. Thus what temporarily thing you fear is gone. If you would look within you
seemed to come between us and our Source has become a would see only the Atonement, shining in quiet and in
quasi-permanent reality, held firmly in place by guilt and peace upon the altar to your Father (T-13.IX.7).
nourished by the special relationships in our lives. And so we choose to preserve our belief in guilt, and
therefore in our separated self, by projecting it onto others,
The Blinding Barrier of Guilt perceiving them as the hated sinners while we no longer
If we had to choose one word to encapsulate the ego have awareness of our self-accusations, the searing hatred
thought system, guilt would perhaps head the list. It looks of ourselves for what we believe we did to God and His
back to our past sin, being the emotional response to that perfect Love. Inevitably, then, we seek objects in our
belief, at the same time it looks forward to a future filled world to project onto, hating them so that God would not
with dread of Gods wrathful punishment for such sin. hate us for our believed attacks on Him and His Son. We
Guilt, therefore, divides us from God and from each other, should never underestimate the intense need in all of us to
and roots us solidly in a world of timea sinful past, a protect our guilt by attacking others, and it is this vicious
guilt-laden present, and a fearful future: dynamic of projection that literally makes our world go
round and round and round, seemingly forever:
The ego invests heavily in the past, and in the end
believes that the past is the only aspect of time that is Hate is specific. There must be a thing to be
meaningful.its emphasis on guilt enables it to ensure attacked. An enemy must be perceived in such a form
he can be touched and seen and heard, and ultimately
killed. Who sees a brother as a body sees him as
1. In his original letter, Beethoven used the word hidden instead of undone. I made the
substitution to keep the statement in line with A Course in Miracles, as Beethovens word fears symbol. And he will attack, because what he
has the connotation that what is hidden is real and is still present.
Let There Be Forever Undone What Temporarily Came Between Us (continued)
beholds is his own fear external to himself, poised to really yours. You hate it, yet you think it is your self,
attack, and howling to unite with him again. Mistake and that, without it, would your self be lost. This is the
not the intensity of rage projected fear must spawn. It secret vow that you have made with every brother who
shrieks in wrath, and claws the air in frantic hope it can would walk apart. This is the secret oath you take
reach to its maker and devour him (W-pI.161.7:1-3; 8). again, whenever you perceive yourself attacked. No
one can suffer if he does not see himself attacked, and
We all therefore walk the earth looking for people,
losing by attack. Unstated and unheard in conscious-
objects, or causes to be upset about. Without enemies out ness is every pledge to sickness. Yet it is a promise to
thereour special love and hate partnerswe would be another to be hurt by him, and to attack him in return
forced to confront our own personal enemy, the guilt that (T-28.VI.4; italics mine).
our minds chose over Christs innocence, our true Identity.
These attack thoughts can be minor or major, but their rel- This, then, is the egos purpose for all our relation-
ative intensity is irrelevant. As long as we believe we can ships: the means of preserving its thought system of sepa-
be affected by something external to us, we are making the ration and differentiation. In a sense, therefore, each
egos dualistic thought system real, giving power to illu- victim is matched with a victimizer, for one has no mean-
sions and rendering illusory the truth of Heavens perfect ing without the other, which is no different from any pair
Oneness. Thus we read from two passages, from the work- of opposites in the dualistic world. As an early workbook
book and manual for teachers: lesson points out:
remember that a good world implies a bad one,
anger may take the form of any reaction ranging
and a satisfying world implies an unsatisfying one
from mild irritation to rage. The degree of the emotion
you experience does not matter.a slight twinge of
annoyance is nothing but a veil drawn over intense fury Thus do we pair off with each other, our special love
. It does not matter. All of these reactions are the and hate partners: those who abuse us or are abused by us;
same. They obscure the truth, and this can never be a those we think we love and those we think love us. No
matter of degree. Either truth is apparent, or it is not. It matter the form, for the underlying content of upholding
cannot be partially recognized. Who is unaware of truth our secret vow is what drives all relationships in this
must look upon illusions (W-pI.21:3-5; M-17.4.6-11).
world. This is why Jesus in his course places such empha-
Since our egos goal is to obscure the truth of the sis on the healing of relationships. In truth, of course, the
minds decision to attack and supplant Heavens truth, we only relationship that needs healing is the minds mistaken
exist in a world in which we are blinded by guilt to the choice for the ego, the original and only special relation-
light that shines in each of us: the light of Christthe ship that exists in the illusion. Yet because we have
Great Raysis perfectly unified. This blindness is sup- become mindless and believe that relationships exist
ported, for the people in our lives are blinded by the same among bodies, Jesus presents his teachings in this con-
guilt, the same need to protect the guilt through projection, textthe dualistic (or physical) condition in which we
and the same pledge to sustain our mutually separated think we exist (T-25.I.7:4). This is why Jesus tells us that
states by preserving guilt in our special relationships. A Course in Miracles remains within the ego framework,
where it is needed (C-in.3:1).
The Secret Vow If we look openly and honestly at our past and present
We each come into the world having uttered a secret (or even anticipated) relationships, we can see how our
vow to all the relationships that comprise our worldly lives have derived their meaning from others, beginning
experience: the families into which we are born, our circle with our parents or parental surrogates. All these relation-
of friends, our work associates, our lovers, spouses, chil- ships, at least in part, have been characterized by the need
dren, etc. To each we solemnly pledge to uphold the hid- to be unfairly treated, our secret wish. Thus Jesus urges us
den truths of separation and specialness that would to Beware of the temptation to perceive yourself unfairly
forever come between us, thus ensuring the permanency treated (T-26.X.4:1). Why, we may ask, such evident and
of what would forever come between us and our Source. patently unkind insanity, given the pain it inevitably
The body is the keeper of this pledge, for by their very brings us and others? The passage continues with the
nature bodies demarcate the beginning and end of every answer:
seemingly separated fragment of the Sonshipthe gap In this view, you seek to find an innocence that is not
that is represented by our special, differentiated selves: Theirs [Gods and Christs] but yours alone, and at the
The body represents the gap between the little bit of cost of someone elses guilt (T-26.X.4:2).
mind you call your own and all the rest of what is

