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Means of transport in England

England has a very extensive, complete and efficient public transport system that easily
communicates its main locations. Without a doubt, the best thing to do when moving
around the cities of England is to use public transport. That is why it is offered to all
students a public transport voucher that allows them to move freely throughout the city
without added costs during their stay in any of their destinations in England. However,
there are numerous possibilities to purchase cards and discount vouchers for the use of
public transport unlimited, for a day, several days or a month, depending on your needs.


The bus is a very economical means of transport and highly recommended, in addition
to being an iconic means, buses are present in all cities of England. They have diverse
lines and routes that connect the different areas of the city, being able to exist urban or
suburban buses. There are also buses for long distances and connections between towns
or cities in England, as well as reaching other parts of Britain. The English refer to them
as coaches.


As is happening in many places, little by little the bicycle is gaining more and more
adepts. There is no doubt that the benefits that the bicycle has for health, the
environment or even for our own pocket, make it the ideal means of transport. In
addition, the bicycle is also dedicated to leisure and there are numerous bike routes
through England with which to enjoy the surroundings of the country. In England there
are some measures that aim to encourage the use of the bike among its inhabitants. For
example, helmet use is not mandatory for children, or for adults.


Trains are one of the most important means of transport in England. The railway lines
run through and connect the largest and most important cities. With prices quite
affordable, it is a very comfortable option that also allows us to enjoy the scenery.

Trolley car

Tram services were very popular in England in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,
although they were soon dismantled due to the popularization of motor vehicles.
However, in recent years there has been a revitalization of the service.

Although cities such as Newcastle, Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool have small
subway lines, where this means of transport really is in England. The metro is the oldest
in the world. Since 1863 he offers his services, which refer to him colloquially as the
Tube. Discounts can be obtained, since the normal ticket price ranges from 4 pounds to
8 pounds, depending on the area. It is a very used transport with a record of more than 3
millions commuters as it is known in English to the passengers to the day.


As in all other cities in the world, taxis are everywhere. Most of the taxis in England are
black, although this rule is not met in the rest of the country, and are generally
somewhat expensive. In addition, it has a habit of leaving some tip and it is normal to
impose charges for holidays, excess luggage, pets or overnight trips, for you to consider
if the end of the journey they charge more than what marks the taximeter

Recovered from: http://www.newlink.es/blog/medios-de-transporte-en-inglaterra/

Public transport
England has a very extensive, complete and efficient public transport system that
connects major English cities. In addition, students (schoolchildren and university
students) get discount vouchers to move to English towns.
To travel by train between different cities in the United Kingdom, the cheapest way is to
buy it well in advance, to be a ticket that does not admit of return and to be able to be
outside the peak time. The prices of train tickets can vary a lot depending on the
company chosen, the date and time of the trip, the distance and, as we said before, the
advance with which the ticket is bought.
The bus is the most economical way to travel around England. The advance with which
the ticket is bought in most cases will influence the price of the ticket. Tickets are
usually bought either online or at the stations but can almost never be done directly
when getting on the bus, eye to this so as not to "stay on the ground". If what is needed
is to move within the same city you should take the urban bus, these tickets can be
bought directly on the bus.
It is not always the cheapest option to travel, but it is the fastest
Recovered from: http://blog.idioming.com/viajar-barato-en-inglaterra/
Environmental problems
High pollution rates and the pollution cloud, called smug, affecting England have
triggered alarms to avoid potential health risks. Air pollution is currently one of the
most severe environmental problems worldwide. It is present in all societies, regardless
of the level of socioeconomic development, and is a phenomenon that has a particular
impact on human health due to the number of vehicles that eliminate toxic gases such as
CO2 pollute the environment, so it is preferable that the country uses means of transport
that help to reduce pollution, such as bicycle, which is the most ecological, healthy and
sustainable means of transport that does not require fossil fuels, reduces noise pollution,
improves the health of both people and Cities, and saves time and money.
Vehicular congestion
The UK has an extensive public transport network, and with a population estimated at
15 million and considered as the main global financial center, has become the capital
with the largest traffic congestion in the world, according to a report by the specialized
group INRIX.
The British capital was the only one in the world that exceeded the hundred hours. It
was the first in Europe due to traffic congestion, in front of Stuttgart (73 hours a year in
traffic), Antwerp and Cologne (71), Brussels (70), Moscow (57), Karlsruhe (54),
Munich and Utrecht And Milan (52).
Recovered from: http://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/sociedad/4/londres-tiene-la-
Advantages and Disadvantages of Transportation in England
-Easy to carry out the procedures
-It is very expensive
-Loading capacity
-External factors such as climate
-Not all products are suitable
-Loading capacity
-Any product can be transported
-It is not very expensive
-The course is very extensive
-Delivery time is very long
-External factors such as climate
-Easy Tramitology
-Different modalities
-Low cost
-Not very sure
-Delivery time is more or less long
-Great transport capacity
-Low cost
-Not very sure
-Is very slow
-Your infrastructure is not so adequate

