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Winter 2011

Sensa: Part One, Archetypal Symbolism

Dorje Jinpa

When the Elohim created the world they made the lower world as a reflec-
tion of the higher. Thus, they established a direct correspondence between
the higher and the lower worlds as between the higher and lower letters of
the spiritual language with which they created the world.
The Book of Light (Zohar)
All esoteric teaching is based upon the correspondence that exists between
the macrocosm and the microcosm.
Rudolf Steiner
Although everything on earth is a more or less direct reflection of a higher
reality, it is only the most direct reflections that can be called truly symbolic.
Abu Bakr Siraj Ed-Din

Abstract an acorn contains the complete archetypal

formula for the evolution of an oak tree, so

T he following two-part series of articles is

adapted from my forthcoming book
Sensa: The Lost Language of the Sun to be
the seed of the human spirit contains the
blueprints for the spiritual evolution of hu-
manity. Therefore, in order to gain an under-
published by Pentarba Publications 2011. standing of the nature and purpose of evolu-
Part 1 pertains to the principle of analogy or tion we must first examine its seeds. These
archetypal symbolism, which expresses the seeds are contained in the language of sym-
truth that there is a direct correspondence bols. In the same way that science relies upon
between the material world (microcosm) and the language of mathematics to give a precise
the spiritual world (macrocosm). This basic and accurate description of its findings, so
esoteric principle not only forms the basis of the spiritual scientists of the ancient Mystery
Sensa, the language of the Mysteries, it is as Religion, in order to accurately express their
Master Djwhal Khul, H.P. Blavatsky, and understanding of fundamental principles,
Rudolf Steiner suggest, the master key to made use of the language inherent in the ge-
understanding the esoteric works of initiates ometry of nature herself. This language,
everywhere. Though often kept secret, this which has always been kept secret from the
principle, and the symbolic language that is uninitiated, differs fundamentally from other
derived from it, can be traced through the languages in that its symbols do not arbitrar-
esoteric writings of all world-class religious ily represent an object, but rather the origi-
traditions. This we will attempt to do as nal archetypal pattern from which that
much as possible, in Part 2, which will fol- ____________________________________
low in the next issue. About the Author
Introduction Dorje Jinpa is the author of A Synthesis of Al-
chemy (out of print), Mysteries of the Heart, The

A ccording to the ancient Mystery Tradi-

tion, all living organisms, without ex-
ception, follow the pattern of growth prede-
Coming Avatar of Synthesis (free pamphlet), and
Heart Essence, a translation of two of the five
treatises by Bodhisattva Maitreya. He may be
termined by their seed. In the same way that reached at DorjeJinpa@gmail.com

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object was formed. In other words, symbolic phy but of all Nature, for every law
language functions as the hieroglyph of the and power active in universal pro-
objects seed. cedure is manifested to the limited
sense perceptions of man through
The Esoteric Nature of the medium of symbol. Every form
Symbols existing in the diversified sphere of
being is symbolic of the divine ac-
T he languages of the world were created
almost entirely in response to the mate-
rial world and are therefore rarely applicable
tivity by which it is produced. By
symbols men have ever sought to
communicate to each other those
to the greater dimensions of the metaphysical
thoughts which transcend the limi-
or non-physical reality. Whenever seers at-
tations of language. Rejecting
tempt to describe the higher worlds they must
man-conceived dialects as inade-
do so, for the most part, symbolically, in the
quate and unworthy to perpetuate
language of analogy, using symbols to repre-
divine ideas, the Mysteries thus
sent higher corresponding truths. Johann Ja-
chose symbols as a far more ingen-
kob Bachofen, in his Grbersymbolik der
ious and ideal method of preserv-
Alten, shares with us an unusual insight into
ing their transcendental knowl-
the nature of symbols:
edge. In a single figure a symbol
Human language is too poor to may both reveal and conceal, for to
clothe in words the wealth of intui- the wise the subject of symbol is
tive insight that the interaction of obvious, while to the ignorant the
death and life awakens, or those figure remains inscrutable. Hence,
higher hopes that belong to the ini- he who seeks to unveil the secret
tiates. Only symbols, and the my- doctrine of antiquity must search
thos connected with them, can sat- for that doctrine not upon the open
isfy this noble requirement. Sym- pages of books which might fall
bols awaken intuitive understand- into the hands of the unworthy, but
ing while language can only ex- in the place where it was originally
plain. Symbols pluck all the strings concealed.2
of the human spirit simultaneously:
Kenneth Mackenzie in his book, The Royal
language is always obliged to de-
Masonic Cyclopaedia, first published in
vote itself to a single thought. The
1877, states:
roots of a symbol reach into the
most secret depths of the Soul: All esoteric societies have made
language only touches the surface use of emblems and symbols, such
of understanding like a slight as the Pythagorean Society, the
breath of wind. One is directed in- Eleusinia, the Hermetic Brethren
ward, the other outward. Only of Egypt, the Rosicrucians and the
symbols can connect the most var- Freemasons. Many of these em-
ied things into a unified collective blems it is not proper to divulge to
expression.1 the general eye, and a very minute
difference may make the emblem
Manly P. Hall, a highly respected esoteric
or symbol differ widely in its
historian, has devoted several chapters of his
meaning. The magical sigilla, be-
important book, The Secret Teachings of all
ing founded on certain principles
Ages, to the ancient Mysteries and the secrets
of numbers, partake of this charac-
of symbolism.
ter, and although monstrous or ri-
Symbolism is the language of the diculous in the eyes of the unin-
Mysteries; in fact it is the language structed, convey a whole body of
not only of mysticism and philoso-