Let There Be Forever Undone What Temporarily Came Between Us (continued)
We need to have someone else be perceived as guilty for making minds mistaken choice for the egos nightmares,
this is how the wrathful God of our insane fantasies is the insane substitute for the reality of Heaven. Replacing
thwarted in His designs upon our sinful lives. The manual the word anger for sickness, we read the following expos
for teachers presents the situation to us, as the ego has of the egos tactics:
framed it: Anger is not an accident. Like all defenses, it is an
You have usurped the place of God. Think not He has insane device for self-deception. Defenses are not
forgotten. An angry father pursues his guilty son. unintentional, nor are they made without awareness.
Kill or be killed, for here alone is choice. Beyond this They are secret, magic wands you wave when truth
there is none, for what was done cannot be done with- appears to threaten what you would believe. They seem
out. The stain of blood can never be removed, and any- to be unconscious but because of the rapidity with
one who bears this stain on him must meet with death which you choose to use them. But afterwards, your
(M-17.7:3-4,10-13). plan requires that you must forget you made it, so it
seems to be external to your own intent; a happening
Given this impossible situation in which our destruc- beyond your state of mind, an outcome with a real effect
tion is an imminent certainty, the ego counsels us to play a on you, instead of one effected by yourself (W-pI.
trick on God, to convince Him that His sinful Son is some- 136.2:1-2; 3:1-3; 4:3; italics mine).
one other than ourselves. And so we transfer the stain of
our sin onto others, so that they will surely meet with Recognizing the egos goal for what it is allows us to
death. Following the egos principle of one or the other, change it; shifting from the egos purpose for relationships
the projected sinners will be the ones to suffer damnation of miring us still further in the slime of guilt and keeping
and eternal punishment in hell, while we are returned to us asleep, to Jesus purpose of undoing our insane belief
Gods good graces and happily return home with Him. system and gently awakening us from the dreams of one
Thus we all need our abusers, victimizers, and ene- or the other: one wins, another loses; one lives, another
mies, for they allow us to keep our egos cake of separa- dies. Thus do we open our eyes each morning and reaffirm
tion and enjoy it, too, without the sin and guilt that would our goal for the day: to be kind instead of angry, to share
poison the pleasure of our justified attack thoughts. Christs vision of the universal sameness of Gods Son in
Being fragments of the original ego thought system of sin, place of the egos misperceptions of differences and sepa-
guilt, and projection, we all play the same murderous rate interests. The goal we set is everything, for it deter-
game of specialness with each other, ever-faithful to the mines how we will think, feel, and behave throughout the
solemn and secret vow to uphold the thought of separation day. And so, as Jesus teaches in the text, we will practice
that gave us existence. Unkindness, therefore, becomes our lessons of forgiveness very specifically in each of our
the egos means of sustaining its life at anothers expense, relationships and in the situations within which we find
and therefore it eschews with a vengeance all attempts at ourselves, learning to generalize our goal and purpose to
kindness and forgiveness. This pledge to every living everything that occurs throughout our lives:
thing is upheld until the pain of our decision becomes The setting of the Holy Spirits goal is general. Now
intolerable. Only then, in the throes of our miserable state He will work with you to make it specific, for applica-
of existence, can we ask for the help that would shift the tion is specific. Therefore, it is essential at this point
object of our fidelity from the ego to the Holy Spirit, from to use them [the Holy Spirits guidelines] in each situa-
the goal of attack and murder to kindness and love. tion separately, until you can more safely look beyond
each situation, in an understanding far broader than
Shifting the Goal: Attack to Kindness you now possess.
In any situation in which you are uncertain, the first
Beethovens words should be in our minds and on our thing to consider, very simply, is What do I want to
lips the minute we are tempted to choose an unkind come of this? What is it for? The clarification of the
thought about someone. We need to be mindful of how goal belongs at the beginning, for it is this which will
seductive it is to be unkind, for that is how we maintain determine the outcome. The value of deciding in
the separation thought that has come between us, as it advance what you want to happen is simply that you
came first between us and our Source. Moreover, we need will perceive the situation as a means to make it hap-
to recognize the egos hidden agenda behind our attack pen. You will therefore make every effort to overlook
what interferes with the accomplishment of your objec-
thoughts, for they are purposive indeed. These thoughts of
tive, and concentrate on everything that helps you meet
judgment are the magic wands the ego waves before us it (T-17.VI.1:4-5,72:1-3; 4:1-2).
when we are fearful of the loving truth that lies behind the
egos dreams of separation and specialness: the decision-