Tipos de transporte en Ecuador


Es posible sobrevolar los Andes para llegar a Quito y tambin es posible seguir
sobrevolndolos para llegar a otros destinos dentro del pas en cuestin de minutos. Para
ms informacin puede acceder a nuestras pginas sobre vuelos internacionales y vuelos
nacionales en Ecuador.

Tambin es posible llegar a muchsimos destinos dentro de Ecuador en bus, al menos

por donde existan carreteras. Todos los destinos tursticos en Ecuador estn a no ms de
un da de distancia de Quito, y los precios de transportacin son bastante bajos. Para
ms informacin acerca de las distancias, los precios y las terminales, acceda a nuestra
pgina sobre buses en Ecuador.

Rental Cars

Si la idea de largos viajes en bus y horarios errticos no le agrada mucho, puede optar
por rentar un auto y viajar por el pas en l, diseando sus propios itinerarios sobre la


Alquilar un taxi o un transporte privado le dar toda la libertad de tener un auto propio,
pero con la ventaja aadida de que podr relajarse y admirar el paisaje. Puede alquilarlo
por horas o por das y esto le facilitar mucho la vida. En ciudades como Quito
y Guayaquil, los taxis constituyen el mejor modo de transportarse.


Viajar en botes resulta tan popular como necesario en Ecuador, al menos en algunas
reas. Lo mismo en una canoa por los ros amaznicos que en un lujoso crucero por las
Islas Galpagos.


Los trenes en Ecuador actualmente no constituyen un medio de transporte necesario

sino ms bien turstico. Desde el ao 2008, el Gobierno ha trabajado reparando viejas
lneas que haban sido abandonadas por decenas de aos y las ha vuelto a activar.
Existen varias rutas muy escnicas que conectan ciudades y regiones enteras. Algunas
de las lneas reconectadas son Quito-Durn, Otavalo-San Lorenzo, Alaus-Sibambe (la
Nariz del Diablo). Para ms informacin sobre estas rutas acceda a la web de
Ferrocarriles del Ecuador

Otras formas de transportacin

Los baches del camino y los cambios de tiempo en la parte trasera de una camioneta,
est bien podra ser la nica opcin posible para llegar a ciertas reas remotas. La
ventaja es que ofrece excelentes vistas y la oportunidad de acercarse verdaderamente a
los habitantes del pas, quienes seguramente le admirarn por su espritu aventurero.
En Ecuador se dice jalando dedos al estilo de viajar pidiendo aventones. No es un
medio muy popular. La mayora de quienes le paren y le llevan esperarn algn pago.
Existen tambin razones de seguridad por las cuales no recomendamos usar este medio.
Tenga en cuenta lo dicho anteriormente sobre lo fcil y barato que resulta viajar en bus
por casi todo el pas.