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Winter 2011

doctrine to those who have been of the advantages of writing in

trained to recognize them. symbols, besides veiling esoteric
truths that are inappropriate for
The master key needed to understand the true
general use, is that a lot of infor-
nature of the symbols being expressed by the
mation can be stated very briefly
initiates, as well as the principles of which
and simply. A well-presented sym-
they speak, is the law of correspondence or
bol can represent to an initiate a
archetypal symbolism. Archetypal symbol-
vast hierarchy of corresponding
ism, as taught in the Mysteries, demonstrates
levels of meaning.4
the fundamental truth that everything in the
physical world (the microcosm) is a direct Proclus, the illuminated commentator on the
proportioned reflection of a higher corre- teachings of Plato and the Pythagoreans, in
spondence in the spiritual world (the macro- the opening lines of his book A Dissertation
cosm). on Theurgy, states:
Abu Bakr Siraj Ed-Din in his Sufi classic, In the same way that lovers of
The Book of Certainty, which is based to a beauty gradually advance from the
large extent upon the esoteric writings of one beauty which is apparent to the
the greatest of Sufi masters, Muhyiddin Ibn senses to that beauty which is di-
Arabi (1165-1240), illustrates this truth: vine, so the ancient priests, gradu-
ally advanced from an understand-
Symbols have the power to remind
ing that there exists a certain corre-
[us] of their counterparts in the
spondence and sympathy between
higher worlds, not through mere
natural things and things occult, to
incidental resemblance but because
the discovery that all is contained
they are actually related to them in
in all. From this mutual sympathy
the way that a shadow is related to
and correspondence they fabri-
the object which casts it. There is
cated their sacred sciences. Thus
not the least thing in existence that
they recognized things supreme in
is not such a shadow. Nor is
such as are subordinate, and the
there anything that is any more
subordinate in the supreme.5
than a shadow. Indeed, if a world
did not cast down shadows from Archetypal Symbolism and
above, the worlds below it would
at once vanish altogether, since
the Renaissance
each world in creation is no more
than an issue of shadows entirely
dependent on the archetypes in the
S t. Augustine, who was greatly influenced
by the writings of Plato and the Neopla-
tonic philosophers, states in his De Musica
world above.3 that the function of geometry in art and mu-
sic lies in its analogical aspects, or that which
IbnArabi says that when the term Mathal,
has the ability to lead the mind from the
which means symbol or likeness, is used
world of appearances to the contemplation of
in the Quran it refers to the essential or ver-
the divine order behind it. True beauty, he
tical likeness that exists between the higher
maintained, is anchored in spiritual (non-
and lower worlds. It means both a symbolic
physical) reality. When the created physical
image (Mathal) and the science of analogy
formwhether in painting, architecture, or
itself (Alm al-Mathal). In the Quran it was
musiccorresponds to divine principles,
often used along with a word or symbolic
beauty is the result. This idea became the
phrase to refer the reader to that symbols
central theme and motivating impulse behind
higher or lower corresponding meaning.
the Renaissance of Europe. Many of the great
In the Mysteries when symbols are gothic cathedrals were based upon these
used to represent a hidden meaning principles. Leonardo, Drer, and many other
it is called esoteric or occult. One great artists of that period affirmed it as the

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basis of their aesthetics and art. They sought In the universe around us the at-
to create audible and visual echoes of meta- traction between electric charges
physical perfection by following what the of opposite signs, positive and
Pythagorean mystics ascribed to the sacred negative, follows, as it happens,
science of number and harmonic proportion. precisely the same law as gravita-
Just as a religious icon was thought to par- tion, the attraction falling off as the
take of a portion of the sacred reality it repre- inverse square of the distance be-
sented, so the visual and audible proportions tween two charges. Thus the nu-
of divine harmonics when applied to their art cleus-electron system [of an atom]
were thought to partake of the metaphysical is similar in all respects to a sun-
truths with which they corresponded. planet system. 8
Otto von Simson, in his illuminating book Another example of this law can be observed
The Gothic Cathedral: Origins of Gothic Ar- in the way pitches on the sevenfold musical
chitecture and Medieval Concepts of Order, scale correspond in kind to their higher and
gives us a few hints as to the worldview and lower octaves. Pythagoras is said to have
motivating impulse behind the designs of the used the example of octaves and harmonics
great cathedrals of France. The idea, says to teach the analogical structure of the cos-
Simson, was to create a true symbol of the mos. Proclus tells us in his commentary to
kingdom of God on earth. 6 The architects Platos A Dialogue on Nature (Timaeus):
of the great cathedrals felt that because eve- that according to the law of analogy ten is
rything natural was a reflection of the spiri- equal to one, thirty is equal to the three, and
tual world, then the house of God should cor- fifty is equal to five, not in quantity but in
respond as close as possible to the archetypal analogy.9 Master Djwhal Khul affirms the
forms originating from the spiritual world. importance of the Law of Analogy in his
One of the ways this could be done, they rea- monumental work A Treatise on Cosmic
soned, was by translating the natural harmo- Fire, published in 1925 under the name of
nies of musical consonance into geometric one of his students, Alice Bailey:
relationships. This idea they called com-
A study of the laws of correspon-
modulatio or symmetria.
dence and analogy is the one
The Law of Analogy thread by which we can find our
way through the labyrinth and the

