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Jaime Delgado

College of Southern Nevada


Selecting a subject for this assignment was an interesting process for me. I dont know

many people with students or children that are in school. There were even fewer who would be

willing to let someone observe them and have an analysis done. I had two choices for this PEPSI:

my brothers friend of 18 years of age, or his 16-year-old sister. I despise his sisters attitude, so I

opted for the boy himself.

My subject is Joshua Marzec. Josh is an 18-year-old boy who I know through my

brothers friendship with him. Naturally, I came to know him and became friendly with him. I

came to realize that he was my only option and decided to communicate this to him and his

mother. They did not have any problems or objections to this. They were happy to let me observe

Josh and write a psychological analysis of him.

There is an interesting story to Josh Marzec. Joshs parents werent together for too long.

Josh was born on May 15, 1997. He initially lived with his mother and the man who would

become his step-father. Interestingly, Josh would be visited by his father on the weekends. I can

only assume that this was agreed upon by all parties. The small family unit moved from

apartment to apartment for 3 years. Joshs sister was born around that time and his mother

married his step-father. His sisters parents are his mother and step-father. Not long after they

moved in with his mothers parents when he was about 4. They lived there until the grandparents

found a new place and left. Joshs family was left with the grandparents house after they left and

enjoyed a comfortable life. Other family members would frequent their new home every week.

Josh would constantly hang out with a neighbor girl that became a pretty close friend. This stable

life would change quickly

Joshs step-fathers accident would alter the course of the familys lives. When Josh was

5 or 6, his step-father was rear ended by a truck going 50 miles per hour at a red light. The step-

father wound up with permanent back damage and a sizeable settlement in 2006. The family

capitalized and moved to an even bigger house. Joshs mother was a teacher at the time and both

children attended the same school in which she taught. It is probably important to know that

school was a catholic school. Over the course of a year, the family lost a lot of money and were

ready to move again. The parents decided to move to Las Vegas for reasons still unknown to

Josh. The children attended the mothers school once more for 2-3 years. Josh attended Saville

Middle School before changing school zones a mere month later. He wound up at Lied Middle

School and enjoyed his time there. He had life troubles, but managed to persevere with the help

of many friends in middle school. After starting high school at Shadow Ridge, he quickly began

home schooling for the next year. His performance suffered and relatives had to do his work for

him, but managed to obtain most of his credits. Something happened to them, however, and his

progress was lost. He would make up his lost credits in the ensuing years at Shadow Ridge High

The family started to fall apart after the accident. Joshs parents would separate during his

junior year of high school. His step-father lived a double life and his mother found sooner or

later. Josh had experimented with drug use before his junior year with friends and his sister is

alleged to have done so similarly. Joshs mother caught wind of the step-fathers second life and

decided to move out of the house. She would take both of the children with her. After about a

year, the step-father would move back in. Josh had worked a summer job, but had to let it go as

school was starting. The step-father would re-enter the family not long into the current school

year. Josh forcefully opposed this decision, but was overruled by everyone. While his step-father

would have a setback in dealing with his second life, he was eventually welcomed back into the

family. Josh is still rather apathetic about him.

This is my subject. Joshua Marzec has lived a unique life throughout his 18 years. There

is much more to him than a brief biography. Certain decisions would have their own impact on

his development.

Joshua has developed like most young adults. He is 18 at the time of this writing and will

turn 19 sometime this year. Josh is slightly short for his age as he is 57 which is in the lower

percentiles according to the CDC (2000). His BMI seems to be on point, though, for he weighs

155 pounds resulting in a BMI of 24.3. The CDC placed that height and weight combination in

the 71st percentile of children of the same age and sex (Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, 2016). He appears to run and walk without complications even though he is a little

slow. However, he is capable of speeding up when asked to. Josh has shown an interest in

weightlifting and working out. His eating habits typify that as he prefers to eat foods that contain

meat while being low on fat and oils. Like most teenagers, he is prone to the occasional binge of

unhealthy food. He has engaged in taking and using drugs in the past. He supposedly only uses

marijuana from time to time, but has expressed a distaste for its effects. Of importance is his

defense of harder drugs like cocaine and acid. Multiple conversations about these drugs have led

to his downplaying of their dangers and how his girlfriend has taken acid before. He doesnt

appear to show any signs of hard drug abuse or addiction.

