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Bag-eo, Jazlyn T.

February 24, 2017

IT-2 ; 8:00-9:30 WF

Function Description Syntax Examples

*Displays TRUE if J7 is greater
than 20 AND less than 100,
Returns TRUE if all
otherwise it displays FALSE.
its arguments
evaluate to TRUE;
=AND(J7="Army", K7>J7)
returns FALSE if
*Returns TRUE if J7 contains
one or more
"Army" and K7 is greater than J7,
AND arguments evaluate AND(logical1, [logical2], ...)
FALSE otherwise.
to FALSE. It comes
in handy when you
=AND(J7="Army", B2>=1,
have to test several
conditions and make
*Returns TRUE if J7 contains
sure that all of them
"Army", J7 is greater than or equal
are met.
to 1 and J7 is greater than K7,
FALSE otherwise.
As well as AND, the
=OR(L1="Army", L1="BTS")
Excel OR function is
*Returns TRUE if L1 contains
a basic logical
"Army" or "BTS", FALSE
function that is used
to compare two
values or
=OR(L1=" ", K1="")
statements. The
*Returns TRUE if either L1 or K1
OR difference is that the OR(logical1,logical2,...)
is blank or both, FALSE otherwise.
OR function returns
TRUE if at least one
=OR(L1>=17, K1>=18)
of the arguments
*Returns TRUE if L1 is greater
evaluates to TRUE,
than or equal to 17 or K1 is
and returns FALSE
greater than or equal to 18,
if all arguments are
FALSE otherwise.
NOT NOT(logical) =NOT(2*2=4)
Reverses the value
of its argument. Use =NOT(J7="blackpink")
NOT when you want
to make sure a =NOT(TRUE)
value is not equal to
one particular value.

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