I n the ancient Mystery schools the principle

of harmonics and archetypal symbolism
was applied to the correspondences that natu-
one ray of light that shines through
the darkness of the surrounding ig-
norance. In the study of this law
rally exist between planes, dimensions, and we need to remember that the cor-
levels of being. Plato, who by his own semi- respondence lies in its essence and
veiled account had been initiated into the not in the exoteric working out of
Mysteries in Egypt, said that the analogical details.10
agreement that exists between a divine para-
digm7 and its reflection in form is called H. P. Blavatsky, the initiate founder of The-
geometrical equality, which he said was osophy, says that the law of analogy is the
mighty among both the Gods and men. first and most important key to cosmic phys-
One of the most obvious examples of this ics.11 In one of the secret instructions given
kind of correspondence can be seen between to the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical
an atom of matter and a solar system. And Society she states:
although this analogy exists between two One who comprehends well the
aspects of the physical universe, it neverthe- above explanations will readily see
less demonstrates to some degree the princi- how important it is for every stu-
ples involved. Sir James Jeans, the distin- dent, whether he is striving for
guished British scientist, explains: practical occult powers or only for

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Winter 2011

the purely psychic and spiritual sance. This applies not only to the
gifts of clairvoyance and meta- fields of graphology and depth
physical knowledge, to master psychology, but also to such rigor-
thoroughly the right correspon- ous sciences as theoretical physics,
dence between the human or natu- where quantum theory can only be
ral principles and those of Kos- linked with the laws of traditional
mos.12 physics by means of correspon-
In the Mysteries, it is taught that the true
laws of nature are not physical at all, that the The law of correspondence is one of the cen-
physical plane is merely the plane of effects tral themes of Hermetic Science. Hermes
produced by causes originating from higher Trismegistus, the Grand Hierophant of the
planes of being, and that even the laws of Mystery Schools of Egypt, affirms it in the
evolution as perceived by material scientists opening lines of his famous Emerald Tablet:
are but reflections (a reflex action) of the
That which is above is like that
higher laws of spiritual evolution. The Sufis,
which is below, and that which is
who trace their lineage back to the ancient
below is like that which is above,
Persian Mysteries, rightly maintain that the
to bring about the miracle of the
science of correspondence (alm al-Mathal) is
based upon the greater Science of Balance
(ilm al-mizan), which governs the inner and Archetypal Symbolism in
outer equilibrium and harmony of the cos-
mos. Henry Corbin, a gifted interpreter of the
Sufi doctrine, devotes a chapter to this idea in
his book Temple and Contemplation.13 T he great Kalachakra Tantra, a highly
esoteric Buddhist scripture, expresses
this truth by stating, As it is in the outer
In Islamic gnosis the balance of
world so it is with the inner world of man.17
the things religious (mizan al-
The Hindu scripture Shaiva Siddhanta states:
diyanah) makes it possible to spec-
What is in man corresponds to what is in the
ify the correspondence between the
universe. An advanced yoga technique
earthly esoteric Hierarchy and the
(Karana) of Kashmir Shaivism instructs the
celestial angelic Hierarchy and more
yogi to contemplate the body, along with its
generally the correspondences be-
nerve centers, as a replica [mirror image] of
tween the spiritual and corporal
the cosmos.18
worlds. The visual aspect of a being
presupposes its equilibration with Simply stated, this law asserts that the micro-
an invisible and celestial counter- cosm or lesser material universe, particularly
part; the apparent and exoteric (za- the body, is formed in a direct corresponding
hir) is balanced by the occulted and likeness to the macrocosm, the greater spiri-
esoteric (batin).14 tual world. The same laws, the same funda-
mental energy patterns and geometrical theo-
Dr. Theodor Landscheidt speaks of the re-
rems apply to both of these worlds, as well as
vival of the principle of analogy in his book
to each plane of existence. In Buddhism this
Cosmic Cybernetics:
law or truth has been called Mirror-like
Everywhere we look, forces that Wisdom (Adarsa-jnana), one of the five
were part and parcel of the ancient levels of understanding realized by the Bud-
state of being are reviving. In par-
dha. Its symbol is the crescent moon. In
ticular the analogical approach,
the same way that the moon has no light of
which at the turn of the [20th] cen-
its own but merely reflects the light of the
tury was still regarded as a primi-
sun, so the material and conceptual world,
tive form of perception, is now ex-
having no life of its own, merely reflects the
periencing an unsuspected renais-
life of the spiritual world, the Dharmadhatu,