An interesting feature of his physical development are his tremors. I have noticed in my

observations of him that his hands shake whenever he reaches out to grab something. My

questioning of this peculiar behavior led me to few answers. He knows that he has a condition

called tremors, but he did not know much about it. Tremors are rhythmic, but unintentional

trembling or shaking of body parts (National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Stroke,

2012). They can also be linked to neurological disorders. I decided to ask his mother about it.

Her responses enlightened me to its hereditary causes. She has tremors and claims that hers are

more severe than Joshs. She also pointed out that there isnt much of a history of neurological

disorders within the family. Furthermore, Joshs grandfather also has tremors. This seems right as

the NINDS notes that children of parents with tremors have a 50% chance of inheriting the

condition (National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Stroke, 2012). There is no real

treatment or cure for the disease. These tremors can be benign; yet recent research has led people

to believe that there might be a mild degeneration of the brains cerebellum in tremor recipients.

Josh is quite young to have this condition; most adults obtain this condition at age 40. Its worth

noting that some causes of the disease include use of amphetamines, corticosteroids, certain

psychiatric drugs, and alcohol use or withdrawal. Josh has admitted to being very drunk in the

past. This is by no means a diagnosis or accusation, but the connection is plausible.

Josh Marzec is showcases a pretty healthy development stage for an 18-year-old boy. His

eating habits seem fine as long has he continues to be active. His tremors are interesting, but

likely benign. His drug habits may require some supervision. Overall he has developed pretty

well, but it is imperative that someone stress the facts about drug use to him. He can be easily

swayed by others experiences with them, so it is important for someone to give the negative

side-effects the same attention as the attractive ones. Josh is on the right track; he should stay on

it for the sake of his physical development.


Josh Marzec isnt the type of person to wear his emotions on his sleeve. He is quite a

passive person who will let a lot of things slide. I have never seen him when he is angry, sad,

confused, and/or upset. I have seen him when he is happy, though. As a matter of fact, he was a

happy person throughout my observations. Its hard to tell when something is bothering him. He

has admitted that he is very quiet and doesnt like to speak out unnecessarily. Such a reserved

attitude, but happy emotions are a weird combination. I looked at the different age groups of

socioemotional and emotional development to see if anything is wrong. He could just be a shy

person after all.

Josh seems to know where and who he is. He has no qualms about himself and appears to

be accepting of who he is. This acceptance stretches beyond himself and to other people. Josh

knows that there will be people who are different than him with different ideas, preferences, etc.

It must be said that he can be highly critical of certain people. Josh is very interested in music

and his life revolves around it. Upon encountering someone with different tastes or preferences,

he tends to shut off and stops listening. He has expressed a great distaste for certain cartoons or

television shows and the people who watch them. Josh seems to understand that people like

different things, but has trouble dealing with that fact. I wouldnt say that hes egocentric.

Egocentrism involves an inability to understand others opinions (Slavin, 2015). While Josh is

perfectly fine with people having different opinions, he is still angered or upset by them. For

instance, he has repeatedly stated that he dislikes his school and the people in it. Being in an

environment that somebody doesnt like cant be healthy for a person. Emotional problems can

arise from being neglected or rejected by peers (Slavin, 2015). Perhaps he feels this way because

his fellow students dont share the same beliefs and ideas. He may feel like his environment and

therefore his peers are ignoring or rejecting him indirectly. This is plausible for his high school

years, but his middle school life contradicts this.

Joshs middle school life may provide some clues. He has spoken of his time in middle

school in glowing terms. He fondly recalls his peer groups, girlfriends, and anecdotes. He is,

on the other hand, pretty ambivalent about high school. He likes the few people he considers his

friends, but rejects every other single person there. High school just didnt work as well for him

as middle school did. It would be accurate to assume that he had close groups of friends that he

could turn to in middle school. His girlfriends were probably all quite similar to his peers as

well. Adolescents start to experience changes in their mindset around this time. They begin to

grapple with the idea of changing who they are (Slavin, 2015). Josh and his peers in middle

school may have been going through the same changes at the same time. It is not uncommon for

this to happen, but it wont last for long. Josh nostalgically talks of his times misbehaving with

his friends in middle school. They had sex at similar times, drank, and experienced marijuana for

the first times. Their moratoriums may have been synced and they had the peculiar luxury of

experiencing the same things at the same time. The change in socio-emotional climate upon

entering high school was a stark one.

The contrast in climates may be the answer. Josh has a general dislike of high school. He

does love middle school, though. This gulf in acceptance may be why he elevates his middle

school life so much. Based on what hes told me, he was very open and happy in middle school.