Let There Be Forever Undone What Temporarily Came Between Us (continued)
The implications of this procedure are enormous, for taught the real meaning of holiness. It can be used as a fur-
they provide a radical shift from how the world perceives therance of our reliance on form, thereby maintaining the
itself, wherein situations and relationships determine how guilt that has kept us separate from each other, or as an
we feel, not the decisions made by our minds. We are the instrument that reverses the egos projections and returns
ones who choose the goalforgiveness or attack, sleeping us to the mind that can choose again; the shift from form
or awakeningand this provides the psychological set for to content, from judgment to vision.
how we will perceive our world and react to it. And this is The body is the means by which the ego tries to
always independent of the external: content always pre- make the unholy relationship seem real. But the pur-
cedes form; the exact opposite of the egos special rela- pose here is sin. It cannot be attained but in illusion,
tionships, within which form has substituted for content, and so the illusion of a brother as a body is quite in
the core, for example, of every formal religion: keeping with the purpose of unholiness. Because of
this consistency, the means remain unquestioned while
love is content, and not form of any kind. The spe-
the end is cherished. Seeing adapts to wish, for sight is
cial relationship is a ritual of form, aimed at raising the
always secondary to desire. And if you see the body,
format the expense of content. There is no meaning
you have chosen judgment and not vision (T-20.
in the form, and there will never be. The special rela-
tionship must be recognized for what it is; a senseless
ritualthe sign that form has triumphed over content, Since we are the ones who assigned the goal to the
and love has lost its meaning (T-16.V.12:1-4). bodyours and anotherswe are the only ones who can
Restoring our attention to the minds content of for- shift it. Choosing Jesus as our teacher instead of the ego,
giveness, we perceive our everyday experiences as the we accept his purpose of learning kindness instead of
means of attaining the goal of continuing the journey of judgment and are willing to share his vision of the univer-
awakening. Indeed, these experiences have no other pur- sal sameness of Gods Son. This undoes the underlying
pose now but to be our pathway home. The forms of our thought of separation and differentiation, for it reflects
lives, therefore, have no meaning other than the one given Heavens unbroken Oneness that we experience here as
them by our decision-making minds. This then means that the fragments of Gods Son sharing equally the same split
if we are upset for any reason by anything, it is only mind: wrong mind, right mind, and decision maker with
because we have forgotten our right-minded purpose, sub- the power to choose between guilt and innocence, attack
stituting instead the egos purpose of preserving our self and forgiveness:
by denying the power of our minds to choose. Yet there is Lay not his guilt upon him, for his guilt lies in his
never any other cause for our disquiet, which is why Jesus secret thought that he has done this unto you. Would
tells us that we are never upset for the reason we think you, then, teach him he is right in his delusion? See
(W-pI.5). The true cause of our distress is that we shifted no one, then, as guilty, and you will affirm the truth of
our goal back to the egos need to keep us asleep and guiltlessness unto yourself. In every condemnation that
dreaming its mindless nightmares of attack, pain, and vic- you offer the Son of God lies the conviction of your
timization. A Course in Miracles reminds us: own guilt. If you would have the Holy Spirit make you
free of it, accept His offer of Atonement for all your
You recognize you want the goal. Are you not also brothers. For so you learn that it is true for you (T-13.
willing to accept the means? A purpose is attained IX.5:1-2; 6:1-4).
by means, and if you want a purpose you must be will-
ing to want the means as well. How can one be sincere And so we look past the egos of our brothers to their
and say, I want this above all else, and yet I do not yearning to be increasingly right-minded. With no guilt in
want to learn the means to get it? (T-20.VII.2:3-4,6-7) our minds to distort our perception, we see them as Jesus
does: their wrong-minded attack thoughts being the
The decision to maintain the barriers of separation in
defense against their fear, which in turn expresses their
our relationships, therefore, is the decision not to undo the
call for the love they have denied (T-12.I.8-10). In other
barrier between ourselves and God and return to His lov-
words, we do not take their apparent attacks on us person-
ing Arms. Again, one cannot be serious about the goal if
ally, but recognize, to say it in different words, that fright-
one is not also serious about practicing the daily lessons of
ened people can be vicious (T-3.I.4:2), and that fear is a
forgiveness that would help us achieve it.
defense against remembering their true, undifferentiated
The centerpoint of the minds means is the body, for
reality as spirit. This enables us to look on others as com-
its inherent neutrality (W-pII.294), once it has been made,
panions on the journey home, all sharing in the desire to
allows it to be either the egos means of preserving its spe-
remember the innocence of Gods Son. Our kind forgive-
cialness, or the Holy Spirits means by which we are
ness opens the door that passes through nightmares to
Let There Be Forever Undone What Temporarily Came Between Us (continued)
happy dreams, and then on to the gentle awakening that thought reflects Heavens love, perfect in its oneness, by
returns us to the Heaven we never left: undoing the barriers of separation and specialness that had
Dream softly of your sinless brother, who unites driven apart the different aspects of Gods Son. Seeing the
with you in holy innocence. And from this dream the cost to us of such a gap, we gladly choose again and undo
Lord of Heaven will Himself awaken His beloved Son. what had temporarily come between us and our brothers.
Dream of your brothers kindnesses instead of dwell- And as we do, Heaven leans down in gratitude for our
ing in your dreams on his mistakes. Select his thought- great and loving gift, for if God could speak, this is what
fulness to dream about instead of counting up the hurts He would say to His Son: Let there be forever undone
he gave. Forgive him his illusions, and give thanks to what temporarily came between us. Thus He asks us to
him for all the helpfulness he gave. And do not brush open the door, behind which we had kept hidden the
aside his many gifts because he is not perfect in your thoughts of separation and guilt that had seemingly shat-
dreams (T-27.VII.15:1-6). tered our inherent unity, behind which lay concealed the
The kindness of our thoughts softly undoes the secret even more secret door that reveals the infinite space of
vows we made with each other, allowing the sacred vow Gods eternal Love. Now at last our minds are open to the
of Heavens unity to replace them with its gentle love, truth. Now at last we come home. Now at last we hear the
reflecting the promise we made as one Son in our creation. words we had yearned to hear through all of time, never
dreaming they would still be there for us, patiently await-
The Sacred Vow ing our readiness. In His great Love, our Father says to us,
This is the sacred vow we pledged once to God, and in the inspiring words given at the end of Helen Schuc-
which returns to our awareness when we forgivethe cor- mans prose poem, The Gifts of God:
rection for the secret vow we had made to the ego, long, You are My Son, and I do not forget the secret place
long ago, before time even seemed to be: in which I still abide, knowing you will remember.
Come, My Son, open your heart and let Me shine on
Let this be your agreement with each one; that you
you, and on the world through you. You are My light
be one with him and not apart. And he will keep the
and dwelling place. You speak for Me to those who
promise that you make with him, because it is the one
have forgotten. Call them now to Me, My Son, remem-
that he has made to God, as God has made to him. God
ber now for all the world. I call in love, as you will
keeps His promises; His Son keeps his. In his creation
answer Me, for this the only language that we know.
did his Father say, You are beloved of Me and I of
Remember love, so near you cannot fail to touch its
you forever. Be you perfect as Myself, for you can
heart because it beats in you.
never be apart from Me. His Son remembers not that
Do not forget. Do not forget, My child. Open the
he replied I will, though in that promise he was born.
door before the hidden place, and let Me blaze upon a
Yet God reminds him of it every time he does not share
world made glad in sudden ecstasy. I come, I come.
a promise to be sick, but lets his mind be healed and
Behold Me. I am here for I am You; in Christ, for
unified. His secret vows are powerless before the Will
Christ, My Own beloved Son, the glory of the infinite,
of God, Whose promises he shares. And what he sub-
the joy of Heaven and the holy peace of earth, returned
stitutes is not his will, who has made promise of him-
to Christ and from His hand to Me. Say now Amen,
self to God (T-28.VI.6).
My Son, for it is done. The secret place is open now at
This vow is renewed each and every time we have a last. Forget all things except My changeless Love. For-
kind thought about Gods Sons, regardless of their form, get all things except that I am here (The Gifts of God,
regardless of their history, regardless of their ego. Each p. 128). Q

* * * * * * *

We gratefully appreciate any donations, which are tax-deductible, to offset the costs of
printing and mailing this newsletter.

THE LIGHTHOUSE (ISSN 1060-4987) is the newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization
founded in 1983 to help students of A Course in Miracles through workshops, courses, books, and audio and video tapes.
THE LIGHTHOUSE is published and sent out four times a year (March, June, September, December) by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES,
41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. Periodicals Postage Paid at Temecula, California and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE LIGHTHOUSE, Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES, 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590.
Articles published in THE LIGHTHOUSE are copyrighted by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES.



Unity Village, MO: Unity Village 901 NW Blue Parkway Unity Village, MO 64065
Sponsored by: SpiritPath at Unity Village
Workshop: Saturday, October 18 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Topic: A Course in Miracles: The Journey Home
Fee: $65.00 early bird; $80.00 after 09/18/08
Information: Call 816.251.3540 or e-mail: retreats@spiritpathonline.org
Reservations: Call 1.866.348.6489 or 1.816.251.3540
or email: reservations@spiritpathonline.org

* * * * * * * * * * * *


The Greek mythic figure of Sisyphus was condemned by the gods to a life of pushing a rock up a moun-
tain, only to have it fall back down to the bottom, there to begin his labors again. His life of futility mirrors
our life in the body and the hopelessness inherent in pursuing any meaning in the world. The first part of
the book addresses this view as presented in A Course in Miracles, summarized in the idea that we can
never be truly happy in the world because it is not our home. The second part discusses the transition from
futility to happiness in the context of the Courses offering of another way of looking at our seeming fate,
reflecting Camus important essay on Sisyphus, which he ended by stating, We must imagine Sisyphus
happy. Through a change of mind brought about by changing our inner teacher from the ego to Jesus,
our lives of futility are transformed into opportunities for unlearning the egos thought system. A purpose-
less life of inherent meaninglessness thus metamorphoses into a meaningful classroom that leads us to the
Heaven we never truly left.
As with the other books in this series, The Practice of A Course in Miracles, From Futility to Happi-
ness is presented as an aid in applying the Courses principles of forgiveness more meaningfully to our
everyday lives, that they may become increasingly happy and less futile in our experience.