Recovered from: http://www.ecuadorexplorer.com/es/html/transportacion.html

Transporte pblico


Tambin es posible llegar a muchsimos destinos dentro de Ecuador en bus, al menos

por donde existan carreteras. Todos los destinos tursticos en Ecuador estn a no ms de
un da de distancia de Quito, y los precios de transportacin son bastante bajos. Para
ms informacin acerca de las distancias, los precios y las terminales, acceda a nuestra
pgina sobre buses en Ecuador.

Recovered from: http://www.ecuadorexplorer.com/es/html/transportacion.html

Problemas medioambientales
Segn Illicachi Illicachi Miguel ngel En el Ecuador la contaminacin del medio
ambiente se debe a la circulacin de Transportes pblicos y privados, en psimas
condiciones mecnicas, sumado esto el trfico vehicular, esto produce una de las
mayores cargas contaminantes hacia la atmosfera. Sus emisiones tienen efecto directo
en los problemas de contaminacin del aire tanto a escala local, regional y global y son
factores que tienden a poner en riesgo la salud de sus habitantes. Provocando
enfermedades cardiovasculares(2015, p.1)
Recovered from: http://www.dspace.uce.edu.ec/bitstream/25000/5849/1/T-UCE-0013-
Congestin vehicular
La congestin vehicular constituye un grave problema para la sociedad ecuatoriana, este
fenmeno se ha agravado en las ltimas dcadas, y particularmente en los ltimos aos.
La congestin, en s misma, genera un costo en tiempo de movilizacin; sin embargo,
existen muchos otros problemas sociales que desencadena; uno de los ms importantes
es la contaminacin ambiental y sus efectos sobre la salud humana. No obstante, en el
pas no existen estudios que estimen lo que estos costos significan en trminos
En el caso de Ecuador esta congestin excesiva se evidencia desde el ao 1997;
el fenmeno ha tenido un continuo crecimiento desde 1985 que se vuelve
dramtico en la ltima dcada. Entre 1985 y el 2000 la congestin creci en un
86,56%, a una tasa promedio anual de 4,25%; mientras que entre el ao 2000 y
el 2008, la congestin aument en un 99,98%, a una tasa promedio anual de
9,05%. ( Montalvo, 2009, p.1)
Recovered from:
Ventajas del transporte por carretera
Ms barato
Servicio puerta a puerta
Restricciones moderadas al transporte de ciertas mercancas
Mayor posibilidad de negociar (horarios, precios)
Flexibilidad: se adapta a todas las demandas y requerimientos del cliente
Comunalidad: medio ms utilizado en cualquier parte del mundo
Trazabilidad: seguimiento con los nuevos sistemas

Desventajas del transporte por carretera

Muy contaminante (emisiones y residuos)
Daa la red de carreteras
Sometido a restricciones de trfico
Mayor siniestralidad de toneladas por kilometros

Recovered from: http://comerciointernacional12.blogspot.com/2013/04/ventajas-y-



NLK newlink curso en el extranjero. (2011). Medios de transporte en Inglaterra.

Recovered from: http://www.newlink.es/blog/medios-de-transporte-en-inglaterra/

Cmo ahorrar dinero en transporte pblico en Inglaterra? Aqu van algunos trucos!.
(2013). Trucos para ahorrar en trasnposrte pblico en Inglaterra. Recovered from:

El telgrafo. (21/03/2016). Los conductores pasan, en promedio, 101 horas atrapados en

el trfico. Recovered from:

Ecuador explorer.com. (26/01/2013). Transportacin en Ecuador. Recovered from:


Illicachi, M. (2015). La contaminacin del medio ambiente provocado por los vehculos
a motor por la emisin de monxido de carbono y su incidencia en la salud de la
poblacin del centro histrico de Quito en el ao 2014. Recovered from:
Montalvo, L. (2009). Efectos de la poltica seccional sobre la congestin vehicular del
Distrito Metropolitano de Quito durante el periodo 1985 - 2008. Un anlisis de la
inversin municipal y el costo de la congestin. Recovered from:
El comercio internacional 12. (27/04/2013). Venyajas y desventajas de los medioa de
transporte. Recovered from:

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