Today, Josh is more passive and reserved. He is accepting of his identity and that of others, but

may be prone to overreacting to the choices of others. Josh was accustomed to having a lot of

peers in middle school. He is fortunate to have had so many close friends. The problem is that in

high school, most of them went away. He was held back a year early in high school due to some

online schooling issues. His credits didnt transfer and logistics may be at fault. This was crucial

in his emotional development as the remaining peers moved on. This meant that he was left with

even less peers than he had in early high school. Perhaps this is why he feels so negatively about

his current classmates.

Josh needs to know why he feels the way he does. A way to get him to stop being so

critical of people would be to tell him that he was very fortunate to have had so many close

friends in middle school. He needs to come to peace with the idea that middle school was one of

his lifes highlights so far while accepting high school for what it is. Communicating this

information to him may be a way of making him understand. He has gone through the emotional

development phase, but is having difficulty accepting the non-acceptance of life. There is

nothing wrong with having different people around. Josh misses this concept because he had so

many alike people around for such a long time.


Josh has always been a rebellious kid throughout life. He doesnt really heed his parents

words and is not one to care much about rules. I immediately knew that his moral reasoning and

development have bearing on this.

Josh appears to be well developed in a moral sense. Josh understands rules and the

concept of law. He knows that they define guidelines by which each individual in society must

carry out his/her life. He sees this concept as a malleable one, however, and doesnt think that

they are the ultimate decider in life. As mentioned earlier, Josh was, and to some extent continues

to be, a rebellious kid while growing up. He often disobeyed his parents orders and did things

behind their backs. It is important to note that his parents are his mom and step-dad. His father

was in the picture, but was taken out after Josh and his family moved from New York to Las

Vegas. Josh may not have seen his step-dad as an authority figure and may have acted out

because of it. Joshs mother continued to be there, though, so that image of law and order stayed

with him. According to Piaget, children begin to form an autonomous morality as opposed to a

heteronomous morality during the middle school years, or early adolescence (Slavin, 2015).

Autonomous morality is quite different from heteronomous morality. A child with a

heteronomous morality will perceive rules as rigid and unbreakable (Slavin, 2015). They also

believe that any rule-breaking should be punished regardless of the motive behind it.

Autonomous morality reverses this concept. Children with an autonomous morality value

motives more than actions and believe there are times when rules should be broken (Slavin,

2015). They believe that rules can be flexible as well. It seems pretty evident to me that Josh has

an autonomous morality. Joshs philosophy goes beyond a singular switch between moralities.

Indeed, the concept is much more complex.

Josh might be experiencing one of Kohlbergs stages of moral reasoning. There are 3

levels of moral reasoning with each containing 2 stages. The pre-conventional level deals with

Piagets morality stages. Josh, like many teens, appears to be somewhere between the latter two

levels, conventional and post-conventional. Stage 3 of 6 is referred to as the Good Boy Good

Girl stage. In this stage people try to please others on the premise that good behavior is meant to

please others (Slavin, 2015). Josh isnt in this stage completely, but has retained some of this

morality. This is evidenced in the way he socializes with others. His relationships seem to reflect

this notion at first glance. He does let things slide, however, so that may just be him letting things

pass without them hurting anybody. Josh is completely over stage 4. Stage 4 indicates that law

and order must be maintained for its own sake and respect (Slavin, 2015). Josh is most likely in

stage 5 of moral reasoning. Stage 5 morality places a lot of weight in individual rights the

agreements of those rights by the whole of society (Slavin, 2015). Included in that morality is the

flexibility of laws for the good of society. Josh is a bit of a passive person and kind of goes with

the flow a lot of times. He has his principles, but doesnt act on them with conviction. He is

much more content with letting things play out. This attitude is keeping me from seeing him in

stage 6 of moral reasoning. He could just be being lazy, though, so that is something to keep in

Josh has developed well for an 18-year old. Slavin notes that many adults dont surpass

stage 4 of development (Slavin, 2015). That doesnt mean that there cant be improvements.

Although Josh appears to reason beyond rules and laws, he doesnt apply those principles in

many aspects of life. He has rebelled against his parents in life, but his actions dont go much

further than that. It may be that Josh needs to be shown instances in which society rules and laws

are doing more bad than good. He needs motivation to apply his principles. The conviction to not

only know things arent right, but to do something about it is missing. On the bright side, at least

he has principles. Moreover, those principles are his own, and not societys. He can think for

himself and others. He just has trouble doing something about it.