Introduction: The Myth of Sisyphus Part Two: A Right-Minded Sisyphus

1. Introduction: One Must Imagine Sisyphus
Part One: The Futility of Life Happy
1. The Hopelessness of the Bodys Life 2. Choose Once Again
2. Death 3. The Real Alternative
3. A Sorry Figure: Outcast, Homeless, and Afraid
4. Seeking and Finding Closing: Transformation
5. Stabat Mater
6. There Must Be Another Way

B-26 $7 145 pages



Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
ENDING OUR RESISTANCE TO LOVE.The term resistance appears infrequently in A Course in Miracles, yet it is
the only concept that can satisfactorily explain the paradox of students sincerely attempting to learn and live its
principles under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, while experiencing the ongoing frustration of not doing just that.
This is the topic explored in this book, which consists of an edited transcription of a talk given to a group of stu-
dents by Kenneth Wapnick, supplemented with two articles, co-authored with his wife Gloria, that appeared in the
Foundations newsletter, The Lighthouse. The focus is on the many forms of resistance and their basis in the fear
of love. Freuds valuable insights are discussed, along with Jesus role in helping us look without judgment at our
investment in maintaining the egos thought systemthe miracle that resolves the paradox.
AB-17 (Audiobook) ) $10 ) one mp3 CD ) (Audiobook read by Loral Reeves)

THE PRODIGAL SONS B ROTHER. Perhaps the most famous of Jesus gospel parables, The Prodigal Son forms
the basis of this workshop, which focuses on our need to feel ourselves unfairly treated. It is the brother of the
returning prodigal son that epitomizes this favorite tactic of the egos dynamic of specialness: comparing oneself to
others. By so doing we inevitably legitimize the belief in separation, thereby excluding our brothers and ourselves
from the Kingdom. Allowing Jesus to help us, however, undoes this insane thinking and restores to our aware-
nessthrough forgivenessour inherent unity as Gods Son.
CD-152 three CDs $20.00 3m-152 one CD (mp3) $15.00

ROLLING BACK THE CARPET OF TIME. This workshop focuses on the journey Jesus leads us on that travels
through the illusion of time to the timeless reality of our home. Guilt is the egos major weapon that roots us in lin-
ear time, wherein we are condemned to re-experience our sinful past as a guilt-ridden present and fearful future. By
choosing the holy instant in which guilt and the body do not exist, we learn that our present reality is innocence and
not guilt. Thus does every moment become the first time, and Gods Son is remembered as the Idea that has never
left Its Source.
CD-151 two CDs $15.00 3m-151 one CD (mp3) $10.00

THE SELF-ACCUSED : FREEDOM FROM G UILT . This 2008 workshop is based on the two major themes in the
section The Self-Accused (T-31.III): 1) All attack is self-attack (only the self-accused condemn). 2) Because
ideas leave not their source, the idea of guilt can never truly leave its source in the mind through projection; this
means that it is never the body that attacks and forgives, but only the mind. Our focus, therefore, must always be on
the minds decision to be guilty (to self-accuse), for when that decision is kept unconscious, the guilt will inevitably
be projected (to accuse others), ensuring that it will never be undone. Yet when we join with Jesus, his eyes
become our own, and his vision of forgiveness releases the Sonship from its prison house of guilt, freeing us to
remember our one Identity as children of Love.
CD-150 three CDs $20.00 3m-150 one CD (mp3) $15.00

Now also available on CD:

CD-32 The Laws of Chaos: Our War with God (15 CDs) $80.00
3m-36 Making the Holy Spirit Special (mp3; 1 CD) $45.00
3m-43 The Bible from the Perspective of ACIM (mp3; 1 CD) $35.00
3m-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness (mp3; 1 CD) $10.00

YouTube is a free video-sharing Web site where users can upload, view, and share video clips. The Foundation
now has its own channel at: http://youtube.com/user/FndtnACIM. You can view Foundation video clips of Kenneth
and Gloria presenting workshops and classes at the Foundation.

Exclusive distributor for our Spanish titles in Central and South America: Asclepius LLC, working as a partner
company for the main office based in Mexico as Tarots del Mundo, Av. Oaxaca 71, Col. Roma Norte, Mexico City
(06700). Contact Orlando Asman or Patricia Chagoyan Phone (52-55) 1998-3301 Cell 52-1-55 2273-1277.
Email: info@tarotsdelmundo.com.

Our latest series of excerpts is from the tape album Our Gratitude to God, a workshop presented by Kenneth in
1989 at our former location in Roscoe, New York. The theme is discussed in the context of our gratitude to God,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and to each other. The many forms of our resistance to being grateful are considered,
including our egos resentment that God is the Creator, not itself. Our expressions of gratitude, therefore, help us
undo this original error. These excerpts can be found at the Foundations Web site at www.facim.org.

WEB SITEwww.facim.org
Browse our Web site, where you can purchase Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES publications at a 10% dis-
count; register for the Temecula Center programs; add your name to our mailing list or change your mailing list
address; read past articles from The Lighthouse, as well as the most recent newsletters in their entirety; find pro-
gram schedules for both the Temecula Center and the La Jolla branch; and consult our teaching aids, including our
online excerpts series. Our Question & Answer service can be found at: http://www.facimoutreach.org/index.htm.

Most of the Foundation books and several tapes have been translated into German. For information, please con-
tact: Greuthof Verlag und Vertrieb GmbH Herrenweg 2 D79261 Gutach i. Br. Germany Tel. 7681-6025 FAX
7681-6027. Many of the Foundation books have also been translated into Spanish including Absence from Felicity,
Awaken from the Dream, and Ending Our Resistance to Love. Spanish translations can be ordered from our publica-
tions list on page 16.
Dutch: The Talk and The Most Commonly Asked Questions. Order from Ankh-Hermes bv Postbus 125 7400
AC Deventer The Netherlands; Ending Our Resistance to Love. Order from Miracles in Contact Pieter
de Hooghlaan 3 NL-3761 AR Soest The Netherlands.
Italian: The Talk. Order from www.ucim.it.
Danish: The Talk, The Most Commonly Asked Questions, and Absence from Felicity. Order from SphinX
Publishers Lvstrde 8 1152 Kbenhavn K Denmark.
Slovene: The Talk. Order from Zalozba Quatro Zabnica 31 1357 Notranje Gorice.
French: The Talk. Order from our publications list on page 16.
Afrikaans: The Talk. Order from Henri Theron 302 Monterey Bay Road Mouille Point, Cape Town 8005
South Africa.
Finnish: The Talk. Order from Pelquin Kustannus Merivirta 19 E 35 02320 Espoo Finland

Pre-registration is encouraged for all programs, Confirmation information will be given over the
and REQUIRED for the week-long Academy phone if your registration form does not reach us
classes taught by Kenneth Wapnick. in time for a letter to be sent to you. In this
We accept registrations by mail, FAX, telephone, instance, you may call the office MondayFriday,
and on our Web site at www.facim.org. If you reg- 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. Pacific time to verify your
ister online, please submit your registration at acceptance into a program.
least 3 days prior to the event you plan to attend. It is important that you double-check the regis-
If you register by mail or FAX, please allow enough tration information sent with your confirma-
time for your registration form to reach us and the tion letter to ensure the accuracy of the
confirmation form to reach you in return. information. In the event the program you register
for is filled, your registration form and fee will be
If you register by phone, please have your credit returned to you, unless you have requested that
card ready when you call. your name be placed on a waiting list. Thus, you
All program fees must be paid in fullby check, may be confirmed either as a participant or as
money order, or credit card. International students being on the waiting list.
may also use wire transfer (call our office for
information). Your check or money order should WALK-INS
be made payable to ITIP-ACIM (in US funds only, While walk-in registrations are accepted, pre-regis-
drawn on a US bank). There will be a $20 fee for tration is encouraged, as auditorium seating cannot
any check returned to us for insufficient funds. be guaranteed.
Payment by cash or check only at the door.