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symbolized by the sun. In the Buddhist scrip- Mt. Meru, situated at the center of the
tures Mirror-like wisdom is said to be the world, symbolically represents the central
realization of the essential unity of ultimate magnetic axis of the Earth. It finds an exact
truth (which does not change) with relative correspondence in the central magnetic axis
truth (which is in constant change). This uni- of the human body as well as the central
fied relationship is magnetic axis of the solar
symbolically represented as [The language of the system. Its vibrational
a sun disk over a crescent frequency is said to
Mystery Religions] correspond to the sound of
moon. According to the differs fundamentally the Sanskrit vowel m,
Kalachakra Tantra the from other languages in which when written is
vibrational frequency of this represented by a single dot.
kind of relationship
that its symbols do not Alice Bailey students might
corresponds to the sound arbitrarily represent an be interested to know that
made by the Sanskrit vowel the Kalachakra Tantra hints
object, but rather the briefly at the correspon-
h (visarga), which when
written is depicted as two original archetypal pat- dence that exists between
dots, one over the other ( : ). tern from which that ob- the Seven Rays, the Seven
The science of analogy is a ject was formed. In other Planets, and the Seven
Rishis (of the Great Bear
central theme of the words, symbolic lan- constellation).
Kalachakra or Wheel of
Time. Its first chapter per- guage functions as the Another example of the
tains to the cyclic evolution hieroglyph of the ob- natural correspondence that
of the cosmos using exists between the
jects seed. microcosm and the mac-
astrological symbolism. The
second chapter pertains to the direct corre- rocosm, as hinted at in the
spondence of these same cyclic principles as Kalachakra Tantra, concerns the mythical
applied to the individual. Many other analo- kingdom of Shambhala situated at the top of
gies are also given, such as their natural cor- the world. Shambhala is to the etheric body
respondence with the nerve centers within the of the world what the crown chakra is to the
vajra body of the yogi. At the beginning of vajra [etheric] body of a human being. The
the second chapter Sucandra asks of the Master Djwhal Khul, who most likely was a
Buddha: Kalachakra master, affirms this truth in his
book A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. David Rei-
How can the entirety of the three gle, an accomplished Sanskrit and Tibetan
worlds be within the body? Hear- scholar, points out that the subjects covered
ing Sucandras words and applaud- in the writings of the Master Djhwal Khul are
ing him, the Sugata [Buddha], with basically the same as those covered in the
supreme compassion, expounded Kalachakra Tantra, though without the Bud-
the measure of all things within the dhist terminology. 20
body, for the sake of liberating
sentient beings.19 The correspondences that exist between life
principles, as they manifest in like kind upon
The Kalachakra Tantra, along with its fa- each plane, along with their geometric for-
mous commentary, the Vimalaprabha, gives mulas and subtle sound vibrations, remain
in symbolic form the primary analogies that among the most secret of all the esoteric doc-
exist between cosmic bodies and currents, trines.
earth centers, the spiritual path of the yogi,
the energy centers of the etheric body, and The author of the Agni Yoga Teaching, rev-
certain subtle vibrational frequencies that erently referred to as the Teacher, has said,
correspond to the sounds of the individual Since psychic energy is an energy it will not
letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. For example, contradict the laws of physics.21 This state-

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Winter 2011

ment demonstrates quite simply the funda- exist between the divine signatures of the
mental unity of the laws of nature. If scien- macrocosm and their corresponding reflec-
tists would apply the law of correspondence tions in the physical world. Paul M. Allen, in
to the known laws of physics they might his excellent introduction to Rudolf Steiners
soon discover that thoughts and emotions are Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age,
in fact substantial yet subtle forms of energy. writes of this view:
Many people instinctively know this when
One of Paracelsus most far-
they speak of feeling someones good or bad
reaching concepts is that of Signa-
vibrations. A useful book could be written
tures, that is, the idea that each
correlating electro-magnetic energies as they
single part of the microcosmic
circulate through an electric circuit to the
world of man corresponds with
vital and magnetic currents circulating
each single part of the macro-
through the etheric body, or on a higher
level, to the currents of psychic energy circu-
lating through the sphere of the mind. Te- Jacob Boehme expanded upon this idea in his
lepathy, no matter how well proven accord- Signature of All Things. Isaac Newton also
ing to the existing standards of probability, understood this principle as is demonstrated
will not enter the mainstream of science until in his book The Prophecies of Daniel. In this
thoughts are understood as a subtle form of work he devotes a whole chapter on how to
energy. decipher the symbolic language used in the
Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of
According to Proclus, Platos writings were
St. John. 24
often veiled in symbolic phrases that could
only be understood by applying the law of For understanding the Prophecies,
analogy. This is true of the writings of nearly we are in the first place, to acquaint
all the ancient initiates. Because of their strict ourselves with the figurative lan-
vows of silence they could not write openly guage of the Prophets. This language
on subjects that were taught in the secret is taken from the analogy between
schools. They often veiled universal princi- the world natural, and an Empire or
ples by presenting them on one level only Kingdom [of God] considered as a
leaving it to the student to make the neces- world politic. Accordingly, [the
sary application to other fields. For example, things of] the whole world natural,
when Plato writes in Timaeus of Egypt and consisting of heaven and earth, sig-
the Nile he is referring, says Proclus, to the nify [symbolize] the world politic,
stream of vital life entering and giving nour- consisting the Thrones and Powers;
ishment to the whole world from its source, and the things of it in that world sig-
the constellation of the Bear. Many examples nify analogous things in this.25
could be given including the Tibetan Bud- In other words, the subtle language of the
dhist technique of veiling the higher mean- Prophets can be understood by applying the
ings concerning the law of polarity and union analogies that exist between the so-called
of opposites by giving them in yab-yum22 natural world and the spiritual world. The
symbolism. Once the keys of correspondence world politic, or spiritual Kingdom, he
are known, the hidden meaning behind this says, is the Hierarchy of spiritual beings
kind of symbolism is understood. that govern the spiritual progress of the
The Paracelsus, Boehme, saints. The structure of the natural world,
he says, corresponds to the Kingdom of
Newton, Goethe, Steiner Thrones and Powers. Isaac Newton (1642-
Lineage 1727), while primarily known for his mate-
aracelsus, the 16th century initiate, al- rial-science writings, really belongs to that
P chemist and healer developed his world-
view based upon the analogies that naturally
spiritual-science lineage that begins with
Paracelsus (1493-1541) and Jacob Boehme