Josh is a generally sociable person. He doesnt seek out interaction with others, but is

capable of doing so if others choose to interact with him. Josh appears to get along quite well

with others when he does interact with people and is capable of doing so with people hes never

met. He has little difficulty making new friends. In spite of all this, I couldnt help but notice that

there was still something off. His relationship with his girlfriend seemed weird in various ways.

They were always wanting to do something every week, but it seemed pretty clear to me and his

friends that at least one of them didnt want to at times. Whats worse, they never communicated

this reluctance to each other as far as I know. They had bordered on breaking up multiple times

during my observation of him. I tried to find if there was anything wrong on Joshs end.
I decided to run Josh through Eriksons different crises of psychosocial development. In

Stage 1 of social development, an infant can develop a sense of trust or mistrust for his/her world

(Slavin, 2015). Josh doesnt appear to have any problems here as he seems to get along well with

new people. He does have his biases, but most humans do as well. Stage 2 can give infants a

sense of autonomy, or a sense of incompetence about their natural urge to explore and experience

new things (Slavin, 2015). I have noticed that Joshs mother is at times overly protective of her

children. She constantly warns and cautions Josh about his behavior and reminds him of his

responsibilities in nagging fashion. I cant say for certain how this may have played out during

his infancy, but there are potential signs of issues with this crisis. At various points throughout

my observation, Josh would be left alone at a public place to do something while I left to do

something. Upon my return he would not have done whatever I tasked him to do and asked me to

do it with him. This lack of autonomy may point to problems in the second social crisis. Another

possibility could be problems in the third social crisis. Stage 3 can instill a sense of initiative or

guilt in a toddler depending on whether parents permit them to explore their desires and play. As

mentioned before, his mother is prone to being overprotective. The same issues as those in stage

2 could apply. In Stage 4, children can develop a sense of industry due to success or a sense of

inferiority due to failure (Slavin, 2015). Josh is a slacker, but he doesnt appear to feel inferior to

others. He is quite confident in himself. Stage 5 presents the challenge of teenagers trying to

identify themselves or risk confusion by not doing so (Slavin, 2015). Josh seems to know who he

is and what type of person he is. I do not see much trouble in this life crisis. Stage 6 is where I

thought his troubles might arise. He is choosing between intimacy and isolation, i.e. looking for a

partner or choosing to retreat. Josh has had numerous girlfriends in the past, so one would think

that he isnt having problems with this crisis. This is not the case.
It is quite difficult to find the cause of his troubles in his relationship. My observations

and inquiries to his friends have led to believe something is wrong. It appears there is a

consensus that Joshs current relationship with his girlfriend is lacking in areas. His mother has

been overprotective in the past, so there may be some independence issues with him. He might

just be clingy and misunderstand intimacy as an individual chore rather than a mutual

responsibility. He may be putting too much stock in a single relationship at a very early stage of

his life. The unfortunate fact about this is that its impossible to know as it takes 2 to tango. His

girlfriend might be causing the troubles. She has seemed distant in social settings. Josh cuts a

tired figure whenever he returns from being with her. They constantly text each other and dont

leave each other alone for most of the day. Maybe they just need to give each other space. It

stands to reason that they are possibly taking this relationship way too seriously. An 18-year old

doesnt possess the experience needed to take on a relationship as demanding as that. Josh needs

time to worry about his own life. They are too young to have every aspect of life intertwined

with somebody elses. There are issues with this relationship.

Josh has developed fairly well for someone of his age. He knows what type of person he

is and what interests him. He has developed an identity and embraces it. I fear that there may be

some dependency issues. Josh puts a lot of stock in romantic relationships during his middle

school years. Intimacy isnt attained until someones young adulthood. His current relationship

has problems. I worry that by preventing him from exploring or doing things on his own during

his infancy he may have developed a dependency issue. A salvageable course of action would be

to let him live his life without the help or intervention of others. His mother frequently takes him

to his girlfriends house. It might be better for him to ask a friend or take a bus. Learning to drive

is a skill that should have been obtained at his age. Sitting down with him and talking about his

responsibilities is a conversation that may have to be had. External actions about his

responsibilities must stop there, though. He is a young adult and must understand that he needs to

fend for himself. He needs to see the big picture of life and know that he is starting to grow into

an adult.