Best Western Country Inn (1mile / 951.676.7378) offers students attending classes at the
Foundation discounted rates: Sun-Thurs $69.00, Friday $99.00, and Saturday $109.00.

Motel 6 Marriott Fairfield Inn & Suites La Quinta Inn & Suites
951.676.7199 (2.6 miles) 951.587.9800 (.6 mile) 951.296.1003 (.4 mile)
Hampton Inn Extended Stay Doubletree Suites Hotel
951.506.2331 (2.4 miles) Kitchenettes Embassy Suites Hotel
951.587.8881 (.9 miles) 951.676.5656 (2.8 miles)

Holiday Inn Express Quality Inn Receive a 10% discount when you
951.699.2444 (1 mile) (formerly Comfort Inn) identify yourself as a student attend-
951.296.3788 (.5 mile) ing class at the Foundation.

For a list of additional lodging accommodations in the surrounding area

Many food establishments
are nearby in Temecula.
(10-45 minutes from Temecula), please call our office at 951.296.6261
between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday.


Our bookstore, Oasis of Peace, is open 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. daily. Please note that weekend hours may be
adjusted when classes are being held at the Foundation.

Temecula Center Faculty: Dr. Kenneth Wapnick

Pre-registration is encouraged for all programs, and REQUIRED for

the week-long Academy classes taught by Kenneth.

Time: 1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Fee: $30.00

2008 2009
OF TRUTH Saturday, January 24
Saturday, October 4
Sunday, November 9 Saturday, February 14
Saturday, December 6 Sunday, March 15

Time: 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Free

An introductory lecture for those interested in learning more about

A Course in Miracles and what it says. The program format will include a
question-and-answer period.
2008 DATE: Saturday, November 1
2009 DATE: Saturday, March 7

No Registration Required


The Foundation conducts weekly ninety-minute discussion and study groups on the Course (except on days when
an Academy class is in progress, as well as 11/26, 12/24, and 12/31). These Wednesday sessions (11:00 a.m.12:30
p.m. and 7:00 p.m.8:30 p.m.) are facilitated by the Foundation Staff. There is a $5.00 fee per session.

Faculty: Drs. Kenneth Wapnick, Rosemarie LoSasso, and Jeffrey Seibert
Times: 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.


Dates: October 5 7 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.

ALL Academy 10 classes will be taught by Kenneth Wapnick

Dates: Nov. 10 14 Fee: $175.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-10D1 Nov. 10 Fee: $40.00 A-10D2 Nov. 11 Fee: $40.00 A-10D3 Nov. 12 Fee: $40.00
A-10D4 Nov. 13 Fee: $40.00 A-10D5 Nov. 14 Fee: $40.00
The title of Shakespeares comedy provides a succinct summary of the Holy Spirits response to the egos thought system of sep-
aration: much ado about nothing. By identifying with this response, we remember to laugh at the tiny, mad idea instead of taking
it seriously as a sin (T-27.VIII.6:2-3), demanding the egos hierarchy of defenses. Thus do we remember that the egos something is
truly nothing, allowing the return to awareness of the Everything that created us and Who we are.


Dates: December 7 9 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-11D1 Dec. 7 Fee: $40.00 A-11D2 Dec. 8 Fee: $40.00 A-11D3 Dec. 9 Fee: $40.00
Attempts to master fear through confrontation, opposition, or compromise will fail because they commit the fundamental mistake
in following the ego: making the error real. Fear can be overcome only by recognizing its illusory nature. Such recognition comes
when we seek Jesus help to return to the source of our fear: the minds decision to believe in the egos lies of separation. By so
doing, we return to the source of the love that is the only answer: the minds decision to identify with Jesus message of forgiveness.

Dates: January 25 27 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-1D1 January 25 Fee: $40.00 A-1D2 January 26 Fee: $40.00 A-1D3 January 27 Fee: $40.00
This opening line from Lesson 189 highlights the important relationship between the mind and world. Indeed, the Course teaches
that the world was made so that we would never be able to access the light of Atonement the Holy Spirit holds for us. Yet our learn-
ing His lessons of forgiveness reflects this light, as the Atonement reflects the Great Rays that are our Identity as Christ.


Dates: February 15 17 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-2D1 February 15 Fee: $40.00 A-2D2 February 16 Fee: $40.00 A-2D3 February 17 Fee: $40.00
The Greek myth of the young man so smitten with himself that he ends up dying rather than destroying his image forms the basis
of these classes, which deal with the egos self-love that is the ultimate source of our mortality. This thought system of self-cen-
teredness will be contrasted with the message of selflessness that substitutes the shared interests that unite us within the illusion for
the egos philosophy of one or the other, which dictates everything we think, feel, and do in the world. We thus move beyond the
egos myth of separation to Jesus myth of Atonement, the condition for awakening to our Self, the ultimate end of all narcissism.

ALL Academy 3 classes will be taught by Kenneth Wapnick

Dates: March 16 20 Fee: $175.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-3D1 March 16 Fee: $40.00 A-3D2 March 17 Fee: $40.00 A-3D3 March 18 Fee: $40.00
A-3D4 March 19 Fee: $40.00 A-3D5 March 20 Fee: $40.00
The Course comes in a curricular framework, highlighting its focus on the sameness of teaching and learning: ideas leave not their
source. Thus what we teach otherspeace or conflictis what we first taught ourselves. Our decision thus rests on which teacher we
choose to learn from, and thus whose message we wish to teach: the egos or Jesus. And what we decide is what we demonstrate.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 1
Disc. Group

Study Group S-12 Intro 3

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-9 A-9 A-9 Study Group Study Group

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Disc. Group

Study Group UNITY S-13 A-10 A-10 A-10 A-10 A-10

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group

26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Disc. Group
Study Group 30

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
Disc. Group

Study Group S-14

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-11 A-11 A-11 Study Group Study Group

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Disc. Group

Christmas Study Group S-1

28 29 30 31 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Disc. Group

W-1W-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 Study Group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Disc. Group

Study Group Intro 1

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-2 Study Group

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Disc. Group

A-2 A-2 A-2 Study Group S-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Disc. Group Disc. Group
Study Group Study Group

29 30 31

You may use the same form if you are attending with another student.
Registrations without the correct amount of money accompanying them will be returned.

PERSON 1: (Please print) PERSON 2: (Please print)

Name ________________________________________ Name ________________________________________
Address_______________________________________ Address ______________________________________
City/State/Zip __________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________________________
Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( )____________ Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( ) ___________
E-mail (optional): _______________________________ E-mail (optional): ______________________________

Some of our Workshops, Classes, & Discussions are videotaped. Some of our Workshops, Classes, & Discussions are videotaped.
Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want
to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium. to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium.

* * * * RELEASE FORM * * * * * * * * RELEASE FORM * * * *

I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES per- I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES per-
mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video
may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and
that I will receive no compensation for said videotape. that I will receive no compensation for said videotape.