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(1575-1624), and continues with Goethe traction, said that the sun was the
(1749-1832), and Rudolf Steiner (1851- prison of Zeus, that is, a body pos-
1925). Newton was essentially a Hermetic sessed of the greatest circuits. And
philosopher and alchemist. His surviving to the mystical philosophers Pan
manuscripts on alchemy, Hermetic philoso- was a supreme divinity inspiring
phy, Pythagorean science, and occult theol- this world with harmonic ratio like
ogy, written in his own hand, amount to over a musical instrument and handling
650,000 words. This remarkable lifetime it with modulation, according to
achievement was inspected after his death by that saying of Orpheus striking
prominent members of the Royal Society and the harmony of the world in play-
marked not for publication. To this day ful song. Thus they named har-
they have not been made public! Early in his mony God and the soul of the
career he was accused of plagiarizing his world composed of harmonic
Three Principles from the writings of Jacob numbers. But they said that the
Boehme, which he had studied extensively. Planets move in their circuits by
Newton is credited with the discovery of the force of their own Souls, that
gravity and its properties, but according to is, by the force of the gravity,
Newton it was Pythagoras who first made the which takes its origin from the ac-
discovery years before. In his notes, intended tion of the Soul.26
for the second edition to his Principia
Mathematica, but never published, Newton Was Albert Einstein an
states that Pythagoras discovered the inverse Initiate?
square relationship in vibrating strings. He
then extended this idea to the corresponding
relationships of the weights and distances of
I nitiates, we are told, work in all fields of
human evolution including the scientific
arena. It is well known, for example, that Al-
the planets from the sun. And while the
bert Einstein had a copy of H. P. Blavatskys
knowledge of the correspondence that exists
The Secret Doctrine on his desk until the day
between the principles of music and the mo-
he died. What is not well known is that he
tion of the planets was generally kept secret,
also occasionally borrowed books from the
Newton rediscovered it by studying the writ-
Lucis Trust Library in New York. As their
ings of the Pythagoreans. The following ex-
records show one of the books he borrowed
cerpt from his notes demonstrates that he un-
was the aforementioned A Treatise on Cos-
derstood the esoteric teachings on this point
mic Fire by Alice A. Bailey.
and could translate them into the scientific
language of the day. The Archetypal Symbolism
So far I have expounded the prop- and the Mysteries
erties of gravity. Its cause I by no
means recount. Yet I shall say that
the ancients thought about this sub-
P lato also based his worldview upon the
hierarchal principle of correspondence.
Throughout his writings he maintained that
ject. Thales regarded all bodies as
the essential nature of intelligence is of the
animate, deducing that from mag-
spiritual world, that the Soul prior to physical
netic and electrical attractions. And
experience lives in the spiritual world, and
by the same argument he ought to
that the original idea-form (Eidos), the ar-
have referred the attraction of
chetypal thoughtform of the intended mani-
gravity to the soul of matter.
festation, remains impressed upon the deeper
Hence, he taught that all things are
levels of the consciousness even while in
full of Gods, understanding by
physical incarnation. It is because of this, he
Gods animate bodies. He held the
says, that we can obtain a direct understand-
sun and the Planets for Gods. And
ing of higher truth simply by elevating the
in the same sense Pythagoras, on
account of its immense force of at-

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Winter 2011

By understanding the true and essential na- H. P. Blavatsky states:

ture behind the shadowy projection into ma-
To arrive at the macrocosmical,
terial form we can begin to understand its
you must begin by the microcos-
evolution toward perfection. This marks the
mical; i.e. you must study Man, the
major distinction between material science
microcosmin this case as physi-
and esoteric science. Esoteric science directs
cal science doesinductively,
its attention toward the universal rather than
proceeding from particulars to uni-
the particular, toward synthesis rather than
versals. At the same time, how-
analysis, toward holism rather than speciali-
ever, since a keynote is required to
zation. In the Mysteries it is taught that from
analyze and comprehend any com-
the original archetypal vibration, or WORD,
binations of differentiations of
arise those formative forces that give shape
sound, we must never lose sight of
to their mental and material manifestation.
the Platonic method, which starts
To understand fully, therefore, how cosmic
with one general view of all, and
vibrations form images, concepts, and mate-
descends from the universal to the
rial forms requires a transformation of our
individual. This is the method of
thinking process. Instead of attempting to
Mathematicsthe only exact sci-
discover causes merely from their effects in
ence that exists in our day.28
the material world as science attempts to do,
we must learn to include in our calculations Proclus, in his commentary on the first book
the concept, even if not yet fully realized, of of Euclids Elements, has this to say:
the original archetype from which the object Some sciences are closer to the
is formed. In other words we must learn to Truth than others. A science that
think holistically. Rudolf Steiner, in his in- starts from simpler principles is
troduction to the compiled scientific writings superior to one whose starting
of Goethe states: point is more complex. A science
Natural science before Goethe that considers causes is superior to
was unaware of the essential na- one that studies only effects. A sci-
ture of living phenomena. It sim- ence that is concerned with princi-
ply investigated organisms with ples perceived by the mind is supe-
regard to the composition of their rior to one that is concerned with
parts and external characteristics, objects perceived by the senses.29
just as one investigates inorganic Esoteric Buddhism takes a similar view. The
phenomena. Consequently, that Vajrayana student is instructed to look for the
older science often interpreted essential nature behind the manifestation of
details incorrectly and presented shadowy phenomena, to look for the original
them in a false light. Investiga- purity behind our illusive and fragmentary
tion of the particulars themselves thoughts and feelings, and to discover our
cannot, of course, reveal any true Buddha-nature behind the illusion of a
such error. Interpretive judg- separate identity. By penetrating to the root
ments can only be made after we source of the natural world we can discover
have first understood the organ- the reality behind it that does not change. The
ism [as a whole], because the science of correspondence was taught in
particulars, considered sepa- many of the ancient schools of religious phi-
rately, do not contain the princi- losophy. Philo Judaeus, the first century his-
ple that explains them. They can torian and religious scholar of Alexandria,
be explained only through the indicates that the science of analogy was
nature of the whole, because it is used extensively by the Essenes, a spiritual
the whole that gives them being community of which John the Baptist and
and significance.27 Jesus of Nazareth were connected:

Copyright The Esoteric Quarterly 43

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In the interpretation of scripture With some exceptions this marks one of the
they [the Essenes] indulged greatly distinctions between the methods used in the
in the use of allegory and corre- Mystery Schools and those of Mysticism.
spondence, for the Law appeared While the spiritual goal is the same for both,
to them as a living being, the body namely the understanding of and identifica-
of which was the letters and words, tion with our true nature, the method of ap-
the Soul being the invisible spirit proach often differs greatly. In the Mystery
hidden within.30 culture one develops gradually, step by step,
from the rational to the abstract and then on
Pythagoras, who was an initiate of the Egyp-
to the higher intuitive faculties. Mystics, on
tian Mysteries, taught his students that the
the other hand, often attempt to bypass the
incorporeal unchanging essence of things
rational mind altogether by penetrating the
could and should be approached, but only
essential nature directly. In both cases the
after the mind had been trained in the sci-
rational conceptual mind is eventually tran-
ences, or those laws and principles by which
scended through direct firsthand understand-
the universe manifests itself into form;
ing. Initiates and mystics are as brothers and
namely, music, mathematics, geometry, cor-
sisters on the Path. We might note here that
respondence (archetypal symbolism), and
the term mystic from the Greek mystikos,
harmony. He taught that in this way we could
was according to Proclus the name given to
begin to trace the thread of creation back to
an initiate who had reached the first degree of
its source, from the world of effects to the
the Mysteries. The terms mystery and
world of causes. He taught that only by de-
mystic have a common root in mythos,
grees should we progress from a study of the
meaning to be silent. In the Mysteries the
parts, to how those parts evolve and are
injunction to be silent has at least three
united together, to an eventual understanding
progressive levels of meaningthe silence of
of the essential nature or universal synthesis
the tongue, the silence of the senses, and the
of the One hidden behind it. Bodhisattva
silence of concrete mental activity. The term
Maitreya, the future Buddha, in his treatise in
myth has the same root. Many world-class
verse, Understanding the Difference Between
myths were originally veiled esoteric teach-
the Appearance of Phenomena and Its Essen-
ings given to the public in an allegorical
tial Nature, presents the same idea from the
form. Albert Pike writes:
Buddhist perspective:
There was a distinction between
It is first essential to perceive the
the lesser and greater Mysteries.
difference between the appearance
One must have been for some
of phenomena and its essential na-
years admitted to the former before
ture before we can understand that
he could receive the latter In the
[from a higher perspective] there is
lesser Mysteries, they were pre-
no difference between them at all.
pared to receive the holy truths
Rudolf Steiner, in his lectures on The Gospel taught in the greater. The Initiates
of Mark, makes a similar statement: in the lesser were called simply
What is important is that we Mystes, or initiates, but those in the
should recognize things in such a greater, Epoptes, or Seers.32
way that we look for both differen- The esoteric tradition of ancient Greece, as
tiations and the underlying unity interpreted by the Pythagoreans, taught that
behind them; that we characterize music when approached through the law of
things according to their differ- correspondence, could be an accurate way to
ences and only afterwards look for understand and express the original arche-
the higher unity to be perceived in typal vibrations of the cosmos as they are
these differences.31 stepped down through the many octaves of
Being. According to an esoteric interpretation

44 Copyright The Esoteric Quarterly, 2011.

Winter 2011

of some of the early Greek myths the seven- tery culture at that time. Plato taught that the
stringed lyre of Apollo represents a key to supersensible world, the origin of these ar-
the seven basic archetypal vibrations origi- chetypal patterns, was the world of being,
nating from the seven sacred planets. Py- while the physical world, the materialization
thagoras made use of of those divine ideas, was the
this master key to ex-
press the principles of The master key needed to sphere of becoming. This
divine becoming, he taught,
nature geometrically. understand the true na- follows the evolutionary
According to the ture of the symbolsis impulses emanating from the
ancient science of Tao- archetypal world. The
ism, which as suggested the law of correspon- archetypal patterns that
by Rudolf Steiner, can dence or archetypal sym- pertain to humanitys
be traced clairvoyantly bolism. Archetypal sym- becoming, when voluntarily
back to the time of At- followed, lead to the world of
lantis, the seven bolism as taught in the pure Being. These archetypal
archetypal vibrations Mysteries, demonstrates seed-forms, therefore, are the
originate with the seven formulas, the blueprints for
Gods of the Great Bear
the fundamental truth humanitys evolution into the
constellation. In the that everything in the higher worlds and toward
Vedic Mysteries these physical world (the mi- pure understanding and
same seven Gods are Being. So say the Initiates.
called, the Seven crocosm) is a direct pro- Adrian Snodgrass, in his
Rishis. The Master portioned reflection of a monumental work,
Djwhal Khul calls these higher correspondence in Architecture, Time and
seven archetypal Eternity,33 gives a clear
currents the Seven the spiritual world (the picture of Platos perspective
Rays, which he says macrocosm). on this idea:
emanate from the seven
In the allegory of the
Rishis of the Great Bear constellation, form-
cave Plato likens the condition of
ing the seven basic archetypes for all mani-
man to that of prisoners chained
fested life as found in the seven principles,
within a cave so that they cannot
the seven sacred planets, the seven etheric
move and can only look ahead to
centers in the body, the seven races, the
the cave wall, on which they see
seven planetary periods, the seven planetary
shadows cast by moving puppet-
schools (ashrams, churches), the seven
like figures lit by a fire behind
planes, and the seven Soul qualities, to name
them. The prisoners take the shad-
only a few of the possible correspondences.
ows to be the only reality. If, how-
An important book will someday be written
ever, a prisoner can free himself
concerning these fundamental energies and
from his bonds and turn around, he
their harmonic expression through music,
will see the objects whose shadows
geometry and architecture.
appear on the cave wall. Walking
Plato taught that divine music, originating upwards through the cave he will
from the pure unchanging nature of the Lo- pass the fire and leave the cave to
gos or WORD, manifests as those divine idea- emerge into the sunlight. At first
forms (Eidos) that are the true nature and his eyes will be painfully dazzled
origin of all things. Throughout his writing and will not be able to perceive the
he speaks of these archetypal thought pat- objects whose shadows he had
terns but always in a veiled manner. Nowhere seen upon the cave wall. Gradu-
does he write plainly on the subject. This is ally, however, as his eyes become
undoubtedly due to the strict vow of silence accustomed to the light, he will
that was required of the initiates of the Mys- perceive real things in the light of