Josh is 18 years-old. I did not anticipate him having any problems with his intellectual

development. Like other aspects of his development, I decided to put my observations up against

development theories. Joshs intellectual development would be matched up against Piagets

theories on cognitive development with certain predictable outcomes.

I assumed that Josh would be in the formal operations stage. He seems to fit the bill, but

still has trouble dealing with some concepts. That seemed odd to me seeing as how he is already

18. Formal operations are supposed to encompass ages 11 to adulthood (Slavin, 2015). Some of

the concepts he has difficulty understanding are below his suggested level of cognitive thinking.

For instance, Josh was doing some math homework during one of my observations. Josh was

having problem with the commutative property in algebra. The commutative property states that

the order of numbers doesnt matter when adding or multiplying integers (Stapel). This deals

with the idea of reversibility. Reversibility is the ability to change direction in ones thinking to

return to a starting point (Slavin, 2015). Josh found the multiplication aspect of the commutative

property hard to cope with. Reversibility is supposed to be attained in the Preoperational stage of

cognitive development (Slavin, 2015). The stage occurs from ages 2 to 7. I cant say for certain if

Josh was having trouble with the algebraic application of reversibility or if he actually has

trouble processing the concept itself, but it is something important to keep track of. Apart from

this blip in the radar, Josh does appear to be in the formal operations stage of development. He is

able to reason when dealing with hypothetical situations. Such an ability is developmentally

appropriate for someone of his age (Slavin, 2015).

The main problem Josh might be having is the ability to reason systematically.

Systematic reasoning is the ability to approach problems systematically in order to solve them

(Slavin, 2015). There is only one such occurrence that leads me to this conclusion, but it proved

to be important in his life. Josh is currently taking an online math class. The course is Algebra II

and it is to be completed by May. Josh was warned by many people to not take this course

online. He would have to pay $100 and brave the lack of instructor. This happened at the

beginning of the school year in August. It took him until March to do 3 of the 19 required

lessons. It is easy to see why he failed in this aspect. He would have to complete the course on

his own time without clear help on the subject matter. The lack of direct instruction and

reinforcement provided by a teacher was absent. Josh was told all of this, but still followed

through with his original intent. Systematic reasoning is the ability to approach problems by

varying individual factors at a time in order to solve them (Slavin, 2015). Josh failed to vary each

factor in making his decision. He failed to account for the lack of instructor. He failed to recall

his past experience with online schooling. He failed to think of the lack of motivation brought by

the convenience of the online course. Now, he may fail the course and risks late graduation.

Again, this is only one instance, but it can mean a lot moving forward. He may be able to reason

systematically with small tasks, but perhaps this skill didnt apply when solving a more

important problem. Maybe his rebellious side came out and was put off by the overwhelming

Josh has mostly developed well for an 18-year old person. He has no problems with

hypothetical or abstract ideas. That said, he does struggle with complex applications of some

things. He may be unable to reason systematically, at least with important problems.

Furthermore, he struggles to apply the concept of reversibility on occasion. Josh needs to be

given a chance to test his problem solving skills on his own. Making his decisions for him in the

past may have hindered his ability to apply problem solving skills. Extinction of those skills is

something to be cognizant about when doing things for him. Its not that doing favors for him is

wrong, but the boy is 18. He will be 19 in May, and he is still having problems with his cognitive

development. Vygotsky mentions that students may need mediation or help when in the zone of

proximal development (Slavin, 2015), but that doesnt mean others should fulfill his

responsibilities. I fear that continuation of practices such as having others do his online

homework may enable extinction to happen. Josh needs to learn to do things on his own. He isnt

going to develop fully until that happens.










Joshua Marzec is an 18-year-old person. He will soon be 19, but is still facing challenges

in his development. Josh may need help overcoming those challenges, but the fact should remain

that they are his challenges. He should be the one to face his lifes challenges.
Josh has developed just fine as far as his physiology is concern. This does not mean that

it is perfect, though. Joshs diet and eating habits are positives that should continue if he is going

to continue developing into an adult. He is prone to the occasional bout of junk and fast food, yet

he is active enough to maintain a healthy weight and body mass. His tremors may be a cause for

concern. He is abnormally young to be exhibiting them and tabs should be kept on them as he

matures. His drug use should also be watched. Josh has admitted to past alcohol intakes that are

alarming for someone of his age. The connection between drug use and neurological tremors

must be acknowledged. This isnt to say that Joshs tremors are linked to drug use, but it cannot

be ruled out. Finally, Josh needs to have hard drugs explained to him. He has been swayed by

friends to try new things in the past and is still at an age where peers have a big influence on him.