___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Signature Signature

__________________________ __________________________
Date Date


Make check or money order payable to the Institute for Teaching Inner Peace through A Course in Miracles, or ITIP-ACIM (US funds only,
drawn on a US bank), or provide credit card information to secure a place for the programs listed on pages 10-11.
Note: If you are also ordering publications, please send separate payment.
U Check or money order enclosed for $
U Credit card information: U American Express U Discover U MasterCard U VISA

Person 1: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Person 2: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Important Credit card billing address if different from above:

Person 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Person 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature(s) required: Mail to: Institute

41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590
FAX: 951.296.9117



Pre-registration is encouraged for all pro- AMOUNT HERE:
grams, and REQUIRED for the week-long
Academy classes taught by Kenneth Wapnick. Program
Program Program
Fee Person 1 $
Number Date


Please use program numbers listed on page Person 1 $

11 when registering for portions of, rather
Person 2 $
than a complete, Academy class.
Person 1 $
A-9 October 5 7 $100.00
Person 2 $
A-10 $175.00
November 10 14
Person 2 $
A-11 December 7 9 $100.00
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
A-1 January 25 27 $100.00
Person 1 $
A-2 February 15 17 $100.00
Person 2 $
A-3 $175.00
March 16 20
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
SEMINARS Person 2 $
(1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m.) Fee $30.00
Person 1 $
S-12 October 4 S-13 November 9
Person 2 $
S-14 December 6
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
S-1 January 24 S-2 February 14
Person 1 $
S-3 March 15
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $


La Jolla Branch
7843 Girard Avenue, Suite E ) La Jolla, CA 92037 ) 858.551.1227

Classes are held each Thursday (except Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years Day) from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The fee for these lectures is $5, payable at the door.


Monday: 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. or Tuesday: 10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 1 p.m. $15 fee
Pre-registration is required at the La Jolla Branch. Call: 858.551.1227. No registration required.

Dates: Sept. 8 Sept. 29 (Mon.) ABOVE FATE Date: October 12
Sept. 9 Sept. 30 (Tue.) Dates: Jan. 5 Jan. 12 (Mon.)
Fee: $20 plus CD set Jan. 6 Jan. 13 (Tue.) FW-8 THE SAVIOR FROM THE DARK
Fee: $10 plus CD set Date: November 16
Registration ends: December 25
Dates: Oct. 20 Nov. 10 (Mon.) THE SELF-ACCUSED
Dates: Jan. 26 Feb. 9 (Mon.)
Oct. 21 Nov. 11 (Tue.)
Fee: $20 plus CD set Jan. 27 Feb. 10 (Tue.) Date: January 11
Registration ends: October 9 Fee: $15 plus CD set
Registration ends: January 15
Date: February 8

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat NOVEMBER
1 2 3 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat DECEMBER
Tape 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 CD 4 CD 5 6 7 8
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Lecture
Study Study Lecture
FW-7 Lecture 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9 10 CD 11 CD 12 13 14 15
19 20 CD 21 CD 22 23 24 25 Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
26 27 CD 28 CD 29 30 31 Lecture
FW-8 Lecture
Study Study Lecture 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Christ-
Thanks- mas
28 29 30 31
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat FEBRUARY
1 Happy 2 3 MARCH
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
New Year
1 2 CD 3 CD 4 5 6 7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
4 5 CD 6 CD 7 8 9 10
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 CD 10 CD 11 12 13 14
11 12 CD 13 CD 14 15 16 17 Lecture
FW-2 Study Study Lecture
FW-1 Study Study Lecture 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Lecture
Lecture 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
25 26 CD 27 CD 28 29 30 31 Lecture
Study Study Lecture 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

Item Title Price Item Title Price Item Title Price

Books (B) & Audiobook (AB) B-13s UCDM y el cristianismo: (KW/Clarke) 7.00 CD-42 Forgiving Jesus 15.00

B-1 Christian Psych. in ACIM $5.00 B-14s ...preguntas ms communes... (G&KW) 8.00 CD-43 Bible/ACIM Perspective (G&KW) 40.00

B-3 A Talk Given on ACIM 6.00 B-15s El mensaje de UCEM 22.00 3m-43 Bible/ACIM Perspective (G&KW)(mp3) 35.00

B-4 Glossary-Index for ACIM 8.00 B-17s El final de resistencia al amor 7.00 CD-44 The Theology of ACIM (G&KW) 15.00

B-4SI Scriptural Index for ACIM 5.00 Audio Tapes 3m-44 The Theology of ACIM (mp3) 10.00

B-5 Forgiveness and Jesus 16.00 CD-45 The Inheritance of Gods Son 15.00
Audio tape production has ceased. Please contact
our office for availability of remaining albums. 3m-45 Inheritance of Gods Son (mp3) 10.00
B-6 50 Miracle Principles of ACIM 8.00

B-7 Awaken from Dream (G&KW) 10.00 Compact Discs CD-46 Sign of Christmas Is a Star (G&KW) 15.00

B-9 Love Does Not Condemn-sale 20.00 CD-1 The Simplicity of Salvation $60.00 3m-46 Sign of Christmas Is a Star (mp3) 10.00

B-10 A Vast Illusion 14.00 3m-1 Simplicity of Salvation (mp3) 55.00 CD-47 Holy Christ...Born in Me...(G&KW) 20.00

B-11 Absence from Felicity 17.00 CD-5 The Ego and Forgiveness 20.00 3m-47 Holy Christ...(G&KW) (mp3) 15.00

B-12 Overeating 5.00 CD-9 Special RelationshipsPart 1 55.00 CD-48 From Time to Timelessness 15.00

B-13 ACIM & Christianity (KW/Clarke) 7.00 CD-10 Special RelationshipsPart 2 40.00 3m-48 From Time to Timelessness (mp3) 10.00

B-14 Most...Asked Questions...(G&KW) 8.00 3m-9&10 Spec. Rel.Parts 1 & 2 (mp3) 75.00 CD-49 Climbing the Ladder Home 40.00

B-15 The Message of ACIM2 vol. 22.00 CD-17 Love Does Not Oppose (G&KW) 55.00 3m-49 Climbing/Ladder Home (mp3) 35.00

B-16 The Journey Home 16.95 3m-17 Love/Not Oppose (G&KW) (mp3) 50.00 CD-50 How Will the World End? 15.00

B-17 Ending Our Resistance to Love 7.00 CD-18 The Song of Prayer 70. 00 3m-50 How Will the World End? (mp3) 10.00

AB-17 Ending Our Resistance (mp3) 10.00 CD-21 Jesus: Teacher Model 55.00 CD-51 The Importance of Jesus 15.00

B-18 Life, Death and Love 25.00 CD-26 Overeating: A Dialogue 15.00 CD-52 Learning from the Holy Spirit 15.00

B-19 Healing Power of Kindness: Vol. 1 7.00 3m-26 Overeating: A Dialogue (mp3) 10.00 3m-52 Learning from Holy Spirit (mp3) 10.00

B-20 Healing Power of Kindness: Vol. 2 6.00 CD-29 Real Wrld: Home Away frm Hme 55.00 CD-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness 15.00

B-21 Form vs. Content: Sex & Money 7.00 CD-31 Jesus: Manifestation of Holy Spirit 35.00 3m-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness (mp3) 10.00

B-22 Parents & Children (2 book set) 14.00 CD-32 The Laws of Chaos 80.00 CD-54 The Kindness of Healing 15.00

B-23 Journey through Wkbk of ACIM 60.00 CD-33 There Must Be Another Way 15.00 CD-55 Gifts of the Ego and God 55.00

