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Preparing orals (Key structures) Com I ate Lo compr I bought it

Beb I drank La v I watched it (film)

Time phrases V I saw Las conoc I met them (girls)
Le I read Quiero verla I want to see it (film)
Normalmente normally
Generalmente generally Verbs (Imperfect past) Opinions
El fin de semana on the weekend
Durante la semana during the week Estudiaba I used to study Fue excelente it was excellent
Durante el da in the day Trabajaba I used to work Ser estupendo it will be great
Por la maana in the morning Jugaba I used to play Es terrible it is terrible
Por la tarde in the evening Tocaba I used to play (instrument)
Siempre always Me divert mucho I had lots of fun
Esta tarde this evening Viva I used to live Lo pas bomba I had a ball
Esta maana this morning Tena I used to have Lo pasar bien I will have a good time
Sala con I used to go out with
Hoy today Haca fro It was cold Aburrido boring
Maana tomorrow Era I used to be / was Difcil difficult
En 2 das in two days Era he/ she/ it was (description in past) Fcil easy
El ao prximo / que viene next year Iba I used to go Largo long
Fatal dreadful
Hace una semana A week ago Haba there was / were Interesante interesting
Ayer yesterday Estaba I was
Anteayer the day before yesterday Llevaba he/she was wearing Qualifying opinions
Anoche last night
El ao pasado last year Verbs (future & Conditional) Me encanta el espaol porque es fcil I
La semana pasada last week love Spanish because it is easy
Quiero ir I want to go Me gust Mlaga porque haca sol I liked
Verbs (Present tense) Quiero ser I want to be Malaga because it was sunny
Voy a ir I am going to go
Voy I go Voy a ser I am going to be Intensifiers
Salgo I go out Vamos a jugar we are going to play
Hago I do Muy very
Juego al ftbol I play football Ir I will go Bastante quite
Tengo I have Comer I will eat Grandsimo Huge
Tiene he/she/it has Beber I will drink Tanto so much
Soy I am (description) Ser I will be Tan so
Es he/she/it is (description) Costar it will cost Exremadamente - extremely
Estoy I am (state/temporary) Habr there will be
Est It is (position)
Me gustara ser I would like to be Comparisons & Superlatives
Hay there is / are
Me interesara ir I would be interested in
Practico I practise going En Espaa hace ms calor que en
Toco I play (instrument) Inglaterra it is hotter in Spain than in
Paso I spend England
Reflexive verbs
Compro I buy Manchester es ms grande que Sevilla
Veo I watch Manchester is bigger than Seville
Me lavo I have a wash Nadar es mejor que jugar al ftbol
Trabajo I work Me lave I had a wash
Escucho I listen to Swimming is better than playing footy
Me levanto I get up Tan..como as . As
Como I eat Me acuesto I go to bed
Bebo I drink Me quedo I stay
Escribo I write Lo mejor the best thing
Me qued / me aloj I stayed Lo peor the worst thing
Prefiero I prefer
Llego a las.. I arrive at .. Lo que ms me gusta es what I like most
Link words is
Salgo a las.. I leave at...
Me gusta Espaa I like Spain Tengo el dormitorio ms pequeo I have
Y and the smallest bedroom
Tambin also
Present tense with infinitives
Adems also Asking a question to the examiner
Adems de as well as
Puedo comprar I can buy
Pero but Te gusta el clima en Espaa? do you
Se puede ir one can go
Sin embargo however like the climate in Spain?
Prefiero ir I prefer going
Mientras que whilst / whereas Te gustara..? Would you like to..?
Me gusta salir I like to go out
Que that/who Te interesa..? Does..interest you?
Me interesa ir Im interested in going
Despu de after
Me encanta ver I love seeing
Antes de before
Suelo ir I usually go Using idiomatic phrases
Dado que given that
Aunque although
Perfect past Acabo de ir I have just been
Tengo un hermano que se llama Mark I Acabo de ver I have just seen
He trabajado I have worked have a brother who is called Mark Estudio espaol desde hace 3 aos I
He ido I have been have studied Spanish for 3 years.
He estudiado I have studied Sigo estudiando I keep studying
Negatives Me llevo bien con I get on well with
Verbs (Past tense) No voy I dont go Little words
No fui I didnt go
Fui I went Nunca salgo I never go out
Hizo sol it was sunny A to De from Con with
Nadie quiere no one wants
Fue estupendo it was great Sin without Desde since
No soy nini - I am not or .
Fue un desastre it was a disaster Del / de la from the Por by
No tengo ningn animal I dont have any
Cerca de near to Sobre on
Compr I bought En in A las at (time)
No me gusta nada I dont like at all
Pas 2 semanas I spent 2 weeks Durante during Para for
Jugu I played (sport) All there Aqu here
Pronouns Este/a this En casa at home
Escuch I listened to
Tom el sol I sunbathed
Me compr I bought myself
Nad I swam
A mi padre le compr.. I bought my dad ..

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