Copyright The Esoteric Quarterly 45

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the sun. And finally he may even The Book of Dzyan.37

be able to glance at the sun itself.34
Sri Kalachakra Tantra, condensed
The fundamental principles of archetypal from the now lost Mula Kala
symbolism, however, did not originate with chakra Tantra attrib-
Plato, but with the Mystery community of uted to the Buddha.
which he was an initiate. It is through the
The Golden Treatise, attributed to
sacred Mystery Schools, of both the East and
Hermes Trismegistus
the West, that the science of archetypal sym-
bolism finds expression as a natural, though The Rig Veda.
secret, language representing the true name Book of Light by Rabbi Simon. 38
of things, the signature of their essential na-
ture. But as the temple brethren were not al- Book of Revelation by St. John the
lowed to speak or write openly concerning Divine.
the true nature of this symbolic language, The Most Holy Trinosophia by
they had to find other ways in which to pre- Comte de St. Germain.39
serve and pass on a portion of the mysteries
to the world without revealing dangerous The Chemical Wedding by Chris-
secrets to those who might thereby harm tian Rosenkreutz
themselves and others. This they did by in- Aula Lucis, or The House of Light,
corporating the natural and geometric sym- by Thomas Vaughan.
bols of the Ageless Wisdom in the architec-
ture of their temples and cathedrals, through Book of Thoth (Tarot) by Hermes
the many craft and builders guilds that they Trismegistus.
established, and by creating allegorical sto-
ries (myths), songs and Mystery Plays. It is
Divine Signatures
for this reason that initiates were often called
Temple Builders and Masons. The sa-
cred architecture of the most ancient tradi-
P lato, whom Proclus called a hierophant
of those true Mysteries into which Souls
while separated from the terrestrial plane are
tions, particularly those sacred buildings initiated,40 writes briefly of an intermediate
called stupas, if studied with an understand- class of symbolic images between the pure
ing of archetypal symbolism, can reveal archetypal thoughtforms (Eidos) of the spiri-
many of the hidden secrets of creation, evolu- tual world and their earthly counterparts.
tion, and the Path of Return. 35 Many of the Here he comes close to revealing forbidden
world-class myths and legends can be traced secrets, and it is no wonder that some of his
directly or indirectly to the esoteric symbol- fellow initiates complained loudly that he
ism of the Ancient Mysteries. was revealing important secrets of the Mys-
teries to the uninitiated public.41 Paracelsus
Symbolic Teachings hints at this intermediate class of archetypal
As we have stated a symbol to the initiates signatures in his De Nat:
of the ancient Mystery Schools is an object
The divine signatures are threefold.
or idea that awakens the intuitional aware-
The first depicts the world of man,
ness to a whole series of higher correspon-
the second are archaeus signs, and
dences. Many of the greatest esoteric books
the third, originating from the
were written using this kind of archetypal
stars, are of a transcendental na-
symbolism. The following examples, though
taken from widely different time periods and
cultural backgrounds show a remarkable According to Rudolf Steiner the term ar-
similarity of both content and symbolic veil- chaeus, so often used by Paracelsus, means
ing techniques. etheric or subtle matter, sometimes the
etheric body. Proclus expands somewhat on
The Old Commentary.36

46 Copyright The Esoteric Quarterly, 2011.

Winter 2011

this intermediate class of symbolic images in It is only through an understanding of the