B-24 Journey through Man. of ACIM 22.00 3m-33 ...Must Be Another Way (mp3) 10.00 CD-56 The Experience of ACIM 55.00

B-25 What It Says: Preface of ACIM 8.00 CD-34 Metaphy of Sep & Forgiveness 15.00 3m-56 The Experience of ACIM (mp3) 50.00

B-26 From Futility to Happiness 7.00 3m-34 Metaphy of Sep & For (mp3) 10.00 CD-57 Sep & Forgiveness4 Splits 50.00

B-27 The Arch of Forgiveness 7.00 CD-36 Making Holy Spirit Special 50.00 3m-57 Sep & Forgiveness/4 Splits (mp3) 45.00

3m-36 Making Holy Spirit Special (mp3) 45.00 The Workbook Lessons of ACIM
French Translations of Books CD-58-1 $40.00 CD-58-5 $45.00
CD-37 The Meaning of Judgment 15.00 CD-58-2 $30.00 CD-58-6 $50.00
B-3f Introduction Gnrale UCEM $6.00
CD-58-3 $30.00 CD-58-7 $55.00
3m-37 Meaning of Judgment (mp3) 10.00 CD-58-4 $65.00
Spanish Translations of Books
CD-38 The Web of Specialness 80.00 CD-59 The Quiet Answer 25.00
B-1s Psicologia cristiana en UCEM $5.00
3m-38 The Web of Specialness (mp3) 75.00 3m-59 The Quiet Answer (mp3) 20.00
B-3s Una introduccin bsica a UCEM 6.00
CD-39 Duality as Metaphor in ACIM 55.00 CD-60 The Lifting of the Veil 55.00
B-4s Glosario-Indice para UCDM 10.00
CD-40 Rules for Decision 55.00 3m-60 The Lifting of the Veil (mp3) 50.00
B-5s El perdn y Jess 16.00
3m-40 Rules for Decision (mp3) 50.00 Classes on the Text of ACIM 40.00
B-6s Los 50 principios...de UCEM 8.00 CD-61-1 (Vol. 1)CD-61-8 (Vol. 8) per item
CD-41 I Want the Peace of God 15.00 number
B-7s Despierta del sueo (G&KW) 10.00 CD-62 Meaning of the Holy Instant 15.00
3m-41 I Want the Peace of God (mp3) 10.00
B-11s Ausencia de la felicidad 22.00

Item Title Price Item Title Price Item Title Price
3m-62 Meaning of Holy Instant (mp3) 10.00 CD-95 Escape from Love 15.00 CD-127 Love: Dark Night/Living Flame 20.00

CD-63 From Darkness to Light 25.00 CD-96 Walking with Jesus 20.00 3m-127 Love: Dk Nht/Lvng Flm (mp3) 15.00

3m-63 From Darkness to Light (mp3) 20.00 CD-97 Jesus: Bright Stranger 25.00 CD-128 Miracles versus Magic 20.00

CD-64 The Pathway of Forgiveness 25.00 CD-98 Who Is Jesus? 20.00 3m-128 Miracles versus Magic (mp3) 15.00

3m-64 Pathway of Forgiveness (mp3) 20.00 CD-99 Jesus: Companion on Journey 25.00 CD-129 The Ark of Peace 20.00

CD-65 Love and Be Silent 25.00 CD-100 Jesus: Songs of Gratitude/Love 100.00 3m-129 The Ark of Peace (mp3) 15.00

CD-66 Jesus: Symbol and Reality 25.00 CD-101 What It Says: From the Preface 25.00 CD-130 Asking the Holy Spirit 20.00

CD-67 Living A Course in Miracles 25.00 CD-102 Ghost of Caesar: Guilts Shadow 25.00 3m-130 Asking the Holy Spirit (mp3) 15.00

3m-67 Living ACIM (mp3) 20.00 CD-103 Jesus: Fantasy or Truth? 15.00 CD-131 Nothing So Blinding... 25.00

CD-68 Special Rel.: Home of Guilt 20.00 CD-104 The Arch of Forgiveness 20.00 3m-131 Nothing So Blinding... (mp3) 20.00

CD-69 Dreaming the Dream 25.00 CD-105 On Three Metamorphoses 25.00 CD-132 Bringing Darkness to Light 25.00

3m-69 Dreaming the Dream (mp3) 20.00 CD-106 The Inner Voice 20.00 3m-132 Bringing Drkness to Lght (mp3) 20.00

CD-70 The Compassion of the Miracle 25.00 CD-107 Shadows of Limitation 25.00 CD-133 Jesus Promise 25.00

CD-71 Approaching A Course in Miracles 10.00 CD-108 H. Schucman: A Gift of God 15.00 3m-133 Jesus Promise (mp3) 20.00

CD-72 An Overview of ACIM 10.00 CD-109 Sweet Are Uses of Adversity 25.00 CD-134 Be Kind... 30.00

CD-73 The Time Machine 25.00 CD-110 Art and A Course in Miracles 25.00 3m-134 Be Kind... (mp3) 25.00

CD-74 Forgiveness & the End of Time 25.00 CD-111 Transformation 20.00 CD-135 Magic Flute of Forgiveness 25.00

CD-75 Healing the Dream of Sickness 25.00 CD-112 Lessons of the Holy Spirit 25.00 3m-135 Magic Flute of Forg. (mp3) 20.00

CD-76 The Changeless Dwelling Place 25.00 CD-113 Parents and Children 30.00 CD-136 To Believe a Lie 20.00

CD-77 To Be or Not to Be 25.00 3m-113 Parents and Children (mp3) 25.00 3m-136 To Believe a Lie (mp3) 15.00

CD-78 Form vs. Content: Sex & Money 25.00 CD-114 From Futility to Happiness 25.00 CD-137 The Happy Dream 15.00

CD-79 The Prodigal Son 25.00 CD-115 The Real Alternative 25.00 3m-137 The Happy Dream (mp3) 10.00

CD-80 Returning Home 25.00 CD-116 Looking w/Jesus: Forgiveness 20.00 CD-138 A Light of Laughing Flowers 15.00

CD-81 Justice Returned to Love 25.00 CD-117 When 2 + 2 = 5 25.00 3m-138 Light of Flowers (mp3) 10.00

CD-82 The Problem of Evil 25.00 CD-118 ACIM: A Book for All & None 20.00 CD-139 The Metaphysics of Time 25.00