Stressing the side-effects of hard drugs may be a counter to his downplaying of the harm they

can cause. Teens have a complex of invincibility. That last strain egocentrism must not be

allowed to affect his behavior.

Josh has taken great strides in his emotional development. Like most young adults, there

is still some maturation that may need to take place. Josh must be cognizant of the fortunate

situation he was in during middle school. His development mirrored that of his peers at that

particular point in time. Its common for him to have expected that to continue, at least

subconsciously. As previously stated, teens have a superiority complex. Things that dont fit the

complex naturally distress the person. Joshs less than stellar high school experience may be

down to him liking middle school so much that the bar was set too high. Of course, his lifes

troubles during his high school years also have an impact, but he should be made aware of that

factor if he isnt already. It is necessary that this information is communicated to him, so that he

may better understand himself, his past, and the people around him.
Joshs philosophical advances hinge on his conviction. Josh appears to have an idea of

how people should function in society. He has his principles and bases them not on the rules of

society, but on the individual rights of people. The problem is that he doesnt really show much

motivation to do something about it. Laziness may just be rearing its head in this facet of his

morality, yet people who have strong beliefs must have conviction in order to follow through

with them. Overall, Josh is in a very good philosophical place. He has managed to perceive life

beyond the rules set by authority. He simply has trouble acting upon that perception. The

conviction and motivation to carry out his principles in life must be instilled in him. Ultimately,

though, its his own choice. That itself may be signs of acting on his beliefs.
Social development is something that has had a huge impact on Josh. He is a very

sociable person even if he doesnt actively seek out new friendships. Silence and shyness are

pretty common traits for him to exhibit. The only real issue for Josh in this aspect is him trying to

find intimacy. Presently, he might be putting too much effort into it, but he is finding it. It might

be fair to say that he wont retreat into isolation. He could be more independent and that is

something to look into in the future. Josh should be left to live his social life on his own. He

shouldnt need his mothers help in seeing his girlfriend. Subconscious habits could be formed

from continuous dependence on others. Josh should be able to live his own life on his own

accord. One way of encouraging him to do that would be to stop giving him rides to see his

girlfriend and having him figure it out. He should be driving by now, but hasnt learned because

there hasnt been a need for that skill. Necessity breeds innovation. Josh should live his own life.
Joshs intellectual development is quite similar to his social development. People learn by

doing things and Josh has had some things done for him in the intellectual aspect. There are

minor issues that can worsen if not acted upon in a proactive manner. Josh has trouble applying

certain concepts to abstract situations. For instance, he has trouble with simple algebra. Its worth

noting that Josh had his math homework done for him in the past. Reversibility is something that

he has difficulty processing and applying. He also struggles to reason systematically. All else

appears to be fine, but the same problems and solutions stand. He has to live his life and carry

out his responsibilities on his own. Extinction of certain ideas due to knowledge not being used

is something to bear in mind. Josh doesnt need someone telling him what to do it and how to do

it. He is old enough and developed enough to be able to reason on his own. Helping or giving

advice does not mean doing his work for him. In order for Josh to continue developing

intellectually he is going to have to reason on his own. If he needs help, then he should be helped

and not relieved of his responsibilities. Abdicating his problems to others will only hinder him in

his opportunities to advance intellectually.

This is Joshua Marzec. He is an 18-year-old boy transitioning into adulthood. There are

minor hurdles to overcome in this transition process. It is a process that he has to endure in order

to completely develop. He can accept help during the process, but it must ultimately be him who

faces these challenges.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2000, May 30). 2 to 20 years: Boys, Stature-for-

age and Weight-for-age percentiles. Retrieved April 1, 2016, from Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention: https://nccd.cdc.gov/dnpabmi/Result.aspx?



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016, April 1). BMI Percentile Calculator for

Child and Teen: Results. Retrieved April 1, 2016, from Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention: https://nccd.cdc.gov/dnpabmi/Result.aspx?



National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Stroke. (2012, July). Tremor Fact Sheet.

Retrieved March 2016, from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:


Slavin, R. E. (2015). Educational Psychology Theory and Practice (11th ed.). (G. Gottfried, Ed.)

Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, United States of America: Pearson Education inc.

Stapel, E. (n.d.). Basic Number Properties: Associative, Commutative, and Distributive.

Retrieved April 21, 2016, from Purplemath:


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