his commentary on Platos Dialog on Nature: laws of archetypal symbolism that the lost
word, the secret of the Sensa language, will
According to the Pythagorean doc-
be recovered for all to hear.
trine, Nature can be understood in
a threefold divisiondivine ideas
(Eidos), physical things, and the Johann Jakob Bachofen, Versuch ber die
media between them, which is usu- Grbersymbolik der Alten (Basel: 1859).
ally represented through mathe- Manly Palmer Hall, The Secret Teaching of all
matics [geometry]. This link Ages (Los Angeles: The Philosophical Re-
manifests directly from the divine search Society, 1988), 12.
Abu Bakr Siraj Ed-Din, The Book of Cer-
idea-form as symbolic images.
tainty, (London: Rider, 1952), 50.
Prior to physical things exist the 4
See The Quran 2:24-26, 13:3, & 47:15
images of their essential nature. 5
Plato, A Dissertation on Theurgy ((Princeton:
Plato defines the character of these Bollingen, 1988), xix.
pre-existing images as geometrical 6
Otto von Simson, The Gothic Cathedral: Ori-
figures, the origin of which are the gins of Gothic Architecture and Medieval
Forms (Eidos) of divine intelli- Concepts of Order (Princeton: Bollingen,
gence.43 7
1988), xix.
The term paradigm, as used by Plato and the
Anyone who is able to survey the world of Pythagoreans, means the divine archetypal re-
spirit clairvoyantly, says Rudolf Steiner, ality behind physical manifestation. It does
can find there exact images of the great not mean a working theory of reality as the
cosmic prototypes.44 Proclus says that the term is often misused today.
subtle vibrations of the WORD manifest as James Jeans, A Treasury of Science (New
geometric images of light. It is from these York: Harper, 1943), 195.
archetypal images, seen clairvoyantly by the The mystery of the seeming contradiction be-
tween the two systems of counting (i.e. the 7
initiates midway between the divine arche-
and the 10) might become apparent if we can
type and its reflection in the world of form agree that seven are manifested and three are
that Sensa, the language of the Mysteries, is not.
derived. 10
Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
(New York: Lucis Publishing Co, 1951), 245-
Conclusion 259.
H. P. Blavatsky, Collected Writings, Vol. XII
T hrough the language of analogy we can
greatly expand our understanding of how
the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm. 12
(Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House,
1980), 174.
Ibid., 566.
And if we apply this understanding to the 13
Henry Corbin, The Science of Balance and
nature of harmony in music and art, a new Correspondences between Worlds in Islamic
creative science may emerge. From this we Gnosis (London: KPI, 1986), 55-131.
may begin to understand the role that har- Ibid., 57.
mony and beauty play in the evolution of Theodor Landscheidt, Cosmic Cybernetics
consciousness, in the evolution of the nerve (Ebertin-Verlag, 1989), 7.
centers through the etheric body, and even in Hermes Trismegistus, The Emerald Table
our natural connection and profound interde- (London: Neville Spearman Publishers, 1971),
pendence with the currents of evolution. This 17
Glenn H. Mullin, The Practice of Kalachakra
important future science will of necessity (Ithaca: Snow Lion, 1991), 154.
include an understanding of the keynote of 18
See Abhinavaguptss Paratrisika Vivarana,
things, people, nations, and events, for as in a translated with extensive notes by Jaideva
musical symphony, it is only through the re- Singh (Delhi: Motilal Bararsidass, 2005), 37.
lationship of the keynote with the parts that Kalacakratantra, Translated by Vesna A.
overall unity and harmony is maintained. Wallace (N.Y: Columbia University, 2004).

Copyright The Esoteric Quarterly 47

The Esoteric Quarterly

See the Chapter on the Individual together Stupa. (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1992) This
with the Vimalaprabha, 2:1. is possibly the best book available on the true
See Djwhal Khul and the Kalachakra by meaning of sacred geometry.
David Reigle, The Beacon, Jan.-Feb. 1991. Stanzas of this work have been quoted and
Helena Roerich, AUM (New York: The Agni translated by the Master Djwhal Khul
Yoga Society, 1936), 487. throughout his voluminous writings under the
Yab-Yum is a symbol of the Tantric union of name of his student Alice Bailey. According
male and female, or father-mother in Tibetan to David Reigle, a highly respected Sanskrit
Buddhism. and Tibetan scholar, The Old Commentary
Paul M. Allen, Mysticism at the Dawn of the may in fact be a portion of the original 60,000
Modern Age (Herndon, VA: Steiner Books, verse commentary on the Kalachakratantra by
1960), 9. Suchandra, which is now lost. Mr. Reigle also
Isaac Newton, Observations upon the Prophe- states in his Books of Kiu-te in the Tibetan
cies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John. Tantras that the Kalachakratantra is the first
www.nuvisionpublications.com (accessed of the books of Kiu-te from which the Stanzas
September 14, 2010.) of Dzyan were taken.
25 37
Ibid., 16 There are two translated sources for excerpts
See Jocelyn Godwins The Harmony of the of this book, both of which are said to have
Spheres: A Source book of the Pythagorean been translated from the original Sensa or
Tradition in Music. (Rochester: Inner Tradi- Sensar language. The first is translated by
tions International, 1993), 305-308. H.P. Blavatsky at the beginning of her Secret
Natures Open Secret: Introductions to Doctrine. The second is a translation of some
Goethes Scientific Writings. Translated by of the stanzas by the Master Djwhal Khul at
John Barns and Mado Spiegler (Spring Val- the beginning of his A Treatise on Cosmic
ley: Anthroposophic Press, 2000), 2. In a Fire.
footnote to this passage the editor John Barns One of the best editions in English is from
states: Intrinsic in Goethes scientific method Stanford University Press, translated with a
is that its explanations move from the whole commentary by Daniel C. Matt.
to the parts, from the central principle to the Translated from the rare French manuscript La
outer particulars. Tres Sainte Trinosophe discovered by Manly
Blavatsky, Collected Writings, XII, 517. Palmer Hall (Los Angeles: Philosophical Re-
See The Works of Philo, translated by C. D. search Society, 1962).
Yonge (Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, This statement from The Six Books of Proclus
1993), 689-690 on the Nature of the Gods reveals one of the
Heart Essence: Two Mahayana Teachings by secrets of the Mysteries, namely that initiation
Maitreya (Ashland: Pentarba Publications, takes place in the higher worlds.
2008), 102,103 See Manly Palmer Hall's Secret Teachings of
www.pentarbapublications.com All Ages (Los Angeles: The Philosophical Re-
Rudolf Steiner, The Gospel of St. Mark (Lon- search Society, 1927) 21.
don: Anthroposophic Press, 1986), 70. Edward Bulwer Lytton, Zanoni: A Rosicru-
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma (Washington: cian Tale, www.nuvisionpublications.com.
House of the Temple, 1969), 432. (accessed October 12, 2010.)
33 43
Adrian Snodgrass, Architecture, Time and The commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus
Eternity, Vol. 1, No. 13. (New Delhi: Acad- of Plato (London: Thomas Taylor, 1820), 25.
emy of Indian Culture 1994I). Rudolf Steiner, Macrocosm and Microcosm
Ibid., 37. (London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1968), 137.
See A. Snodgrass, The Symbolism of the

48 Copyright The Esoteric Quarterly, 2011.

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