CD-83-1 Classes on Manual of ACIM 55.00 CD-119 The Conductor and the Orchestra 25.00 3m-139 The Metaphysics of Time (mp3) 20.00
CD-83-2 Volume 1 and Volume 2 each
CD-120 Psychotherapy and Healing 35.00 CD-140 No Man Is An Island 55.00
CD-84 The Quality of Mercy 25.00
CD-121 What Is ACIM?: Theory & Practice 15.00 3m-140 No Man Is An Island (mp3) 50.00
CD-85 A Tale Told by an Idiot 20.00
CD-122 The Four Splits...Revisited 25.00 CD-141 The Gifts of God 30.00
CD-86 Jrney From Ego Self to True Self 85.00
3m-122 Four Splits...Revisited (mp3) 20.00 3m-141 The Gifts of God (mp3) 25.00
CD-87 Living in the World 45.00
CD-123 Cause and Effect 45.00 CD-142 Innocence Lost/Innoc.Regained 25.00
CD-88 Healing: Hearing the Melody 25.00
3m-123 Cause and Effect (mp3) 40.00 3m-142 InnocenceLost/Innoc.Regained (mp3) 20.00
3m-88 Healing: Hearing/Melody (mp3) 20.00
CD-124 The Temple of the Holy Spirit 25.00 CD-143 The Pathway of ACIM (Atlanta) 90.00
CD-89 Deciding for God 15.00
3m-124 Temple of Holy Spirit (mp3) 20.00 3m-143 Pathway of ACIM (Atlanta) (mp3) 85.00
CD-90 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well 25.00
CD-125 The Quiet Center 60.00 CD-144 Decision Maker/Throned Above Fate 15.00
CD-91 Jesus: Light in the Dream 15.00
3m-125 The Quiet Center (mp3) 55.00 3m-144 Decision Maker: TAF (mp3) 10.00
CD-92 Letting Go of Judgment 20.00
CD-126 Jesus: Wakening to Resurrection 20.00 CD-145 The Ego Strikes Back 25.00
CD-93 Psychotherapy 45.00
3m-126 Jesus: Waken/Resurrection (mp3) 15.00 3m-145 The Ego Strikes Back (mp3) 20.00
CD-94 Jesus: The Ancient Love 25.00

Item Title Price Item Title Price Item Title Price
CD-146 Body: Engine of Destruction 20.00 V-1 Seek Not to Change ACIM (US) $20.00 V-16 From Darkness to Light 30.00

3m-146 Body: Engine of Destruction (mp3) 15.00 V-1p Seek Not to Change ACIM (non-US) 30.00 V-17 Jesus: Symbol and Reality 30.00

CD-147 Beyond Theism: The God of ACIM 15.00 V-5 Interview with G & KW (US) 15.00 V-18 Dreaming the Dream 30.00

3m-147 Beyond Theism: God of ACIM (mp3) 10.00 V-5p Interview with G & KW (non-US) 20.00 V-19 Compassion of the Miracle 30.00

CD-148 The Ego: A Quaint Absurdity 15.00 V-6 Visionaries (US) 10.00 V-20 Healing the Dream of Sickness 30.00

3m-148 The Ego: A Quaint Absurdity (mp3) 10.00 VHS (US) & VHS PAL (non-US) V-21 The Changeless Dwelling Place 30.00

CD-149 For They Have Come 20.00 V-7 Pathway of Forgiveness (US) $30.00 V-22 To Be or Not to Be 30.00

3m-149 For They Have Come (mp3) 15.00 V-23 Form vs. Content: Sex & Money 30.00
V-7p Pathway of Forgiveness (non-US) 40.00
CD-150 The Self-Accused 20.00 V-24 The Prodigal Son 30.00
V-8 Living A Course in Miracles (US) 30.00
3m-150 The Self-Accused (mp3) 15.00 V-8p Living A Course in Miracles (non-US) 40.00 V-25 The Problem of Evil 30.00

CD-151 Rolling Back the Carpet of Time 15.00 Classes on the Manual of ACIM 15.00
V-9 Meaning of Holy Instant (US) 20.00
One 2-hour tape per item number per item
3m-151 Rolling Back Carpet of Time(mp3) 10.00 V-26-1 through V-26-10 number
V-9p Meaning of Holy Instant (non-US) 30.00
CD-152 The Prodigal Sons Brother 20.00 V-10 Special Rel.: Home of Guilt (US) 30.00 V-27 The Quality of Mercy 30.00
3m-152 The Prodigal Sons Brother (mp3) 15.00 V-28 A Tale Told by an Idiot 30.00
V-10p Special Rel.: Home of Guilt (non-US) 40.00

DVD (Region 1) V-11 Love and Be Silent (US) 30.00 V-29 Healing: Hearing the Melody 30.00

DV-03 The Real World (G & KW) $30.00 V-11p Love and Be Silent (non-US) 40.00 V-30 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well 30.00

DV-05 Interview with G & KW 15.00 V-31 Intro. to A Course in Miracles 10.00
VHS (US only)
DV-108 Helen Schucman: A Gift Classes on the Text of ACIM V-32 Psychotherapy 60.00
of God (1 DVD) 15.00 $15.00
One 2-hr. tape per item number
per item V-33 What It Says: From the Preface 30.00
DV-142 Innocence LostInnocence V-12-in through V-12-31 number

Regained (2 DVDs) 30.00 V-13 Justice Returned to Love 30.00 Nightingale-Conant

(Gloria & Kenneth Wapnick)
VHS (US) & VHS PAL (non-US) V-14 The Time Machine 30.00
NC-1 Living A Course in Miracles (CDs) $79.95
(Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick)
V-15 Forgiveness and End of Time 30.00

A Course in Miracles and Related Material (retail only)

Item Title Price Item Title Price
F-2 A Course in Miracles (3rd Ed., includes pamphlets) $30.00 F9-cd Readings from A Course in Miracles (1 CD) 15.00
F-11 A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed., Combined Hardcover) 35.00 F-10 The Story of A Course in Miracles (1 video tape) 45.00
F-15 A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed., Combined Paperback) 20.00 F-10p The Story of ACIM (1 video tp) VHS (PAL non-US) 60.00
F-1s Un curso de milagros (Spanish) 35.00 F-12 A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (42 audio tapes) 150.00
F-3 The Song of Prayer 6.00 F-12cd A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (59 CDs) 170.00
F-4 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice 6.00 P-13 Concordance of ACIM 50% discount 25.00
F-34s Anexo a Un curso en milagros (Spanish Supplements) 10.00 F-14 The Forgotten Song (1 video tp/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00
F-5sc The Gifts of God (Paperback) 15.95 F-14dvd The Forgotten Song (DVD/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00
F-6 Workbook Lesson Cards 23.00 F-16 Recollections about Dr. Helen Schucman (DVD) 15.00
F-7 What It Says (1 audio tape) 10.00 F-17 A Rare Inverview with Dr. Helen Schucman (DVD) 15.00
F-7cd What It Says (1 CD) 15.00 C-3 Electronic version of ACIMWin (VISTA incompatible) 40.00
F-8 What It Says (1 video tape) 30.00 C-4 Electronic version of ACIMMAC (OSX incompatible) 40.00
F-8dvd What It Says (DVD) 30.00 C-5 Electronic version of ACIMVISTA (Win XP & VISTA only) 40.00
F-9 Readings from A Course in Miracles (1 audio tape) 10.00


Item Quantity Title Price Total


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The Foundation is located just off I-15.
From the north: Take the CA-79 N/Winchester Road
exit and stay in the far right lane. Turn right onto Winches-
ter Road/CA-79, again staying in the far right-hand lane.
Turn right onto Jefferson Avenue, which is the first stop
light. Continue straight on Jefferson (heading north) for
two long blocks until you reach Buecking Drive. Turn
right onto Buecking Drive. The Foundation is the second
building on the left.
From the south: Take the CA-79N/Winchester Road
exit, turning left onto Winchester Road. Get into the far
right lane and turn right onto Jefferson Avenue, which is
the second stop light. Continue straight on Jefferson (head-
ing north) for two long blocks until you reach Buecking
Drive. Turn right onto Buecking Drive. The Foundation is
the second building on the left.

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